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CARNIVAL AT MASTERTON. CHAMPIONSHIP AGAIN WON BY HEALY. (By Our Special Reporter.) Swimming in Masterton bas not always been in a prosperous condition, but ii> is now, and its popularity is due mainly — the\ Masterton swimmers admit this — to the annual vi3its of Wellington competitors to the carnival which is held each year on Anniversary Day. 'lhis year about forty local swimmers made the trip, which proved to be in every way enjoyable, the visitors being very hospitably entertained by the local men. The Wairarapa Club ivas formed four years ago, and each year it has held a carnival. The first two carnivals were held by the- Borough jOouncil, with, the assistance of the club, and the proceeds of those two meetings were devoted towards improving the Park. First the lako was considerably improved, and later sheds were erected. For the- last two seasons the club has held the gatherings on its own responsibility, and the result has proved very satisfactory indeed, and the club is, in consequence, in a very happy financial position. The membership now stands at about 130, and this includes about thirty or forty active members. There is also a ladies' club in the district, and this body also holds successful carnivals. Included nmong its members is one, Miss Annie O'Leary, who is generally recognised as being the champion lady swimmer in New Zealand. Certainly, she has not yet been tried in good company — there is no girl to come near her in the Wairarapa — but she will have a chance at the Swifts Club's carnival (ladies' branch), at which she intends to be a competitor. At the carnival in the afternoon there was an attendance of between 1500 and 2000. The affair was well managed, and in many respects the Masterton people could give lessons to their Wellington - brethren. Messrs. F. Wilton and J. 'A. M'Ewen's handicapping was fairly successful, and there wers some good finishes. The duties ~of secretary were well performed b3 r Mr. J. Georgeson, and the remaining officials all worked hard. As regards the racing; there were no sensational times. R. Healy (Thorndon) once again accounted for the 220 yds Wairarapa championship, this being the third time in succession. A valuable cup is attached to this race, and tho trophy is now generally known as the "Healy Benefit Cup." This, time the Thorndonite was opposed by only one swimmer— C. Stranger— as against five or six on previous occasions. The school boys' 100 yds cl«umpionship created much interest. There were six etarters and the winner turned up m A. M'Carlie, from Wellington. Detailed results of the various events are appended .- — CLUB EVENTS. 75 Yards Handicap. — First heat: G. Foreman (13£ ec), 1; L. Dudson (9sec), 2. Time. 59 l-ssec. Second heat: E. Wickens (9sec), 1; P. Fraser (7sec), 2. lime, 65sec. Final : Foreman, 1 ; E. Wickens, 2; Eraser, 3. Time, 60sec. Plunge. — J. McLaren, 1 ; P. Fraser, 2 Distance, 34ft 7^in. 66 Yards Handicap.— First heat: A. Miller (scr), 1; D. Williams (12sec), 2; F. Phillips (scr), 3. Time, 58 4-ssec. becond heat : C. Smith (Bsec), 1 ; M lggulden (4sec), 2. Time, 54sec. Third hest: J. McLaren (Isec), lj P. Fraser (ssec>, 2; A. H. Smith (Bsec), 3. Time, 55 5-ssec. Final : Phillips, 1 ; Smith, 2 ; Fraser, 3. Time, 54 2-ssec. Egg and Spoon Race. — W. F. Dudson 1; Ellis, 2; L. C. Dudson, 3. 50 Yards Handicap.— First heat: C. Smith (7sec), 1; N. Williams (6sec), 2; H. Fraser (3sec), 3. Time, 39 3-ssec. Second heat : G. Foreman (7sec), 1 ; X Flannagan (7sec). 2; H. Williams (6sec)", # 3. Time, 39 3-ssec. Third heat: J. McLaren (scr), 1; F. Phillips (scr), 2; P. C. Fraser (3£ec). 