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Paperhangings, &c. 10 0,000 ROLLS OF ' f PAPEimANCUNGS. ' W. PJIJLLIPPS it SON •)■> iM> '»", i>i 1 r\ sincKr, I Ilkvi 1 .lust Opimd, c\ 1 itt aimaN, EIGHTY I'AtK V(;FS XI \\ P VTTI l{\s, OP IWI'EUHVNUIXCIS. Andtonnki loom ioi Mii]imtnts tuanm | >ei 'Cu1 natie' and 'Gltnlon,* oil. 1 spcml mdii. mu nls to , plllclllbOld Che ip Ilessi in ind .Sti 1111 I Gilt Mouldings, a laisre issoitliicnt 111 w iksi^ns Altists' Colouis, 111 oil iiiid « it. r , Canvas, 1'ipii, Mounts and himdnts Kn^i minis, (ih'o^iaphs, Photographs, nnd Si i.ips 1 Hal "nee of slock of Uiiouio-Lilho 0 r r.ip)H, bilou Pubhshti's price I bihered Plate Ghsi, fiom 1 «5 \ 72 1 Polislud nnd KoUL,h PI ite, Mitct,, ' Hid I'llntOLM iphlt (rl ISS OLVsSMIADI b, P unts, Oils Col.nua, \ iinislu s 1 liiushis, 1'itont Silu ite, Oxide of In.n j Aiiticiii.isi\ ( > uul X< Ison Hematite Punt, md ill ' kinds 01 Painteis' and Deioratois' Suiuli us ! Poitl.uul Cun. nt j \\ llol,b-,\Lh AN0 HFlAlIi. J V. PIIILL1PPS t\. SOX ] Ti and '17, Quecn-strect

T> A V E R H A N G I N O S NEW DF.MCXS ! IMMENSE VATJTETY ! i I HOLLAND & BUTLER Ap.r. Now Ophvinc, rx ' Fout vrshiri: ' — PAITKMANCINCS For the Entiance II ill PAl'l Illi VM.IMJS For the Di iwim,'-iooui P VPLUHA.NULNGS For the Dim. ..-room PAPLHHANG1XC.S Tor lltdicoms PAPI.RILWtilNGS Toi Ceilings P VI'LUII VN(ilN<^ To Suit All ( I isscs I PAPLItH VNf.lM.S Of the Latest Designs PAl'l 1UI VM.LNt.S ,-or the Prcseii as.m I 1 VIM 1!H VNOIVC.S LmurllunKur ! PAl'l. IMJ V.NULSUS Foi Lindlords uid Kuildj cri, it 1 lib. t it Dibcount. j GILT MOL'LDIXUS Foi Pk mid STAIMM) Mol LD1NC S Room Deem dions HOLLAND & BUTLER, Oil, Colour, and Glass Mfrchants, iMronrms oi- Giass Sihdi-s, Muhuais jok Wa^ Flow ik 1 -, P\p mis' ami Aiuivrs' Mvmuu.'s, &t , 2S am) :K), Yi< roui v-sprkkt. Auiklv>d.

English Advertmsents. j lPWrSMIi; i..ll(»\vin<r is an EXTRACT ; ifyflR ■ I I!(>M V l.K'l I'l.Il dited l'.th Mix, I Ki?S ' v^~ "'" ' '""''' udi ibit mt dt lloi ning^h un, ! fli 1 |j "I must al»<> beir to s i\ tl'itvmir Pills aro 1 W \ an ( \ttlleiit medicine foi mt, .'ii.l I certamh 1 fef/* '!" eii]o\ good health, sound sleep and a good OS 1 1'I' 1> Iik this n> ovMiig tu 1 iking \oiu Pills. I ] Enrj> •" || s * • >ir s <>id , up " IUiiiAimng, Gentlemen, \ouis veij reI QP^1 bp(tt!llll,\, I to. I L .S " " I 'I.I tilt I'lopiRtolH III I I J \ll|,HAM VMOMIL1 I'll I s, London

; LEA & PERRINS' WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, DECLARED BY CONNOISSEURS TO BE , THE ONLY GOOD SAUCE. In tonstqiunce of Spunous Imitations of Lea & Pemns Sauce, ivhnh aw c ah 11 fa it d lo dective tht Public* I LEA y PERRLYS have adopted A New Label, j bearing their Signal 'id c, thus-" which will In /uaced on every bottle of I Worcestershire Sauce, i afh) <h'K datt, and ivilhou! ichuh none is an. J.i~'//.'i/ i8y T ' .y.' J/iis dots not apply to shipments I madt p/tof to the datt given. Ask fo> LEA & PEEJt/A T S' Sauce, i h'i Xuneon Wrappi), Labt I, Bottle j and Sinppii . I y,,t,\sjf and jor Expo it bv tin j h , <pt n to) <■, 1 1 :>ra tA-> ; Ct oi it IS Wat ka < if, j '' < do,.. L" . "Si. ,' tun! by (rtocers and . ' '!>•'./ it 11 hout ,i'i Woild. To Jx obtained of Jff»irti. Joint Ro\«it<ji\ and Co., Auckland, New Zealand.

