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TO-NIGHT'S PROGRAMMES . IVA : Auckland.—6: Children’s session, Nod; recitations, pianoforte selections, banjo solos, duets, songs, stories,’ and birthday greetings, 7.15; Lecture, Mr Geo. Campbell, ‘Motoring.’ 7.30: News and reports. 8: Chimes. 8.1: He lay of orchestral overture from llialto Theatre Orchestra, under the conductors!! ip of Mr Henry C. Engel. 8.16: Vocal quartet, Madame Mary Towscy’s Quartet, ‘ Carry Me Back to Old Virginny ’ (Bland). 5.21; Baritone solo, Mr John Bree. ‘ When Spring Comes’ (Lohr). 8 26: Instrumental trio. Bosworth-Hemus-Towsey Trio, ‘Trio in B Flat—Finale’ (Schubert). 8.36: Vocal duet, Madame Mary Towsoy and Miss Gwenyth Evans, ‘Love is Meant to Make Us Glad’ (German). 8.-11; Elocutionary. Mr J. F. Montague, ‘Honesty i s the Best Policy’ (Anon.). 8.47; Temu solo, .Mr Reginald Newbury, ‘ Caiissinio ’ (,I’cuu). 8-52: Belay of orchestral entr’acte iroru the Rialto Theatre. 9.3; Contralto solo. Miss G. Evan.-, ‘Harvest Night Song' (Baynton-Power). 9.7: Weather foreleast. 9.9: Vocal trios, the Snappy ; Three, ‘My Sighing Siamese’ (Rose). /Diane’ (Pollack), piano medley. 9.20; ! ’Cello solo, Miss Lalla Hemus, * Melc- | dio ’ (Squire). 9.26: Soprano solo, Madame Mary, ‘ Love’s a Her* |chant’ (Carew). 9.29: Recitals, Mr jJ. F. Montague, a group of children’s ! poems, a Dickens sketch, ‘Fagin.’ 9.35: Vocal duet, .Messrs J. Bree and R. Newbury, ‘ Battle Eve ’ (Bonheur). 9.40; Contralto solo, Miss G. Evans, ‘Songs My Mother Taught Mo' (Dvorak). 9.44; Vocal trios, the I Snappy Three, ‘ Yon Don’t Like it, Not IMuch ’ (Kahn), ‘There’s a Trick in Pickin’ a Chicken To-day’ (Fields). 9.52: Instrumental trio, Bosworth-Hemu.s-Towsey Trio, ‘ Flying Dutchman ’ (Wagner). 10.2: Vocal quartet, Madame .Mary Towsey’s Quartet. ‘Softly Falls the Shades of Evening’ (Pinsuti). 10.6; Closo down. 2YA, Wellington.—7: News session; market reports and sports results. 7.40: Lceturctte, Miss M. S- Christmas, ‘Dog Showing.’ 8; Chimes of the General Post Office clock. 8.1; Overture, ‘Second to None March (Ord Hume). 8.5: Quartet, Apollo Singers, ‘Allan Water’ (Button). 8.9: Piano, Miss Nora Gray, L.A.8., ‘ Second Movement Concerto, Op. 23’ (Tschaikowsky); the orchestral accompaniment will he played on the second piano. 8.14: Tenor solo, Mr E. W Robbins, ‘Nirvana’ (Adams). S. 18; Trio, Sy-mons-Ellwood-Short Trio, ‘ Second and Third Movements Trio in F ’ (Jadassohn). 8.28; Contralto solos, Miss Hilda Chudley, ‘Trees’ (Rasbach), ‘Hush-a-Bye’ (Ronald). 8.33: Saxophone solo, Mr H. Rudolph, ‘ Valsc Jeanne’ (Bishop). 8.38; Humor, the Two Boiled Owls, ‘Under the Moon’ (Snyder). 8.45; Soprano solo, Miss Moaua Goodwill, ‘The Flower Song,' from ‘Faust’ (Gounod). 8.49: Concertina solo, Mr R. N. Stratmore, medley of Scotch airs (traditional). 8.54; Lccturetto, editor-announcer, ‘ imperial Affairs.’ 9.9: Weather forecast. 9.10: Duet, Miss 11. Chudley and Mr E. W. Robbins, ‘Autumn’ (Mendelssohn). 9.14 : Piano, Miss Nora Gray, L.A.8., ‘ Third Movement Concerto, Op. 23 ’ (Tschaikowsky) ; the orchestral accompaniment will bo played on the second piano. 