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Tbo long vacation of the Supremo Couit onds to-day. The criminal sessions open on Monday. Two eandidaU'B for matriculation wero presented nt the last examination by St. Francis Xavier's Academy, Seatoun, Mis*;s I. Westrup and Mury Gnynor, and both wero successful. Tho weekly sitting of the Old-age Pension Court was held by Dr. A. M' Arthur, K.M. , this morning. Mr. P. \V. Mansfield, Deputy, of Oldage Penfions, ioprc«ented the Department. William Carpenter was gianted a pension of £18. Tho renewal of S. M'Callum's pension was deferred pending tho production of his wife's bank-book and enquiry into her pioperty. The following pensions wero renewed ;—36; — 36 nt £18 each, 1 at £17, aud 2 at £13 each. At tho Magistrate's Court, this morning, before Dr. M'Arthur, &.M., Walter Cuthbert was sentenced to seven days' imprisonment for theft ; aud John CoVr was convicted and disduirgod for having beluivcd in a threatening uuuinci' iv Cua-toinhouse-qaay lust night. A charge of assault preferred ag.tiiiit James Duncan, a aeamnu on the uteaiiier Kaipara, was dismissed on account of tho non-appear-ance ol thft prosecutor. Henry tyiau ornc, of the ».«. Kaipam, denied having aseaulted W. J. Devlin, iv atewavd on tho same vessel, on the Kelburne Hill. Tho information was dismissed. Mury Quiuhn, ft young woman, charged with being an idle and disorderly person having innufficient means of support, wa« remanded until 2nd February for examination as to her mental condition, and to give the police an opportunity of getting her sent to a charitable institution. Bush fires in the Wairarapa district aro biasing merrily. Passengers along tho llimut&ka. lino last night stat-o that tho burning trees in the surrounding country produced a remarkably pretty Might. Tho lire seemed to be thickest in tne Kai toko district, where, at one stage of tho journey, tho heat was so great that it was felt through the railway carriage windows. The officials in the Railway Traffic Office in Wellington had an anxious time. Word 'vifii received in town that fires were raging in clo&o proximity to tho roihvuy lino between the Summit and the Upper .Uutt, and that there was danger of the bridgo and sleepers being burned. A. large number of men wore stationed at various points along the section, and through their effdi-ts the flame* were prewntecf from igniting ahy of the woodwork of tho permanent way. Some of tho sleepers were, however, badly scorched. Heavy rain fortunately fell after the firo hail peon raging for some time, and "this minimised the danger to property. It is tho usual practice to run stock trainH over tho Incline between Runset and eunruso, but last night all such traffic had to be suspended, and today great efforts are being made by tho Department to make up lost tiino. The annual meeting of the Wellington District Loyal Oiango Lodge was held last evening, Bro. W. Hare, R.'W.D.M., presiding. The following officors were elected for the current year— -R.W.D.M., Bro. Geo. Hill; Deputy D.M., Bro. R. Withington; D. Sec, Bro. J. Lindsay (re-elected) ; D. Treas. , Bro. Q. Petberick (re-elected) ; D. Chap., Bro. 11. J. ibite; D.F.C., Bro. Geo. Watson (reelected) } Committee, Bros. G. B. Purdie, M. W. Thew, T. Mahwinney, and Haro. The returns from the subordinate lodges wore of a highly satisfactory character. The installation was ably performed by Bro. Wateon, P.D.M. Residents. going to the seaside for the lummer can huve their furniture packed and stored at a cheap rate by the N.Z. Express Co., 20i Customhouse-quay. Telephone 92.