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SCh SIe W Sce !/ each \mJ^ A 1 M mto Mmv*4 0F M RFfIRRF &.KFRSI FY 1 tfi L7L ,1 , jk r r % TUC at Usual P rices 12 / ft w/e, ** A ' nc 4 27/6.37/6 SPECIAL! .y r% I / \W S~* , AiTPTTT^ T^/^/^T^T/^ HyfTi^^V T\T\ 1 "HPTITT O^W^fXfyWT %^9 MM ill A Sale Price 9/6 pair COAT and TROUSERS i|J L Lflf I I\| I I Ifl II T7 II U AULi U V VII II X X/ #V "T" ' HANGER -With metal BH M |H| II VI Iml II 111 11l I rll I XII II W &V 118 TUC 1 % «t,a«^ t.t *™™ part weU cvered to 1 fIE ELUIIUI Ulj Ul\ill Ll\ I O 1 UUV V THE «U protect from rust; can • . v ■ , ETTE BARGAIN! bemused for coat and - ■• , ■ ' .' i 350 yards White COSY woSf me A TREMENDOUS BUYING CHANCE OF VAST SIGNIFICANCE FOR MEN AND BOYS Sale Price 1/- each >H»nHHnHnHHnHBHMMBMiMi nMHMMHnnHnMaiMHMiMMHnn and very sol t . exceptionMHMnHHM^HM^H^aHnMH 100 dozen MEN'S FASHION SHIRTS— With soft or stiff 1,000 Pairs MEN'S ALL-WOOL FANCY CASHMERE 100 Men's Colonial-made Fancy Tweed SAC SUITS— sqp pa i rs o f B oys > Heavy Colonial Made TWEED NICK- al -train* o + cu£fs. These shirts are of the best materials and new- SOCKS — A whole range of travellers' samples, and all The Medium length coats, with or without vent in back, ERS— Plain knees ; new tweeds and patterns ' assorted " v<uuo *•» m»nnBTT An> est patterns,' and rare bargains the latest designs Usually sold i/ii, 2/6, 2/1 1, 3/6 new tweeds and patterns Usually sold 35/6 s i zes u<mallv 'cnld Aht ZnfS^ntte™? =•••■ """^rt-Ji'WS Hm , MFMI<! ??£? »a« Z££ whole of . ioo Me.., boxed su.Ts-in ' M^ Sale Price 6/3 per do« n SOTOng liavenune- COVer, dozen MEN , S NEW CEYLO N SHIRTS-With collars XM J^Uklii^S r M' L '^A^ir?hi^S^^S^ ■ x. wo - rst , ed^'* These suits are equal to tailor-made with 3 00 pairs B<?ys' BLUE SERGE KNICKERS - Lined w^+l, Via A~-*~ ff6Od StYlish -handle • or bands: hew patterns and very serviceable * SOCKS-rUnshrinkable and very serviceable quality, c haircloth fronts and padded shoulders; long or short. throughout, and just the thing for school wear; sizes Worth //6 (1026X1 flood valne at 8/6 * *n^ s^i^aSS7^MS? ™u^i i^L^JWL™™™; ST OCK I H^4J^ l » SiS^^ 3 °« SS BPWULI wmcle^lOO of these ' ,$%%.% STOCK ,K««^ _!! !!^!!^1 MARONE PLDSHETTE at 6/11 ' i ' * of -*. % A kf Stroflff wear guaranteed ■•*,-■■- Sale Prloe * iv Sale PrlMB l/s ' 1/11> m and Slde or os pele ' s s sai.%"i/i! ld « ;£ srie Prlces 1/3 and 1/9 palr upholstering purposes owuug nc<w,gufti<*uw3cu S o dozen MEN'S WHITE TENNIS SHIRTS— With col- 100 pa i rs Boys' Fancy Turnover Top STOCKINGS— In ' too pairs Men's Fancy Tweed or Serge TROUSERS— ioo dozen Men's White Cambric POCKET HANDKERquality: DeSt handles' lars and; bands, plam or cream stripes bhick or heather mixtures; nice fancy tops BOYS' With side and hip pockets ; splendid line for hard wear CHIEFS— FuII size and ready for use USUaI DHCe 4/6 ' „ lA/A ' ."