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English Advertisements TAYLOR BROTHERS, LONDON, MANUFACTURERS 01 COCOV, CHOCOLVTE, MUST^TID, AVD j CHICORY, tor mrronTATioN io ail pabt3 of thii aton. ; T\TL0R BROT)1FH\ in order to he in th» but position In oxt-Liite .mUn foi ( niroiv Ponder for exportation, have puiUia-. d evMisn.-'M'lls in Ttrniaf fielgiuin, whi<h »lnj hav> tit'ed up with Engllali ' Machinery of great ponu and inont approved con•tntction Tins advanl v-c, ( oinlnned with the factof their having on the spot the lirgc-n market for tht fineit ( hicory Uoot in tli<- \\ orld, enables thsin to i iupj>l> tho Maniifarturtd \Uicle on better terroitham S?£ °n. hcl Flll!llsh liouso in the trade In 5Ulb and 2Mb 1 ins, packed an 4 >cvU i TAYLOR r.KOTJlLRS aic the lar R e<;t Manufao- ' re . r r of ' IK ' n m r; ' lr) l)e. and Sole Proprietor* of i * b « Maravill i ( uioh,. nr'inal Iloiueaopathic Cocoa and Holub o Choeolat ,v ji. h i-icparations, from p*. culiarly high .ju.litK- ',ue obtained io decided* preUrenee in the Au.t.ilun Colonies, and throuthout the V. orld STBAM MIELS-llrtek Lano and Wmtwortk- < tin*, Londo* nm4 &>*[•*, Uelaivim.

1 j DOMESTIC ECONOMY. JUDSON'S DYES. 11 Thp procts» home »o clean nnd iimple, thf r» •ppcirs no rpjion wh> n.rj lady ihould mil bf her own dyer or why d\.m K day should evcrj mtpII riKulvrd fmnl), br u common a» and much more agree ibli- than wailnnj dnr Anv ynunK lady could br«in hrr pxpernnrnt nn 1 nbluinurfiithi r in u ba^in nt wall r md pror. , .1 iifirru irils tolirifcr iniilcs of dir^s in u hn i.| pin or foot Imh Iho llnnn wuu d be »nrili tmrirfrom mmiTrv or ( conmny • —'Vide lai,dl\ Jluuidiuld Luult, Martli, 1870 for ihrillR Sill, VVonl,. >t mi,, 1 iliri Leather, jr-in, I \ur>, 1 oiu Wood and foi mjuy other purposes Bold by chcruntj and Stitionen throughout th» Wuild ]>nu fil jici bottle ' Proprietors— DANIEL JUDSON ft SON, \ i-0.!Nr:ooiNj-_ \ NEVEK - FAIUN'Ci itKMKUY. I DR. SCCTTS LflLIUlS AND Ll\ Kli PILL\ Prt'p.uu! without anv ingredient, will be | iound invaluable- to .ill who .iffei trom liilious and Livci Coiiiphints, Indict -tiou, 'A md, hpism-, Crlddlikss, l)i//ineb->of the hves, and nniu> othei svinpiuina 1 vv hi. h ik ne but a sufferer can uesci ibe For hcbituai ' Cobttvcuess, as ,\ familv apeiient medicine', and au a ' purifier of the blood, thev aie unequalled, mild In then opci ition, and riftteful to the btomaeh , tho> I create appetite, promote digestion, and Btrcnijthen the ■ whole nt iv oils s) stem Pic pared onlv bv W Laxhkiii, 1», \erestrce- f , ' Louden, \V , I'liiflind In boxes, 13 lid and '2* 9d. hold lo all Cheiiiist" I'ti'oi i \\r C'vt uo\ —Be suic to .uik for "Dr. Nioti -, i.i.i m- md Liur 1'ilK " It vou aak fo» " Su.ti'.-. Pills," vou will <;jt(|iiite i.hftcient niodieine; It \oti a 1 -!* ioi " iiilnui, ml Liv.i 1'ills," \ou will get a ' opinions t"ii|i]iouii'l, vvhn n, it t ikr i', will not havotl>« biiuiieuii otuets. 'ire ,1'iniim- .nc m i squue uroen p.iek ut-, .nd nui-4 have the tame and addrcw. "Uilliam lambeit, S, King Will-nm street, Chaniii 1 Ciosd," enslaved on the Goveinment M imp. It licquentlv occurs that diu^yists lnipooC on their , <.u*tiiiuo!£ a. "Scott's Piil," in tin oi al box, which il I emu i d ITi-i flit niodieine, mid taunts much disappoint1 vioiil a-> their effti t-j aie so opposite; t! ti. • c s i jou »{et what vou .isk for, lumaly, " Dn. nous Uihiois and Liuk Pills" WHOLUSVLK AGENTS : Me^re. Ftc-ueh, Kenipthoini; and Co , Dunedin. L A.. Ms vs ui'i'd