9.20; Baritone solo, Mr S. E. Bodgcr. ‘I Did Not Know’ (Trotero). 9.24 : Trios, Studio Trio, ‘ Romance * (Tschaikowsky), ‘Chanson Triste ’ (Tschaikowsky). 9.31; Soprano solo, Miss Moana Goodwill, ‘A Farewell’ (Riddle). 9.58: Saxophone solo, Mr H. Rudolph, ‘Chanson Serenade' (Drigo-Bishop). 9.43; Humor (sketch), the Two Boiled Owls, ‘Two Hoots’ (.original). 9.50: Concertina solo, Mr R. N. Stratmore, medley of popular airs. 9.55: Quartet, Apollo Singers, ‘Good Night, Beloved ’ (i’iiisuli). 3YA, Christchurch.-—-0: Children’s hour, conducted by Pcterkin, assisted by cousins, songs, and stories. 71.5; New session. 8: Miss Frances Hamerton's Melodious Four present excerpts from the musical comedy ‘Tom Jones’ (German), assisted by the Instrumental Trio (.Miss .Mary Mard, Miss Phyllis Porter, and Mis., Aileen Warren), Mr George Dunn (banjo), and Mr James Lanrensuu (elocution). Vocal quartet, Melodious Four, 'The Barley Mow’ (German); tenor solo and chorus, Mr Russell Sumner and .Melodious Four, ‘West Country Lad’ (German); violin solo, Miss .Mary Ward, ‘Scherzo’ (Dit-lersdorl’-Krcisler); soprano solo. Miss Frances Hamerton, ‘ To-day, My Spinet ’ (German); vocal trio, Misses F. Hamerton, B. Bcuaul, and Mr it. Sumner, ‘Wisdom Says— Festina Bento’ (German); banjo solos, Mr George Dunn, ‘Blue Skies’ (Berlin), ‘Telling the Birds, Telling the Bees ’ (Brown and Friend) ; vocal quartet, madrigal, Melodious Four, ‘ Here's a Paradox for Lovers’ (German); vocal duet, Miss F. Hamerton and Mr Bussed! Sumner, ‘For Aye, My Love’ (German); instrumental irio, Miss Mary Ward, Miss Phyllis Porter, and Miss Aileen Warren. ‘ First Movement from ’Trio in D Minor ’ (Mendelssohn); bass solo and chorus, Mr T. D. Williams and Melodious Four, ‘A Person of Parts’ (German); humorous recital (Scottish). Mr James Laiirenson, ‘ I've Found the Tobermory Treasure,’ with apologies to Will Fyffe (Fylfe); vocal quartet. Melodious Four, ‘ Hurry, Bustle’ (Gorman)) weather forecast; contralto solo, Miss Bello Rcnant, ‘As All the Maids’ (German); soprano solo. Bliss Frances Hamerton, ‘Dream o’ Day Jill’ (German); ’cello solo, Miss Phyllis Porter, ‘La Cmquantaiiip ’ (.Marie); vocal trio, Miss H, Renaut, Messrs B. Sumner and T. D. Williams. ‘Yon Have a Pretty Wit,’ ‘Laughing Trio’ (German) ; tenor solo and chorus, Mr R. Sumner and Melodious Four, ‘A Soldier’s Scarlet Coat’ (German) ; banjo solos, Mr George Du mi, ‘Thinking of 5 ou_” (Donaldson), ‘Ukulele Dream Girl ’ /Low): soprano solo and chorus, Mis* F. Hamerton and Melodious Trio, ‘ LoveMakcih the Heart, a Garden Fair ’ (German) ; vocal quartet Melodious Four. ‘Gavotte’ (German); instrumental, trios, Misses M. Ward, P. Porter, and A. Warren. ‘ Moment Musical ’ (Schubert), ‘Spanish Dance’ (MnskowskD; soprano recitative and waltz song. Miss Frances Hamerton, ‘ Beguile, Beguile with Music Sweet ‘ (German) : vocal trio. Bliss R. Renaut. Messrs R. Sumner and T. D. Williams. ‘ Says a Well-worn Saw ’ (German) ; humorous recital. Mr Jas. Lanrenson, ‘How We Saved the Barge’ (Williams); final ehorus, Bfelodious Four, ‘Hark! The (Merry Marriage Bells’ (German). R 1: ‘God Save the King.’

