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T»ROSPECTUS OF THE WELLINGTON XT °Tr c E ° p RV-M° vA L ' a (i( .^ FREI< L VA^ I^ A J I r2K . _. BUILDING AND INVESTMENT J>l TO NEW PREMISES. ! NOON, FROM PURE CALK L To bo ReSS^uld|";^Companies , rTA^ TATUM A co ., • J^^L H^gg o^aS^KKPS £%6 . .. . n -.i Div^ '~T n^ or, , jdia Land.Estate.Fisaxcial.lnsueakce, and rpHE NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT -„, K 1 Capital, -100,000 in 10,000 Shares of JSIO General Cohmission Agii»ts, J_ LIFE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION. each (of which it is intended to make _ ' Vfcg— -7 provision at present to call up £a). with Sjharebrokers, _ _ jgm^i power to incieaso. Payment for Shares Yatttvtors akd Auni'i-BATfipa This Asßociaticn is the Only Oraicx «BET;i W Instalments extending, if de=ired, " a.u.usatoj.., wiucii possessks Governmxnt Skcuritt ism^.-* 'J.-oit-'. a number of year*. Desire respectfully to t_aik tl.Dir numerous and proffers to the public the co_bin»d ad- W x%TnmTi tit,,., „.T mT, n ' friends and clients for the largo aiid generous | vantageß of WINTER KEQI 18ITES. Pf.ov^ioxal DiftKCTOET : measure of support which hn<= Leen accorded | MnTtiAT Ttvh Aa K nr«vr.^ J. R. Blair. E-q , J.P. (Lyou & Blair; (Chaix- to them since they commenced but-iuoss, | 7™™ Tp Jt o TT^ITZGERALD'S Conirli Specific, in u«o man) and to intimate that the increasing and ex- LOWSST PRBHrrjita JH oyor ten s )iro ' ved effective, James B.m y. L*'i. (Barry & M'DoweU) tensive nature or thoir ti-onsactiona has Inyiolabm Stats Guarantsi. ] s Cd and 2s Gd per bottlo Wm. Dawso.i, Esq., J.P. fVVm. Daw son & rendered it imperative that they should re- • Baiss's Puro Norwegian Cod Livor Oil, 3s Gd Co.) move to new premises more suitable to AMOUNT OF FUNDS. ' per roputed pint bottlo T. G. Macarthy, E«q.. J.P. (Brewer) their own requirements and the convenience Mt 15 , er ; BtieaW) the Offioß hM Monlcith's Acaoinn Cough Balsam, Is Gd and Jame. M'Kerrow, E P q., J.P. (Sui-veyor- of their chato. tn qfll - „. .. now AccumWi^ Fundb exoeodlng ON«O N « 2s Gd per bottle General) They therefore beg to state that they MILIIIOK StKuv^g King's Ualsam of Aniseed, for Coughs and Joseph Nancarrow, E«q. (Inspector of havo secured the lease of those cosimo- „;,' 4109 967 Colds Is Gd and 2s Gd per bottlo Machinery) dious and centrallt situated pre- j^^j,, j^ c ' -^ 3459*335 Fitzgerald's Eucalyptus Baham, for Asthma R. M. Simpson, Esq., J.P. (Manager N.Z. mises at • ,oa- " .Cl'nnA ftHfl and Bronchitis*, Is Gd and 2s Gd per bottle Insurance Co.) 31, Lambton Quay Funds in 183 a, ovait ... A»I,UOU,UUIi Dr. Do Jongh's light brown Cod Liver Oil, Bankers .- (Formerly occupied by Mpssts. Buller & — — pints and nnlf-pints The Bonk of New Zealand. Gully, Barristers and Solicitors, and nd- Annual Tnoome ctooMis £245 000 Fitzgerald's Iron and Quinine Wine, for Solicitors .- joining the Bank of New South Wales), and ¦•-¦¦ '-— — '" * Neuralgia and Debility, 2s Gd por ohamV9m i^['^^^ m ' S^r th6y WUI ° alTy ° U bUSiDeSS thPre ™> 4 LIBKKAII FltfiSaftrf* *~. for Innuen.a and secretary . Saturday, IbTH May. CONDITIONS tatant. Colds, Is (id and 2s Cd per bottlo _ pSOnt In ranking this announcement, Me«r £ . Branches in allthrvrinoipal Townn in tho Plts! ff eral i Vß , Pa » l **™\' a » instantaneous The increasing importance of Wellington ™t tßm *, t^° e^ h f^' CWaSwdSSS- SdT fi Mo™ Ord« !