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try land, and unless they wished to avoid such a ,«& egs -3*. ont thing in the future the pre-emptive right »^*/Wf>a^* vas must bo establklied. His opinion was that <^S"'^*^j' ! 5V*5\J snt tho natives should only be allowed as much v^lP^'^3§£:'*9iil!e He land a<i they cou'd cultivate. He had agreat "**«* -'&&i l f&**v&i >of many indictments against the Government. ~O U B L I C NOTIFICATION >m- One was that Government had been trying JL to to damage the Auckland members in the LAND DISTRICT OF AUCKLAND. rat. eyes of their constituents, principally with ler- rejrard to their action in connection with the SALE OF TOWN, SUBURBAN AND i a North Hand Trunk Loan. PJJRAL LANDS ' ?n. A O jimittoo v/a« then appointed to pre- " me pare t!io A-Mr<. •'-in-JJeph , which, being f. T , ".-».«• aid propa-BiJ.w.HHjfrtodto. Crown Land* Office lar The PREMTEB then moved that the House Auckland, ldlh April, ISSC. tiie do. on Friday next, resolve itself into Com- I heroin- "notify that tho Lands mentioned ■jor miUec of Supply, and al«o of Committee of in the Schedule horeuuder will be offered the -Ways and Mean«. for hale by 'public auction, at this offire, on its Tin* bem<j agreed to, tho House adjourned THURSDAY, 27th day of May, 18S6, at ?£ * iUodoc }- • the hour of! eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Z% == I '- 1^ D. A. TOLE, °J>. TUESDAY, 25th MAY, 1886. Commissioner of Own Lands. £ TOWN A«H FAMILY Towy A J™lvtcnoKS in the tno ItfcMDIAGE. Towns of Mongonui,Hokianga. e F I X aiwiika, Rangiriri, and New--ly "M -KSSES. J. H. BETHUNE & CO. have _ ( ' 8 -' tle . and Village of Aratapu i n 1/JL been favoured with instructions from Kuhai , Laxds in the Counties of Monf or thc_ proprietor to «e!l by public auction, at f? onui, Holrianga, Bay of Islands, >o f their rooms, on Tuesday, 25th May, at "V /angarei, Hobson, Rodney, Wai- } J0 2 o'clock— b jmato, Eden, Manukau, Waikato, li.-,- T.Viiipu, Raglan, Ohinemuri, ian That desirable Town Section No. 32 on tfalikatane*, and Cookf, <hnd at ,j a | the plan of the City of Wellington, i \lo\ l0 Gl . eivt Barrier Island, a large with the commodious } )nces - flom ° 3 V av aero to £3 P er tho FAMILY RESIDENCE ♦ To £ at Tauranga . [,;,, erected thereon, containing 13 tToI* j sold at Gisborne. rho rooms, conservatory, and outbuild- T . rf gale Q f h f hase lv - J W Shaw ° CCUpatloU ° f Mr - money to be paid at time of sale, and the d J' " ' ' balance witliin two months thereafter, l *|" otherwiai i the part of the imrehase money tn f This property commands a splendid view T? ai & h7h 7 ' way of deposit bhall bo forfeited, 0( j of tho town and harbour, and is situated in and the contract for tho sale of tho land )n g one of the most healthy localities in tho city, shall t3ii enceforward be null and void. j;} 10 Crown fj rant fees to bo paid on completion jun of purcii ase. tve Terms liberal. Mapa of the above lands may bo seen, 33 M > '|'ttp«t»av 05H, wav iqop an( * w^ ' ncr particulars obtained on appli- . en J.UA&IM.I.-othJaAl.lbSG. (;(ltiou llt this office, -ar.d at tho Land md Offices,, Tauranga and Gisbome. 1°" VALUABLE BUILDING SITES, Schix tales containing full descriptions, } ov , Wkllinoton-tebbace. &c> > ° c the aDOVO liinfls wiU k° exhibited at lu | all Lr ji d Offices in the Colony, and at the railw.-iy stations and post offices in the tod IVI ESSRS - J - H - BETHUNE & CO. have Anck Is .nd District. ,j ( j. ItJL been favoured with instructions from : ° n3 Edward Pearco, Esq., to Bell by puUio ii&JP^ ~3§W jj. auction, at their rooms, on Tuesday, 25th ■^jSlSS'iSii&^iSf <t )m . May, at 2 o'clock— v tK^|*PvS i Js' ll ll! Lot 1.