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F T A^ BI ° Positive Clearance of the Assigned Stock of Gloves, Hosiery, Feather Boas, and Leather Goods. E 20^« dd o s Z& tVS eh I GLOVES —In Urreen, - ■hmiiimmi ■■■iiiii.iiii *_i_.ul ..n-. .i..«— , nn-iirimuiL-^. „■■■!■ iimhi i. j DRESS MUS L I N— ' S§ rose, heliotrope, and „ m Organdi finish; [beau* h amethyst. ' Two-dome KID GLOVES— Broad self stitchings; soft, 12-butt MOUSQ. SUEDE GLOVES— In beavers, pas- c i Plain Black CASHMERE HOSE— Seamless throughout, Children's Black Ribbed HOSE, ALL' WOOL— Spliced | tiM SOlt Silky appear- J „„* pliable, good wearing; in brown, beavers, and grey telles, grey, and brown Usual prices 4/1 1. S/6 $ spliced heel and toe Assigned Sale Prloe 2 pair for 1/6 knees, heel and toe Ij qtipp- in rlnrl? «Viarlaci fl ♦Y_,,-1 wimnas 1/C 1/11 -„,., Cnlo Priro tn pl*9l> Ola ■ IS SI dilVjC , 111 U.di XV DXIdUOiS BB USUaI priCeS I/O, l/ll Usual price 3/6 « ale pnce l 0 ciear Z/B have every i Plain Black HOSE, ALL-WOOL— Seamless foot, spliced Assigned Sale Prloeß 8d M 1/-, 1/3, 1/8 | O f old TOS6 amethYSt 1 Assigned Sale Price Sale prloe *i Q Band I2 . butt , Le ngth white suede GLovEs-spiendid firi 1 heei'andtoe sale prices 1/e, 1/9, 1/n children's Black cashmere sox-aii sues 1 saxe and reseda fl 6d. pair. . Two-doae KID GLOVES-In beavers, grey, brown, and qua ii ty Usual price 7/6 oumiuenue | pi ain B i ack LLAMA H OSE- Sale Prices 2/3, 2/6, 2/9 Assigned Sale Prices 3d 6d 9d 1 ' I all fancy light shades. Every pair guaranteed Assigned Sale Price 4/11 H "' M USUaIIV SOld at 1/6 B 1 • s> " prlM w _ that thlS 1 ' ~~ ~ 1 Sale Price 4Jd. yaid I —————————— — — — — — — — — . Cola H Black Ribbed HOSE, PURE WOOL— Seamless, spliced HARE MUFFS— In white and brown Usual price 10/6 H 1 octptph *p*TT a*T*TTT''R T^O A^ Tn white dl3.clc crcv s.tid '^Jrtl \? H IB HI OSTRICH FEATHER WHITE GLOVES-With broad self and black stitchings, natural Usual prices 15/6 -1/. i foot Usual prices 2/ "' 2/9 Assigned Sale Prloe 3/11 I x * BOAS-Ingrey,natU- excellent cut and quality .Sale Prloes 2/6, 2/11 Assigned Sale Prices 3/6,1 *0/6 WHIprOVe fl Assigned Sale Prices 1/6, 2/3 MARMOT MUFFS _ In liffht and dark brmvn< good | | rai white and 'black Three-dome FRENCH KID GLOVES— In beavers, greys, White COQUE BO AS— At less than wholesale cost flßprnrH j ALL-WOOL HOSE— Seamless foot, fashioned leg, in quality skins Usual price 12/6 | 40-inch Cream COTTON - 1 iai, wmuo, au . browns, and pastelles. . Durability guaranteed • Usual prices 13/6, 15/6 * negora H heliotropes, greens, rose, etc. Usual prices 2/ 11, 3/3 . Assigned Sale Prices 3/6, 3/11 | CORD — An exception- H Usual Price 10/6 , ABBlgned s " e Pr ° e8 v "' * M the I A6Blsned Sale Prloeß l/11> 2/6 1 ally special line, and' 1 Assigned Sale Price , —a ■ Volume of I Black and Brown SEALETTE sETs-straight throw, l \ popular for ladies' 1 I 1/11, " Two-dome