«Xf^l6^^tt-dßS,h.rT'. and the surrounding district is creating Pj 11 ™ 13 aesmou.-. or i m cnating or oc.iing Post Offioeo m tho Ccrlouy. h , J. VBM 1 other miro Cod I ivor Oils ample room for the establishment of another «ouseh, uuiiuiug; oei-i/ioiix, mm io\vn ana , — . TiW fnmilv usi» 11m finn<«t -tmi-n Po.l Tivnr financial institution. It is therefore de- Jg^&i iv M to teh reqiiiremenls "nd m, MORTGAGE Oil procurable, in ono-gallon tins ; this is by tenninod to float the abovo Company, with tha t alT chafes The Ajwocintion is now prepared te invest far tho cheapest way for largo consumers to the followine: objects in view :- _ *^« «; kost.ooti^^v^ ftirah^m 5K 6 of it 3 AccumuJ a .tod Vunds »^ LOANS lay in a stock of genuine oil for tho winter. Ist. To assist persons desirous of acquiring ° ?™ oper s l^ &^^ Mcommoo>ted wlh 0K "OBTOAGK of Freehold Land* in Agent for Towlo's Tasteless Castor Oil Property fas?°Ss op payment "ml Xn 1. th<» Colony, at MOI'EKATB BA.TES OF Pills, Congrovo's Balsamic Klixir, Rigollofs 2nd. To utilize savings to the best ad- IE ™ 1 b tv ST portion of «.e ur"ha«e ™™&W> to the a-ttent of half tho value Mustard Leave, and Monihol Cones, vantage, by enabling persons to contribute m V remin on mort»a^ at a low of tbe ™ a ™*? off «ecL A largo and woll-seloctod stock of Enemas, according to their means, and by proper in- lVi_ralrl&old^ritT Applioationa for Loan^ of not loss than not Water Bottles, Paris Pessaires, Puro ra e teof e interVt eCUre ** * * S?bVs^on^utedfSSJaXnS, to bo^reesed to the Acting General Drugs and Chemicals, Puff Boxes, and r td Of T n o te e r^i cp erson,de S irousofborrow- Z*^™*" ?^«™ ™ B » "Sffi FotW Application oan be ob- Wri.hfs Poultry *,*» and ing on security of property, to do so at a TVitnm t P., •- TOWN teinod ttl tho H^d Office, and at tho Office. AgOnt Z,wl Dop M vtnrn fair rate of interest and to provide an easy A 47oin™YrooWHTYBPPRTnt ot tbo I)istriot ttnd ¦-K^dent Agonta. _, B °™, s , ? 0 / Mix ™ re - mode of liquidating the principal. A3^D COUAIIU IROPhKI^ RRGIbT^R, By order, Trusses of all kinds kopt in stock. 4th. By conditions of contributions for P"S o Ho^^ £ZL\ vVuJtl^ l D. M. LUCKIE. Ship's Medicine Chests supplied or ro-flttcd shares, and by various table, to provide n™ l ™ 1 1 d, t that'Tll i,V ! Gonoral Manager. at moderate charges. moan* for accumulating fund, to meetly >*£ Jf u "^ly "tfccV a I H Oa d Offico WeJli IW ton, " CountryStores.Stations.PublicTnstitutioi.S, special requirement, such as endowment for Suitable propcrtv. Amrnßtl3BS. Friendly Socioties, and Medical Gentlechndren or provision for old age. x PRP R lnc f , t d _ en Ued on MbpHll tol>mfl ta^«Sffi.