4YA. Dunedin.—3: Town 11:41 chimes. 6.1: Children’s hour. 7.17: News session. 7.30; Review of latest books, by Mr H. Greenwood, librarian of the Dunedin Athenaeum. 8; Town Hall chimes. 8.1: Orchestral selection,_ 5.5: Contralto solos. Miss Irene Horniblow, L.TLA.M.. ‘ Absence ’ (Rogers), ‘At Sunset’ (Coates). 8.12; Recital, Miss Sheila Xoilson, ‘Next Week’ (Anon.). 8.17; Bass solo. Mr J. B. Macpherson, ‘ Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind ’ (Sargeant). 8.21; Soprano solos. Miss Florence Sumner, ‘ Almond Blossoms ’ (Arundale), ‘My Gentle Child’ (Del Riego). 8.27: Pianoforte solos, Miss Aroha Allan, L.T.C.L., ‘Arabesque’ (Chaminade), ‘Humoresque’ (Dvorak). 8.37; Tenor solo, Mr L. E. Dailey, ‘ Flower Song.’ from ‘ Faust ’ (Gounod). 8.41: Orchestral selection. _8.45: Contralto solo, Miss Irene Horniblow, ‘ When the Swallows Homeward Fly White). 8.49; Recitals. Miss Sheila Neilson, ‘Mrs M'Liery’s Country Visit (Anon.), ‘Tvpes at the Play’ (Anon.). 8.57 ; Bass solos. Air J. B. Macpherson, ‘Love That’s True’ (Handel), The Village Blacksmith’ (Weiss). 9.4; Weather forecast. 9.6: Soprano solo. Miss Florence Sumner. ‘ The Carnival (Molloy). 9.10: Pianoforte solo, Miss Aroha Allan, ‘Marche Militaire (Schubert). 9.15: Tenor solos, Mr L.

