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f* m as^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Btm^^^' Ba^^— mil ■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■ ■mm n.i i ■■■in wma— "■■ -— i iimi _■„_■■ ■■■■ ■ ■!!■■■ "'— "" ' *wi_i--i-_i_-i *i iiniiiiiiaiwinii 1 urn% B no doubt about these | ||U J| IS AAW W_ K %B B& r__&s^"/_JIHB2& _£^ l_r_l ffiHi^ i^.i^l_P m -aJu/_^.fl_r^B SS Ur^£y_La lWll]iill« 117.1 17. pairs children's corsets886 DBlrs P.D. CORSETS— A good, 1 ' ,_.„. ,„,„„ „ ,_. ■■■■iiMiiMajiu_^jMi»ijaiMMnuMMjjjjJijiiiJj^^ ln BJ£es only 21 ahd 22 lncließ « H strong corset In grey coutilie fig ffi Si m T(nese are an absolute bargain 1 f«, madlum fisures- in sizes! 2f2 ft 2^^^'- FFlan'^ n net5 et - tc ;-i - d A DR ESSING 4 dozen Ladies' CALICO CHEMISES-Bcautifully | | Wonderful Bargains in CHILDREN'S MILLINERY- A few only Children's WINTER CO ATS-ln heather 8 Ucual price 3/11 H for medium figures, in sizes U JACKETS— Trimmed daintily with silk embroidery trimmed with lace and embroidery. Very special M a i These must go Regular prices 8/6, 13/b m . yhir . nnH h ., vv ,, pr!yp R P , n .i., r nr : r - q ,/ T , „/a Ml I ■•■—. ■ ■ I ■ E^ ar '_"p£ J/ 2 ,'? "TiftfßlSJlSl T V 1 ' 5.,0 M .. 8 ed., ,/- hew RColllat PI S &^ I Sole Price I/1 ÜBUal PrlCB 7/11 1 4 dozen Ladies' Sample WOVEN COMBINATIONS— , T.. , rAL Tr " o rH FMTSF«? Trimmed torchon 1 r^i I Special Bar » ain in Children's POLO CAPS-In sky and Wonderful Bargains in Children's PINAFORES- | S? rOI D- O/11 I In white and natural colour, with long and short 5 dozen Lad wsJCAL- ICO CHEMISES-l rimmed torchon | Clearance | white stockinette Regular price 2/ n Trimmed lace and insertion Regular prices 3 /u, 4/1 1 ■„„ I [ Sale PriCe 2/1 1 I sleeves, in light and medium weight . lace a »d insertion. These must go ■ | gale prl(je _ Sa|o p|<Jco ■■i MMa _ MM , n , ,,,,,,. „,■> m I 1 ' sale PRrlf^3/P R rlf^3/i P i? C s?iif t/i°i, '# i^ *« A I Of I | I | — — 1 Costumes, | Special Line _ Ladies> RINKING CAPS _ In assortea . wßrnDcrTct . i«d«n ww mo.rettb 1 I 4 dozen Ladies' Sample WOVEN AND RIBBED ? dozen LadiesJ LONGCLOTH CHEMISES-Nicelv I Millinery, 1 " col °- s ' R^ *T ?" X' ™ S t a^SSte suUable^or'medium I U^ DERS!<IRTS ~ '" | ' 1 BODICE-In white and .natural coW with long 7 trimmed with lace and inseriton Regular price 7/6 1,. . , il . § Sale Price 1/11 n&^ and wliite coutme, suitable tor medium H colours, wolt cut 5 just the thing 850 pairs P.D. BELTED COR- H and short sleeves, in medium and light weight .% , Sale Price 3/11 | UnderCOth ing, | ' ngures Kcgular puce 6/6 ■ B I Regular prices 5/1 1, 7/6 § w &l | Startling Bargains 'in Infants' CASHMERE FROCKS- Sale Price 4/6 | lor Wlnler lvear I SETS-ln grey ooutllle, suit- g Sale Pnces 1/11, 2/6, 3/11 ig only Ladies , c KNICKERS-Trimmed | CorSetS, | Beautifully tucked and trimmed; in sky, pink, and fi dozen Ladies , CAMBRIC BLOOMERS-In assorted 1 USMaI * rl ™ 5/11 ' ?