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npO LET, in now Firoproof Building, Victoria-Btreot, a Portion of First, Second, and Third Floors. THOS. BALLINGER &, CO. (Ltd.), 32, Victoria -stroot. TO LET, furnibhod, situnted in Clnro-mont-grovo, a very allraclivo Ho?idenco, containing drawingi'oom, mllmgroom, dintngroom, five boyrooms, kitchen, boullory, bathroom, ole, well-arrungod domestic oflicon and roplcto with all mortem conveniences : low ratilnl to reliable tenant. For iurthor particulars, apply HARCOyRT AND CQ., 48, Lambton-quay.' nnO LET, a largo first floor Frpnt Room, JL absohtto oontre oity. Apply Colonial Mutual Lifo Offioo, npO LET, in Uppor Adelaide-rand, a pu- »- perior four-roomod' Houso ; every convonionco ; Appl>^Mre. Rabo, 17, Dixon-st. rrtO LET, on Thorndon-qimyj c Bix-room-X cd" Hou«o, with hot ftncl cold wnter, and- overy oonvenionco. • Apply to Mrs. Ctotaonts, 4*; Thorndon-quay, oppoßito the Mapawatu Station.' 1 fTXO LET, four now Housoa al Mirainar, -»- fivo and six rooms, from 12s to I'i'n por wqok ; eloctriq /light and all modorn conveniences. Apply John Marshall, Worlor Bay, or Wm. 0. Stophens, 6, Foatbor-ston-street. nT9O IJST, 7-roomed Houso, With every -*■ convenience, Buiok-stroct, Potouo. 1 Apply J. L Morrison and Oo.,' Jacksonstreot, Petono. . TO LET, a lloubo, six rooms, ,hot and cold wator, bath, tubs, <;oppor, otc. Apply No. 6, Ingostro-plnoo, olf I'ngostrn- | strout : _ | - . , < TO LET, Brougham-strooti 6 rooms, £5 10s . monthly ; . Taranaki-stroot (Courtouay-placo ond), 4. rooms, 18s; Molro6e, 5 rooms and 44 acras, 15s. Mllntyio and Orchard, 55, Lambtpn-quay. TIAO LE 1 !', 64, Thorndon-quay, opposito •JL Manawat-u Railway Station, a superior 10-roomod liouto, built, fivo yoars ago. elcctrio light throughout and all modorn conveniences, , /poasosirion 18th March next (at present occupind by Percy Baldwin. Esq.). For ront and other particulars to A. A. S. Dauby, 72, Orimilnl Boy, after 7 p.m. , T~O~LETV "Willis-Rlroot, 1 nnkt' tloor to Messrs. 'Ellor ami Sou, 'Cabinetmakers, 1 ' throe* Shops, etc., suitablo for Firia.ll goods. Apply to Mucdonnlrl, Wilson artd Co.-, 84, Lambton-quay, Wellington. T^LET7 : Fietcher'B~Bui"hling*, Suito of Oflicos and Strongroom, first floor; liirga Oflico, about 28ft x 28ft, necoiul floor; excellent lighting. Apply A. T. Bate, Ltmbton-quay. . TO LET, Iho Whole or Part of a Suito . .of Offioos in Lambton-quay. Addross A,B.C, Evening T6~LET, S«'ll, or~Trfioi/e7"with, right to purchaso, No. 49, Wrj«ht r ßtroet, 7 roomsj sfiroplacoa, bathroom, n. nnd c. w., oloctno light, wardrobo, cupboardi, lovoly viow. Apply No. 51, nnxt door. , TO LET, in Qnocn-stroet, Potono, a six- ' roomod House ; garden, artesian wator, batjt, ole., convomoncos; 14s per week. Apply Mm. Barlow, , Quoen-stroet, .•Potono. , , TO LET, F.urnishod Hpuao, from 9th February, 1904. at Karaka. Bay. Address Southwood, Iwoning Post. TO LET~,~for tormTat Wopier Buy, fivoroomed ; Cottago, unfumiiUied;, bathroom, w,ash,h"ouse with tubs aitd copper, and ..evcrv oouvonionjße.vciuarlof-acro good gafdtort. Jt; Marshalp^ Writbr; VBaV, .. .fTVQ LET^ in towji', two-sti(|l 'Stable, loft, X harness and other room. , For address ' apply Evening Poss. , . ' . ', ' SWIFT . ROADSTER, — A gontloraan's bioyclo, fitted with Brooks saddlo and Ronolds chain, prico ' $21 ; ' easy to pii'.h, highost finish, nnd guarantee. Adams Star Gyclo -Co.) Mercor-strc'ot. TWO b'roakfasU for a penuy. Oatina llollod O«4* is the food that makes children strong, and healthy. ' Tho obeapoat food in tho worTd. ' ' 1 FURNITURE! FURNITURE! RICHARDSON BROS., 115, , Upper Cuba-street, cash buyers of now and seco'nd-hnnd I'urniture^ ATINA Rolled Oals, is a. brain and muEolo food. The best break fait in Iho world. Ontina is mado' from* tho pick of N.Z.