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THE NEW HOUSE BARfJAIN PICNIC £^ OES morrily 011. Thoro aro somo vX busiuess-fotchiitg Bargains for Tomorrow — 4s lid MERV SILKS for Is 6d, in 11 Xiivy Morv ground, wilh rich okborationt', in .Spots, Sprigs, nnd Flowers. A groat burgaiu— 4s Ud for Is 6d por HOIUIOG'KS'S OAUCOES— SaIo prieos, in Ud, 4b Ud, 6s 11(1 por dozon UNBLEACHED TABLE DAMASKS, Is, Is 4d, Is 6d, Is lid, 2a 3d por yard LIKEN SERVIETTES, 2s Od, 3s 6d, 4b Ud, 5s 6d, 6s lid por hajf dozen. JAMES SMITH & SONS, THE NEW HOUSE. WANTED Known — Messrs. Inglis Bros., 58, Willis-stroot, aro taking over tho Hollis Cyolo Agency as from li>t Fobruury, 1904. ANTED~Known - W. H. BryanT,' ' Clairvoyant and Horlmlist, may bo consulted daily on. all matters at "Tho Herbal King s," 'Kont-terrnce. Hours fromJOjtill 9_p.m. WANTED Known — Universal opinion, "No fault* to bo found wilh Raloigh machines." Inglis Bros., Agonts, Willisstroot. W "ANTED Known— Max .Kroissig, ShowoMo and Air-tight Enolosuro Manufaolurtr, WUlto-stroot. Tolophono 1490. All kind of Ciibmotumking oxeoulcd on tho promises. WANTED Known— A cheap article is _ doar at any price, so bo on tho snfo sido and buy a Rovor or Raleigh Bicyclo ; bost value for monoy. Inglis Bros., 08. Willis-stroot. WANTED to Sofl, tho Empiro Cafo Dining-room, as a. 'going concern, loaao, and accommodation for twenty boarders; Boiling on account of going into businotK in Willis-streot ; no rpasonnblo offer refused to c*sh buyer. Apply lo O. Johnson, Propriotor. Tel. 1825. WANTED, Purchaser for now up-to-da-to G-roomod Houso in Coromnn-dol-stroel; h. and c: wnter, gas, and ovory convenience. Apply D. and J. Ritchie, Builders and Furnuhors, corner Revans and Hall streets. WANTED Known— Tho Hollw Cyclo Agoncy lniKiuQM will bo carried, on at Momm. Inglis Bros.' Cyclo E«tnhlishmont, 58, W'iUiß-slroot, on and aftor Ist February next. WANTED Known, that your old cyclo can bo mado liko now ; bring it along and got an estimate Joukinson nnd Co. (Ltd.), 48, Victoria-tlroot. Caterers for tho trndo. WANTED" ' Known— Max Kroissig, Ico Chost Manufacturer, Willisstroot. Tolophone 1490. All catablos and drinkables kopt nico and cool in' hot woather. WANTED to Soil, a small Bakery and Oonfoclionory Btiyinoss, cheap. Po««i;s«ion at onco. Apply by lottor to C.H., Post Oflico, Nelson. Principals only doult with. ANTED, 500 ladies to try Caillor's delicious Drinking Chocolate. Roquirea no uiiUc nor sugar; most nourishing and sustaining. Sola in Is boxes and' 2a tins, at Andorson'e, Mole»worth-strcot ; at tho W.F.0.A., Lambton-quny; and at Campboll's, MannGi'S-itroct. \ , 1 I WANTBD^Nothing dotraots from & ! woman's appearanca moro ithan I hrfpovnruhod, doacf-looking hair ; nothing j beautifies it moro quiojdy than H»;ndy'ii Egjr Julep. Try it; Is. Kirkcaldio nnd Stains, Ltd., Sol 6 Agents. WANTED, > pßrtnur in a good stibstantial busin««* in a progressing town : turnover £2000 por annum ; can bo oasjly doubled ; profit 50 per cont ; a good I invostmont for a man with a small capital. | Apply by lottor to A.8., «wo of Post Ofllro, PtUmcrjiton North. WANTWDj domesticated Ludyhclp, or Gundral Son-ant, for Soatoun ; in family of throo; wago* 15». Apply No. 5, ljamhton-quay, botweuu 