/6 I *""^*n|'Sl&*_ I^_^L : 99 1 S CBbrOltoy ' mOSt ™ ble - BUy^.ffi^| L a ces,_ I«— TSI'SL^ — . I Sale Prices 3/li;4/11 ■ inches usual price 11/9 1 s eeves - c ar g" DS » g Embroideries, | — 1 H ** i « ■ rt/ « H . „„.,.„ H GloveS. S Special Bargain in Children's MUSLIN PELISSES— - ffimr ■inrwi mini ■■ hmhih 1 Sale Pnce 8/6 1 6 ag-I-g^ W~ * -VEST shor. .J J-jJt^ fc^m^RESSES^B^ftll, | | Be tHully trlmmed M«. Ttaj. CMW^s JVASHING TUNICS-Ih S ,rip e d jr^tea and I ■ • m occ "» - 1 " » Sale Prices 2/11, 3/11 Regular prices s/6. 19/6 H rlOSe, g must go Regular prices 12/6, 15/b holland ; suitable for holiday wear Regular price 7/6 fa H 1 Sale Prices 3/11, 7/6 B n-««»» ««^4 OHI, I Sale Prlces 5/11 » 6/11 Sal ° PrlCB 3/1 1 1 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED BY Imhh^hbh^h^l Wonderful Bargain in Ladies' FLANNELETTE „ ' " | UreSS ana OllK H , » vi A >F eB ■ g KNICKERS — Trimmed lace and embroideiy 4 dozen Ladies' CAMISOLES — Daintily trimmed lace H _ , . ■ Special Line of INFANTS' BIBS— In muslin, daintily 3 dozen Ladies' Floral Japanese Crepe 1 KIMONO H water 1 H ■ Reg £l ar g£ ce 3/" and embroidery Regular prices 7/11, 4/u j haDHCS, H trimmed lace and insertion Regular prices 1/3, 1/11 DRESSING JACKETS- Regular price 4/6" I 56 dozen Brown HOLL AN D 193 pairs C. and K. CORSETS- 1 """ "" 1/6, 3/11 I and I sa|e pr|MS Mt 9d sa|e pr|M 2/6 g ApßoNg w^ lln grey ooutllle, with extended g ~ g General i' 1 large skirts. Durability of hoiI hips, suspenders attached; in | a Q d g^. L^\?J^Su^ 0^ R I&^"/6 D" n ra no,v a f A Moßt Wonderful Bargain-, ' dozen Ladies' SUS- Children's Navy SERGE FROCKS-Piped colours; I land guaranteed. Only very B sizes only 2B Inch to 33 Inch Q sertion Regular price 5/6 Sale Price 4/6 ■ L/rapery at H PENDERS— In' aII colours Regular price 1/6 Suitable for school wear Regular price 8/n H slightly soiled • will come out In 5 ' ,9 Sale Price 2/11 0 oin«U!«« D»: rt « I Sale Price 6d. Sale Price 6/11 H „ „ , H Usual price 4/11 B , T .. . rAMP ip Tr .TNrnrpqTCTrcTq Tn iiVht H Olasning rNCe m . g washing Usual prices 2/3, 2/11 1 ~. o- «/ol 3a^^ adte nnd 2n d2 d 2M I SE?Sn2to la^^Sl a^^S ° &&; Sffl^te^^Sa? 8 " 111 | Rpri , |pt ;- nei . I Infants' Coloured WOOL POLKAS-Prettily trimmed Special Line of Infants' Cream CASHMERE FROCKS- I * I ' Sale Price 2/6 1 55 rer ce e rv most ™ l ™> tnmmed R 1 eg,sare g,sar tf£ i/A" Re^iar price 4/11 1 "eductions, g with ribbon in all colours Regular price 4/ll Dainti i y trimm ed Regular price 8/6 1 Sale Prices 1/6, 1/1 1 a H Salß Prloe 6 Sa Prl ° e 2/6 m § Sale Prlce 1/e Sale Prloe 4/B 1 I Another Trade Upheaval in Lace Bargains. 1 888 Z?u£Z!li£-Ti!2 Sacrifice of Embroideries and Ribbons. [?