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OF I • ; • ■ BOUGHT BY I the Whole ax marked selling prices" amounting to over I This will give the thousands of inhabitants residing in this city and district a MARVELLOUS OPPORTUNITY to make big purchases during 1 the next FOURTEEN DAYS. There will be a TREMENDOUS STAMPEDE for the Bargains. The Stock was bought DESPERATELY CHEAP and has been marked EXCEEDINGLY LOW to clear quickly. THE WHOLE STOCK has been forwarded by FASTEST STEAMERS and is now ready for willing buyers to get at it. REMEMBER ! This is an ASSIGNED STOCK, and there will be Bargains in every department— Hundreds of Bargains turned out every day. ADDED TO THIS there will be offered scores of wonderful Bargains, bought on the London market at BIG CASH DISCOUNTS, and only > \ ' just opened up. m I ' RIBBON BARGAIN. , I* »3 only ONE-PIECE COLOURED VOILE SMART DRESS SKIRTS : 34 only Very Special 10 only ONE-PIECE NAVY FINE SERG^E 36 FINE NAVY COATING SERGE COS- 30 bnly LINEM COATS and SKIRTS-Newest 1 1/- PETEft PAN COLLARS - and 6 inch SILK and SATIN 1 ' ' DRESSES— Dainty styles, suitable for semi- Value TWEED WALKING SKIRTS— . DRESSES— Very smartly cut, plain styles TUMES-^With newest style short coats and shapes, all present season's styles and col- S * tar Bd. »eh 3 MIT T TNFRY RTRBONS Si evening- wear, with low collar or transparent p ? 4n4 n ? 11^ d b . ac £ nd // t ront > and. ™th self- w j th co i oure d pipings or black trimmings ; panel skirts, trimmed black braidings, coats ours; fresh, new goods B 56 d^zyn Embroidered In vS Sours 'I okes • Usual price 49/6 -trtdwd waistbands, afl newgt^tw^ bodices lined, slightly high-waisted, panel lined Usual price 84/- ' . Actual Values 49/6 55- | MUSLIN PETER PAN = Usual pricTxodxK 1/3 1 ■ ** 1 * Prlcß - 21/ " Saio P^Tujt skirts Sale «/■ Sa.e Pr.oe «/- To C.oar at 10/6 | • ; ■ COLLARS coi« D»i« a ha I^^^^^^^^^^^ • -„,-, „ „-..-- „„., ...-— B --■ ■ ■ w^^^^^^mmmamMMßmWtm§mMlMffli 1 dair -ty patterns, good shape, sale trice OO« mmM^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^K^^^^m^^^^^^^^m^m^^^a^)^^W^Bß!^n\mi\imHmmMmimis*aiiam [ | perfect 'ftltiug; ; in- small, mediujn ■^■M^M^aaHMHHna^BaBPJ s ___ ' -^n 1 ' large sizes ;i-;"; i -;"; F =r oAN ;;;S A Brilliant Aggregation of Bargains Ist CostiiHies, Coats, Blouses, &c. tones of old rose, helio., reseda, B^BJSJBJpsjBSJSJBMMgBMBJSMJBBJBMBJS^B^i^BIII^MS^S^B^BMMIMMM^MS^i^i^Mi^SMS^^ | '|| W^UlMill | INFANTS' BOOTEES electric; suitable for overdress I^™ m ' Rj 9 dozen only, in cream wool and Usually sold at 1/6 | only Navy Blue NORFOLK KNITTED- COATS— 30 1 only MODEL GOWN— In black satin, high transparent 1 GEf I U J.», „I U only GARBARDINE RAINCOATS— Smart slip-on 2 only Navy Cloth MODEL COATS— Beautifully braided CA silk> daintily designed Sale Price 4id. 1 inches long; belted Actual, price 1 7/1 1 neck, trimmed jewelled embroidery, double skirt, tunic I BARGAINS Q sty.les, with all newest improvement for autumn wear and trimmed ; latest styles ; cliiterent snapes | Regular Price 1/11 • ' I ' Sale Price 8/11 effect, outlined wide black silk insertion; lined silk 1 COATS & SKIRTS I " Usual price 45/- ' «SL P Pr?