^to ta «KSitebS unavoidable 0 intoi,,,ption to l/nsinels ai- Telegrams and Letters promptly attended to. 55^ LeCare a fairShare ° f a t THE Wholesale and Retail Chemist, Surgeon advantage to each. tion-wiLL be issued punctually on a-ro- -A- J- Dentist, and Publio Vaccinator, lASr^r^spsfsas hh^sgr^™ o nAP best, medical hall, vantagoous manner possible. . Wellington, 13th May, 1886. SOAP Manners-strekt, Wellington. To the man of some small means thore will __ — - ta , „rT o „ „,,,„„,. „ _ _ . — r— hp a safe mode of realisine- the hie-hest rate TVT fc TAVISH, TATUM & CO., ¦asg^^^F^r-S^S^*******'^ JiSJMJ^raoffiSir'"™ s &FINA A CI..L WHOLESALE AND pAMILy GEOCERY> Or lillXlUbJr \>U Ilia purb »f> IjU ulltt lbbUt?. fJr\ 1Q T atwutA'W f\ r- .t -^^a;!!- *^~ {Art d i iT ig L li J^JKSri n^^r'^Ti^" To the capitalist there is an opening for »°- 16 > lambton-quay. COFFEE WAREHOUSE "S r^MwPN^WSffllßpiß him to utilise some portion of his wealth in „, „ -,- — < , „ 1T B r „,1/,, n n , ' « .-_^ =P— rnl—;__LJLJ^> a useful arid profitable manner. Have Purchasers for Fi-eehold and Lease- A Lambton Quay. H "^^^aJMfa^^^^ Tho want of such a Company as proposed told ftms, ata. to any ramte of . . „„.. . « i= iii K H-nn+iv Mr nvon in +Whp r>nTnT.BrativfiW Houso and Cottage Properties. They 1 navo lor salo a largo parcel of TEAS, at & -u^m__^gp : >j^_z3gK__^'w dull tS The scLme! Stoerls are also in a a position to arrange cash 15s, 17s, 20s, 225, and 24s per box. *-^ S^g|Ofe j»1 launched with the greatest assurance of transactions where the seller hnds it BLENDED TEAS, at Is Bd, 2s, 2s 4d, and 61^ = $1$ success, as it must be admitted that the _ inconvenient to give terms. 2sßdperlb. rf MjL _|MhPu^ i?a i' ill -H tendency will be for values to improve im- FoR SaLE > Blacksmith's Business, comfort- L-an.h,,, A nman A fnv *S IllS r^ffiWFffi"^ tIJiS mediatotthecloudofdeprcssionhWd *^^convenient premises; tools | i^rTr^^TO 1 _S2^^,tSSS^ih«ttS; For Establishment, re- g^Jg «^ovedthe bestvalue nowofforing Hl^fe^^rpi | S. I ss3tfe rwiHd on the Bucceoding • A^zrssi^r™ "^fct.. «p«ib ihi II^PBi I wa^ oof prosponty. - QB g ii oai; dingliouse, containing 14 New Sultanas, 8d per lb <f[IM, §M SSmEE I M g . expenses or management. rooms, central position, near line of Tapioca, ft per lb ® f,\i 3rj^^^S=^^^^_rj, ISJ g Arrangements are being made to have the tram, healthy position. Terms easy. Maccaroni, lOd per lb , H y^^j^j^^^^^^fwKgajn^^ S expenses of management on a most economi- For Sale, House containing five rooms, Vernueollj, lOd per lb •- J ~ icJllZ^^—rj^— ja-^JjS^ffT f* cal scalo, as also tho legal work. besides bathroom, wash-house, and Candles C<l(sJd per lb by box) % ' ;, pnl^S^K^SS3fl'!i'^i shares. , scnUery (close to St. Peter's Church), HonaohoM Soap, 13a porowt . * \ \m$$WM!W§M i' l '' T^\ o^T7T\ va h oi£1 ° 3^£^?Si«KiiSi s sR SiteS^fiss^p.awi t\; l wM&Msm ?fl but it is not intended to moke pro- Easy terms.: -. Groytown Cheese, in prime condition, 'A ".t JJ^^ffl-Pj^li^M, J vision to call tip at present more than £5 -ri._ 0.1-, t-^ a ;, nnTno A rnHntm <sf ATnvw Sdperlb L' j kl— fcg,- . ' /¦' i_ — i - "F^i "?•'"" pershare. This amount will be payablo in Fo *£*' Sr Sonce T'j^bSnlly BUTTER P -In addition to my other choice £ I^W3~ftPr{V^\ either one of two ways as may be selected :- Han>i ' \ fij^ "^ p^^ed °vith fairies, I havo made arrangements with Mr. X Class I— ss on application, 5s on allot- choice shrubs; beautiful view of harbor • J AMES Knigut, and shall havo his cole- ~^- ' - .