— —I—— 180 pall's only ODD CORBETS— In „,»««. w i>h J. inch ham Must be ' I "'" ' 1 A Manufacturer's Stock of TORCHON LACE FLOUNC- A very large quantity of Useful Heavy CLUNY LACES § various Sizes Usually Sold from squdre, wun 2 -incn nom. rausi no 32 . inch MUS LIN EMBROIDERY FRONTING— EIabo- "3S Pieces 5-incli wide MOIRE SILK. MILLINERY I 2Jf-^i?5S d a eS?d d upc°n SSe't' hifdTeSTna ■ tf&? S?^^ l^SU?^iil ' &,"g 1 »/• » Cll!arel1 - *•* «» P» *- b & ma^V" """^ efteC " Ye '"^WSf'SIM! 01 * i washing^jjtfc^at.^ _, i<rf «£. jj*--*^ ■ D "&3S?&SrS C??SU. 4|*. «*, «* w* l Sale Price 1/- pair Sale Price 6 for 9d b3b 3 6 9 longcloth , embroider?" 1 EDomrisl"" „ . t JSs J *S?itgg H t-rr'6 dozen COTTON TORCHON LACES and INSER- 12 pieces of PARIS TUCKED NET— IB inches wide, 20 ■ ' inches wide, specially adapted for hard wear, patterns "Our Special" 4 and 5* inch GLACE SILK RIBBON— 1 TIONS-About b mcj, »de in g ood patterns ( tucks in width, very neaUy tucked Usual jgj. jg yd. L UMUMMI , | , j.^,,,^, -"-*- «« <"»-»« Usual price ggSJj Itlt«!Ste?'1 t lt«!Ste?' S ft^rbiact Sft £ Sale Price 1/- dozen yards 6 pieces of Black SILK NET LACES— 5, 6, and 7 inches R Cream Cashmere BLOUSE INSERTlONS— Embroidered cream, and every fashionable colour S3 086 dozen VALENCIENNES LACES— In white, cream, wide; dainty mimosa designs; makes smart jabots, Eg , in pale blue, saxe, moss green, vieux rose, cinnamon, Usually io&d M 1/3 yard B and Paris shade, $ and 1 inch wide; effective, fine cravats, etc., and also for millinery trimming g ff m W^^_Sß* *IT7^ W7\ d^^ JSF W heliotrope, amethyst Usually 1/6, 1/9, 1/11, 2/3 yard _„. _ tM . Sale Prices 9d., 1/- yard 1 patterns Usukl prices 1/-, 1/3, 1/6, 1/9 dozen yards Usual prices 1/11, 2/3 yard | *i^ i™® I»|T, frOil W I^l ft 9 Iwl i t " Sale Price 1/- yard SILK ELASTIC BELTING-Heavy, alUsilk manufac^ H ' Sale Price 6d. dozen yards Sale Price 9d. yard B Ji, M, JSL M^f JL# '<^Jr^ JL JL V A JBL * ture, dependable quality for hard wear, guaranteed, 1 ■ : " 1 . 22-inch wide Cashmere EMBROIDERY FRONTING- 2 and 2 J inches wide ..."S^'ktrt ■56 pieces Real TORCHON LACE and INSERTION— A Genuine Bargain in 6 and 7 inch wide Handsome g| 4B*fc 4k TBT W!% 6 /" for 2 / 11 ***** ' ' V H Heavy Cluny pattern, hand-made; edgings 3 and 4 ORIENTAL NET LACE INSERTIONS— AII Paris 1 %«£ /3fk H W^ ' Astounding- Reductions in 45-in. EMBROIDERY SKIRT ■ — ■ H inches wide; insertion to match 2| inches wide. Send and cream shade; much used in Sydney and Mcl- gg W^fli i*^&, m a 0 BT^ A FLOUNCING— ScoIIoped edged, effective patterns SATIN AND VELVET Striped RIBBON— i. inches wide • ■ for patterns Usual prices 1/3, 1/9 yard bourne as dress trimmings Worth 1/11, 2/6 yard ■ NFl * tff|r *™ « aßß ™^ ■nniM« T - Usually 3/6 yard emerald and black, cerise and black, royal and l