«i «W« I M'irvellOLQ Clfiai-anre 9ri nim m\ ■■ ■■ in ■—■ wll ■nW , Former orice /8/8/- H Roc* Hiiililir H Sa ePr 06 29/6 Sale Price 6Q/6 | WkiirVCIIOUS LiearaiiCG SO pr. li 2 only SMARTLY PATTERNED SWEATERS-With II Sale Price 59/6 I AifwSni 1 uraisnrtF An , c v „ , SMS M „„.-—, BELT BUCKLES AT HALF- I stand-up collar, drawn into close fitting band at waist ' | 1 - .| 6 only Cloth RAINPROOF COATS-Very smart shp-on . COLOURED CLOTH COATS-Very handsome I"*" 1 '"" 1 "" ■•■'"-■ ■■— '— PRICE I Present price 1 s/6 1 only SMART MODEL FROCK— In shrimp pink, crepe- | KAIAPOI H styles, dark colours, half lined Usual price 75/- J sty l es we ll braided, silk collars, etc. 1 1/6 NET VEILING FOR 2d. A Large Quantity of I v Sale Prloe 8/11 de-chine; simple Magyar style, with black pipings on H TWEED gj Sale Price 65/- Usual prices 84/-, ,£5/5/- i per yard GILT BELT D C O IS SED l 9 te yy w HH a E ut TT m HH n E ye? T^ and bodice «•&**%*s£ 1 B " SKS^SS S q Va^ Sale Prloes 2 ,K ,0/0 | 2 , 3 piec^ o^Spot and Plain Very smart shape, guaranteed! NeW aUtUmn StyleS • ISttSS'IS/ff , only FRENCH MODEL GOWN-In dull vieu. rose I OOQd Shapes and | ™* ™** 39/6 6 on X ; TUSSORE |SJj : DUST g^^N^t straight fFa^n^* Russian effects; best make" Haute Nouveaute » I ; voUe, with white, pin line, very smartly made and! Styles Jin grey S5S 5 | i ■ shape, with coloured silk collar and cjffs ■„ , blac Usual price 1/- I . . Mounted son5 on self colouTsadu^ Si 1 A^Vf 0 ' I 3 only Present Season MODEL COATS and SKIRTS- - " Sale Price 59/e| "32; etc? all in good SS' Sale Price 6fi. IJ 5 o^y Special Quality Mixed Tweed COATS AND Mounted on self colour satxn Act "^ pnee £9/Q/- | Actual Values | J Be^ t qualities and smartest styles; one each; vieux | Usual price 1/- to 1/6 yard I SKlßTS— Smartest double-breasted cut, with long roll Sale Prloe 94 / 6 I 79/6, 89/6 1 rose, &axe olue and black and white — ' 1 oo a | G pHno 2d — —^— — I collar, patch pockets on coat; well cut panel skirt B To Clear at i Present price £5/15/6. » i owt rnou At. ~~7rr7«lB«T«7I3 I Formerly 84/- ' ■ fi 9Q/S I " Special Sale Price 59/6^ • BLOUSES. W-—r — r-r^ (wo SPECIAL EMBROIDERY H Special Price 59/6 , omit PTrrr horccrc t v *i i 29 ' 6 1 . I BARGAIN 1 * 7 only ONE-PIECE DRESSES— In navy brown alid grey | g !B t Q ua i ity Fine* Cloth, as WINTER COATING, 50 CAMBRIC SHIRT. BLOUSES-Coloured stripes, etc. §f ALL-OVER EMBROIDERY, BARGAIN li 2 only MQDEL COATS and SKIRTS-In navy, black Sicilian, tucked Magyar top, and pretty banded skirts | 9 on [ y COATS | 7 RAINPROOF COATS-Splendidly cut and excellentin. 5 ° soft collars • Usual prices 4/6, 4/" H ,at 91l yard 80 pieces 4S-mch | and grey Sicilian; very best qualities, and newest eSL^iH?. «5v H and SKI R T S— • | fit ; half lined satin Usual price £$l s /- Sale Prloe 1/6 M , • * f r , SKIRT EMBROIDERY | shapes ; lined satin or silk; good, cut panel skirts Sale Prloe 21 /" | ln rough mlx ed I ' Sale Price 89/6 • | CA MBRIC ALL OVER FLOUNCINGS | " S^^ftoa S wf » only BLACK SERGE and CLOTH SKIRTS-Excellent 1 Tweed and plain I, only Three-quarter Length COVERT SHOWER- 30 Plait 1 