— Advt. Look, out to-morrow for big remnant and oddments sale. Hundreds of lines at half, pricn and low. C. Smith is making a great clortranco, and tho stock has got to go. Remnants of drotts goods, remnant* oilks, remnants of blouso mußlinß, remnants of shooting*, rcmnanta of calicoes, remnants of ribbons, remnants of iacos, all oddmonls in every department to bo cleared to-mor-row ana following dnys regardless of cost. Thero will bo odd linos in blouso*, skirls, sunshades*, glovet, brimmed and un trim mod millinery, Isdieß underclothing, togother with a- largo lot of manufacturer's sample* of ovory description. This sale will bo woll worth your whilo visiting., 0. Smith's, Ciiba-etroct. — Advt. , Mr. H. Ernest Loighlon, of 4, Feathers-ton-street, insorU particulars of several Lower Hutt propprtios placed in his hands for sale. Mr. Arthur J. Wioks, tho nowly-ap-pointed loobJ Secretary of Trinity Collogo, London, has returned to Wellington, and will resume teaching in pianoforte, thoory, etc., on Tuosdny. v Mrs. J. D. Foloy, teacher of dancing, announces that her tuition class for loamors will begin on Monday. Tho i.s. Ducboss will run excursions to Day'a^Bay to-morrow at 10.15 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. Tho Bavarian Band will play loleotions on the lawn at the Bay. Mr. J. W. M. Harrison, physiotd inslruc tor, ha* returned to town, and announces the resumption of his physical oulturo classes. During hi« absence, his gentlemon's elau was carriod on by two of Ins loaders, Messrs. W. Talbot and B. Parker, at tho request of tho pupils. Tho Wellington Piano Company, .Moles-ivorth-stre«t (opposite Messrs. D. Anderson and Son), importers of high-grado pianos, advertise their busitiosa in our special advertising columns. Mr. H. A. Par.kor, managing director of tho Wellington' Piano Company, Moles-worth-»treet, iniorts a notice to students and tenehors of tho piano regarding the Virgil Clavier systam. Pringlo's ndverliso a ipeoial clearing M,le of fancy goods, fancy needlework, silks, wools, and other nicknaoks, including v ipooial lino of photo frames, leather goods, doll*, trays, toys, and odditio*. Tho goods must bo «ol«l to mako room far now thipmonts now duo. Elaowhero Mn. Laonidas M. Smith, hydropathist, offers an an investment the right to pnrchtuo tho recipes of various euros. Mr. V. Almno, hnttcsr, a* ft result of a trip to Southland, has decided to return ana settle in that dintrlot. In another column ho notifw» his intention of disposing of hi* freehold property in lugculro- i Dtrcot. ' I The proprietors of tho Elmwood E»tat« at Lower Hutt advertise a numbor of ob'giblo building Bcctioiu for lalo on remarkably oa»y tormi. Tho d*tato adjoins Uio Tffine Estate, and con«i«U of firstclans soil with a sunny nipect, nnd ii an ideal spot for rnsidolitial villas. Full particulars may bo obtained from any recognised land agent. Tho Wellington Auctioneering Company will hold on Monday Mi extonsivo solo of hounehold furniture and effects on account of Mr. Frydo, who is leaving Wellington, comprising' tho contents of » five-roomed houfo removed to tho mart for convenience of salo. Tho lot, will be sold without reserve, and tho sale begins at 2 p.m. Tho Roy. W. Thornton will ( proach a gnrmon on "The Impending War at Scots Ghuroh* to-morrow evening. Memre. Cory and Co., land agents, 7, Groy-gtreofc, report tho nalo of soveral five and six roomed dwellings. They a»k »ollorg to send particulars of pronortios for talo. Their new list of sound investments appears olsewhoro. Miss Julia Moratt, violiniet, will resume tuition on Tuesday, 2nd February. Mi«s Moran will bo at homo on and aftor Monday next. Else whore it is notified that tho first issue of tho now Australasian magazine, edited by Dr. W. H. Filchott (formerly of tho Reviow of Reviews), "Lifo: A Record for Busy Folk," i» now ready. Tlio special features outlined indio-.tu that the journal will bo of an attractive description to moat 'over* ol mafrazino ii(or«t«re

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 5