• r * 'Worth 3/ik 4/6, 5/6 Usually soldi/-, 2/6 and 2/1 1 BUI ° Usually sold 6/1 1 and 7/6 Usually sold 6d each w»ww* ;i uiw-ay V Worth 12/6 ; - ' * Sale trices 2/6, 3/e, 4/6 Sale Pricls 1/1 1/^,2/6 iiMnrnuimn Sale Prlo« 4/11 pair ' Sale Prloe 4 for 1/- fil ->. o/fi . ' lA/| ; io dozen BOYS' MATT and MERCERISED TENNIS /f '* ' UNDERWEAR 50 pairs only Men's TWEED TROUSERS-These ail a . „,_ , .„, . ..- . . BAWn _ M Sale PTICe 3/6 yard For 10/9 ' SHIRTS-With collars or bands 5 dozen only Men's All-wool and Ceylon PYJAMAS-In very heavy English tweed, and just the thing for heavy SO dozen Men's Coloured Border Mercerised HANDKERV Usually sold 2/1 1 and 3/6 new gripes and checks; assorted sizes anf i worth; all sizes , Usually sold 11/6 CHIEFS-Bought at big discount; all new fancy — _ ' ' Sale Prices 1/6, 1/11 and 2?6 . Usually sold 10/6 and 12/6 »"" Sale Prloe 8/11 a pair desjgns ' Y^A^ 1 , /JL d < /? d , 9 L ea /ii M «l M * . *" - ■ : . Sale Prloea 7/6 and 8/11 -„-.--, „.,- . Sale Prices 3 for 1/3, 3 for 1/0 SPECIAL I apppTAT 1 " ■ CLOTHING — — — — -——————————--—- —-————- w-— —————— m-—-rnvunui ._, Soo MEN'S UNDERPANTS— A whole range of English I^— — — — —-—-———— 500 Boys' Fancy Tweed NORFOLK SUITS— With plain. « ai. i M i Nn -„• , . samples, in all makes and weights, summer or winter 300 Men's, STRAW HATS— The balance of season's stock, at - styles; all sizes Usually sold 10/6 150 dozen Men's WIDE-END NECKTIES— In plain or W6am bnOrt CASE50 dOZen Men'S E^tra. wear; allwool or cashmere in narrow or medium brims; slightly shop soiled; aw . . „ . . . Sale Price 14/8 fancy colours. A splendid variety to select from XTPWT nTTT?rn a TXT iu-,,«ii^ ' ««»»*«>^»» T ' ' Usually Sold 3/11, 4/11, 5/" to 10/6 splendid bargain. Usually sold 4/6 to 6/6 n . . , strap and buckle, or extension knees, new patterns and Usually sold 1/3 and 2/6 JllEiMl OUJtti AiJN--JM.USUn StrOSg GRANDRILL . ' , Sale Prices 2/6, 3/6, 4/6 to 7/6 sale Price i/- each Determined Boys' THREE-GARMENT SUITS -We have a large Sale Prices 6d and iy- each f r iji fid 9fi itipliA«i ttriAo SHIRTS- In Ught blue «» dozen Men's All-fur FELT HATS-Bought at a big -. g^* *S*g*»* KS^S S-o dozen Men's KNITTED TIES-A^special warehouse "^7^ ~/^ • shades;- for hard wear ~. -. v^&dZill!-M$ *™' m °* y " Ss/U^ // ~ rg ? m •«« — Us^ais a^ S nV^s pnces - Wlth ™ B ° lPttt ' ' all Sizes So pairs 'BOYS', UNDERPANT^J^SSd'Sid^SI Sale PrlM »'« t0 Cl6aP Clearance 100 Boys' Smart 'VARSITY SUITS -AH new fancy Sal ° Pl " lfi ° 1/3 M ° h ° U th ° r ° dS mere make. These are a real snip and must be cleared 20 dozen only of Boys' TWEED CAPS — Golf shape, in . tweeds, lined trousers, with hip pockets; very neat 50 dozen Men's Silk and Crepe de Chene NARROW TIES TTanoi i\«4ma 1/Q Xffnr+h A/R ' ' ' / Usually sold 3/11, 4/11 all colours, and tweeds Usually sold 1/- each Pric£*Q* little suits; all sizes