SUEDE GLOVES-^With self and black White COQUE . BOAS— Very full and long, also ruffle VOIUmB OT fl ALL-WOOL HOSE— In greens, purples, navy, etc.; • large square muff, lined white, grey, and black satin I ' bIOUS6 and COat W^ar & ' V points; in grey, brown, tan, and beavers trimmed with silk e * ds A Usual prices 21/-, 24/6 . R us j ness | embroidered, with fancy, coloured fronts Sale Prices 15/6, 21/- set | Usually Sold at 1/6 fj Lam-H^^^^HaaßHai TT^nai nn>c c/tt Assigned Sale price 12/6 # m Usual price , ' 19 m*i-n>i-<-ini«a —" "S'Kft os TEI eh FEATHER k^ks-th^ *-. transacted, I • „>- s., c Lj, "SlT^s^l^^ JT^ | "* """ "^ COQUE FEATHER T wo-butt White and Natural DOESKIN-Smart wash- ends m rose » saxe ' ffreen ' etc ; , rf 11 l Si ; al o pr | ICe "l . . ' fl LISLE HOSE-Embroidered, self and coloured clocks in " Sftle Pr|ce 29/e j E lwlllillllll " lw ' ' I BOAS— In ffTeen hel- ing gloves Usual price 2/11 . Assigned Sale Price 12/6 therefore I grey, tan, and black Sale Prloes 1/9, 1/11 I | •+ w t'" Assigned sale pnce 1/11 : — | ' 1 28-mch Cream DELAINE 3 1 DlUe, eiC. _ , only Kavy COQUE RUFFLE-Trimmed chenille ends. D 8 early | _„___ unci? cr , White HARE NECKLETS-Record shape, trimmed tails | -Nice SOft quality for J I ' USUaI PriCeS 12/6 and Two-dome Real NAPPA GLOVE-fan and oak shades, Wonderful bargain • Usual price 30/6 JuesdaV 11 * 1 COTTON HOSE-Sphced heel and toe, Usual prices 5/11, 6/11, 8/n | d a i n ty bIOUSO Wear J U I 10/6. with broad self and black points. Cannot be beaten Assigned Sale Prloe it/6 COUciy . | d^le sole U«jal prire 1/3 Assigned Sale Prices 1/11, 2/11, 4/11 gaU pure qql . ;| ' AQQiim'flH Sale Pripe for hard wear Sale Price 3/11 Splendid Values in Black OSTRICH RUFFLES Long Morning, 1 , ss gne aeroe 9 , Brown MARMOT, NECKLETS-Record shape, trimmed | TTQiialltr caM q+ 1/« 1 ■ ASS gned »aie WlCe The Well . knowQ NAppA GAUNTLET GLOVE _ with andfull Usual prices 35 /- and 45/- OOi . M• , I Tan and Black LISLE HOSE-Lace ankles, spliced heel squirrel <aU» -Usual pr'kes 7 /n, 8/11, 10/6 11 ™^ *^ 1 ; ! V ll strap wrist; smart and durable Sale Prices 3/11, 4/6 Assigned Sale Prloes 21/- and 25/- 26th March. | and toe, fast dye Sale Prices 1/3, 1/6, 1/11 Assigned Sale Prices 2/11, 3/11, 6/11 1 Sale Price 1/2 yavd | ! The Biggest Dress Piece Bargains Yet. I . Jj^;:^... l m J?™J£FS; m^ | Quittance Priccs^lo^g&Cottotmc^odrl &*" ■■■■■■■■i ■ Him mi ■■- """™ 1 "" '"fl _.. . ii cil «i Qw i« ae «-„„!„„ Inches wide — Shades of navy, grey, i —mm—mmm , , 1B ■imim l miißiiiiii i ii ll ,, i . , a P:j nieces Coloured MELTON-40-inch, rough and ready 400 yards Navy ROUGH-AND-READY SERGE-S4-inch, ■ AH Sizes. USUaI PrICBS ranging gs . een , brown, mafOOn. Usually g95 yards only Fancy FLANNELETTE BLOUSING- 180 yards Dainty FLORAL MUSLIN-White ground, B I 'doth. » — b - of shades sale « Ht SPleDdld Weann& "^ sale BSi JJ4I SS 4 3^ I from 3/11 to 6/11 ffi 8 T I -y, K^ciVaf 551^ S wMte"^ SP " ng effCCtSS alS ° | •li 1- nieces STRIPED TWEEDS, etc.