^^^^f^^^^^ mbnt, and monthly mstahnents of 5s per prf" S; e ™,«^can -S on ated THISTLE BRAND, so long and ir-i^^-r^^Sg^te share for eighteen consecutive months after mort .;. aff o for seven years at 6 poTcent favourably known in Wellington ; and yet -¦=%**i^.M' J =^h__*&_afc~ allotment as shall be directed. The Board A bargain J J I have no connection with my lato om- STWfiETIS' nold D erst°p^ y a=J oTtttpnlated E °^ StaT' l)1 ° yei ' S> '^^^^ & C °' time and secure a coreesponding benefit, in 'M'T^ VISH TATUM &CO T. DICKSON, SEWING dividend or interest, as may bo armnged. * $ 13 Lambto ;"'' Wholesale and Retail Family Grocer, Tea Class 2-By monthly payments under mo. xo, -mnpron quay. and Coffee Merchant, Tlf A nTTTTWCa speoial table, extending over periods of five, T ,„,„„„ ot7 .„ Wli , r T INOn , nN MALdII JN Jiß six, eight, or ten years, as shall be selected ; Lambi-on-quay, Wellington. the shares being deemed to be duly paid up "" to £5 each when the wholo of tho instal- , . „ , „,.,¦,, „,... ments are paid as agreed upon, until which ' . International Health Exhibition, period the holders of such shares do not FO R SAL E. KIEKPATILICK'S London, 18S4, otherwise participate m the Company's .»-».__i' J _,-». *j.*i»iviv profits. It will bo seen by the table below • FIRST PRIZE, GOLD MEDAL. that a person taking these shares pays in mrnifAmA nTTTTmTiTTm less than the nominal paid up value, and to BUSINESS OF A GENERAL STORE. -L VMA 1U OHUIJNJIiJi N.Z.I.E, 1882. this extent he participates ,in .tho profits m-in-n nnr -n unnito made. In this class no fewer than ton or • TWO QOLD MEDALS. moro than fifty shares will be allotted to any IMPROVES THE APPETITE __ — ono person '' mHIS Business is one of 'the largest and ' No more than one-fiftieth of the wholo D t j t t i. it i. i number of shares of tho Company can be most prosnorous concerns in tho colony -«-«*, i. j,- • «¦ ¦ * « Ib now and always has been the most popnlat held by one person, F most prosperous concerns™ tlio colony, jg th t dolle fl flavouring for Soups, M(loWno in the WO ELD. . . LN^t in . HSatisfactory reasons can be given for dis- X d^esarebsh to Cold Meats. Payments in Class 2, for every 10 shares, , paid up to £5 per share— £so. posing of the samo. Period *?? e \ ' t, Toial ' mRE PAYMENTS from 2/0 PERWEEK. ' -Month. Payments. For particulars, apply s. d." £ s. d. ll ' SOLD BY ALL GROCERS IN PINT AND ____—!«==. 5 years . . 14 9 ... 44 5 0 HARCOURT &CO ' " egSS^^^^^^* 1 *^ I*™™^?"®1 *™™^?"® G years ... 12 0 ... 43 4 0 HALF-PINT BOTTLES. Every application for shares must be ac- y »~~ wwg companied by a doposit equal to ono month's • [rr tto«r* —f^-raaarif'' instalment on tho number applied for. — — — s-,-nr^-n •»-/ n/-± ' l * uK *~ qSJjSiP^ — , T nATiVR "R T GEORGESON & CO., billiard tables Application for shares, accompanied with ¦*-• >-> j^- J-* » w J-j ___ deposits, will bo received at any agency of 29, MANNERS-ST., O.EO. WBIGHT & CO.'S celebrated pri*« S^/bJ^tSJS 0 !