Usually sold 10/6, 12/6 — In plain.or fancy designs. Usually sold 1/- to 1/11 USU&I priGo 1/y wom^/° Sale Prices 1/6 and 2/6 Sale Price 6d eaoh r-||^««>. Sale Prices 8/6 Sale Prices 6d eaoh Sale Price 2/11 each ' „ , * „„, „ ,„ , „ ' mm „M ,„ Sale Price 1/4 yard , SPECIAL! SPECIAL! BW fcei-JLißk <-! Wl GREAT BLANKET LINOLEUMS-Two yards -—----—------— ;/ SPECIAL! M _ miJk* mfN'S undfr The World-Renowned ' s P^Bt INTENDIN6 PURCHASERS A FeTp^rsTco^lonial all the latest . a OftA n , .„ , MEN s PYJAMAS - MEN s UNDER- . lffigL> PLEASE NOTE ! All-wool BLANKETS- and tile patterns, suitable 4 piece Black CANVAS 200 Children s , 20 dozen Men's Warm FLANNELS - all Col- HlldTtß For | and double beds ; fop any rooni . co i ourinffS VOILE-42 inches wide, WOOLLEN CAPS ~ln gaping Suits, all new onial made ; in Shetland *ND On account of exceptional slightly in y • » Secure some o? this, it navy and fancy stripes; / ? ' . , , ' • . RIK?MANN>? lU business done the mill, but otherwise —red, brown, green, and willDav you assorted sizes patterns, assprted sizes colour only; full sizes HU^MANKb lg* J^U with these Machines "jJS^Unni?*!^^* cream & o ™** wiupay you _ „ „-, ■ onifiuo Hp\ .. . . . . ... make, will be turned out ° TTsnallvl/11 v«.rH Usually sold 1A Usually Sold 5/11 Special offer this Sale SEWING M NN^Ll^M^ffl * ail Orders received will at 22/6 per pair. . These Usual prices 3/3 3/6 Sale Price 6d. . Sale Price 3/11 at 2/11 each MACHINES 1 IHK^^H be execule^RotaOon. are^ well worth 28/6 per _^ Sale Price 8* yard b^^^^m^^^^^^h^hm PROCURABLE AT ' In ir^ J^KiHraHlnl With the arrival of fresh mm^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ m^- wm - amamamam mu -^^^^ Tho « Connnmin » ir I irowffira^i cabled shipments, „^ , m ,^ • <■ • Household Drapery Bargains | *ST ■ Keen Cllt Pnces m Fmrmshmgs CREAM LINEN DAMASK— Must be HEAVY WHITE TURKISH TOWELS— BLANKETS! BLANKETS! CASEMENT MUSLIN— 36 inches wide; WHITE LACE CURT AINS-3 yards long, Tapestry Stair and Passage CARPET— cleared In many qualities and sizes ; will be BLANKETS! l^ggmmag^^^^** I^^' ■ <• • ' •^ T ' small conventional designs, in blue, 46 inches wide, with pretty patterns; 22$ inches wide; fawn _ grounds, with Width 48 54 66 '70 inches marked at Specially Low Prices '■ nmnftßißi ~-~^*-~-- go j ( j an^ g reen on cream g roun d s very heavy net, suitable for hard wear pretty floral grounds; in pmk, green Formerly 1/3, i/6, 1/9, 2/3 yard • From 10d. pair upwards HEAVY ALL-WOOL TWILLED - VRnPTTO ART IF AT IXTPT T TWrTVYKT Usual price gjd . Usual price s/n and red Usual price 3/Q Now Hid, 1/4, 1/6|, 1/11 yard STRIPED TURKISH TOWELS— AII re- BLANKETS— For single and three- r.ttyUUJ&Jl.DJLifii Al WttJjLiinVxHJJN Sale Price 6^d yard Sale Price 4/6 pair 8»'« P»°« 3/" y»™ WHITE DAMASK— In choice designs. A duced to clear.