black' 1 Sale Prices 9*d M 1/3 yard Sale Price 1 1/- yard | • Sale Prloe 1711 yard cinnamon and black, saxe and black, navy and bUck 648 pieces of Heavy Machine-made LINEN TORCHON Beautiful SILK, embroidered designs on NET ALL- g OF 40 lengths of Beautifully Embroidered MUSLIN violet and black, and all fashionable nlain colours H LACES— 3 and 4 inches wide, ordinary patterns, OVERS— iS inches wide; m cream and Pans shade; H *• , FLOUNCING— FuII skirt width, in very handsome* Sale Prlcol/- yard B strong washing quality Usually sold sd. and 6d. yd- new goods Honestly worth 4/1 1 yard B __ — . _. -> —^ __ m__ «p— — -- -- *+ _ % t^K designs, best finished Swiss work 2-inch MOIRE SILK PETERSHAM— Black cardinal I6 7 pieces of PO IN T B-ESPRIT S?O?^'%ksgi n*- of prised NET INSKrlSn"^'^^ IF. SMITH Of CO. S "-^''^^^W^lXSSS S, ?u^n *" S "^ R black, white, cream, and Paris shade; 26 inch and —All pale Pans shade, scolloped and straight-edged B* .....^.^^^—^^^^^.—^^^——m^^—m Sa )e pp r | 0 « 2^ yard X 36 inch vvide; now so much used for covering dresses insertions, zi mches mdeHaces are 5 mcbes mdc | • (BLENHEIM) ' CAMISOLE EMBROIDERY REDUCTIONS-23 Pieces 54 pieces in perfect condition, of Rich PAN VELVET |. blouses, etc. Usual pnces o^and^d. yard | I S^d^X.^^^ ST-SSr 1 "" '" S^SS^S TSSi '^l^vvf U^Sj I~oS do,en FLANNELETTE EMBROIDERY EDGINGS .4 pieces of the Latest CHANTICLER MILLINERY i JI AAI ItfnAH il 1" ABt APII UVAABf ' friS t £rd UimSngASum^MUUnerf ' ' ""usudpfe^ySd I and INSERTIONS-, to^^vWe, ta pin^nd red^ S™g™S^«^aiS^SSfijSS^ I ll^SlPPrn 11130^11 1118 Sf ''"c-b^^o^s 1 * G °°' '^»"» , ** fi '°° <£ " rJ J '^deS-^ertfpeieS^Ee^iS Cb^^^ jLnacaS^S I ™Wj&IIWU MllljlU If UlUUil ■ ~ rIIS *" > "* I ki »o D o blouse, White on.v Usual gta ,y| and Queen and ,1. the Roya, FamUy, Sag, «^ jft 1 ■„,—,— — gg—, 4 >&£»&»£ „■*»» VELVET Jg „„£ 1 CHiFFONS-Scarie, 1 Bo» S Kt by George 6> Ker«le y . Ltd., by Mnct MO , RE velvet ribbon -t " Z» Zt g —■ «" M.'SSi.'Sg " e ' Ste "' SS I ■ Public Tender, at ,nch moire ribbon j. ja/^ «-»« » °°^ Sa , a , & gg I 4 60 ta- of SILK NET VEILINGS-In aH the leadmg G^Wkfggj^H.^ Cotton TOJCA D.RESS 1 J^ /^L | ~ 41% 4> "^l^^ShTH^f,^ "^g "Set .30 WOOLLEN MOTOR SCARVES-1,, a U coloursk 1 Usual P"off iwf lirt 1 ««h aU the fashion ; pale blue, pale pink, amethyst, moss B f Polo style with habit, suitable for wearing with latest Sale Prices 1/11, 2/6, 2/11 ■ „ , , - • „ f TArrc /™citd™ I t green, brown;" 36 inches wide Usual price 3/6 yard I s , styles of costumes Usual prices 1/6. 1/0, 1/11 2-inch TINSEL BELTING— In all good shades, very I BU Zt^Ti Se, m A a£ S ; fn^vn^e^fci" „ pieces only Tucked Spot and rSff^S'lS: l"-'™^-^'^"^'^^""""^!-- M*™***^ pretty -desfens, light grounds ernbrojdered in olou| B I^l i A |i x. -__ »•«».