-Tho lease for 42 years of allotfa ment No. 5, part of Town Acre No. PAH lATUA VILLAGE SPECIAL lof <IS9 liaving a frontage of 71ift to S ETTLEMENT ON PERPETUAL i ier Welhngton-terraco by a depth vary- I ,E ASE ot) ing from 44ft to 57ft ' mi- Situa 1 ;ion: Mangateinoka Bridgo, near $ Lot 2.-The lease for 42 years of allot- ma ' n road ' 7 ™^& of Woodville. ere ment No. C, part of Town Acre No. -a-m • v. i. j j.i i -n i• i „ 'n° 489. having a frontage of 47ft siu to F ",, hereb y that tho Fahutns f,at Wellington-terrace by a depth vary- -*- n Village Special Settlement Sections ia( j ing from 57ft to 90ft (Jin w " 1 be open for selection at tlus ofiice on and a fter Friday, 18th June, 1886. Applit 0 catiai is can also be lodged with the Ranger, cv ) The land is situated in the best part of as St oward of tho Village Settlement, at aid tho city, nearly opposite tho Wellington Pahif itua up to ICth June. gO.g 0 . Club, known as formerly the garden of Th ero uro 58 sections, ranging in area re _ the late Georgo Moore, Esq., and commands from 4to 20 acres each • leases at rentals are a magnificent view of the harbour. , f rom aDOut 2s 9d to 5s an acre will be ion , T J° An «* 10 n eersr o com mfnd these aections . ted for 30 renewable for furX | r periodsof2 yea'r S ,but,vithontright I residences °* P M'chase. Advances on certain con- *° ditio as iaay bo obtained from the Govern- ™- For further particulars apply to meat -to onable selectors to build houses the EDWARD PEARCE ; antl "nprovo their holdings; 5 per cent, it. Or, to THE AUCTIONEERS. will . be charged on tho amounts advanced. er- — Res' dence and certain improvements are ;ho TUESDAY, 25th MAY. core pulsory. m- 3? tans, conditions, and regulations may he Mit soei and obtained at Railway Stations and K o FREEHOLD LAND, DWELLING HOUSE, Po« k Offices in Wellington district. Any ras AND TURNERY ESTABLISHMENT. fur .her information thtt may be required ln ° cat! be obtained from the Steward of the JS » ni „, , r , , , , Vil age Settlement, Mr. Mackay, who will to «ndor conduct be at Pahiatua from 9th to 16fch Juno, or I'r £ coior fficoand other Land OfliceB in ,d Act, 1885." __ th< C< J°^.A.-ARCH^T, i jvc Commissioner of Crown Lands. ioy fl/ITESSRS. J. H. BETHUNE & CO. J .ands Office, led -L'-fl- hove been favoured with instructions Wollragton, 14th May, 18S0. 3ro to sell l)y public auction at their rooms, — " on Featheraton-streot, on Tnescjay, 25th May, «Sf "S^ ~,+h co- at 2 o'ctock, without tho slightest reserve— Wr^ifja^Hr 1? ras That valuable allotment of land part of • nid^'i^W^iu-lji ied section No. 227 on the plan of the ild City of Wollin«-«on, having a front- NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. ivn ago of 34 feet, to Martin-square, Te ■ ' •. '7, 66 l '° qi 7 n iapl } o£ 1° fee . t> beinff lot I ® iEYMO-'UTH WHARF EXTENSION >lrt No. 61 on. a plan deposited m the CONTR'VOT to Lands "Registry Office. Wellington, . waiJtAUi. in as No W and tho whjde of tho land p b]i w , offi ey comprised in certificate of title, m ,v 7 „i »"i »'o P it Vol. 11. , folio 2GB, together with the Welhngton, 7th April, 1886. ;e- comfortable DWELLINGHOUSE "1 TTRITTTGN TENDERS will bo rem - mii, builflin » adjoining used as a 1 ' V ceivtd at this office until Noon of ad LURNERY ESTABLISHMENT T] lUESDAT, the 20th May, ISSG, for the * «rectedthei;eon > m the occupation. ftl , ovo cmtract. They are to bo marked oil of Ot Mr. Sven Bongtsen, Joiner. a 0 out 9ido «, Tender ' for Greymouth Wharf jlOj 10 E stonsi on Contract," and addressed to tho in- This compact little property is worthy tho f? on< tb 9 36 S, n j Btor f ? r . Pl^ bli ? Woi ty Wo |- attention of persons in tho timber trade ol- b a ? ton - Toleg'.