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A lire occurred in the Hiubour Board J shed yesterday afternoon, and is imported to have dono coiihidiT.tble damage to somo tliix und tow, belonging to the New Zoalund Lojn and Mercantile Agency Company. The flamed wore yot under hy the men working about the shed, and the Fire Brigade. It is estimated (hat about 130 bales ,6f tow were damaged, and a small quantity of linx. Tho amount of the Customs duties collected ut tho port for tho month of January totalled £57,703 3s JM, ami the beer duty £989 16a 3d. This «hows an all-round inerea&e on the Hguics for year, which wero £56,041 9« lOd, nnd JDBB4 4s respectively. Yet another correspondent in Newtown voices the grievances which residents in that quarter of tho ciiy • lnbour under. During the laying of the new tiamway lineM, writes "Elector," it was inevitable that home inconverueneo .should be suffered, but much dis>comfoil would be. removed by employing a larger number of omnibiiNoa as uuxiliaiie* to the cars. Then thero has been j very pervasive duat, destiuctivc to clothing, in chief thoioughfaies lately, much of which has had perlorce to bo devoured by uuforUimto puhntriuns. He suggests that this dust — which would seriously affright those who aro compelled to swallow it if 'they examined it through a microscope — might be "damped down" ' wii/lo people are going to and from work, night and morning at len&t. Finally, he complains that the footway along tho oastorn side, of liiddiford-strcct, which was channelled a few weeks ago to accommodate a now gas main, was not properly restored. It now comprises a | teries of terraces, hollows, and plateaus with strep escarpments, and it is an absolutely daugt-'ious condition, especially for agod and infirm, persons. ' Ml which matters "Elector" commends to tho serious attention of our City Fathers, under threats of pains and penalties too terrible for publication. The headquarters of tho America Tobacco Company u» about to be romoved from Auckland to Wellington. Mi-w J. W. Hardio rcsuraos pianoforto tuition on Ist February. Mi»s M'lnlyro, of Mulgravo-stroot, will rosunio lessons in music, French, and German on 3rd Fobruary. "* Tho homo of Mr. Goo. M. Yerox at tho Lower Hutt is offered for salo. Mr. Yorox, who contemplates retiring from business shortly, and may porhaps loavo Now Zealand, has spent both timo and monoy in making tho proporty attractive. Any ono contemplating purchase is invitod to look ovor Iho plftco any wook-dny afternoon. Mrs. Muollor, of Oambridao-lorraco, intimates that sho has rosumea teaching of singing. Mog&e. Sidoy, Meeoh, and 00. draw attention to an unreserved salo of a largo and variod utoek of household furnituro, etc., on tho promises, 15, Ingestro-streot. Tho salo will oominonce on Monday at 1.-30. sharp. Mossrs. W. 11. Turnbull and Co.'b oluuiKo advertisement of city and suburban proportios appoars iv this isbuo. Tho firm call spooial attention (o tho York Bay Homostoad, which can bo convorted into a scasido boardinghouHo ; <>)so to several cheap Thorndon properties, and business promises in Riddiford-strcot. Tho firm also advertise thivt thoy lmvo opnnod a branch offioo at No. 1, Riddiford-stroot, for tho conyenionco of Iho South Wollington public. Mossrs. Haroourt • and Co. remind tho publio of thoir auotion salo of household furnituro at tho rcsidonoo of Mr. A. 10. Whito,, Pirio-stroot, on Wodnosday, tho 3HI Fobruary, oonnuouoing at 3 o'clock. Historio pictures, saddlebag suite, dining tables, nickol bedsteads, ptc, and ovorything must bo sold. Cntaloguos may bo had on application. Tho firm also insert : v preliminary notice rogaxding unsold secI Hons of tho' Island Bay Estate, announcing tho auotion nboxit tho middlo of Fobruary ; also iv long list of oity and suburban properties for privato salo, amongst thorn tho unsold sections of tho TChnndnllnh Kstato. Tho firm advortisa busincssos, otc, for sale, nnd' houses to let. On Wednesday noxt. Messrs J, 11. Bothuno and Co. will sell by auotion al their rooms, Foathorstcn-slroot, tho suburb of To Kaianga, being