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English Advertisements te^^ L 1 - SOLUTION OF I Dixni:ford's fluid magnksia la the jfreit leniedv for Vf 7DIT1 OK THE .VTOM V«'H, HFADACHE, HFARTIJl R\, INDK.F^-TIOX, SULK KKl CTVTIO.SS, AND BILIOUS VFFIXTIONS It is the Phvsician'* <'ure for COLT, RHIU MATIC GOLT, GRAVEL, Vnd all other comjilaints of the bladder; And as a Hafc and gentle medicine for Infants, Childicn Delieite Females, and for the sickness of Pregnnnc\, Dinneford's Magnesia i» mdespensable. .sold bv all Druggists and Storekeepers. YB Vsk for DIXNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. Agents French, Kempthorne, and Co., Dunedin.

LA M P S ! LAMP SJ rOR KKKU^FNK, PKTROLEUM, AND PARAFFIN. WRIGHT & BUTTLER, il VM KACTl KERS AND EXPORTERS' HIRMIM.HAM. Table, Street and Station Lamps and Lanterns of all descriptions Chandeliers, Brackets, kc, in great \ initj. Limps fittfd with American or any other disinptior of Burner. Patentees of the celebrated "ECLIPSE" NO CHIMNEY BUHNER • Specialh adajited for up-countrv districts, as all bre-ikaxc ot ehimnej a is avoided, and the light given ninth i;re iter than that of am other burner same size vvuk Photographs and Books contaimnsr o>er «00 ikiiyns upon application. In nts must be lent through an Engli-b house, or Co' cred bv drafts 00 i\-. liter -iirht

pATENT WROUGHT NAILS, J. J. GOUDES A CO., '1 1 I' at itcv-i and .tile \Vnufac arers of tht w-ll« ',. \ 1 V. loujht iNaila couiiuunly kuovtotl '•L'WBAKK'S NAILS," I (1 1 t to nui c it Known that they nave adopted a ' £• u "i • Cuds" as their 'fiiae M.iix, aud that ill ti 11I-. n 1 1 maue ?nd seut out by them, eiv.opt clisp, ' b 1 • .j uurk up-jn th'ir heads, and tua' within f. ,\ i'.tkju'<! lent from tl-tir Works is 3. so placed a c 1 i' . 111^ then name .uid nddrtu >. 1. .n ulti, thcruoi^, ttiuUi are not distinguished *| iljji v , 1 iu!it not tie cuii sanded with ••i:wi;a:wvS the <ju ilit > of whit h is s>< i.ell *ppreeutvd ai 1 emsfat tmi>e'ioi to an> other I'laLe. DUb WuKKs — .NhvVPOKT, MONMOUTHSHIRI, LJUL-VND.

ftOLTS NKW C.OV E!:x^i^ i' VUMV * ' KKVOLVKR. is m'i ti, .. ! ;,. 1 f, 4 t].j Um:.'d Mitei Cva'n, i. ,, the J.. . i/ia, 1 'ire crvi, , J o 1 r Lir 11 Sue. L < nuis .. ri'i 11 rys aud 1. iiirii of file -xntt i< ji.ju I v 1..1 .1 ii- iiiuy of (u,,. iu ti.i-i It c.n If c^ I, 1 . 1,1 . . I unloided v;hc.i ilvrk and ( 1,1 1^ ( ir. d 1 ;>. rncS iiftstv vMie-i n*dt 1 It fir -I.- <•£ ti 1 1 > 1 ue, Cj -nil o) 1 ii'.e t!t • nui ifto .i ( cvz i.ul-< -.ous ina'co rtiut in. Io 1 1 liu r e1 u 1 > lvu ,r -no;. , - 1 - : , < nixu DhlUNi.uri, for tho wm,c.m. poi :, haid air! ■ nu -: i°Hs l)llUXC':i: It. M>I.\ ■ f 0 . r a.sor.a »ml i.ou.c defence, t res 1 ! .^, , ).->'! t .1 1 auJ o'her Kcvoivir of the sumo -.ei'lit a id s,j rf lo bj .nn i'lWu.n iu> n...icetaolc nun.n -.leer or Dealer . i ir.nji, e-r 1,0 11 COLTS riKE \ '.>•-, llWUi.aiUHIXO I «'I"ANY, 14, 1'ai.l Mvil, London. S.W