^ ft PHOFBHO. '-WHO'S Who t " ' TAILORS, SU""" ""^ *V ' Simpson, New Zealand Insurance Buildings, tqersons Wishing to Dispose of or Piu- • WHITTEM, NICHOLSON & CO., respecting the Company will be furnished. JSS * A A FACT. TkTK7 ELLINGTON TRUST, LOAN, AND Eents and debts promptly collected. Lambton-quay. W Telephone No. 270. . , INVESTMENT COMPANY Offico Hours— 9 a.m. to 5.50 p:m.', and' r^HE Phconic Hair Wash n£t, only reSaturdays 7to 9 p.m., to receive* Accounts. -*- , ,„ , „ „' "i „,. (Limited). £* ly-BOARDING-HOUSE.afewmiles • ' moves dandruff and other diseases of tW Established 1873. SrtntoedTsuitabkfor go'oK^cook- AWARDED FIRST PRIZE, ' '' «oalp, but it promotes and re.tores the „ ... ™ ftAftA T. Calvert, 29, Manners-st. growth of the hair. INVESTORS' CLASS.— -,_-" T. Calyert, 29, Mannera-st. THE PHARMACY in five years, by paying 14s 9d monthly. J-j rtrv-BOARDiNGIHOUSE. This is Wellington. For shorter or longer periods, as per table. 3QJLA\J an exceptional good invest- SUITS £& 1 0<?' „, , "ZT.,,. _ , , ment; every requirement and position cen- ~ "^ " ' Advances madb on Buildings, Land, and tral.—T. Calvert, 29, Manners-street. ' /CONSUMPTION' other- secui-ities. \J OF THE LUNGS, -MMiTB ON _S_ALE. Q. A L B R A I T H' S DECLINE , AND Received at highest current rates. CORRUGATED GALVANISED IRON, PATENT AGENCY. TREATMENT. Bon-owersare recommended to apply direct " _ Showing that formidable disease to be our« to the Office of the Company, 28, Lambton TTAVING irot a' rehato on it fm> hoi™ Office : able in all its stages, with observations on ¦»^»- ___l ,, B!r B !r* I T t -" d "r- v iotoeia '0"»»t. n ™- totH<o ,, P - F , n!0 .' THE PETONE AND HUTT BUILDING reduction, to make room for this sea- UPTON 4 00., AND INVESTMENT COMPANY 80n s &°o d ß, per Glasgow. E . S E A G A R , BooKaH.L*RB, Auckland, N.Z. (Limited). BALLINGER BROS., And may be ordered of any Booksellbr. Waring Taylor-street, Engineer, Boilermaker, Iron and N.8.-250^soldinEngknd Registered 12th May, 1886. Near Exhibition. (Limiting the liabUity of shareholders to the riri OWN AND COUNTRY PROPFRTIFS Bbasspounder. 7T~IZ ' amount of their shares.) rj^«uwJN _AiM^J*u^£ i^_oi?__ll_s> , ftte-l-fetr 50 OAPITAT J><M nnn . ' Estimates furnished for all descriptions of IKaifeafeajß* JjWlhr*,™ '"i>iA w. 6ood onsiness, country town, centrally machinery. ¦FHBOTBQsk In 5000 Shares of Each, plaood> The key of the Manawatu district. ~ __ _. -iKyiir^iffliT^ Payable as fpllows :— 2s 6d per share on ap- Premises, stock, and appliances to be sold W LUKE & SONS, NOTICE plication, 2s Gd on allotment, and 2s 6d in one lot as a going concern. '¦*'• per share thereafter, payable monthly, Town allotment, same place. ENGINEERS, DAILY COACH BETWFEN MARTIN for 38 successive months (if required), Grazing farm, 200 acres, samo place. Iron and Brassfounders, Bofi.Hß- BOROUGH AND FEATHERSTON and on the nrst Monday of every month, Two-roomed house, with half -acre of land, makers, and Ship Builders, until £o per share is paid ; the balance nearMarton. /~VN and n.ftar FRTDAV WrA Anril a (ifrequbed) as the Directors may ap- Tho owner is disposing of the abovo (the TS ARO FOUD RV, U LAWRffi v?m rim a coach evorv week r^Jh^A^ 00 ° f lnstalmentß e* en y es^.° f i° »»»• ™« ™ o^er to be free £J f^Xt^orughTTeavfaig 7 OrS to shareholders. to visit the old countiy. • Wellington. Hotel, at 6.45 a.m., arriving at Featherston •DTP^n.