— 42 inches, good sale Price 2/6 iMMffMjMBBHBMimfHIM „«» , „ Sale Price ffd. yard - Sale Price 4id yard B l| " colouriags and neat designs. Secure some. Extra 400 yards Coloured CHEVIOT SERGE t and also Herring- ■ HBO yards MOLLETON FLANNELETTE— Heavy juality, 130 yards Chiffon-finish VOILE— 2B inches wide • dainty H U special Worth 1/11 to 2/11 bone Stripe; in light navy, cardinal, browns, and R M 29 inches wide; sky, heliotrope, grey, and brown floral effects in shades of heliotrope, biscuit ereen H i ' Sale Prloe 1/- yard greens Worth 3/6 i M stripe on cream ground Usually sold at 1/2 yard on white ground; suitable for day or evenhur'w^ar 3 ci . • Sale Prloe 1/11 yard ■ tf**^ ' A- 4T^ A^ g , Sale Price ajd. yard Usually sold at i/oB I 6 pieces NUN^S VEILING-40 inches wide; in pink, red, 1 JLO V^vJllllLFy \^A Oh LOIIIISFS 18 ° n^Aw 200 yards White SWISS MUSLIN~-With white embroi-i I dresses Sale Price 1/3 yard cerise, scarlet, pea green, and heliotrope; all wool | M M , ,„,„ - mM ,^ — „,. „~, i ' Jal Pr! d suitable for children's , wear | I 800 yards Striped MELTON CLOTH-40 inches wide, in . sKrlceV^yard f ■ " 1 OS yards CEYLON FLANNEL-30 'iiche?* wide/un- ' wSNrXil* *$ yard I m all colours, with coloured stripes. Exceptional value , «,r. m «r n r • ,_ -j • , X B shrinkable, in cream ground with neat pin check of iso only White SWISS MUSLIN BLOUSE PIECES H B . Sale Price 1/3 6 pieces Coloured CASHMERE— 42 inches wide; pink, ■---__.- - . .„- . I navy and black; also dark tones of green, brown, —Dainty embroidered fronts; this season's goods fl I , pieces HERRINGBONE SERGE-44 inches wide in scarlet, navy, salmon, cense, and also in bkek | J^J^J () r( I erS feCeiVed will be eXeCllted I ™ m T ° SQ SloTrlS^yffll ' ' ""^iSlVrl^. 1 \)^)h 4^ I I red and bro^vn only, all wool - g^^rt^i Sale Price 1/- yard fl I Special Offer. ~ 23 0 yards FRENCH SeLalnE?- 20 only Dainty SWISS MUSLIN BOXED I 1 ' " 4 pieces Coloured TAFFETA— 42-inch, all wool; in vieux &HQ. CLGST)£tGtIGQ. WllO DOSSIDIe SDC6U OV 1 Novelty designs in the newest colourings Shaped skirt and bodice piece, with trimmings to fl Eg rose, navy, and sky only; good washing material F - * B Usually sold at 2/3, 2/6 match Season's prices 15/6, ip/6, 25/-, 30/- M I » Jftfeaf^oS^ -ff blS !llsi an cx P eMenced staff of Cash re- J popular cream '£££ ™ ~* l,£«[rwtSS£ M^o-^^imH,^, mittance must, accompany, all first «d« l^ar" 1 -'^ ' -— ' ■«- tf SHS I -- — — " Vdl °:; ,S — -^ ta "*^WS We cannot guarantee to supply every item I^jagJ^c^^^SS W § bl!u:k !