-aphi 0 tenders, similarly ; er othors desirous of doing a lucrative business * l «wked and addressed, will be received if i« !?«„<•.„ +i, j.- t ■, . ' I tresente dat any Telegraph Office by noon in For further particulars apply to i a the date, provided that written iSi Mbssbs. BUCKLEY, STAFFORD, AND .tenders ire lodged at any District or, Resiho BARTON, < -dent En gineer's Office by the same hour, ka Solicitors, LamMon-quay ; -Drawint 'n, spoeifications, and general conivn °^ THE AUCTIONEERS. | -ditionsn lay bo seen at this offico; and at ■ m FXTPVCiTVTi' ATm TiM-Dri-omAATm oav^. J "^^ Pllbl w Works Offices, Auckland, Wanio iiiXIENSIVE AND IMPORTANT SALE :?a nui, V fcllingion, Christchurch, and DunOF FURNITURE < " cdi ? < • Sac lowesfc or an y tendor uot necea_f j By command. ™ JOHN BLACKETT, >« TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Eugineer-in-Chief. of ' . nt 25th and 26th MAY, Tho c fttention of contractors is drawn to be 'Certain iLems of additional information now « Cominencingatllo'clockeaehday. ' W ' tl pk JOHN BLACKEIT, " *" . Engineer-in- Chief. £ The Whole of thb Vebt Valuah,^ ~^ »'LINGTON_CITY COUNcE:"" ie _ ' TO MERCHANTS. it JiURNITUBE AND FoßNlfJiriNaS OP THI co fTVEN DERS will be received at tho office 0- OXFORD HOTEL— • JL ,oi .' the undersigned up to 7.30 p.m. of n- Thnrsdi \y, 20th instant, for the supply and * O»d Pier Glasses^ Pianos, KrsWass ffiSf '£2Sgs&£S^^ 10 Brussells and Tapestry Carpets, Oil- J^ Kefe S^fiT"* 1 11" 1 *** ' m cloths, Li,.ol cU m, BiUiard Table ,nd g*, SiSffiS^ 1- FittingH complete, the contents of three acee P te fl - THOS F. MARTIN. jt Magni£ O ently Furnished Private Suites 15th MaVj 188a> Town Clerk. )9 of Apartments, the Furniture of a large " DAIRY FARM Dining-room and 4o Bedrooms, the whole T •»-,,, - , 7T;. , , «,„, i In of late Nicholas O'Shea. | c of tho Kitohen Furniture and Cooking I -h-,/yd oatu i, "^T~j -n • ± h ! |-rOKr 0K SALE by Tender, or Privately, Utensils. >J- 6 Oodmll of Lease of Farm, 580 Acres, J : 1 Upper Belmont, known as Cattle's Station, ? ; near Si rW.Fitzlierbert's Station, about four , t TpRANCIS SIDEY & CO. have received | "f« f jom Lower Hutt Railway Station; a X 1 mstractions from Mr. H. Gilmer to j tabl ? dw elhng, men's house, forge, (r The wholo of the. substantial and noorly \ new furniture, furnishings, and 10 .yearlings : 2 veal calves 1 eiTocts, as contained in this, first- H fat and store pigs 1 draught horse class family hotel 1 mare and foal, draught and saddle * 150 crossbred sheep (more than 100 this 1 year's lambs) ! 1 saddle and bridle UNRESERVED SALE. 1 spring cart and harness 1 TVTEW ZEALAND RAELWa'y'3 • Porl ?* rtioulara apply on tho premises, to 3 , X^i t»^.xs>, w G. R. O'SHEA; 7x, . , WELLINGTON SECTION Oi-to, J 'AS. O'SHEA, $ Executors. l i ' Featherßton-street. QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY, MONDAY, TO Binnsin»q 24th MAY, 1886 -BULUUiBb. _ ... . a.m. p.m. / 15tK " Hny, 1886. i WeUington, dop. ... 8.30 5.15 — Petone, dep 8.54 5.39 TO BUILDERS. Lower Hutt, d op. ... 9.1 5.45 i Uppor Hutfc, dep. ... 9.41 G. 25 fTVENX>ERS are invited until noon of J Kaitokc, arr-. ..; ... 10.11 6.55 - ■*- , IHwuday, the 25th instant, for the iiaitoke, df.p. ... 10.15 7.0 < erection «f a Brick Stable on Lambton-quay. Foathorst/jn arr. 11 32 820 < Plans and specifications at my office. Featherst,on, dep. ... 11.35 8.25 THOS. TURNBULL, ; Oreytown.arr. ... 