SNVALIAHLE FOR SHELL AND rL'ABL-FISHING. P It U E MCDALS: I London, 1S".I, Pi 1 e Medals. Pans,l3'>',. Silver Medal; 1 London, 18t.J, Pn/e Med il , Dublin, IS65, Pilzt Medal, NHplc , loil, hi her Medal, \kiiHa, 187J, Mulal foi Mt 'i SIEBE A GU11MAN i (F»t Jil.-> a ls.'O), ' SULMVRINh K.NOlMCtRb AND .SOLE CONi IKVCloUs X> 'IHL KOYAL NAVY, 1<O. ', Di. UAln.slRUI f-0'iO, L0>B0N, W C. I r l . I UH^^^^^^^j^^Bsii^^r^SHH^^C^Sii^^^siinK^^ j Ji PATENT DRESSES, WITH VULCANIZED PATCHES 1 FLOATINd AIR PIPES. j I MeMrf. S. and G. her to call the attention of then ■ patrons and public- 111 genera! to their "Pitcnt (moi ■ I Apparatus," bv which two diveis can v\..ik biniii n in ously and at different depthb, entirelv indent ndi'iit ot 1 e»ch other, ajid 111 tne case of one Dive-^ In '11. en I tangled in cordage of wreck, ie , another D.ui ( in be sent down from the b.uiic pump to ele.u him We 11 e the only Patentees .md Sole Makei-.ol this Appn Mmj, io work to a depth of 180 feet. Pnee, complete, U ,i> i"he above Apparatus bab been entirclj .uloptnl .n pr«fer«nce to all othtrs bv the Royd Wv.and the Military School of Lu^ineerinj, (vide " limes," M .v 20th, Ibb8), alao b\ the pnniipal Civil tn^'nicerd md Contractors, aluo at the ru o\. ry ot tieasure Irom the 'Hamilln Mitchcl!. -^licn the Divtr worked four hour* coiuei utivelj at .1 Jcpth <u 144 feet (vide " Times," September l»t, and " Graphic," November 5th, IS70)

A TRAINED STAFF OF DIVERS FOR HOME AND FOREIGN SERVICE. Enjrfneers and Machinists, Ice 111 ikmg Machinerj SUaui-Et)g:nej, Boilers, Dnmg-IJells, Pumps, de. GORDON & GOTCH, MkLB0UK>E AND SVDNLY, Amenta foi Australasia. KAYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS, TOM ttOOB OLD KNQLIiU ftKMIOT FOR -ALL DISEASES. IlUbllahad orer Fifty Years. Known all over the World. SOL* PaoriiiOTOK, JOHN KAYE, U^ , Profpeet Hall, ( Woodford, London. For upwardj of half a eentur} KAYE'S WORS DKLL'S PILLS have been esteemed as tho beit reined} for the prevention and euro ot dweaae Thuir uae rendere the doctor tumoces«ary in the familj . Acting on the blood, thev purifv it from ill humour* rendering tho life giving fluid heulth> in its action and eouiequc-utl} te!itunii s ' aud e-atublisiimig the heulth of the invalid. These Pills aro invaluable to ksiiuHAsrs, beniL' a certain rtmedy for all diseases of the Stomach, Lung* Liver, ite. Are oquallv adupted lor all ages, and either •ex. Person* rowding 111 the Colonies, who uinuot have recourse to incdicul advice, will therefore !uid tUem indispensable Tho Proprietor haa in hu possession thousand . of teatunoDulH bearing witucba to tho wonderful «Jfflcaey of this invaluable medicine, a acltitiouof which i«companies each box Sold b> all Chuuubti and other Dealer* in Paten Medicines, ut li. ljd., 'li. yd., and Is. Ud. per box."

fl'iO 1'Al'KMb AMJ mi,,, WIDOW WELCH'S PlU,s ) ~(Ktai-.l.j s ,(Jii B - lB |), iojuitl> (elebratcd for then peculiai virtues, aic recuiniiieiulcd to the notice 01 every hulv (hivnif obtmiiid tl'e -anctiou of ino^t gentlemun 01 the n t di cilpioi. moii;, as u jHie- ,md valuable mtdi. na in ellec'iu.v uniou ii, oil .liwuoi.s. and leheun,' otl.r iiitoiivciiii'ci-. to ul.ieu the female frime n lulut, esp.milv no e «' -en at »n ewlj pcuoil ot li.\ aiue frojiv\.i!. 11 oi eveieibenud general dtlnlitv of tie syatcin , 11 i ck i-.u an nppetite, collect indu-dtion, remove e.1.1 I 1 o»s and aieeuuiiently useful iu tui.ilj d.tordefs, «hoitnei»t/ bruath, and palpitation, f the iicnrt , bein b ' pcil. ctly lniuicnt, t hi.' m-j l.o 11. .1 wuii afet> in all icasoia ilimatti, I mo .» Ud per Lo .. 01 all ciienmt It 1-, 1 ecnsurj, ohiii^ to nunieious mutation;, to «u..i ti.e public that KiAiiii.F.v 8 is the oul.v uii^in.J rcc. ipt, and h * bi ui preufcicd by the i, tuiblL\ 1 .nny ovirci<ht, jtais 1'urehas.rn should see tlu.t each do* is «ii pedjji white pajiei, and the 11 mie, C Kfiif-iii," ls engraved on the Government itawp U 1,0 1 alv. A^oi.t^ , J S.m.'cr tnd .Sous, lit), U\l. id htreet, I oni'o.i, Ln n latid And by MessH Kemp thorin 1 in >cr and Co , Auckland ui d Dunedin A»k lor ' IvhAP-ILEWV ami -n- jotlgtt t! cm THE BKST INVESTMENT OF TJIJ: HVV FOR V bMALL OLTLA'i. and where thin ib no previous knowledge ot the him ness rei|uired, is a Lemonade, Gingei beer, and S01I1wattr Aluihim , as the public U«te is so mueli on tin foi Ai rated Drinks The book of ')0 pag. , 1.1 illustrations ind information forwarded fn>c HAItNElT, SON, A. KOSTL'K, E\uivhti(s, 23c, Funrttu-itraet, Hoxton, London, Kn^luud

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5770, 25 March 1876, Page 2 (Supplement)

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5770, 25 March 1876, Page 2 (Supplement)

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5770, 25 March 1876, Page 2 (Supplement)