^!2il 4 pi= r erea m coating sERGE-4 2 -inch tms S| I Sale. Any article sent and not approved I softflllish ' crcimo ° 1> '- for fef.v"ar« e%and,/oe %and,/o ■ SSS? < i^ I Sssfrt&t"^L li a&e l iSSv£Ss* rOJW ' I m " ■ well worth securing Usually 2/6 m J h « 1 S 1 •*/* w 2 Sale Prloe 1/3 yard H § 300 yards STRIPED TWEEDS-Seasonable goods and Sale Prloe 1/11 yard | j^ retUllied tO US and eXChail^ed for 1 ■ Sale Prices 1/2 and 1/4 yard only WASH ING DRESSING PRINTS-Whi" I fl good designs Worthy z7 v to 3/1 1 , D lUrty RJ» ICIIUUCU LV lE3 <X\±W VJkW&AC&U.g^U I.^l. | 3O . inch Cream CEYLON FLANNEL - Guaranteed grounds, with spots and sprig effects ; also black I 8 500 y^ striped TWEED-m new d= s ,^ and L other goods, or money refunded. We pay 1 5h ™ nk/heavyqualities '^S^n^m. , /8 . ,/,, "''TZ^Z^tL,, I^-*! § ourings. These are exceptional value. 50 inches wide fancy " The P nce wIU effect a s P eed y c L e n a £ an " ortfl^., „ - - „- .* . fl Sale Prloos 1^ 4 ' 1 / 8 22 ° y - a u ds ENG LISH CAMBRIC-30-inch ; white grounds, | m Sale prloe 1/11 yard , sale prloe 6fll H ffgxtdYti- nn <111 TiafneA* gnrf*t*V\t- fni*ri^«Th^ri<sc I 40-inch Cream COTTON CORD— For blouse and coat with navy, heliotrope, and black spot H I™o yards Imitation HARRIS TWEED— 40 inches wide, 3 pieces Black ARMURE 44-inch, dull black, splendid 8 lldgUl l/ll «*ll JJai^<eK>, lUlUlOailll^So | wear; in great demand for coming season Usually sold at B*d. fl I good colourings. Best value on the market wearing material Usually 3/6 fl i ' «V su^! y solc J at ,^ 3'3 ' l ™ x '^ 2 L ccn »,^. w,™ pdtmtc • v Sa -'f Prl^ 4 * dt yard fl i b 8 Sale Price 1/11 • Sale Price 1/6 fl - n Sale Prloes 1/-, 1/2, 1/6, 1/9 yard SSo yards Nayy v PRINTS--3o inches wide x with spot and R R , „:» pi, i rniTrar worr r, v, -ah. jB i 30-inch Silk and Wool DELAINE— A dainty blousing, sprig effects | splendid washing qualities fl G— 1 ■ 3 Pieces Black COATING SERGE— Double width, good WUW U | Uk k .Miy.u.j MHBBTrTITm jyilßlHlP^'^^*»«'*^WiiMM«ffiffl^ WM^ I^^ with neat sUk stripe on cream delaine Sale Prloes s£d, 6^d yard, or 4/11, 8/11 per dozen fl 124 pieces Navy COATING and AMARANTH SERGES- * Sale Price 1/3 1 • I Sn^pfc^^iyl/V/rt 26 ° yards LINENET ; rE inches wide; in | I 43-inch, guaranteed fast dye; always in demand __! DRESS BARGAIN. WRITING PAD. ' | Sale Prloes 1/6, 1/8 yard green, navy, grey, brown, maroon. Usually sold at B*d. | So Pieces Navy SERGES-., jto 46 inchft 0^! a pieces Black CASHMERE_ 44 -inch ; a snip Worth 2 / 3 jBO yards Only Red and Br.WH 44-inch . " TH I 's^'°" /'^f 1 " I^ l^?^^^ O te^ m bi-^^si; '"gSifSOffig. iffi^^SK?^ I Estamenes, Amaranth; all guaranteed fast dye; the , Sale Price 1/3 | üßDßiM^anMi: Al I wnm WRITING PAD and BLOTTER— | finish, and most serviceable for day or night wear ' P ' ' m > Usually sold at ?fi I J leading line for this season x p ieC e only Black SILK STRIPED VOILE— Good U HERRINGBONE ALL-WOOL M . - woven bank ru|ed fa|nt | • Worth 2/6, 2/11 sale Price i&d yard fl I Sale Prices 2/3, 2/6, 2/0, 2/11, 3/6, 3/11, and 4/e black, suitable for evening wear • Worth 2/11 fl SERGE Reeular Prlca is 2/6 woven DanK ruiea Taint