-soats. x S~ ERRAVALLO'S TONIO - .Children tako it liko milk. Easily tho most dolicato stomach. Tho best of all tonics for dobility and noryousnesn. RS. M. il. OtJLLEN, Cortificntcd Minwifn, 23, Gnrrott-'stroot, off Cubattreet, has Vacancies for In-lying Ladies, and nttonds ConfineMents. ■ ATINA Rolled Oats, tho cheapest and quickest mado porr^dgo in the worfd. Ask for Laugdown and Son's Patina. 1 WORM POWDERS.- W hen, a. child c'otnplnins of headache, vhoti breath ii bad, with 'constant thirst, or when sloop is roillesj, ffivo one of thcie powders. That child will bo a happy, . healthy child next day. Price Is. R. O. B.rion, Ohomist. 108, Cub»..Btreet. 1 S'~ IGN WRITING SIGNWRITING Go to R. MARTIN. 17, Mannw-ttreet. 1 MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. CORY AND CO., Finanoial Agonts, 7, (!rcy-slroot, havo Monoy to Lend on behalf, of .privato clionts at lowest posstblo rat os. EGGS; Eggs, now-iaid Eggi, ' guarantood, delivorod to atl parts of tho city. Frosh Food and Ico Co. Tolophono Nob., 1592 and 244. • 1 TBIRY STENT AND COS BOTTIJiD i ALK AND STOUT, specially browed from malt and hops for ' privato u>;o ; quarts, 7r ; pints, 4s ; casks, 2s per gallon. Contral Brewery, Quln-atreet, olf Ghmneu-ntr'iet. Tolephono S7l. 1 BICYCIiES and Motor "Cyolo.s over, hauled, enamelled, replatod, 'and ronairod.. Diuilop, Ocoanio, and olhor vulcanised tiros fitted. Freo wheels and coastora fittod to any machine.' All work of the bo«t. Grovo Cyolo Workß, Gnus-noo-streot. Tolophono 1288. - 1 ATHLETES train on Outina Rollod Oatit for muscle and stamina. It makes strong healthy men. ■ A*k the grocor for Langdown nnd Son's Ontina. 1 BRIEN'S Quimrio- and Iron Tonio utrongthons tho tissuos and makes tho blood « puro ; induces appotito and givos refreshing sloop ; prico 2« per bottlo R. P., Bri,en. Oheml»t, 103, OubA-stront. 1 IOE I ICfit-Pt ro Tce7~mado from d'isT tilled water, in any quantity, largo or email, delivered to all parts. Fresh Food and Ico Co. Tolophoucs Nps. 1592 and_244. PALE Peoplo arTlictod with nervousness, dobility, and anaemia troubles nro curod by using Serravnllo'* Tonio (bark ami iron wine). 1 it. M'GILL'S famous Pnistilo Treatinont will save oporations and unnoccftsary suffering. Can bo obtained at 8, Bolton-glroot, on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Mornings only, or on application to Mrs. A. Alpha, Bctt 411, Wellington. IADIES' Select Dining-room, fiivtHßoor, ■* Rogers's Criterion Cafe. Ono Shilling Luncheon. Soup, grills, or joints, and swpots. Six tickets ss. Open after tho opera for support. Rogors's Critorion Cafe. ; ( J^ 8 & WING fllocbiuoß of evory description lopnirml \>y olcillod nioolnn»6» Singer 9«wing Machine 00., 5, Willi>..«froot. 1 ; FURNITURE. WANTED to Buy, Holuds of Furnituret highot prioaj eaih down. 0. Daubney, 74. Tory-itr«et,

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1904, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1904, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 24, 29 January 1904, Page 1