■*—-* M * •■«• •«M> a «t *4 pieces uiuy j. uuivcu* ojjul. duu a ldiii i^ix^i*^— xii uidv^K. ki 1 » . t-* *■*.*• *-+^r -w > *-»*-* usucii prices Qu»» I/** V3.rt I and black c fJ'o^-! «rt* A IS* S only, neat tucks Usual prices 2/6, 2/11, 3/6 I ■ , Tremtodous Quantity of PETER PAN COLLARS- Sale Price 3d. belt lengtK (27 Inches) H Sale Prices 6d., 7id., 90. yard Sa i 0 p rice 1/. yard H RUSH FOR THESE. PRACTICALLY GIVEN AWAY. Embroidered muslin and cambric, dainty patterns * B A Bargain in Ladies' SlLK NECKWEAR— Wide end ties. S 6 dozen Cambric PETER PAN COLLARS and CUFFS | 4 dozen TWEED HATS— Just the hat 10 boxes of WINGS and FANCY o * « *•* v j 6^?, 11 -' Pieces g-inch wide SURAH SASH RlßßONS—Scarlet, 1 Beautiful quality Paisley mervs, rich Oriental designs —Neat eyelet embroidery ; cuffs 2* inches deep, collar 1 fur iMPt wpathflr wel l fitted rrnuin W A ° Over 800 dozen Hemstitched CAMBRIC HANDKER- pink, royal blue, amber and gold, salmon and rose i on crepe, with deep hemstitched border of satin, in 4 inches deep; any size Usual price 1/6 H WWH mnnori WBll nma cnwn MOUNTS Usual Prices. 2/11. CHIEFS— I3^ inches square, reliable quality. Grasp pink, ml green and moss, white and black. For i all new shades Worth 2/6, 2/1 1 each Sale Price 10* d. per set | and medium brim. Usual PHCCS muuwio. usum rnws, */v, this opportunity Worth 2/3 dozen children's sashes, etc. Usual price 1/- yard 1 An Exceptional Line at Sale Price io*d. 36 only CAPE COLLARETTES— 12 inches deep over Ho/11 • o/11 M U st be cleared ~ j e,l jr* 1. -j j a - l ?J r 1 l ?Ax 6 ™T. 9 r?■ , . «, Sale Prloe 3d. yard 1 Pleated MUSLIN and NET SIDE FRILLS— With high shoulder ; in heavy ecru guipure lace ; useful for many 1 4/11 and 5/11 J/11 mUSI »B Ciearea j, 66 dozen Scolloped Embroidered MUSLIN HANDKER- 36s pieces Black SATIN RIBBONS — Good, all-silk B neck band, edged Valenciennes lace : new goods purposes, even for cutting up for yokes and sleeves ■ #*■»%.*». . ,*•»•*%■ • CHIEFS — With daintily worked floral designs in quality ; i, |, 4, J inch wide. These have to be sold fl Wort! i/j 1, 2/3 Worth 8/xx I Sale PriCG 3d each Sale PriCe 6d each c °™er Usual price ioW. each Usually sold at id., iW., 2d., aid. yard ft 1 Sale Price 1/- each Sale Price 3/11 each ■ Sale Price 6d. each Sale Prloe 6d. per piece of 18 yards I specal. I Drastic Reductions in Millinery. 1 commences S Feathers and Flowers Never Less. r.^ N i v :«. «.»«■!; jk 58 Ufltrlmmed STRAW HATS— W»mmm^^mK^mtmmmmmmm^^mmmmmmm^Kmmm^^mma^^mmmm^mm^nm^mtmKmaammi^^ammmi^tmmm^mßmmmmmM Of! Ruhh^ mmmmm^mm^ammmKmmmmmmm ■■^^BonmiiiaßiiiMHßßi iiiiiiiiiiiiigj — Jabots, oravatß With neok i Colours a Cream, burnt, saxe, I One only Large Black TAGEL MODEL HAT— Trimmed 30 READY-TO-WEAR HATS— In grey tweed effects; Q T i, CO nAV HIO oxes of Fancy FEATHER MOUNTS and WINGS— 5 dozen HAT GIRDLES— CoIours : Blue, brown, purple, Ibnd p t p 00 |i ar8 . alßo H H with pink roses and black ribbon velvet, crown covered grand wet weather hats Usual price 4/1 1 H I UtoUAY H In all colours, variety of large or small styles red sky, green, and grey Usual price 1/6 H ' ' ■ navy, green, brown, and black W with handsome black and, cream passementerie Sale Price 1/- each H m Well worth 4/1 1 to 6/1 1 u n , v &f i .'