soction 4, Kaiwarra, subdivided into sixty-thrno freohold building sites, ranging in aroa. from half an aero to ovor fivp aoros oaoh t Tho torms of salo aro advertised, and' lithograph plans can bo obtained from tho uu'otionoeys. On Tuosdity, 16th February, tho firm will hold a sal o of freohold proportios al their rooms. In tho ostnto of tho late Mr*. W. G. Haybitllo will bo offered a- froohold business site, part of section No. 180, Wollington, having a frout&go of 35ft to Cubn-slroet by ft doplh of 159 ft Gin, with buildings thereon ; and an N allraotivo proporty, known as "Eomowood," Tronthnin, containing ovor six acros, with a frontage of 197 ft to tho main Hutt-road, on which is (Srootod n. now villa rosidonco of sevon rooms. On uccouut of other voudors, thoy will soil a cornnr section, with frontneros of 40tt to Austin-slroot and 100 ft to El-lioe-stroot, with two now villa ronidencos of seven and six rooms thoroon, also property fronting Dousrlas Wnllaco-slroot, with tho two dwollinghouses ; and section No. 12, Brooklyn, containing quarter of nn ocro, with <66ft frotttago to Ohiro-rond. Tho Arm insert a revised list of prnnortios for privato salo and to lot. On Mnndnv next, at 12 o'clock, tho firm will soil without lworvo, nt J shod, Railway Wharf, 132 bnlos tow and a fjpu. boles flax, oharrod by firo on Iho ouleido. ' Mossrs. Maodonald, Wilso;i, and Co. diruot utlonUon ot investors and others to thoir cataloguo of city and suburban properties thoy will subniil al their i'Jxohangc J_.and Mart on Thuraiuy nuxt, dotnilo uf wluoh aro published, in conjuuclion with othor soles. On Monduy, ut No. 18, Moles-worth-stroul, at 1 o'clock sharp, thoy will (jail houHohold furmluro uud etfpcU- On Wednesday, at 11.61) o'clock, under instructions from Mossrs, Bryant Bros., at tho farm, Ohariu Valley, 150 head of dairy cows and young oattlo, trap, half-draught horse, farm utook, und implements, will bo offered. On Tburaduy, ut 2.30 o'clock, they will submit tho premises in Huntorstreot, ocoupiocl by tho Commercial Travellers and Warehousemen's Olub, with lard 40ft x 66ft, hold under porpotual loaso (lithographic plans can bo had) ; also, by ordar of tho Registrar of tbo Bupromo Court, building section at Inland Boy, containing almost an nci'O ; under instruction from Mrs. Graham Andorson, her modern family rcnicl<>nco of eight rooms Mid convcniionoos, in Wooleombe-streot ; family ronidonoo in ttintoul-streot of oight ! rooms and conveniences, land 63ft x 165 f t; j noarly now residence al Kilbirnie, with nenrly hnlf an aero -of land ( and frontage to Hamilton-road ; fivo building gootions nt Karon, with frontage? to Hntton-stroot, from 04ft to 58ft : corner property comprising shop and throlllnfj, of eight rooms, with frontages to main Karori-road and Parkvnlo-road ; cottago rosidonco of four rooms, with fronUgo to Adelaido-road, and lnnd qunrlnr-acro ; rosidoneo of six rooms and convonionocs, Tarannki«stroot. On tho 18th February thoy will submit tho baluncn of some sixty section* in Iho llovoncalh Estftlo,, Oriental Hfij (plans on application) : forty-throo building sections with frontages to tho main Huttroad, Orr's-lano, ntul Canip-rond, Lowor Hutt, ranging from onn-nighth of an noro to ovor 4i acros; building sootion in Oriental Bnv, wilh frontngn of 50ft by a tlopth of 132 f t: tbo goodwill of lnnso in n business sito on tho roclnimcd land ; goodwill of two leasehold building section*!, portion of tho Orningcr-Rtroot block; »»d building BPction siluntocl nt Kilbirr \ with ft frontng'o of 65fi*to Crawford-road. Tho firm offpr for privnto wlo a boardinghouse, occupying a central position, with a splondid connoctinn (dotniU aro nrlvnrlised>. A block of Innd in Uppor WillisRtrpot. wilh frontnjro of 75ft, with three tlwp!linghr>ußf>B, nnd shop and dwelling, will bo oflVrnd noxt Thursday, To Cyolintß. — Morrow und New Dopnrturo free wheel* fitted for 30s. Kopniis executed promptly and reasonably ; also, latest stook of sundries al prices to suit all at Ontes, Lowry and 00,, Cuba-street, — Adyt,

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 5