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±jugiisn Advertisements. PKOTEl'TIJ) BV 1JOYAL LETTER p\tkn r Hit. a n, ly; 1^ I M>Hl Ill-IIM.I l-IIKl) IVlKf'MOB T)li UI1J(.JHT< PH OS PHO DYNE (O/oMC tiX'iC.LN), T HI \ I \\ (' I i: V I' I \ K A C. K .N T (MiOMI 111- LI \HLk HKMUlV >OK SEllYOl'* AXL> LIVER COMPLAINT. Thii Phodphatic combination is pronounced by tk« most enunont moraben of the Mrdual l'rofi>uion to be unoqualled foriti power in replenishing the vitality of the body, by its supplying all the essential conjtftaents of tho blood and n*rve tubsUnce, and for d«veloping all thepowen and function* of the sykttm to the higheat d«gree It 11 agrteablo to the palate, and innoesnt in Hi action, while retaining all iti extraordinary properties; and as a specific, surpassing All the knovrn therapeutic tgcntj of the day for the speedy and permanent cure of— Nervous p-ostr^tlon Shortness of breath Liv.r eouiplaints Trembling of th* handi Palpi uioii ef thtt heart and limbs Di//wicjs Impiited nutrition Noist-« in the head and Mental and physical d«c,im pretslon Lc-j of energy and app«UU Consumption (in its i&elH\ pi,. Imndria yleut or first stages only he 11.1l' complaints Iruptions of the skin ti'jn?i il debility Impaired sight and memInd'cctio 1 ; ory Flatulcni e Nervous fanciei Incap 11 itv for study or ImuoTenshed blood brsincas Nervous debility In all it* SicV headache stages Lasiiti'du Premature decline aud til morbid condiUons of the «> stem, arisini; froa wliati .cr cause The action of Phosphod} ne is twofold— on the one hand, increasing the principle which constitute nervous energy, and_ on th» "Hi«r, the moit powertulbl'iod mdiicib generating agent known.therefoie, a murvcllous medicine for renovating irapairtd and broken dowii constitutions It quickly improves th* function of assimilation to such a degree, that when for years an emaciated, anxious, cadaverous, and semivital .condition has txisted, tho flesh will rapidly increase in ijuantfty &nd firmness, aud th* whole sjsUe return to a state of robust health Tho Phosphodyn* acts electrically upon the orgamlftition , for instance, it asauts n iture to generate that human electricity which renew 1 and rebuilds th* osj >OU3, muscular, nen ous, membraneous, and organic systems It operates on the i>steni without eicitlnj car* er thought upon the individual as to the procaat. It moves the lungs, liver, heart kidneys, stomach, and intestines, with a harmony and rigour, y«t tuildn**f, unparalelled in medicine The I'hcsphod n* gives back to the human structure in a Ruitable form, th* phosphoric or animating •lament of life which haa been wasted, and exerta as Important influence directly od the spinal marrow and nervous system, of a nutritive, tonic, and invigorating character, maintaining tliat buoyant energy of th* brain and muscular s>stom which renders the mind cheerful, brilliant, and energetic, entirely overcoming bat dull, inacti re, aud sluggish d it position which many parsons experience in all their actions Tho beneficial effects of tho Phosphodyue ar* frequently shown from the tirjt day of its administration, by a remarkable increase of nervous power, with • feeling of vigour and comfort to which the patient bM long been unaccustomed. Digestion is impioved , th* appetite increases wonderfully , the bowels becom* regular , the eyw brighter, the sxiu clear and healthy: and the hair acquires strength, showing the importance of th*(a«tion of the Phosphodyn* on the orgaai ot nutrition. Finally, the Phosphod aetnai taina a certain d«ffn« of activity in the previously debilitated nervous sy«Um ; its us* enables all debibtaUd organs to rctun to their sound state and perform their natural funotiona. Person! suffering from Nervous Debility, or any of the hundred symptoms which this distressing dueu* assumes, may re*t assured of an effectual ana speedy cur* by the judicious us* of thii most inTalm*bl* remedy.

DIJ. DltKJHTS rHOSPHODYNi:, lssoldonh In Cast- at 10^ Oil 1>\ all t'ln mists and Patent .Midi, me \ endows throuirhout the Olobe Full Directions lor I si , 111 the Knglish, French, German, It limn tnd Dutch 1 in^uajres, aceonipinj each i.ise SiT CALTION.— The Ui n 'c and increaMUK demand for Di lin^'ht's Phosphod} ne led to yev. r il mnta turns under somewhat similar litinieK , puiila-trs oi this Medicine should therefore be careful to observe that each case bears the l.ov eminent Stamp, with tin wordt) " Dr lirijjht'd Phoiphodjnc " engraved therton and th it the same words 4re also blown 111 the bottle

WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR NEW ZLALAND KEMPTHOItSE, PR08SER, AND CO , DUVKDIV VM) AlCKLWD. BRONZE MEDAL at thi UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION OF PARIS, 1W5. Irons* Medal at the Exhibition ot Trieste, 1871. Bilker Medal at tne ExntDition of Havre, 1868. Silver Modal at the Exhibition of Paru, 1*72. GOLD MKDAL AT THE EXHIBITION OF LYONS 1872. PAT«.\TID IN FltAhCl AND IN THE Lmh» KlKaDOSC. (TIUDI UAAK REGISTERED} RICOLLOT'S MUSTARD PA PEE, J Oit bLNAPISVlb OB PL\STEIW Adopted b\ tln> Hwpitilsof Paris, Helda-id Military Hospitals, bv the Kn^luV Uoval Niv>, and tho Fienth Natioiinr Navv, 6iC.