™™. A PR J yto „._„ . .... , , . „ . . so as to catch the first train to Wellington. ™ z-n x. JIIRECTO°B:J I IRECTO ° B: _. _ yr.3.Q*KD?, Are still manufacturing their superior WiU leave Railway Station, Featherston, at Edward Barber, Esq., settlor, Petone Grey-street, Wellington. Ranges 12 noon, calling at all hotels and stores for Charles F. Beatson, Esq., architect (Civil ' passengers and parcels, arriving at MartinService), Hutt borough at 2.30 p m Georgo Carter, Esq., builder, Petone . < B"^ Tf TfrW WJBT * ' G.L. trusts that the daily coach servico James Hector, Esq.M.D., C.M.G., Potone '/.III^ § ik| i^ A will be appreciated by tho travelling public, a. R.Johnson,_sq., timber merchant, Potone U 1U I 11 FV - He wiU endeavour by civility, punctuality, W. J. Kirk, Esq. (Civil Service), Chairman ••^ A Ik A Am A m. and moderate charges to gain a share of Town Board, Petone •A'f M Mm "Bfr _fc— •» support Thomas Mason, Esq., settler, Taita, Hutt , . * #\Tk| |l|| II #111 1 Charge, 2s 6d each way. Bankers: J . '^^ m 111 l liVnSJf_>l ¦ M* ' t.- Parcels and goods at reduced rates. The Colonial Bank of Now Zealand. _»\_ *^ A M M* _l ~ In fine weather a coach will leave MartmSolicitor- m *^J^^ ' A borough at 9 a.m. on Sundays, and wiU leave R Clement Kirk Esa "^.^P «^^ '• Nr^ HP tW F^k Featherston on return at 5 p.m. Secretary •¦ , :• ". -T- feTL Vft GEORGE LAWRIE, G. Bell WUliamson, Esq. J|L || O # \ pyt^ T s '** Propricta - Auditors: t 1 Hv %^. ' "" * COBB A CO.'S TELEGRAPH LINE OF Brokers * *V^^ r a \tVhf Jm Pl - . COACfQCS, Mp^Rrq Willinmsfm *On • %fl9 — . — > X ißT_v _. — . B ff\ Wk N.Z. INDUSTRIAL GAZETTE. ' WILLIAM Nin.L, PBOrEIKTOR. Messrs. Williamson & to. |VC /Tft O I 1 8 ill *ft O # #i\ % "The blending Is entirely attended to — L rrn,. n .„ „ „ , I 81*^^1 •B*l*/l^fe,>_r ff A \ m b J" *' r - Nelson himself, who is a MASTERTON TO OASTLEPOIWT VIA This Company will combine tho advan- IJf i/Cjl/ I wdsSflf /A\ % Taster of great cxperimce, and h M aiaoi_ttiuxx ltJ^aai-aruuNi v ta. tages derived from tho experience of many *^ w mMa m ff W> \ 1^ had a special training in yic art." j.a«uj.. other simUar and successful institutions now . IWTW F" ifir /^^__sA m timaru herald. rmtn? r> non li im.™ +i,« -R/v«w«» or- * working in the colony. A* I N 1H t fif -rJV^Llg^i % "This firm deserves the sup- rTIHECoaoh loaves tho Booking Ofiioo at The general principle aimed at is-That M* B U^^^-l ' m P° rt faU pl"****™p l "****™ «' Tea, -«- 7.30 a.m., every Toeeday and Fridny, TST^^^^S^»rfa«ti /^^_^\ %»-"-» JJJ*W.- Lively aud. Bait Stables Waggonettes, and others will bo enabled to acquire pro- ' ' - B / fmM^T^X \ "Mr. Nel«m * a nr<>. a^. bnggios, &c., and firet-chwa La.;k 8 , perty, freehold or leasehold, in town or \ \\3^ B /,K^S?^si >A % »<*»»<>™ l Taster and fu '! "«„„ „> „ - • „,t, „ country, by means of easy periodical repay- \\l^ iflf /? r Tj*®J I '^ % Blender.' AB M meets every tram at tlio Bo: hvay ments which leave a reasonable margin of »«A^«* B JFBC r^S^fw^^l v\ m »»Bon. tdttttam ».tc«ttt profit to the Company, whUe being amply O~ THOUGH^&f / ' ©Swsß^_T' OA OOirCC WILLIAM NEILL, protected in point of security. B 5 )~ !: ipP?