m a/c yard 75 yards LINENE-3G inches wide- in shades STy fl Ii 2 pieces Navy FOX'S SERGE-Guaranteed fast dye b Sale Price 1/8 yard | StKGt. Regular PHCa IS Z/b grey . exce || en t quality Writing | S4 . inch wide CREAM WOOLLEN NAP CLOTH-Woven, 5 fteliotropeV rose, brown and warn? stron? durabft I j and shrunk, 44-inch and 54-iQch. Our values speak 4 pieces Black ARMURE— 44-inch, dull black, a durable fl yard paper E|] heavy quality, for dressing #owns and children's coats fabric for children's washing frocks ' ■ j S^l^pS-^-inch, 3/11; 54-inch, 4/11, 5/11, and 0/11 j and noted for wear Worthy and^/ix | SalePHcel/- Sale Price 4d | ' 8.l. W PrS S/e , SuWrlff^ y^d f 1 box pmk velveteen I Silks and Velveteens at Heavy Discounts. I 1 Haberdashery, Toilet & Perfumery Bargains. 1 oddments- silks, 1 I Good shad© • unheard- r~" I — — « 1 T O L_ — _ -« , , | PLUSHES, VELVET, g 1 1 IW cSd^ C Ma^S^ l^.™^ 8 "" 111 uill Tr pin^ sk Ti 6o y** ds Black PAILETTE SILK-20-inch; good black 1 COUNTRY 1 SAFETY PINS-Fans of best nickel-plated safety pins, NAIL BRUSHES-Good, strong bristles ; plain wooden | ' e * t . only dd lenffths | I -*•_«;«/» n carainai, pea green, and coral Usually 1/6 and wears well Worth 2/6 H wwnini v backs Sale Prices 2d. and 3d. each H * vm J r u «« Wgwl& at a 01 price. H Sa!e Pr , oe fid . Sale Price 1/e| > H containing 3f dozen pins, assorted sizes ' H B I ''■■,-,,,. ' < BPU^TOMFR^ II "^ Sale Price Bd. fan SIDE CLASPS— Round hair clasps for holding the coils I Ranging from 2/6 tO B I «ol a XM»* aA rrovA i 2 °°° V Coloured JAP SILK-20-inch ; in every con- So yards Black MERV SILK— so-inch"; extra special | UUO ' U " ICnO ' | of hair in position at the side | I ■ Oaie XTICe Da. yara g ceivable shade; also in white and cream Worth 2/6 g H TAPE IN BUNDLES— 12 pieces in bundle of best Indian Sale Prices 3d., »d., 6d., 7id., to 1/11 1 3/11 yard ■ v Sale Price ori Sale Price -1/9 yard h Hit., H fl - B "' M S tape ; etxra long lengths «»»__««.__««--.,_—_--__-_—-_-_-_«__-___«_«.«_. 0 1 S ■ ' W i Sale Prices 3d., 4d.. and 6d. bundle B Sale PriCC 9d. yard. .va ,c, c rmvi7nivr n , Al?TrirrrA cnr .... r , • ES H . SHAMPOO POWDERS— A sweetly perfumed wash for fl * I I y " d , S CHIFF °N TAFFETA SILIv- 2 0-inch; ma few 3SO yards Black -CHIFFON TAFFETA SILK- 22 -inch. | | _ tne hail , cleanses the head thoroughly from dandruff, 1 ■ I shades only; slightly imperfect Usually 3/6 ,We are heavily stocked m these hence teo W pr H I,™™ mwnnjP( . rh - TV77 • "d gives a beautiful silky gloss to the hair after using^ 111 1 ■ (B Sale Price 1/- usua W 4/o»4/ n,ana 5/0 B \A/#k Dau H VELVET BINDINGS — Combine velvet bindings 111 ° ce _ la „,,„ nrt tt .