3. Time, 37 3-ssec. Final: Foreman, 1; Smith, 2. Time, 66 4-ssec. 110 Yards Club Championship.— A Miller, 1; J. Winchester, 2; L. 0: Carmine. 3. Won by about a yard. Time, lmin 30sec. INTER-CLUB EVENTS. 50 Yards Breast-stroke Handicap. — First heat: £. J. Kain (7sec), 1 ; G. H. *Neal (4sec), 2. Won by a couple of yards. Time, 40 l-ssec. " Second heat : L. Nicholas (7sec). 1; R. Russell (4sec), 2; E. V. Ellis (lOsec). 3. Time, 47se<;. Third heat: E. Picot (7sec). 1: A. Laing (4sec). 2; K. D. Russell (6sec), 3. Time, 42 3-ssec. Fourth heat : H. Kirkwood (6sec), 1. Final : Kirkwood, 1 ; Kain, 1. Time, 39sec. -Plunue.— R. Russell, 1; A. W. Smith. 2. Distance, 51ft. 100 Yards Handicap. — First heat: \V. Wilson (9sec). 1 ; L. Nicholas (17see), 2 ; C. Brico (scr), 3. Also started— R. Ronayne (2stc), J. Winchester (17sec), E. Flannagan (24sec). Time, 88sec. Second heat: J. A. McLean (14sec), 1; C. Stranger (2sec). 2; H. Fraeer (22sec), 3. The only starters. Third heat: W. F. Dudson (llsec), 1; A. Miller (Msec), 2 ; D. Appleby (19sec), 3. Final : Miller. 1 ; Stranger, 2. Time, 81 l-ssec. 220 Yards Wairarapa Championship. — l\. Healy (Thorndon), 1 ; C. Stranger I (Wellington), 2. -Stranger made' s good ' showing going up the first djfit&nce, but

Healy held liis own going down, and •won without- any difficulty. Time, 2min 50sec. High Dive (from 15ft Platform).— R. Konayne 1, K. Wigginß 2. There were thirteen other competitors. 50 Yards Ladies' Handicap. — Mies A. O'Leary (scr). 1 ; Mies E. O'Leary (lOsec), 2 ; Mies M. M"Calmont (6sec), 3. The only starters. Won easily. Time, 45sec. Ribbon Dive. — L. Bridge 1, R. Ronayne 2. 75 Yards Handicap. — First heat. — W. F. Dudaon (9sec), 1; R. Russell (16sec), 2; C. Brice (scr), 3. Also started— J. A. M'Lean (12sec). J. • Winchester {15scc). Time, 61 l-ssec. Second heat.— A. D. Laing (ISsec), 1; J. H. Mawby (ssec), 2; L. Butler (16sec), 3. Also started— K. Wiggins (°soe). Time, 55eec. Third heat.— M. Iggulden (16sec), 1; E. M. Flannagan (22sec), 2; H. Fraeer (l&ec), S. Also started — E. Donovan (26sec), R. Nicholas (16sec). Time, 66 4-seec. Fourth heat. — E. M. Wicke'ns, 1. Only one competitor finished. Time. 67, 2-5 sec. Final : Laing 1, Wickens 2, A Iggulden 3. Time, 59sec. 110 Yards Lady's Bracelet Handicap. — C. Stranger (2sec), 1 ; J. Winchester (18sec), 2; A. Miller (Msec), 3. Algo started — R. Healy (scr). Won by a touch. Time, 75 3-ssec. Relay Race <for teams of three men. each mas to swim 50 yards). — Thorndon Club (R. Healy, R. Ronayne, and 0. Biice), 1 ; Wellington Club (C. Stranger, L. Bridge, and W. Vvilson), 2. The winners averaged 32sec per man. Cork Race. — Keisenberg 1, C. Brice 2. About a dozen competed. Trick Dive.— A. W. Smith 1, L. Bridge 2. 40 Yards Blindfold Race. — L. Bridge 1, W. F. Dudson 2. Fifteen started, but the majority came to grief before completing the course. 440 Yards Handicap. — R. Newman (105 sec). 1; A. R. M'Lean (Kteec), 2; R. Healy (scr), 3. Also started — W. Wilson (55sec) L. J. Carmine (80sec), K. D. Russell (BOsec), J. Winchester (lOOsec). and E. V. Ellis (130 sec). Won by about twenty yards. Time, 7min 22 l-ssec. Healy swam splendidly, and ; well deserved his position. He had over 120 yards to make up when he started, j His time for the distance was 6mira lCsec.- ' 1 100 Yards Schoolboys' Championship. — j J. M'Carlie (Boys' Institute, Wellington), 1; G. Foreman (Masterton D.H. ! School), 2; C. Tyerman (WoodvilleH.S.) 3. There were seven starters. M'Carlie went to the front from the start, but had to extend himself to win. Time, j 86sec. j j Life Saving Competition.