..v | sets collar and cuffs, eto. jan flfl IS PriCG '72/6 Wl. I P M %# a v a> l 9 MliW oIJi cavil HI ■ 1 Usual prICBB m > m I Sale Price 5/11 S o Alpaca^^READY-TO-WEAR HATS-To be had in 1 NEXT, | , Sale Price 1/- eaoh MILLINERY TRIMMING- In sequin, I extraordinary bargain. Usual H 89 several shapes and all colours; tit well on to the bead Q ■ , . , , T t> a Mi-\t-> ar tv wnKtr* t>jjj • H . < » »» i i Qaia Priro Rrl oarh I One only Handsome SATIN STRAW MODEL HAT— Usual prices 7/" and 10/6 ■ ooiu MA PON I 4 x " only of the Large BANDEAUX WlNG— Padded chenille, straw, beads, and other garniture g prices 1/3, 1/6, 1/9, 1/11, 2/3 B Odie rriOW OU eclON m In pink> trimmed with b i ack velvet, crown covered Sale Price 3/11 each | IVIMriUH, ■ "pack Usual price 4/u Usual prices 1/11 2/11 and 3/11 I , r* 1 11 *-»j 1 ■ B with pink blossom and autumn foliage Price 65/- § H Sale Price 6d. each <Jn|fl prtnm fif| nft _ , nnfrth R Sale PriCQ all DCI eaCn ■ a Sale Price 5/11 1 1 1 1 hi m t . » W _x In aai« rnoa ou. per icngin n K*"'*"^"""'^^"'*'™'"'"^"'"*! So onl y Ladies' Felt READY-TO-WEAR HATS— Good, » 69 .r . , n e TPTru -ptttmttc p;«t- «-,-„-,« "P ... „■■,.-. ■ ra J ctT ,~vf cßnrlr-o^Vilo V>ntc trimmprl with V>anr4 fdhn H *-»»!! HSO Only COlOUred OSIRICH PLUMES PinK, Cieam, -«^..,^ «^.^^ T r»^>T<-. t t, , , n la smart, serviceable hats, trimmed witn band, cabo- g g O dOCK H w «i«w rnw crrf P V, ai=« cV^pH P Vrt c ;« 20 ° BRAID CABOCHONS— In black, white, grey, and W I- 1 '"'"" 1 " 1 " 130 only TRIMMED HATS - Chiffon and crinoline chon, or mounts i colours-grey navy, black, brown, g * " .| sky, violet, rose, green, and also shaded effects in • *• • g 1 i covered, nicely trimmed with ribbon and flowers beaver, and red Usual prices 1 0/6 and 12/6 H M these colours Usual prices 3/" and 4/11 colours usual price Od. eacn g d Oorroot Style Nurses' J I Usual prices iS/6i S /6 to 22/6 Sa'e Price 1/11 each Q prompt. 1 Sale Price 1/- eaoh . Sale Price Id. eaoh | y I FOR EARLY BUYERS. i Sale Price 1/11 each DB »nvTnwi?Ao t S 1 5 boxes of QUILLS— In all colours , mM^ nf mirnr? t« wnu«t a «^ «,*. n I Re «"' Atlori RED CROSS White k H 30 only Girls READY-TO-WEAR lELTS — Large m HJH J tr 1 • j j «-j 1. 20 ° cards oi.JdUL-KLLd — In Diimant and paste HJ 3 .