OAKKY& SON'S EMEKY and BLACK LEAD MILLS, HL.VCKFKIARS HOAD, LOADON, ENOLAXD. OAKEY'S Wellington KJSIFE POLISH. I'acktts, Ml each , tini, Od., Is , 2s. Od., aud 4a. c. th OAKEY'S IXDIAKUBBER KNIFEBOARDS, From Is. od. each.

OAKEY'S SILVERSMITHS SOAP (M)\ MFUCUIM VI.), >orCle"isin^ 1 .1 Polis'nn^ Silver, Eloetro-plate, Plate Glas*. ilarble, A.e. Tablets, Od. each. OAKEY'S ( JENUINE EMERY, GRAIN, and FLOUR. /^AKEYS EMERY an-13 GLASS CLOTH. OAKEY'S CABINET GLAhS PAPER, BLACK LEAD, &c.

OAKLY'S GOODS SOLD EYLKY- \\ HKP.E \<\ li.iiiitiotuci-, Cr t<.i , Oilmen, i nishi ' ktia, Di 1 ,.1- , .v<riO^, NET, AND MOUSE. POWELL'S IiALS\M OP ANISEED, Coughs, to n; -.hortneii of Breith, A .u^», -'i" ■ 1 I 'lluenad, ic EXTl' '.-» ;n: s \\-\ cuiiE or a COUGH "HerMAjii tvsCu-iboAt 'Xcllev,' " V/icV, :< u rth casl Coait of Scotland, .. _ " 0 . p'en Ur7, ISM, Deur Mr— Having I -d 1 met cKliM!, n S ' and x.»ere i out '1, Hhicl caust I rue .nin*. sVf] '.l-3 uirbU Uid restle«' .liyi, 1 win ittomuitndtd !>y Iih Lor l»hip Ait Earl of C*itlmeu to trv jour mrrt inv iluablo E*l vn of Am ied, «ad I <an amne ».m, with th« bnt (Jose, J fouud luim.diAte re!, f, t e-i v. nhoas tnvins to s' need inv v inoui dutie-, .ml tno i.nt ni;all bottle c.iri'.'etclv cm d me u i.ioiolhavt the ftuatti'. c ul;J n.e in ii. it to th« aiillioti — .M',it r. ■'pectfu!!}' jour*. " i\ Li.nzj.^l, UMUC. •Xetley.' "To Mr Ponc'l "

Tii'b ExntioiiMs vi. v Coir.jii M'Drctvr h« been »«U»lit.lic 1 lor ui ir v h-'i a (cnluiy auu Hi lir^.-and incre»sm? ,alo th.c.u hout tho LmL.l Kn, lini n.i.1 tlio Colouui, prov.s it to l ie not onl. a f.i.oui.ta iicil, tino «",i the pubhi-, but ti ar' ( e pf no .,«*itT tc tn i... su 1c.11., fio.n I Kim Inl ,11 ,i'n»j. S,,Ulj «■! tne wln>'c»»lc 11 . u c i'i Inn -<ii^Vl < •» di.-y and r> 1. il \,\ ft 'i . ,. , vo ., t , blI tr j "tjrc»e ;«rj tbr .j^hoiit iu»tr..tu .1 1 i N's^ AiNad. Pmi » I !>> m i\i v. row i r 1 n,, p, \. u ,.;> lV n, „!>■ Iv..-»i\s 4 On .t.i\ -1, = 1 ,- tli. I ih- rt r.U J 11. .v !-, r..rt m,i:. ,,, i i:,,,,, f „ ,, •■ ,. 3 M,i-iiJ«i fio t.ovei, ■ i • •,' . ru _'< v 1 ,■>. 1 us top of e cii .!<.'•'■., \ , „ ,,1, , ,, , , \ . rv, B*uu'" h ' . , ,.,»,( , ,, K v^ fox "VJ"> b VI - vil Of' V.\ i .0"