Colour ALPACA and POPLIN Sl^^^^^ In Muslin and Cambric, beauti- 1 ,„J , n ■ qualities, rather full shapes These were 3S/6 and 42/- | CheviOtSjin | PROOF COATS-Semi-htting, and with coat sleeve brown, helios., greens, etc. Usual puces «/y> 5/ ' | übcd , ',11, «, m ir«» in m o nv 1/wbW ■12 only Model Cream -SERGE .COATS and SKIRTS— Sale Price to Clear at 10/6 i browns, etc. H suitable for riding Usual price 52/6 - ' i L '.t.rally worked in many lovely ■ . Newest cut and absolutely fresh good autumn | Long CoatS, lined 1 Special Pnce x 2l/- -__• m mTcrc T „ , , S TT , • G f* CS „ . patterns, scolloped edged I weights Regular prices 84/-, 89/6 r, only TWEED SKIRTS In all *ad« fffln d mnlities I thiSShii rt L. 20 Self-coloured ZEPHYR BLOUSES- fucked fronts, | Usual prices 1/0 and 2/6 yard Usual prices 3/6, 3 /», 4/6, 4 /n, I Tcfciear 39%, I 5 gS^iSffiedS^adks^Ori^al'pS^ ?"/ ! S/6 1 uSS" Wte I S ° ft C ° llarS ; * ««? *SS? 11 I Sale ***** **' ™* 1/3 S/6 yard I ; . To Clear at *'/11/ 11 I £5/5/-, £4/4/- | MACKINTOSHES. | fqr pATTERNS Sale Price 2/11 yard gl2 only Special Rough Tweed WALKING or GOLF — S To Clear at g 9 on i y Excellent Quality RUBBER MACKINTOSHES— | 'AT ONCE. B SUlTS— Smartly cut coat, loose fitting split up at „ . - - , „ ,M,n,,^ „^P I 10 / 6 - B Cut with American sleeves and yoke back; in. greens 2g Very Special Value CREAM DELAINE BLOUSES— EaffiSWBBBSSaan^^BiBtoWW^ BBBnEBBBEBnuHBI back^ good setting panel back skirt; silk lined 19 black Cashmere and yoile HOUaE-SKIRTS — Trim- a B and fawns Usual price 63/- v Magyar style trimmed down top of sleeves and side of X iiiiiiimniiß ■!■■ ■■■■■■■hiihhmbjh I Actual Value 94/6 mcd self or glace strappings, mounted on loose founda- Hl2 on |w Inverness 1 - Sale Price 29/6 front, coloured Oriental washing embroidery i Remember |L -,0-0-,™ co m T^ ." • - ffis *l if l^s^ss^^;; ■ .^^ TUESDAY j § Semi-fitting: Norfolk coats, and -skirts on corselet bands 24 Black and Navy Pirle-finish CLOTH SKIRTS— i CRAVENETTE g / Sale Price 27/6 so CREAM DELAINE FANCY BLOUSES — Trimmed fj «-^-mm*wm»^i m* a-K -a " ■ - <I , l a , »^// 6 Thoroughly well cut panel skirts, trimmed braid, g COATS — g., ctt X" rTNISHFD MACKINTOSHES— In latest shades embroidery, with lace yokes and collar W MM flftßj IW l^T ff 1 The Sale 1 '" ' SalePrlM2^ **«ons or straps Bert quality •I " ofgS^ • Usual price ,0/6 § MtlffiWllWlir A lll^ »JUIC |is Qn]y WhUe MUSLIN C oATS and SKIRTS-Coats in • Sale P " CCS UM ' 18/11 1 materials, but | to fasten round neck Usual price 49/6 • Sale PrlOe 6/11 | ,^ mwmmm ««nll I smart i h . ort shapes j o£ aU " over embroidery; skirts 6 2 SMART BLACK VELVET SKIRTS — Panel H above sha P e S Only H saie pnoe 38/B 24 COLOURED DELAINE MAGYAR BLOUSES— With | l%f&rYTr : Will • & tnmmed t0 correspond These were 69/6 ° ha y f well-cuf and lined Original Price 4J/6 1 Usual price 59/6 | : ___ " ke and collars of . cream lace Usual price 7 / n B nffijAfi ! . i a 25/6 ' Sale Prloe 29/6 1 To Clear at i Sal ° Prlce */ v i commence on I—:I — : : : J w § OLOTH RAOE ana EVENINO 00ATS - : ; ■ —I 26fth March I KNITTED COATS. H,. att a „ p 1 9 only Very Special Quality