„ = „ „.,» 150 ENGLISH MODEL HATS-No two alike; fresh, blocked shape, wide brim trimmed velvet band and 1 8 Usual prices ♦ J. and Od each Worth ./.I each | Holland APRO M 8 - M-lnoh III I 12 only TRIMMED HATS -I smart, and original styles Prices from 4 =/- to 75/- bow i colours-grey, black, na.y, brown, g«en ■ | Sale Price Id. pair Sale Price Id. per cart | width of bin, skirt n lichee ■ Straw .napes, Wn,m.d with I To be cleared at 4/11 each , Sala Prlco „. eaoh B g£ , B— _____ __ 1 |n , I silk velvet and flowers i ! : g 1,0 boxes of Muted SPRAYS^Every vanety of blossom 200 pieces of ST RAW PLAIT- Usual prices ./6, ./.. I .„.., „ ' .„ . c " ' i Us -lnrte.«/. 150 STRAW SHAFES-Up-to-date styles; small, large, „ M4N n , WAB rAPS ,„,„„ a , tra^ in anA 1 and I rß l lresentl!d ' momted mth '°'«f °5 otherwise To be cleared at «d. per bundle I Sltlrt COVW| " S droßs «<"ni>leteI USU>I """ "' I a na bTacf " f^'^a^s " ffi'S&Z*^?^^®** £ 1 fl "\, 1 SS^'-I^ =00 Oddments of STRAW PLMT-Scme w superior I" ■ •««» -«-« -» 1 Sale Price 1/11 each j ' ««■• «- «»_ . • u " J _fWS I Jf 4 -S8 § Avo,d the 1 ROs£S _ In quali ,i es , sui , a bie .or _^ )Bg borderh,, „1 ■ "*•••«* 777 -* g I Sale Price 1/11 each . sale Price 3d. each W HiinHrAriQ 1 _ i I, I 1 nUnareUb 110 boxes of Mixed SPRAYS-To be shown on one table; A number of Oddments in LINEN HATS for "the Little L-, M . , n 1 Bio dozen UNTRIMMED FELTS— Satin finish, very 20 only Children's ' Cream SILK HATS— 1 • Of 1 roses, lilies, violets, and blossoms of every descrip- Ones" j sizes for children one to three years | H -..r. . -.«,- »»«,«,.». r- B P rett y styles; colours— cream, black, navy, green, Usual price 12/6 each § | tions Usual prices from 1/- to 2/6 Usually sold at i/n and 2/0 | Embroidered LINEN I THE LEAST POSSIBLE. R and red Usually sold at 7/6 to 10/6 Sale Price 1/11 each | g . Bale Pr|ca ,„ eaoh Ba | e Price 3d. each |60 aOMn E" 101^ 01^ 611 L «NEN el 9 Sale Price 6d. each n DargfainS G| w COLLARS— In all elzos beau* 'i ««« c « M «e «f pl nwcßfi Rn ßfi o i 2 4 only Children's TRIMMED FELTS— White, beaver, gg I Also «; boxes of LONG TRAlLS— Composed of small 4 dozen GALATEA STRAWS— For boys or girls of three § I 200 sprays of FLOWERS-Rosea, ■ only WhUe UNTRIMMED FELTS-Wide brim crimson, and navy; cord and tassels to match | f .. i roses mounted with leaves Usual nriceT/6 years Usual priaw 3/6 and 4/6 | tlfully worked open patterns, I foliage, and blossom of every 1 curved back edge SaVeTr^^ eat Sale PrW c^h 1 f ° r | roses ' mounted Wlth leaves Salo Prlc^ S^Pdcc W each I hemstitched, all In correct dou1 v™u ™' >;'"•'" Md '" [""T^ Big- Cash Discounts in London, will be I •'««-»«•"'•»'«"« I Sale Pnce Id spray I thrown |nt<> the SALE OF F^W-Sl^

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 71, 23 March 1912, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 71, 23 March 1912, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 71, 23 March 1912, Page 16