— W. Wilson 1 Holder 2. Water . Polo.— Wellington 2 goals, | Thorndon nil. SPORTS AT WORSER BAY. Wcrser Bay was a centre of attraction yesterday when, in the pleasant sunshine, the Worser Bay Swimming and Life-saving Club held its inaugural sports meeting. The club was formed as a result of the recent visit cf Mr. W. Henry, and during tho day an excellent illustration was afforded the assemblage of practical life-saving under the Schaefer system. Messrs. A. Somerville, H. Leveston, F. Wilton, L. Salek, E. Forne, and H. Mitchell gave the demonstration under the direction of Messrs. B. C. Freyberg and H. Rountree. Exercise in water .drill also attracted considerable attention. The Mayor of i Miramar (Mr. John Brodie), president, of the club, thanked those who had as- ■ sisted to make the meeting a success. He also congratulated the committee on the manner in which it had carried out its duties. The officials were, in addition to the, president, Messrs. C. T. Bell, secretary, G. Sadd, starter, and W. S- Scmervillc, handicapper. The various events resulted as follo,w :—: — 50 Yards Ciub Handicap. First heat : H. Silver, 1; C. Murray, 2; P. Wilton. 3. Second heat : Allen, ■ 1 ,- J. Heath. 2; W. Scrambray, 3. Final: H. Silver, 1; \V. Allan, is; P. Wilton, 3. Boys' Club Race.— S. Brailsford, 1; L. Rountree, 2,• F. Lindup, 3. , Boys' Race (under 12 years). — S. Hall, 1; R. Hogg, 2; E. Wright, 3. 100 Yards Ladies' Bracelet. — First heat : H. Blick,l ; G. Green, 2 ; G. Bruce, i 3. Second Heat : S. Murrel, 1 ; L. Silver, 2; B. C. Freyberg, 3. Final : Bliek, 1 ; G. Green, 2 ; S. Murrell, 3. (Freyberg did not start in the final.) 50 Yards Open Handicap. — First heat : A. Sheerer, 1; Swan, 2; H. Silver, 3. Second heat : H. M'Leod, 1 ; L. Salek, 2; H. M. Mullins, 3. Final: Sheerer, 1; Swan. 2; M'Leod, 3. 220 Yards Handicap.— S. Murrell (scr.). 1; A. Crowther (13sec), 2; L. Silver (14sec.), 3. NO. 3 COMPANY G.A.T. GALA. No 3 Company, which is at present in camp, celebrated A/iniversary Day by holding its fourth annual swimming gala oJT the Shelly Bay wharf. The principal event of the day was the company championship, and this was won easily by L. Salek, who also carried off a silver cup presented by Mr. G. T. White for maximum points *>cored. The results were as follow :—: — 50yds' Maiden. — Rowe 1, Andrewartha 2, Coleman 3. Also started : Houghton and C. Dunn. Time, 42 2-ssec. : 100 yds Company Championship. — L. Salek 1. H. Weichern 2, Rowe 3. Won by twenty yards. Time, 05sec. Life-Saving Competition. — F. Coleman 1, L. Salek 2. The only competitors. The winner showed himself conversant with the Life-Saving Society's methods. 50 yards' Company Handicap. — F. Coleman, 20sec, 1 ; *L. Salek, scr, 2 ; Rowe, 9sec, 3. Also started :C. Dunn, , SSsec, Andrewartha, 18sec, Weichevn 15sec. Time, 48see. I Comical Dive. — : Hcnderson 1, Weichern 2, Rowe 3. Salek also competed. Diving Competition (sealed handicap). —Salek 1, Weichern 2, R. Dunn 3. Vive others competed. Cigar Race. — Salek I, 'Weichern 2, Henderson 3. Eight competed. Consolation Handicap. — F. Coleman, 20sec, 1; C. Dunn, 21"sec, 2; H. Weichern, scr, 3. The only starters. Captain Hume acted as referee, Lieut. Ellis and Mr. F. Wilton as judges, Mr. P. Wilton as starter, handicapper and timekeeper, and Mr. R. W. Dunn as hon. secretary.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 19, 24 January 1911, Page 3

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SWIMMING. Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 19, 24 January 1911, Page 3

SWIMMING. Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 19, 24 January 1911, Page 3