E. Dailey, ‘Take a, Pair of Sparkling Eyes’ (Sullivan). ‘Serenade from Iris’ (Mascagni). 9.20: Dance music. 10: Close down.

3LO, Melbourne. —8.10: Collingwood Citizens’ Band—waltz, ‘Reflections.’ 8.17; Eileen Castles (soprano)—aria, ‘ Tosca ’ (Puccini); ‘ Bells of Shandon ’ (Irish). 8.24; T. A. Stewart, president of the National Rose Society, ‘ The Rose Show.’ 8.34: Collingwood Citizens’ Band—march, ‘ Silver Wood ’; intermezzo, ‘Pompadour.’ 8.44: Jack Lnmsdaine (whispering baritone) by permission J. C. Williamson, Ltd.— ‘ I’m Tickled to Death I’m Single,’ ‘Just Like a Butterfly.’ 8.50; Moan a Lua Duo (Spanish and steel guitar duet) —‘Southern Blues’ (Akonri), (Kawahane Waltz ’ (Awai). 8.57 : William G. James —‘ Improvisando ’ .(Mangiagalli), ‘Prelude G Minor’ (Mangiagalli), ‘The Little Soldiers’ (Mangiagnlli), ‘ Eakoczv March ’ (Liszt). 0.12: Collingwood Citizens’ Band—selection, ‘An English Garden.’ 9.22; Frank and Francis Luiz—duet, ‘ Dreamy Hawaii ’; song, ‘Kuu Horae ’: steel guitar, ‘ Hula Blues’: duet, ‘My Blue Heaven.’ 9.34: Eileen Castles— ‘ Saper Vorrcste ’ (Verdi), ‘ On Wings of Song ’ (Mendelssohn). 9.41: “Aintree” will speak on to-morrow’s races. 9.51: Collingwood Citizens’ Band—euphonium solo, ‘Neptune.’ 10; ‘Argus’ news service; meteorological information; road notes; British official wireless news from Rugby; island shipping notes; the. Royal Automobile Club of Victoria’s safety message. 10.12: Jack Lumsdainc—‘ Kentucky’s Way of Saying Good Morning,’ ‘Me and My Shadow.’ 10.19: Collingwood Citizens’ Band—selection, ‘The A ferry Makers.’ 10.30; Mo,ana Lua Duo—‘Kaluna Waltz’ (Awai), ‘My Blue Heaven’ (Donaldson). 10.37; Oliver Peacock. 10.45: Collingwood Citizens’ Band—march, ‘Canberra.’ 10.55: Moaua Lua. Duo—‘Song of Hawaii’ (Boris and Corboll), ‘Hilo ’ (Pale). 11: Oiy - great thought. 11.1: The Vagabonds—‘My Regular Gal’ (Warren), ‘Fifty Million Frenchmen’ (’Rose), ‘Golden Memories of Hawaii’ (Stevens). ‘Night Time is Lore Time’ (Davis), ‘Wondering Why’ (Malic), ‘How Long Must 1 Wait for Von ’ (Stillwell), ‘ Slow River 1 (Myers). ‘A Night in June’ (Friend), ‘ Me and My Shadow ’ (Johson), ‘ Dance of the Tinker Toys ’ (Schobel), ‘ Cbloe ’ (Moret). ‘Keep a. Little Sunshine in Your Heart’ (Tilzcn), ‘Put Your Arms Where They Belong’ (Davis). 11.40 ‘ God Save the King,’ 4QG, Brisbane.—B: Overture, ‘Jolly Robbers’ (Suppe), the Ithaca Orchestral Society (conductor, Mr A. Kaeser) : soprano solos— At Mv Window ’ (Parker), ‘’Twas April’ (Kevin), Miss R. Marsden: pianoforte solo, ‘ Donny brook Fair’ (Scott), Miss Thelma Sanderson; tenor solo. ‘ One Heart Divine’ (Rosewig), Mr C. T. Birkheck: dervish chorus. ‘ln the Sudan’ (Sebek), the Ithaca Orchestral Society; contralto solos—‘Echoes’ (Allen). ‘Love’s Rhapsody ’ (D’Hardelot), Miss Vera Parker; a thought for to-night, ‘ The Will of Providence.’ Will H. Lister; ‘Slavonic Rhadsodv ’ (Friedman), the Ithaca Orchestral Society. 9: Metropolitan weather forecast; tenor solos—‘ Once Again ’ (Sullivan), 1 Like Stars Above’ Mr C. T. Birkbeck; waltz, ‘ Wiener Burger ’ (Ziehrer), the Ithaca Orchestral Society; ten minutes’ fun by “ Graham and Wattle ” ; pianoforte solo, ‘ Ragamuffin ’ (Ireland), Miss Thelma Sanderson ; characteristic, ‘ Parade of the Tin Soldigrs ’ _ (Jessel), the Ithaca Orchestral Society; soprano solos — ‘Who Knows’ (Ball). ‘A Night of Love’ (Larry Spier), Miss R. G. Husband; grand march. ‘The Queen’s’ (Riviere), the Ithaca Orchestral Society. 10: Week-end road information officially supplied by the Royal Automobile Club of Queensland. 10.15: ‘ Daily ‘ Mail ’ news; weather news; close down.

- SCL, Adelaide. —8; G.P.O. chimes. 8.1; Belay from Malcolm Reid and Co.’s showrooms of orchestral selections by Malcolm Reid and Co.’s orchestra. 8.10: Contralto solo, Margaret Pin'©. 8.20: Orchestral selections, Malcolm Reid's orchestra. 8.30; Popular numbers, Norman Shepherd. 8.40; Selections, Malcolm Reid’s orchestra. 8.45: Contralto solos, Margaret Pirio. 8.50: Selections, Malcolm Reid’.s orchestra. 9: G.P.O. chimes. 9.1; Meteorological information. 9.2 : British wireless news. 9.9: Dalgety’s wheat report. 9.15: Selection, Studio Orchestra. 9.25: Popular songs. Norman Shepherd. 9.30; Talk on football by “ High Mark.” 9.45; Contralto solo. Margaret Pirio. 9.50: Selections, Studio Orchestra. 10: G.P.O. chimes. 10.1; ‘Advertiser’ news service. 10.10: “Windbag's” sporting service. 10.20: Selection, Studio Orchestra. 10.30: Dance music relayed from the Blaison de Danse, Gleneig. 10,55: Saturday’s programme and meteorological information, 11: G.P.O. chimes and National Anthem.

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Evening Star, Issue 19840, 13 April 1928, Page 3

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RADIO Evening Star, Issue 19840, 13 April 1928, Page 3

RADIO Evening Star, Issue 19840, 13 April 1928, Page 3