* "Striking Bargains at quarter beds ONLY FLORAL TAP CREPES— White erounds WHITE LACE CURTAINS —3* yards- . . large assortment marked very low to 1/4^ 1/9> 2 /4, and 3/3 per pair. Secure Usually 18/6, iq/6, 22/6, 25/6, 29/6, wUhtoink green and heUotrdne roll lon *> 6o inches wide ' A »ood strong KIDDERMINSTER HALL RUNNER - Width SPee ?l 66^66 72 inches one of these before they are aU sold SalePricef 18/f I T/B 20/- 23/6 Frister and Rossmann's SEWING MACHINES- oured patterns suitable for dressing heavy net, suitable for drawing rooms 27 inches wide; saxe blue ground, with ' Formpriv ifl* V« V/« 7/t^SS A J° b Lot of STRIPED CEYLON 58/R li/b n«V »Vir' ' ' ' ' with vibrating shuttle ; hand and treadle com- gown, etc. Usual price if- Usual price 17/6 pair the latest art designs, in green and red .Formerly i/4i, 1/8, 2/3, 4/1 yard SHIRTING' FLANNELS-Thoroughly . t26/6't 26/6 ' 3 /8 ]r P " T Pa ' r T AXTOTn , r . bined; inlaid walnut cover and highly polished. S ' Sale Price 74.1 l Sale Prloß 11 /6 pair Usual price 2/3 I^o vaVd^ WHITE LINEN DAMASK-72 shrunk and hard wearing. Will be LARGE SIZE ALL-WOOL BLANKETS— Can be detached from stand and used as a hand TTT , T AW -^ tv • '*v- « ARTISTIC CUSHION CASES-Cream Sale Prloa 1/9 yard 1 inAeV wid^- miSb^udkv^d ver? marked, at Clearing Pnces For double beds machine Reduced Prloes for this Sale Only— BURLAP-The favourite fabric for cur- ground, with neat artistic designs strong Tob P e : C,ea?edat y 2 /i?y;a From V yard upwards gg^^f&gfc £6/10/, £6/19/6, £7/7/, £7/15/, £ ? /i7/6 tS^^JS^^SS^A Sftio? ,*, B lTfecß5 k ' WlotlCope '. HEA -F H - R "2£2 wth ftfc irtiSg A i awP A^ortmPnt of DAMASK NAP ' COLOURED BEDSPREADS-In exclusive HAND MACHINES-With vibrating shuttle;, in- cream and string \ Worth 2/11 , Worth 2 y u ™' in marone, wwn^ p™ arußuc PLAIN>PILLOWCAS£S-Made of good A fBBf 88 ortment of DAMASK NAP- designs, fast colours, and all sizes laid walnut cover, highly polished and heavy iron " Sale Price 2/3 yard Sale Prloe 2/3 pa«erns usuai price 14/ 'strong -calico, standard size, with tapes S^,^3 a ?^s£^ tw^2J?£T~S • Usually 6/ 11 each frame. Reduced Prices for this Sale Only— ; - ° ' .. . Sale Prices :/4, 1/6, 1/9, 1/11, and » Ho n marked apr ces ha defy competl : Sale Price 5/11 each . ■ £3/5/, £4/5/, £4/19/6 « , ' «. _ «. ««__ __— Waft, atJ'VpmJtftX,™! tttjtt t im ptt ' " NAPKINS— From 3/3 to 31/8 dozen ■ ■■■■■■■■ miii him i DYED BOLTON SHEETING— In all the JAPANESE TEA COSEYS — Square _ Atl _ c! __ v rxnw ~ crmAprc v. " la i n^,? n Sl »-55. mstl i clle ? A'R-ILLJIiP iflL- pi nT tiq From 2/fi to 12/- naeh - > I Utpcf rniourine--? in o-rpat dpminH for shape, beautifully made and covered TAPESTRY CARPET SQUARES— The . . LOW- CASES-Good quality wide frill u , m^ OO ™ S ~ • TrT F ™*f tSrre^ l. LACE TOILET SETS -Of 5 mats; caseLnt^^ witfi nand-paintecf silk. Usual price 3/9 latest art and floral designs, colourings From 2/3 per pair WHITE COSY FLANNELETTE^ — 36 strone- lacp and well made casemenc curiams , 50 menes wiae, in *• fiala Prlrn 1/1 «aoh fiwn rpd and creen crounds' sizes si From 2/11 per pair Usually 7/6, 8/6. g/6, 10/6, u/6. These are very special «^| -H| Sale Price 1/6 yard i^e Wue cSSnd? * -- -■ - — . •• :. Sale Prices 6/9, 7/9, 8/8, 9/6. 