|/1OR THE BLOOD IS T/iS LIl<T.«JD — Sm, ch»p xli , Tfc r i. 'i2. C L A K K ]•: ' S WORLD FAMIiD JiLOOD MIXTDIIE. Traul jUk: , — " Ul u:> Miiieun" THE OIILAT i^LOOD Pciill'ICi: AND livsioiiri:. For d«»nilng and clear u^ tlic bloo 1 'rom all im pontici, cannot he too highly t>-c ■>. 1 ic. . '. For "crofula, ScurT>, Skm i)ise..e:, ..ud Srr»i a •11 kinds it is a rover failli'i; a. i p — *J .-c . t. c^r«. It Curci old Sor..i Cures L Icerated Sort > ci the Xeck Oure3 Llcirtitcd Sore Lt/s Curei llljLkheaus. or . luipljt ou ths 7&ca. Cures Scurvy torts Cur^3 Caut^ro.'-. Licc-i Cures Blood «ud -skin Uueaseg Cure* Gland. i!"i - '.'! u Clea»i the Lluui fiom il 1 -•. >i t From whitovar c.'.ij i- r , Aj this mixture is p' . . > • '« '. . .<! wnted free from a >v J 1. • 1 .. . i • •.'- ■ >'. dilicite eoustitution of t ;' 1 x, ti • i iopneloi ■oliciUiJlforera to K^e u -. tn . • • st . i- value. Thouiand, of 'It^ti 101 •. ■ 1 all ,>-. 3 Sold in bouiei J ,'A j, %na ... r". 1 coijt/unii*; wUmes the iju .-m'., lu ii- i* ♦«- itfe-i permanent cine 1 ■ t''c 3.^ . m ijou'v of lon^-stanclirj •mm, by all cnsmiat , nu I Pv.ciit Mtdiai.o Veudo . luoufbout th« world Soli Paopitivn -, F. J. CLAltK£, Ciit ruisr, APOTHBCAKIEb' HALL. LI.nCOLV, i:y ( ;LA.»D IxroRT agems: llurione. I 1 i» ' t - anil Co, Oolttnau itrect, London >c»Iti v ,,t 8ora, 37", K«»gat« atrect, London, P ?<li\ .1 i, >■>, Kmringdon itreet, London . < .1 .i . ' Ox'or.litrwt, London, auu all tu 1 o .1 \i*holaiti» Houioa N»W ZSAXAXV A.ixm -, Kc 1 iith rne Pii*9',«j3 0q , Vbol«ul« Drua;utj. Pu-uil..! ard AucL..viA I 'Ml bOX UV lI.h.In.N ,. •! PflLS a r is warr mted to cuu- all .'i-L'ia. , , t 1 tho Unnaij Oit;uii, in eitlui 'ct, a*, ,1111c 1 >r ,01 *itutijnal, 1. ravel and Pali 3 in th. It. -. 1 1 .1, o\M !s od each, by all Cheamta ai i :\.. • acd'Cini \ endori Soia I'KoriiiaTuR, V. ,i < ;,- [[KV, VPOTHECARIE.S* HALL, I <M t i.\_ • :. (j l V^.O iAi'OHr Aoems L'ur a 'o\ ue, Lm.i' and Co. Colemnn street, London , .Xewbery 1 id '^oin, 37 >.e«t.ute itreet, London . L'atclay ai..l so'is 'j;..'>:irnii,'dou Btroet, London ; b..-iger and t,on , O-forJ-itueet, Lonlon, u\A a.l the L.:..livi Anolesal* Qoases. Niivv Zkviv.n Wv.iv K > . . lblr ,i Cc , Whole;*'.! Diujzirist-v J^.uain 1 . . '

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5770, 25 March 1876, Page 2 (Supplement)

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5770, 25 March 1876, Page 2 (Supplement)

Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5770, 25 March 1876, Page 2 (Supplement)