Under the name of Uuxiai'T Leave/, I have introduced a new kind of Sinapism, which ha» none of tha inconveniences inherent to the .Mustard poulti, \ o.s formurlj used Instead of the many disa','ieeable and e ipjiun e operationg ret]iiiud in the application of a sinapism as prepaied b\ the ordmarj method, one single le if, immersed in w itcr for half « minute aud imiiuui itel. after uppl-cd to tue skin, will hive the same e» ct , produced i»v a Mu=t ird poultice, but without tue vinojauee ot an} linen belli.' soiled, and sa\ 1.,' the jutient and the jieople ne ir him irom the incou i 11ence of the dia*,rceah'e smell m l ai nd vapour 1 is 11^ out from in ordinal poultuc lint 1 would l.'thcr not loinmenil li.vselfnn hivliitiou, and icier to Llie opinion ind t tao lollouin^ eminent Doctors P UIUOLLOT, Lv AssisHnt Chemist at H.iipitiN, Laureate ..I the bi hool of Phuiuaci 24, Avenue Victoiia, PARIS

To utain the whole of the proputies of Must u 1 111 its powdered «Ute, and to obtain easllr m tow inoiuents a decided result with the smillest jm .iblu .|iuntit.\ ot the reined), aie the problcuri wh ai Mi Iligollot ha- renohtd m the ino-t conclusive and sitis factor manner KisXillotN Sin i]>isiu in lc v^- ill, tbeicfori-, Ik. found in even f imih, for the p o, ipe ittioi, ulit mud b) it 111 inanv e.eses ot enii ■ , 1 renders it an nival'l.iljle rciucdv for vanous d ml •. A. BOl tllAHUAl. I'rofoosor of If v j,i«tie -\t the School of Medic of j Paiia, Membei ot the At-ademv of Medi. 1 . (Anshikf 1'iihkm'i i iiiji y, lbGS, pa,, im ,

"Uudei tlic name of Mu\tind Lences, ill. ui . ot his liitiodiiced in the thctapeiitn a niobt atti\ ..1 convenient iiiiipisiu, the us^ 01 which has Uoptid bv the hojpiuls of Pans, i.i " Uu.sai it, Pr..ics,oi .il the "school of Mediuiie of l'an-, Mm !> , ot the Ve idemv ot Me lieiiic". Dueetor ot the ttuiiil i'h irinacv ot the llospitaln. (IlKllfc. ilh 1-UMlWUIK Tllt.lKlllLK KT 1-RUlylr d. Soiiht'wan, oe edition, page 07f> ) 'Ihe labt A\Nl7\IKL PlURMlCKl 111HE was one of tl c to mention that ingenious mveiitioli (the Mu^t* >,l Lttui-i, \>\ Paul Knrillot) the mtioduetion oiwbuh w is then quite new, and we foretold that bUiu> a which nc\cr fails useful things and real piojfres^ Uc- want to mention it a^ain, alter one \eu 01 tn.iapeutic es»a>9, 111 order to insist, that the mw hin ipisiu lu< proved fully successful. It ha-i be.n ui iiniuou-ih favoured and adopted b> all the liicih...! Inventions leally y;ood art so rare, tlut no one will In aurpustd at uiir pnuui^ tliat which to full.t cm nuns oui tavomable prognostic b> a whole \c-ai uf buctesstul essajb. Parissl, I'oinivilv Preparatoi- at tho School of Pharuuc) uf Pans, &c. ( \n.m \ii.k TimiUi'iuuot 1, 1869, page 239 ) HlUOLLOl'S PAPLR IS SOLD IN THK THREE Dlt'tLKLNT FORMS - 1 In Uo\es loiitaiinn,. 10 leave-) of 1 deeiinetie s.nuie nuilai e thut sh ipe is the most convenient toi honiu treatment, lor f uuil> md '.ra\ellmi( u»e -' In Rollers tormin^'a single strip, a touVKliie-nt shape to put a smapisin girdle round the bodv m cases ot cholera. o lh lloxeu lontaimm; i r j leaves, model of the National N iv \ and Marine Hospitals 1 him 1 ac rom Aio wAHBiiousi ; ▼.' •J4, AVKNLh VICl'ORIA. U, PARIS. DhfOi : LONUO>, 23, HENKUUTA-oritkEf, Covt:.r Gakdl.n.

/I A U T I 0 X. 1. tV f. maiitklUs brandy Ii h iv m s ' tonic to our knowledge that sjiunoua 11111- ' lations in nnpoittd, Consumers should be tan-nil to ko. Hi it th. v ohtuii tin genuine artic-le with our Hi mil, whiih is to he had of ill respectable de-ilei-s \-k'i"- Mithevv Chrk i bons, 72, Gieat Towel M1.1t. London , MAUTELL & I'O i ( 4 " ' ' ' : ' ' '*»>, i M-l .1- , • : ) , •, , , ' V '•' • li v. I, I \ " U "'- '('[""V U lw.111,.1 s ..„ i 1 ,, L • 1 , ,,; . i and Phil d ,it '"i- U filial u,d l.timi-ie )i •icd..n 1 j l.\ '•> V\OK. ,v Muuiti., I !■*>. -\i . Luna strict, L>.idon V^U \j, them, ..,.,1 ,|( ei.cmists ana Morekeeijurs thrjujfliout|Uf»«na, .

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5770, 25 March 1876, Page 2 (Supplement)

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5770, 25 March 1876, Page 2 (Supplement)

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5770, 25 March 1876, Page 2 (Supplement)