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BLOCKS. Designing and Proucns Ivngraving in Lino and lialf-touo. —^. * m H E H A R D I E SHAW ■*• STUDIOS, PHOTOS. Tho Largest and Ucst-appoiutod Studio in tho Colouy. Telophono, 105 G. 51, Wiilis-streot. WANTED Known, tho following Positions nro open: — For Wanßßßui — Good Saleswoman for millinory,! experienced Mnnchostor Man, iirul-olass Droi>4makcr. For Wellington— Tri'mracr for millinery, Junior Sales for- undorolothing, young Lady to . loam ofliou work (shorthuncl |, writer andst'pisto prßfcrred), Iwo welleducated Yov .a to.lonrn trado. Apply . GEORGE AND KERSLEY, Wellington. JUNIOR CLERK. ' WiANTED, by a loading Ljfo Assuranco OHice, smart Jiuiior Clork, capable of writing shorthand and using lyppwritor. Applications, staling salary required, to Box 94, G.P.0., Wellington. accountant" A FIRST-CLASS Accouirtant, thoroughly competent lo tako cliargo of Countinghoußo, is required by a largo retail establishment. Applications enclosing ! copiosof testimonials, with full particulars j hr to KiUary roquirod. to bo adtlrcsßod to j X.Y.Z., caro of Badham and Biss, Professional Acoountauts. PARTNERSHIP. WIANTED, by an established firm, a Slooping Partnor, with £500, lo extond tho lnumoes throughout New Zoa1 land and Australia ; excellent opportunity ; 8 por cont. guaranteed. Apply Aolon, Evening Post. T^TANTED, a Working Partnor in a first-class dairy farm in Marlborough ; 100 caws; a splendid chanco; cash required about £300. Apply to Griffiths and Son, Blenheim. "^^T'ANTED, four first-class Canvasvors ; special opportunity ; high commission; references roquired. Apply by letter to REGIS., _^^^^^^^^ ' Evening Post. to" bakerb. ~ WANTED, a firtl-oliits Bakor, with capital, as partnor in wollcetablishcd bmtiioM. Apply Printow, Evoning Post. • BLACKSMITH. / WANTED, a Goneral Shooing Smith; ono that ban do Jobbing work. Ap. ey to Mr. Jam os CJooley, Blacktmith, pper Hutl. t~o" p alwelsmTkers; ASMARI} gon«rnl 'hand can got Employmont &t John M'Vty'i, Nnpior. *" TO TAILORBSSEB. WiANTED, Trouserß Mftchinists. Apply, at onco, A. Levy, Colonial Mutual liituraneo BuildiuKt, Customhousequay. OOURTENAY-PLACE. WANTED— OHvner is prepared to build Shops to suit tonantH, on nremuoa at prcsont In occupation of Hiifley and Ewing. Apply BAKER BROS. PICTURE HATS! WANTED Known— For 14 dajii only wo aro offering BLAOK PICTURE HATS, with Plume*, from 15s 6d. MISS BARLOW will also mako Stylish Black Costumos, including malerial, from 35b. •MRS. PENLINGTON, 11, Vivian-street. YJI^ANTKD Known— Sidoy, Moeuh and Ti . ' Co,, Monnora-Rfyroot, uro Cash Buyers of Furtilturo, Pianos, and Ltbmrios. Em tab. lishod over 35 yoars. 1 ~ OFFICE BOY. " WANTED, an Oflico Boy, for solicitor's oiHco. Apply in own handwriting, to Box 80, G.P.O. HORSES. HORSES. HORSES. WiANTED to Soil, 10 very heavy Shaflers, from Timaru, ex Oorinna To-m6rrow (Saturdny) ; trials given at Talhut's Shooing Forgo, Victoria-stroet. Houjt and Sous, owners. A RIfdILING. "ITfTANTEp, Lollio Appliancofl, all kinds, TT Particulars to Alpha, Evening Post. WANTED to Sol), tho commodious Family Residence »it prosent occupiod by Mrs. Fairchild, situated in and noiug No. 20, Hawkcr-streol. Tho house ha« throo reception rooms, sovon bedrooms, kitchen, ocullory, pantry, and is fitted with • hot ana cold wator and ovory convenience. This property is exceptionally convenient, having a' doublo frontage. Thoro in a frontngo to Hawkor-stroot of 65 feot 1 inch and to Normanby-torraco a liko frontage, with tho long depth of 112 foot, Tho hoiißO commands a porfoct viow of tho harbdur. Tit Jo, Land Transfer. Apply to Mrs.' Fairchild, on tho premises. TXT,ANTEp , Known— Tho Don Tailors, TV Willis-slroot, oppos^lo Empiro Hotel, having purolinsed at special prieos n largo assortment of West of England Spotted and Striped Twoods, aro now making suits of thoßO materials at 755,, really' worth £5 sb. Soouro ono of theso suits at once ; you will savo monoy. Wo giinrauteo our usual fit, stylo, and finish in Ihcso garments, which is tho best. THE DON, Willin-stroot, opposite Empiro Hotel. 1 WANTED, DroHsmaking— Mlbs RoiU wilh her woll-'-.ramed assistants guarantee^ perfect-fitting drcssos, latest I'nt-is fashions, trom 14s 6(1. Ladios' own malarial mado up. Style, comfort, oleganco and economy. Government Discount Tickets. ?.O, Ingcslro'Strcet. WANTED to Sell, a. Gonoral Grooory • Store, tho only ono in a thickly populated suburb, only 30 minutes' walk from Iho G.P.O. ; freohold of largo shop and 5 living rooms, on corner section ; prico £675 ; block al valuation. For flirt lior parliculars apply to J. Fanning and Co,, Mnnnorß-slroet. WW l l A r NTED,"3*m r '4~Youths, about, 16 or 17," years of ago ; 15s por wook and board and lodging. _jYpply Evening Po<»t. W "ANTED. Housemaid' AppTy' at once, Manager, Bollcvuo Gai'dcnx, Lower Hult. WANTKD Known — Hero nro noino Halo Prices for Ladies' Undarololhing at Tho iNow House Bargain Pionic: — Whito Underskirts, 3s 3d, 4s lid;' Loiigclolh Combinations, 3d 6d, 3s lid, 4s lla ; Longcloth, Chemise, 8s lid, 3s lid: Nightdresses, 2s lid, 3s lid, 4s lid : Knickers, la lid, 23_lld^3H 6d. • WANTED, two "good Plumber*. Immediately, for Gisbornq, Apply John Dutbie aud Co. (Limited).

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1904, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1904, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1904, Page 1