£gsrT = *\ m\ 1 rIMUM fropnotor. 2. To enable persons possessed of land to COPIED B a -2 L nf^^mUL 2 \ «J / O/>i '. I " erect buUdings thereon, either by progress- ny ai i B /' '^ TTn^rßjirrar^ll % \ /"/ *-l^'' COBB & CO.'S TELEGRAPH LINK OP payments or in a lump sum, repayable by in- __j t__ _T / iv^ Y__3_3__BB»LJ 7_. \ / ROYAL MAIL COACHES. stalments, or at the expiration of a fixed n »,• X iß===ssO" nWSWffii I -^ _\ _ O/o o / -— — period of years. PflCketS _M_ogM^fe- y^^^k\ I 7 * ~ | jAILY Cktaohos from Mastorton at 12.45 3. To receive deposits, and to afford a safe ti „ ti — _o*N^ ' ' *-* P-^-forWoodville.Pabnerstoniiorth, and profitable investment both for capitalists lip 1/oID Mfo^' o "^^\WmS^^m^S!KM '/as£^ 1I A. and Tahoiaite (for Napwr), returning from and during accumulation of smaller savings x " ' * BW \A _0 ii mW WfSß^/^^ v " iKD^ 0 wttk / r Tnhoraite on arrival of first train from by others. • • BOXES AwW^^AJ^SS^^Sßf^ t0 MM ' , N »P iM - 4. To grant loans to members on the value JT.-T #R^gilM| yil^^MtlELSDNMo^ % JAMES SIACARA, of their shares ; and.'generaUy, to encourage -u^#Wd^l»iJP^'i/ \\O\Mffi) &Co #/-# 7~ Propritioir in everypossibleway-consistent with sound CH^ S #V)^)^^^^ -T»ffOTl •' — — securi^-members in the direction of thrift . B \mh CO AL A TSTD COXY, and independenci!, by enabling them readily Jmnimw\\mS^^mfl\WUSiSiXßl^ummai^M^^kan\n IT_fc" v> _Ll> JJ UUJvJ-. to wquiro property, wxd particularly to ob- _ tmVKmrmmtmmmmwmmKV^^mißmWmmmmmmmumm T^NCOUBAGE NEW ZEALAND tain a comfortable freehold .home without MT |«iW I°% "^ !&.¥ "9Tfc T5F^ "B^ *B*V* H_^ -Jtu INDUSTRY incurring the exhorbitant charges which so Bvl 1W? &< §<& H M D^l 98 M 11 IRd f» d,, ¦ *t. -d ~t t/ \. v«. j frequently attend private arrangements. IS 1U T\ Erf O lUHf IH OHi O i£l.M_J & «"> Best Household Steam and 5; It must be obvious to every resident" * ** * * iiaf A _-» A_f U^ A Aof^r^k# Smithy Coals from the Celebrated Brunner and to every observer of the exfraordinary AUCKLAND WE! L! MftTfiM PHRKTPHi IRPH nilMFniM p v *"' c*' S i2 Otttll ir m «. progress of theso localities, that this Com- "ÜbrVLMIMU t«V CLLI UU I UN, OHmO I UnUrxUH, UUN tUIIN, Coke for Smelting, Malting, and other pany wiU provide for an absolute and urgent AGENTS TCVF "KVWWRSiK pnrposep, Fire Bncke Fire Clay, and Fire necessity which exists at ihe present time. AttaumiLi. l,V^.l^^ WMl_m_ Clay.Goods of every description always on 6. It is- consequently believed that the f\T> QT)1? TUBJCJ "O-O"« A !T\ "CT"" teower, and can be obtained residents, and tfie public generally, wUI J_) Ji. b X Jcj J_J Ji fe IT ii 1V A 1 JCi •*«» B ™a«» Coal Company's Yard, warmly welcome 8-d support the advent of v ' -^^t^-Jfc* *%J£ BEWAEE OF YOUR REGISTER GRATES such an institution, the first in the district. BIiWPrONSAKY ANI> STOVES. 7. Also, that they wiU , appreciate the ;^^^^*^' Use only BRUNNER COAL that wiU not privilege of obtaining admission as share- WESTMINSTEE CHAMBERS, So, LAMBTON QUAY, WELLINGTON. burn your ranges and stoves, and is more holders to a financial undertaking of this economical than any other Coal. description, at the commencement of its Established por the Scientific and Speedt Cure of ; Also, Superior Newcastle Coals, at current operations, when no large sum representing i r> I'Q'~O /\ltTTi"( "rVFT? o^7/^TTC! A TVTT\ 'rates. paid-up shares, nor the .usual heavy pre- KjJJL %\\J}S J-\> 5 IM iliJti VUUIS, AJS 3J KENNEDY BROS., Proprietors, ¦ mium on such are required, as, owing to „,. _.