EVENING COATS— In best 1 «-••» raivrnn^ A«r 8 ' TWEED and rain coats i Ve * y »P ecial Pur " B quality satin face cloth; large soft cpllar and revers, 18 WHITE SILK SHIRT BLOUSES— Tucked fronts, dc- ffl • .j.l^^ 115 only Norfolk Shape KNITTED COATS— In greens. tweed AND RAIN COATS. | chase Of | edged black and white striped velvet, fastening to side tachable soft collars ' Usual price 21/- I jg 106 £«J JLuJmrJrai £ ■ helios. and browns - Present price 17/6 ' " • g UD-tO-date Tweed H large braid frogs ; colours— saxe, sky, cerise, emerald, , , Sale Price 10/6 R ' I • Sale Price 6/11 7 only Good Shape TWEED COATS— Semi-fitting, panel X pn«TQ anri 1 grey, vieux rose, cream Usual pride 84/- ffl -^*^— -^ .«.«» — ! UffAVftUTVbT^t H ' backs, storm collars Usual price 49/6 gj «V7iT?ro " Special Prloe 49/6 fi „„,„ rDPAM ctr v vakcv tit nn«sTr w;n> trimming i HBUIVffJV IW4P MORNING i 6 C a°^Uc^c^ ■ ToCeaMO/,,1 SKIRTS 1 , i ' I WPIiNING M V 1* t> • //■ -_ _i . vA^rv et'Drp t>at ■c*t i /-\t i e? a,t«j;,,«-. .unirvVit H x ■ ■ * • IH storm conai, ouiiineu iui. imea ana lnicninea oaie rnoe iu/o iti c m green, navy, helio. . Present price -39/6 10 only NAVY SERGE PALETOTS— Medium weight U styles , Colours and B Usual oricc 6^/- X Vtk A*V 7 MFXT I ' Sa.c Price 55/ - Payback, "?/&$! §„ , Si f6S ' 1 ' Sal. P B r lM H % Jo MAIDS , MACKINTOSHES-In newest sh aIK aD d 1 DAY l^JLfifAiJL H 2 only HAND-KNITTED JERSEY— In saxe blue • three- |j Real Values 63/-, H3H 3 on i y FRENCH GREY EVENING WRAPS — Smart good cuts; materials suitable for school wear; ing H Quarter length, double-breasted with detachable belts 6 only BROWN TWEED COATS— Newest shapes, but in H 84/- m cloak shape, neck out-lined black and self braiding navys, fawns, etc. ; all reduced fIS «» 26tfe March I ' Ac^ c Sfc browns only prices 63^ a&«? | 1 Uw &raiFfl{: * sa ,e ps;^p s ;^ ii 36%,3 6 %, *%, Sh*. fa A 1 of At 9 O'ClOCk Ln EXTRAORDINAHY IARCAIN IN FLORALWIDE-END I T R'BBON VELVET I BARGAIN " S 4S only SWISS MUSLIN BLOUSE PIECES-Bcautifully cn> | H TIES— For ladies' wear ; all pure silk, best quality maim- 4-inch wide PAN VELVEI RIBBON— L-or millinery trim- I vieux rose helio in 'spotted and striped effects ; also plain broidcred fronts, m twenty different designs and fine quality H -.—,__ __ r —--»•-«»»- ahlttVTk i facture, in patterns that are sure to please you ming ;in black and- all new and fashionable colours, rich fi colours, banded at waist, panel front ; for style, durability muslin, for sleeves and back ol" blouse Usually sold at 3/11 H fiKT IrJ K/IRf.V I SllCal P 1 The usual price 2/6, 2/11 pile velvet, to plain colours Coi S « a o^«« C /ii»" § and value these household Overalls are guaranteed Sa i p p rice 1/9 g WJU * **^ JUfmtlU 1 I r I , Sale Price 1/- . Sale Price fld. g • Sale Prices 2/11, 3/6, 3/11, 4/6 | • Oiaie ( riGt 1/a | * | 7 f T |

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 71, 23 March 1912, Page 15

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Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 71, 23 March 1912, Page 15

Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 71, 23 March 1912, Page 15