10/6, LACE DUCHESS SETS— One runner and " MjffVM _ CREAM CASEMENT CLOTH— so-mch Usual price 3/3 Tapestry Door SLIP MATS— Fringed at UNBLEACHED SHEETING-For single 11/6 per dozen three mats ; two special lines HPl* i o^l US** Wlde " The favourite fabric for case- Sale Price 2/9 each Both ends Worth 1/6 -hefw a nSl s bedS: giand VaIUCS ln STRIPED FLANNELETTE-In doubly M ?SrtSi Vfil'^S fhe let i lIC JL^Mi®ISlIl ment curtains Usual price r/6 TAB LE CENTRES-Buff ground, worked Sale Prloe 1/- eaoh ' tl£^f^SiVSlo^a- •^•3S£f-Sfftt ! c£S l1 "^ ■' *. specllSsOTnc^ffi 118 *"^ • EXTENSION BRASS CASEI J E y NT Sl/ p^ a niVe?i e o^o^n^S^^ No^ T y Hi" 11 id ita i/i 1/? «ri From 7/6 dozen PLAIN HEMSTITCHED RUNNERS-12 __ , _ -.«.«■ -ni RODS — Suitable for casement cur- 11 inches wide Usual price 3/" brass knobs Sale Price Uh Yi^SaSSS^^j^p — * 4V*S CC pp h ecia, clearing Price «d. each Take the Lift tO TOP FIOCKf will extend out t^Jndies Sa.e Price 3/3 each herringbone qualities that . are • thor- CALICOES, LONGCLOTHS, Exceptional ValS. lend i early for / sale Price ?ft eaci ~~ " BiUßftncttMMTm(r r]mw PB . Roughly, reliable ogo MADAPOLAMS. • Ih- , CONTAINING ' L_ sS^^ Usually u*d., 1/2, ifrh iM, 1/B*, 2/3 yd. The whole stock must be sold, and n - * d wit bar tisUc cretonne, ai^d well f Usual ices y6 g / 6 2 S J °nai rs I SEMM^D 1/ SHF?T? /6 V oh ft * theref ° rS l ffit%£ B * ft REDUCED CUSHION CASES - Frilled and hem- FOr Ifl. MARONE ART SERGE-S4 inches wide. StUffed Wth lhe btSt ka gr° s c ual p , ioe , /6 Sale Prices 3/11, 5/6 200 pairs HLMMED SHEETS— A job lot PRICES. • stitched in crash, holland, and muslin. ,« , , , , „., .. x A good heavy serge for curtains and - . Sale Price 2/3 1 W%?S, a !fHSi^r Q CALICOES-From 5/6 to 4/9, '6/3 to 6/6, An accumulation of Oddments and 1 reel COTTON (Black and White) .table covers Usual prices 1/0; i/ii yd ptalN SATFFN COSFVS VV,!I l f l 200 ODD and SAMPLE BLINDS-Some t - Usually sliii-ito, 0/6 wide ; easy to. wash UsuaUy 7d. yard qualities. The whole stock - must be / 1 skein FILOSELLE iujq yarq „.«,,,-.„ ■ * Sale Prices 4/9. 5/6 7/11 • Sale Price sid. yard sold Prices from 4/11 each x bjkoiii jjxjjuojmjuj2i 6 only Shop-soiled American BABY CAR- a Pnr PTT T OWS— Well made with the ! Double bed-siS- ' '' ■ ' ' * 1 dozen BONE BUTTONS , = RIAGES-Well made, steel frames and KA £J t C l^°t^? cU uSd 'pSS 2/6 '' Usually 6/11 S/tt m/n » • t r. 1. -nx-vro ■ TAPFSTRY TABLE COVERS Marone handles; closes m one motion; uphol- Ul "° H ' * SSifta i ft > r i oa 0/3 • Sale Prices ili m, 9/9 FLANNELS! FLANNELSI SIDEBOARD CLOTHS-Size 15 x7O in.; 1 s^et PINS wUh artiitk and l floral I des&ns fringed stered in leather. Usual prices 45/-, SS/" Sal 6 PrlM 2/3 FINE WHITE MARCELLA QUILTS— * FLANNELS! hemstitched and drawn thread " 6 HAT PINS ■ -\ all round and well made; 2* yards long Sale Price 30/- pnr A T ATTRF<!