12.5 . ' Architect, i, Cartert-an, dep. ... 12.21 9.X { Customhouse-street. ' SRon'den "'" IS" It ' Eduction Board, Qre.' H;own, dep. ..• Jl.O 4.50' rTIENDERS tor the erection of Additions Fw -therston, arr. ... 9.30 5.16- N ■*- to tho Schoolhouse, Kilhirnie, will he r jatherston, dep. ... 9.35 5.21. /- reoeivod at this office up to noon of Tuesday, an- 11.0 6.51'- [ the 25th instant. I JCaitoko, dep 11.8 6.5&" { Plans and specifications at my office. ' ■ "Upper Hutt, dep. ... 11.37 7.2S • The lowest or any tender not necessarily Lower Hutt, dop. ... 12.20 8.10, accepted. Petone, dep. ... ... 12J26 8.7.6: \ ' , THOS. TURNBULL, Wellington, arr. ... 12.50 8.40' J_; Architect to the Board. Above trains will stop at Flag Stations if" i TO BUILDERS ■ CHEAP EXCURSION TIC^jTETS npENDERS will bo received until noon of " S i] \ he 11 Sa ixaAa ? "P 4 - A Monday, 31st May, 1886, for the Monday, 22nd and 24th iiay r espeotively, } „ „.!.._ „<• / n- . „ .. , , , available for return up to «ad inclndiig- erectl ° n of dweUln & at Marfanborongh for Tuesday, 25th May :— ' 1 John Martin, Esq., Jnn., J.P. Ist 2nd. Plan and 'specification can he seen on to „. , . . » r Classs ClasB> i application to the proprietor, or to the W "Sft P tSaS£°3: -derdgnedattheGasWorks.' Mastorton to Wellington 14s 10s 6d J.R.GEORGE. Wellington, l J etone,and Lowe .- Wellington, 15th May, 1886. Hutt to Carterton ani 1 ( *~~ ~~ — ■ n-Ss&sssss:. 12s * M ErSSKffn™. ' Hu'^t, to Greytown and rfTB^I time for receiving Tenders for the Gpjytown to Wellington 123 ' 9sod JL .Erection of a Building on Lambton. Wellin gton,Petono,cadLowi!r ' ' quay, .for M. J. Mulligan, Esq., has been BT ntt, to Feathe rston and | extende d until Monday, 24th May, at noon. F eatherßton to Wolliag- : The lo west or any tender not necessarily ton 10s 7s 6d accepted. W. J- W. ROBINSON, Architect, Oi i Monday, 24th M ay, availablo for return Evening Post Chambers. oa^y of issno only. TO BUttDERS. W eUington, Petone, ai (a Lowa- ™" *I^END ; SRS are invited until tho 28th Hutt to Mastert on, and * • „. ms *-* n *l°f ™° erection of a snop and Masterton to We Mington 7a 5s 3d Plans and B peci!"V Wellington, Petone, an d Lower Btt-.nons to- be Been at G Bradly s shop, ! Hutt to Carterto n, and ■ Adelaide-road. The lowest or any tender Carterton to Wei lington 6s 4b 6d Bo.o_necessajly accepted. 1 Vellington.Petono.ano! Lower SALE BY TENDER Hutt to Greytowi i, and ■n r ir I 2 tOT Su. to W °s JP 88 * 011 6a M SCHOOLROOM. M /ellington, Petone, and Lower -MiJSJ? 11 '? w«i°i «. «. m A PPLICATJONS for Purchase of Bnild•W -JhSto?^ ft'lSS ■ *9d i\. ing now used »8 schoolroom, at the 1 elhngtonPQtone and j, Lower . t rffiind«re Methodist Church, Sydheyi?S,lrM K "TOSS^.J£^ *, » m stwoi;, will be received till Friday, at ParW elS^Pe^i^lS * & M sonag c. To he removed by purchaser. HutttoU*er Hnti j.dnd . * T. TS O TT S Upper Hntf to Wellington 3s 2sSd iL JJ JJ U U O I Saturday retr™ ticket, 3 wju -^ ig^^ at -^JU . g opened his New Premises opposite «D stations on °*w»ay MJd^Monflay, 22na JtP the Occidental Hotel, and is doing hiß ami- , 1 24%Jto«*»ap«fave.jly, tt> be -Wilable levß b« st to get in Full Swraa Again. fßusUr -^lH^ te^-«tcindii.g ; TM B day, X^ . M mc a Ladies' Private Hairdreßsing ** iwr OWTV^j, &o< i» w. attached. * HOTEL.

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Evening Post, Volume XXXII, Issue 116, 19 May 1886, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume XXXII, Issue 116, 19 May 1886, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume XXXII, Issue 116, 19 May 1886, Page 3