- b^. B I Qfi-itinli TTWT'PATTn'KrH Sale Price 2/11 yard ■ we ray g ° Sale Price 2d. packet H H OD-mcil imUAliUfl H d whit , c TAp iVASHINr sttk ra N green, fawn, and red; no trouble to sew on . B9 lAn , «/%1a««a/3 iutpt 111 1 1 1.1 a Sale Price iO£d. yard |a 4.. o«wo «w MnM 4. h 51 1 green, DrOWn and blue g A , r tnmwvrcTTr •i. •«' Ito any Part I LLAMA BRAIDS-In navy and red, good widtfi, 36 yards ' : § shadfiq • 40-lTirVl oniv • 8 H 400 yards Cream LOUISENE SILK — 20-inch; esneciallv — ri H _.„,.,. is wlldUoS , vulUlll vlllV . I ' 1 suitable for blouses, dresses, or lining ' Eg r. . 1 in a P iece ' Sale PriCe 1/ " plece CLEAVER'S SOAP-A beautifully hard-milled toilet | J » 9 Usiiallv S/fi i Usually 2/6 and 2/1 1 IO boxes Coloured VELVETEEN —In the following H OT the ffl soap; in buttermilk, oatmeal, and glycerine and H extra Special. I wouftujr o/u 1 y^o^na^/11 shades :— Cerise, fawn, cardinal, peacock, olive, pink, B £' cucumber Sale Price 2d. cake | BnaMMMMMMHaI Sale Price 1/11 yard prune, brown, peacock, violet, grey, cerise, nil; also W 1 j es : ffns Sale Prloe 3 for 6d. R J9 ■ ' cream An eoing at Sale Price 1/9. 9 p i g designs o«ib rri U « a rar ou. E'~~" "" "^* ""~ r— m— i| 1 H ioo yards White and Cream CRYST ALINE— 42-inch ; j§ B HAND MIRRORS— Good xylonite hand-mirrors.; round H gj I 3 pieces ROSe Pink Twill | especially suited for evening dresses* Usually 2/9 , . _ rr O T?r»TJnnv vttt vvtvto „ \»rh • 1 eXCeDt I HAIR PADS-Round turbanette hair pads, suitable for or square, with good bevelled mirrors | PATENT LEATHER B I I Sale Prloe I^ ll good washing, and unequalled in value; medium cord B I the present style of hair dressing s »'e ™« 8 V"i 1/3, to 10/6 | «« T „,«••,.. 9 I JAP SILK— 2S-inch J j 200 yards coloured POLONAISE SATIN LINING_In Sale Price 2/3 yard | (r um i 8 J l i n g S , 1 Sale Prloes 1/3 and 1/11 each TOOTH POWDER-Carbolic tooth powder, specially ■ » B L T S—HellOtafOpe, | 1 . , „ § navy, pink, 'brown, myrtle, cardinal, and black; 6 boxes White and Cream rDRnTTROV VFT VFTFFN H * M trAm W ptc> t, 1-n t • » -mi- recommended for cleansing and preserving tho teeth H U«rv»r« +„„ «.« tt «« «v.^ i I extra special quality. § unequalled for wearing usually 2 /o SESrSS^S?^ uS S bbc" c I lIIAIR1 lIAIR NETS-Round .sUk ha,r nets with clastic and gums - Usually sold M> lin | brown, tan, green, and I i H sals Prloe 1/9 beaten Sale Price 2/6 yard H Q Sale Prices 2d M 3d., and 6d. each Sale Prloe 3d. tin M ... ,„. , , 1 I g — _,b B _ „-,„ ' I navy, witn sen buckles B sale Price 1/ yard I Included in the Sale of Assigned Stock will be some extraordinary London purchases at Big* Cash Discounts I 05Ual pnce l/ * I of New Costumes, Millinery, Underclothing, Ladies' Embroideries, Feather Boas, , Furs Dress Materials & Silks | Assi^ edSalePrice 6d.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 71, 23 March 1912, Page 17

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Page 17 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 71, 23 March 1912, Page 17

Page 17 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 71, 23 March 1912, Page 17