«?ir«?-.Wrfl filWl with ' SS,^" '* HEAVY FLANNEL-^ches wide; in MS &SS 3 MIDGET PBOTECTOES •■ «»« N «i>Sr^^ Y «^ U^KSS !r S^ M "V^^,. 8/ 6 , 10 ,6 2&?&/-SS • ? CRETONN E-3, mc,e S -, snf and bta « S?>\S^S SS^-M "" s 7,'7 ,' ! „ . „ Sale Prices S/11, 6/6, 8/11 cc T RONP AT T WOOT FT annfi ■ Tn nil embroidered Runners, Duchess Sets, 3 pieces TAPE - grounds ; floral designs.. » A good ser- with tray Usual price 32/6 aft Oin— Usual price 17/6 Sa ePr cc H/S 1 Double bedside-- " shades WoVthiT^vard Sideboard Cloths, Afternoon Tea 1 Lir BOOT T Ari7O - viceable fabric for draping; purposes Sale Price 26 6 3ft -Usual price 21/- Sft ePr oe 16/6 ! .Usuallyg/11, 11/6,14/6, xg/6 ■• AsslKned Stock P^rice 1/- y^d Cloths, Supper and Tray Cloths, has 1 pair BOOT LACE? . Lsual phce 7W yard New C OI LAPSIBLE GO-CARTS-Well 3ft 6in-Usual price aa/- Sale Price 17/6 A frw ETDF^DOWN^ttW'c; l3^ l^ ALL-WOOL SHRUNK f Jo^KSHIRE^d been marked at Substantial Reductions. 2 reels TWIST - ■ - Sale Prlce 5d *"« fe 6in-Usttal price 3 ./- ~ Sale Price 2*)QUlLTS— Offered COLONIAL FLANNELS, also PLAID- A «? od Portion are manufacturers' 1 , Pnlniirp n ppnTPTTTT rHTTOTT CRETONNES— 31 inches wide, with the and polished wood 1 handles, uphol- ' -at Special Low Prices to dear INGS— ' samples, and Creat Bargains 1 reel Coloured CBOTCHEr COTIUJN latest art and floral designs, suitable stefed in leather ; folds in one action, aft 6in COMBINATION BEDSTEAD7-t-rom is/- 10 69/6 eacn Usually 1/4 L 1/6, 1/9, i/n, 2/3,' BATH MATS- -Large and small, double •' 1 dozen TROTTSER BUTTONS for draping and loose covers / ready to carry ; complete with hood Very strong and comfortable, spring. (Make a point of Inspecting these ea/ly, • 2/6 yard texture and very absorbent; in ecru, „ jx> a nmiiT r»-n -DTrrnrmvM-o ' Usual price 1/3 " Usual price 42/- ends Usual pi ice 24/O they will soon bt sold.) , Now 1/3, 1/41, 1/7, 1/9, 2/-, 2/3 yard sky and red From 3/6 each 1 card BACHELOR BUTTONS Sale Price io*d yard Sale Price 38/- Sale Prloo 10/6 * ' 9 T»nr»lr<s i fia TTOOTfQ 1 cake B.W. SOAP Take the Elevator to the Top Floon for Id, 3d and 6d ?2? ™S^ OWDEE We Pay Freight on all Parcels with the exception of Bargain Bins ■• ■ Furnishings to any part of the Dominion 7W % 9

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 71, 23 March 1912, Page 18

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Page 18 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 71, 23 March 1912, Page 18

Page 18 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 71, 23 March 1912, Page 18