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GREAT SUCCESS Of A GREAT IMPROVEMENT! QIPRINO FRAME "CHAMPION" BICYCLES OUTRIVAL ALL OTHERS. JENKINSON AND CO., LTD., CYCLE AND MOTOR WORKS, 48. VICTORIA-STREET. £25 REWARD. "T OST, on 2?lh, in Lowor Cubastrool, JLJ largo Sum of money; bank and number of notes known ; payment stopped. Apply_Evi>mng Po*t. LOSfnwVweot~~M»Wtai and Rona Bay, a Gold Cablo Banglo ; roward. Findor kindly loavo with Mr. Kelly, 'BusProprietor, Day's Bay. LOST, bctwoen Uuba-stroct,Wcbb-strobl, and Uppor Tarauaki-streot, p .Gokl Brooch, with ivy loaves nnd heart in centre. Finder rowardod on returning to 184, Taranaki-Btreot. LOST, on Saturday night, between tho Onora Houso and Hobson-iitroot tvum, n, Gold- Bracelot, opal contro. Reward at No. 5, Tihakori-road. LOST, Wednesday aflernbon, between i Bouleott and wobb Blroots, tho Stono oil" a. Locket, with a Gold Shield. Finder j rowardod on returning to Iho Masonic i Hail, Bouloolt-stroot. TT OST, at I.yoll'a Bay, Gold Bar Brooch, j JLJ with cairngorm stone in centre^ -Ten Shillingß reward. G. and T. Young, Lambton-quay. LOST, yebCenhiy afternoon, in Willisstrcel, Chcquo; nuinbor known; payment stopped. Roward on returning to Ocean Accident nnd Guarantor) Corporation, Ltd., 4, Customhouse-quay. LOST, thrtt worriod look Btnco sho has beun taking Caillor's delicious Milk Ohocolato. Sold ovory where, Is per dozon packets. 1 LOST, n lot of Danaruff by using half a bottlo of Parkor's Hair Tonic. 2s 6d a bottlo, by post 3s. Wm. Parker, Chem. ist, Manners-street. 1 LOST, a largo butcher's bill by using .Swan Pork Gorman. Mado only from I eoloctcd pigs. IjU)UND, in a hole, light-coloured Sable and Whito Collio. If not claimed in throo days will bo sold. Duncan, Upper Grasa-stroot. Hi'iOUND, that Mackintosh's TofFoo has JL stood tho test, and continuos. to incot with public favour. To bo had everywhere in dainty tins. 1 IT E. JACKSON". Report at office. RS! ANNA FITZGERALD (w> Dodds), last hoard of in Wellington. Any ono knowing hor whoroabouts kindly communicato with tho undorsignod, William Doddd, 558, Murray-street, Rockrnunpton, Qtioonsland, WIIJ.IAM DEWAR, Totara, will bo glad to lioar at onco from Robert Riohardson, or from any porson knowing lattorV addroui.' ' WjILL young Lady who called at Shopherds Arms' Hotol ro Situation 'please call nguin. ' _ Ll_^_ VACANCIES for Two orihroo respeotabio men DoArdcr* : tormn 18« ; soft washing dono. Address at' Evoning Poyt. ~~A DVERTI9L r «, "linviugTSTTtriinS -tiL lMigltind, i« proparcc) to let lo responaihlo pooplo his miporlcn Homo of aoven rooms (fttruishod) ; \WH lot for a torm at low rontal ; powcMidn about lit March ; no agents. Address at Evening Post. ELDERLY Woman roquiroi Situation m sowing maid in gentleman's hou«o or hotol ; oxcollont roforoncoß. Addrou Noedlowoman, Evoning Post.' * R~Ft6BGßTS,'6Wirvoyanlo and Tost Modium. 34, Jotoie-iilroct. 20 till 9 p.m.