0 and b. WANTED, at onoe, sovoral good Mnchinistn and Soworn; also Messago Girl. _Mr«. Mayor, Ouba-at root Extension. VO'ANTED, AgonOy or Commission for » » lMciihoira nnd district, to run with present hutinou, or loparato, Enorgotic, Evening Post. * - . WAITED to Solij, working Jowollor's Businosii, in South Island town ; owner civing tip on account of ill-health. Jowollor, Evening Post. ' WiANTED, a smart intolligcrit Boy. Ooorgo Winder, Ironmonger, Manners and Cuba streets. ~\NTED, smart Lad, over 14, for factory. Apply W. J. Lankshoar, Lambton-quay^ WANTED, Boy, for mnrcnntilo offico. Apply own handwriting, Box 39, G.P.O. / WANTED, intelligent Boy, just loft flchoql, 10» por woek. Apply Richard Brown and Son, Booksoliors. ANTEb, a competont Whcolwright. Apply at onco, Rouse, Black and Son, Taranaki-etroet. ■^XTANTEpIj by uiarriorl couplo, with » v ono child, hvo-rooinod Houso: vicinity of Oriental Bay proforrod ; will tako for term. Address Bay, caro of Evoning Post. ' WANTED, a Gonornl Servant ; no washing. Apply 106. Tho Terrace. WANTKD, Girls, for laundry work" Apply Victoria Laundry, Hansonslroot. ANTED, by widow with daughtor (17), Situation 1 as hoitsekeopor to gontloman, , or business plaoo; thoroughly domesticated ; good roferoncos; town or country. Womon's Branch Dopartmont of Labour. ANTED to Soil, a Milton Bicyclo, impoitod for owner 1 b uso but novcr boon uaod. Particulars at Evoning Post. WANTED to Soil, at Nowtown, fivoroomed Houso, bathroom and washhouso nnd «H conveniences. Apply, E. M. Anyon, Al Hotol, Lambton-quay.' WANTED to Lot, for ono month' or longor, Goptloman[s Residenco of oight rooms, furnished, - situated in NotRon District, noar railway fitiUion, with uuo of horso and trap, large orchard, vogetablo garden, cows, poultry, otc, in all 17 acres. For further ' particulars, apply in first plaoo .to H. R. Pago, 42, Waterlooavenue, Nowlown. ' lJt/|AN'PED, Carncntcrs. Apply ot) tho ™» job, viotorta-s.treot. C. Lomax, Roan i\ncl Qlondimng, .Ltd. . 1 WANTED, an QXporicncod Nurso, for young baby ; rpferonces required. Apply Mrs. V. Baldwin, P.O. Box 88, PaltuorsUpi North.' - W' ANffED to Soil, English Piano; mak'or's namo Spencer; upright, walnut easo, Irichord, check "action ; will" soil a bargain for cash ; owuor leaving. Apply Evo ning Pobl. [ WANTED lo Purchase fivo to bixrouiuod Hoitflo, with conveniences ; not parlioiilnr us tp xizo land. Full par- | ticulaiß to A. Uluucoe, Evening Post. WANTED, iinfurninhed, a' large front ' Room, with firoplnco ; 'or hvo sinnll onon. Torins to Fron t , Kvon i ng Post . WANTEDTTor fho country, a capable Ladyhol|) or Gonornl Sorvnnl ; com fort ablo homo; wages 12s. 'Apply Mro. F. F. Hocklv, Sandon Block, Hunteryillr^ I WANTED, Pupils for Oil Painting, 15s prr torm. in advance;' also, Door Panolling in oils,- a specialty, terms moderate. Apply Artist, Evoniug Post. WANTE"D Known — If you valuo your lifo don't risk il on cheap maohinue, ■ but go for & Raleigh or Rover Bicyclo, and you *x» «ure to nrrivo homw «»f«ly, laslii Brot.. Wil»nla»tn

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1904, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1904, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1904, Page 1