— , -^ „-' . _ _^ __ /^._ r _ . Z_ ' , » their success, is the case with most other RPT?,fI IA I 1 11^1^17, Aft IT*, ft ka- • ¦ t- Cnstomhonse-qiiay, |- financial Compames in the Colony now L - CJI - <1 "- JJ J /XlO--i_A.OXLiO» • , Adjoining Lion Foundry, Wellington. ? consider each appli- T ._ , _ . f THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, DR SPEER CO\LBROOFDALE COAL 1 cation for shares on its merits, and will allot Is a Regular Giaduated Physician, educated at Harvard College, U.S. 'He has devoted a LOAI_JKUOKDAI_. CUAL,. . occordinfflv but they reserve the riirht to lifetime to, aad is acknowledged to be the most oxpert Physician in his speciality m the s - refuse an> aUotmtot IbXtefV if they sliaU United Stetes YOUNG MEN AND MTODI^-AGED MEN who suffer f "tvom » STOCK of this well-known and excoUeHj think fit. In suctt cases the deposit will be "U" 1 Physical Debility, Loss of Energy or Memory, Eruptions on the Face, M *>s- J\. household Coafenow on h&cl. ' ' - returned in full, tf" sion, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, &c, 4c, will do weu to consult E I _r ,*- Wncations fi^es may be madeto HOSPITAL E'XPERIEBTC \' AD^E^t,^-, r, ? o,^l the &c^tarr at Wellington and Petone, Having b^enPhvmeiaii in one orthe roadai? Ho«irf6n«ot the U ff'cLAsaßß OP C. . . ;/ either a^ectly, or through the Brokers « private topaT& wi»*cellent results. 'iße wishes it distinofly understooa tha, (c ¦ . %/.* , the Oompany, or ai^feAgents. ., Every applfaf dotoL«oPclafm wperform impossiWlitAs, or Toiavo miraculdus power ; he claims onlvi WELLINGTON COATi C:' 4«^iNY, cation must ibe aooo» fe^Bkmeda_d6uccessftilphysicia!*tlioroughly informed iii his speciality. ' '^•v- , * Pii-* .» '-V "T.mi_. depoat.orbyajP^J^raitoyßranchof ' - CHRONIC DISEASES OF MEN AND WOMEN. ; ' Telenhona No 5 ' pk;* L <mS. . the Colomal BanSW',fße\amount of such All applying to him will receive Ids honest opinion of tlieir complaints. No erperi- Aei «P noDa »°- °- r l- • < deposit. AppUoatioßfOTnia Jnay be obtamed me nting. Ho will gnarantee a positive cure in ever^ case he undertakes, or fotfoit.£2oo- _ i. <fa -»^ ¦ J'' Irom the Seeretai£ \Brokers, jtheir Consultation in office or by post pree. ' , X, . A , ' *f^~: Bt^fNew^ -A*^^?— CB^ESIffODERATIEXA^ATION AND ADVICE. £1. tN&GOi," * - X) SS>. , j_L. J-k O r^Jb Hi ty. .». V dell; and louiß».Bi,T;NDiLb, at . ' •¦ . \_ 'Oliambers, $gP" WESTMINSTEE CB_J_feßS/ 36,' LAMBTON Gf\A WELLINGTON. , regisJete&.-ffica.Bffllis-street, Wolßf » 1 ?^!* T.-WefliDgtofy '' Office Hotifc— ftto 12 a.fa., Ito 4, 6^^* ."" »• \ TMjfaswy, May 10, 1880. •

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Evening Post, Volume XXXII, Issue 116, 19 May 1886, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume XXXII, Issue 116, 19 May 1886, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume XXXII, Issue 116, 19 May 1886, Page 3