^JJsual piiblio circlo to-night. M""ADAM'b . "xTeNNETTE (lao't two wooka), Clairvoyant, Psychometrist, Inspirational Medium on hoalth, marriage, prospects, • 14, Cambridgo-terraco, corner Tennyson-street. Hours, 10 to 9. SUPERIOR Accommodation, balcony room*, ovory comfort and convonionco, throo minutes from Governmont Buildings. Apply Almora, 10, Mowbray«troet,_top Bowon-slrcot, Thorndon. PRWGLE'S"Balo~ol>nnc7WoVk, OrnamonU, Japanoflo Goods, Loathor Goods, Doll«, Tojtb, Photo Frames, is now on at fancy prieos. Your own ftinoy prico. l A MERICAN BICYCLES. — Plenty of -t*- Second-hand American Bicycles lo bo sold ohoup, all makes and prices, bargains for cash. Adams Star Cyclo Co., Morcor-strcot. LET US KNOW your choico of. Mag«zinos for 1904, also Pockot and Oflico Diai'ios. Largost solection of Poet Cards, letter Cards, Card Albums, and View Books. Jam Covers and Will Forms as usual. Richard Brown and Son, Willis and Manners streotß. HOUSE sovon rooms, bath, and itudy, boautiful garden, adjoining Town Bolt, land 75 x 100. Prico £800 ; tho houso alono cost tho monoy. Honry Wright, Brandon-stroot. ONE SHILLING LUNCHEON.— Soup, Grills, Joint*, or Floundors. nnd Swoots, 1», 12 till 2. Rogers's Critorion Cafe, Mannors-Btrool. Six tickoU ss. Prompt attention. ' Noto address — Rogors's Critorion Cafo. BICYCLES taken in part payment for , new Stars and Swifts must bo sold. Plenty _of machines to soled from ; do not miss this ' opportunity. Adams Star Cyclo Co., Morcer-stroet. AN excellent Is Toa from 5 p.m. at Rosors's Critorion , Onfo, Mannortjstrect. Floundors. grills, cold joints, ontrees, cakes ; salads, etc. Six (ickots sb. Rogcrs'a Ontorion Cafc.Maiiiiors-stroot. PLUSH Ornamonts, Painted Placquos, nnd Pictures, Cushions ond Cosies, Noodlocasot t and Nioknaoks,' at Pringlo'a Salo. Gonuino roductlons. 1 UN BRAND CH.UTNEE— Grcon MsTngo, Swoot Sliced, Cachmoro, Bangui Club, and Madras. Mado in Bbmbuy. Piquant, peppery, and ploasant. Ask Iho grocor. 1 PRIVATE ' Board and Residcnco.— Suporior home, single and doublo w,nllfurnished, tviry rooms, viow of harbour, bath, *nd piano ; very modoralo torms. Loroston, Ilill-etroot. Tolophono 1972. ISS^IAIZET-"R^mWF7~Tiamouwi Specialist in all Norvo Troubles, Chronio Constipation {tho cause of all diseaeo) curod without drugs. Stiff Joints. etc. Testimonials from physicians and pafloitto. Consultation froo. Humo's Buildjugs, Willis-stroot. I HniIERE is a man insiclo wnitiug to -*• qunneh .that thirst, with Folixir, ; Kelixir is a refreshing chango. Try it with soda or lemonade. ' W~ ALL PAPERS, m now and ailiatto donignp, now oponcd, from 6d por roll. A cheap and good selection. — W. G. Tuatin, 80, Willig-st^oot. ' 1 THERE in a man ineido waiting to quonch that thirst wilh Felixir. Folixir is a refreshing change. ' Try it with sorla or lomonado. X*l'Q — MnVveTlous value, Sun CyoioT cWXO built on promises, nickollod rims, micromotor, freo whool, rim brftk*, gunwitoad 12 month*. «Un Cyoli Worki, 4, Little TwnnakUtrtot.

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1904, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1904, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1904, Page 1