HA1JJ DESTROYEB.— 248, High' Hoi bom, London. ALEX. UOisb't) Dipilitoi, removes bupeiHuous Hair from the Fate and Vnns without mjurv to the skin. Had of Chemists, add oi Kemptboine, Prosser, & Co., Druggibth, Aucklund \\7 O N I) E R FUL D I S COVBll \ - 1 T f VI, 1 \ liijvs's Chuapo removes Corns in .111 | hour turns them into pul|), removin}, the loot 11 id ' ot Chemist- i'bo ot kcmptllomc, Piosser. >V Co, ]>ruj{.riif., Auckland , Ale\. ltoab, L>4*, High Holhom, London I I

"FLY is the acting ingredient k5 111 ALK\. KObb'S I'lintharulesOil.whiebiiiiiekh nniritiees ILui and Whiskers. Hud of Chemists \\holisile of fveui]itliornc, ProSbcr, iV Co , UniL,,')-t-< Aucklmd: Me\. Uo-s, 21S, Hlijh Holborn, London, England

T/AYK'.s WORSDELL'S PILLS, KAYE'h WORSDKLL'h PILLS KAYL's UORSDKLL'S PILL^ Pre|)ured .Solely by JOHN KAYK, Em}., PHO->pi-cr Hai i, WooKfoiii), London. The Old Established and Most Valuable Medi. 1 ne the World. From their being cntirelj composed of >e^ctib!e injfi-edipiits, they muy be taken bj the .voimijesi 1 hild, or the most delicate female without usk, Tin 11 tiracl.v use often renders THE DOCTOR UNNECESSARY. Thev hnvo been before the Public over half 11 luiturv with the most striking results. Theie 111 few discuses with uhich humunih is afflicted w huh m.n not he immediate)) uOieiul and ultini itch i ui id l>\ KWKi, WORSPBLL'S PILLS. F.imilleH, Kmu'iimtH, Colonikts, ti.<J all who ilt-sii - 1 leniedv that may bu constant!'. .1. - pended on m .. 1 tases of illness. No family shou.d 1)0 VMtlmut them. Sold b\ ill Chciuistinnd other De tiers in Pattnt Medic mts, at Is. 1U1.. 2s. M . and 4a. (Id. ner \u\ Now Rtadi, handsomely bound in imitation flu-.-.) 1. TTvAMILY HERALD, New Volumf.— J" Prico4s Cd. Tbe> liookttellcr say§ : " This popular mago/me is nou issued m half voiirlvvolumes With itsu.iltb of fiction, poeti.v, sucntiflc infonnation, corn -pond enee, and useful familv reading, it thomiurhh pistiiic-j its cliiini to ho cousideied a 'Domeitie Ma,.i/iiu of I'seful I nfni matiou and Amusement. '" 1

Just Publibhed. ■/■AMILY HERALD, New YoLUMt.— 2. font 1111111^' the c-omplae Novel, 1 ntitled "Tnh isoi irk's Lkuii ," NovMettes, Shoit Siorits, md Es»i\s The Saturdau lleiuew sus. "Its novels and tules are (|Uite aa well wiittmas the bc"<t cinulitm^ libiaiv Btories " ■Iiut Pnbliiihe-d. FAMILY HERAIJ>, Xi:w Voluu..Jf \ov els and Tiles The lllu^tinti (7 London Mt'itx, 111 retercuee to pure litciitiiu- spi-ik< 01 the " F4MII.V IIkkuii, tint jo\ to tfiisot tlioiiMiidsi of iDinxviit ]:»kIix)) buiisehold-." Pnee Is Od. 87»AMILY HERALD, New Vor.BMF.— • Leuliny Articles sind Ks-..i.\ * The lint nli QuutrrUj lieuem hsjs: "Theie 11a well eonsidtied le>adm^ r aitie-lu or e".sa,v ever* ucek, upon some subject of nn instructive or thoughtful ebiir.iett'i- "

Just Published. TjiAMILY HERALD, New Vou mf — J Aniwcra to Correspondents. 'Ilie Saturday Heview wjy : " The editor is the 1011fliUnt mid confessor in everj btation of lift The AiiMueis to C'orrcspondeuU cannot be fletitioiw, a romance and a life hiHtorj beiiifr ombodied 111 .ilmost eueh of them."

Pnee 4s (kl. H^AMILY HERALD, New Volmik.— ' l> Random Reudin^i). ' "Its Random Readings .tro the 1 cognised modern Joe Millei "~lli uihton Gazette [ London \\ illi vjj &rh\ y\h, 451 , Straiul.W.C'., ' And muv be h id ( it n sm ill percentu^e <n er the pubIwhed i<riee) of Krci\ ISooKicllcr 111 tho Colonie*.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5770, 25 March 1876, Page 2 (Supplement)

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5770, 25 March 1876, Page 2 (Supplement)

Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5770, 25 March 1876, Page 2 (Supplement)