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National and Empire Broadcasts

Tomorrow’s Programmes 2YA, Wellington 570 k.c. 9.0: Recordings. 9.15: A programme by tlio Wellington Salvation Army Band. 10.0: Weather report tor aviators. 10.28: Timo iVnals. .'1.0: Anglican service from St. I'-ul's Pro-Cat liedral. 12.1 i) (approx|): Close down. 1.0: Weather report for aviators. Dinner session. 2.0: Modern Composers Series —Sergei Rachmaninoff, Concerto No. 2, in C Minor, played by Benno Moiseiwitch (pianist I and the London Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Walter Goehr. 2.33: Recordings. 3.28: Time signals. 4.30: Close down. 6.0: Children’s song service. 7.0: Congregational service from the Terrace Congregational Church.

8.15 (n|>l>rox.): Recordings. 5.30: Martina Wulf (soprano), 'Wilhelm Hiller (bass). Friedrich Eugen Engels (tenor) wilh the Chorus and Orchestra of the German Opera Houses. Berlin: "The Merry Wives of Windsor”, Selection (Nicolai). 838: Galll-Curci (soprano), Homer (contralto). Gigli (tenor). De Luca. Pinza and Bada, “Chi Mi Frena” (Donizetti). Galli-Ciirei (soprano), Homer (contralto), Gigli (tenor) and De Luca (baritone): “Bella Figlla Del’Aniore” (Verdi). 8.46: Choir of Hie Mailander Scala: “Choir Der Landleute” (Mascagni). “The Gipsy Chorus” (Verdi). 9.0: Weather report and station notices. 9.5: The 2YA Orchestra, “The Mastersingers" Overture (Wagner). 10.0: Close down. 2YC. Wellington 840 k.c. G.O: Recordings. 7.30: Judith Anne and her Uncle John discuss “Tills '.riling Culled Love.” 8.30: Light recital programme featuring, Howard Jacobs (saxophonist), Edith Lorand (violinist), The Strings of the 8.8. C. Scottish Orchestra. Joseph Hislop (tenor), Anona Winn (soprano), Westminster Male Quartet. 10.0: Close down. 2YD, Wellington 090 k.c. 7.0: Classics in Rhythm. 7.35: Coronets of England. 8.0: Tit-Bits of Today: Hits of Yesterday. 8.40: Trailer. 8.45: “Dad and Dave.” 9.0: Radio Play, “Money with Menaces.” 10.0: Close down. IYA, Auckland G5O k.c. 9.0: Recordings. 11.0: Baptist service from Mt Eden Baptist Church. 12.15: Close down. 1.0: Dinner music. 2.0: Recordings. 3.30: Songs by Brahms, sung by Alexander Kipnis, with Gerald Moore at the piano. 3.42: Recordings. 4.30: Close down. 6.0: children’s song service. 7.0: Methodist service from Pitt Street Methodist Church. 8.15: “The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols.” Relayed from the Chapel of King’s College, Otahuhu. 9.15: Weather report and station notices. 9.18: Frederic Hippman and his Orchestra. “Chopin Melodies. ’ 9.21: Danny Malone (famous Irish tenor). 9.33: “Fairies and Furies In Music.” 10.20: Close down. 3YA, Christchurch 720 k.c. 9.0: Recordings. 11.0: Methodist service from East Belt Methodist Church. 12.15 (approx.): Close down. 1.0: Dinner music. 2.0: Recordings. 3.0: Symphonic Fantastique” by Berlioz, played by Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Pierre Monteux. 352- Recordings. 4.30: Close down. 5.30: Children’s Song Service. 6.15: Recordings. 7.0: Anglican service from St. Mary’s Church. Merlvale. 8.15: Recordings. 8.30: The 8.8. C. Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Sir Edward Elgar, “The Kingdom Prelude.’’ Op. 51 (Elgar). 5.40: Steuart Wilson (tenor) with the Marie Wilson String Quartet and Reginald Paul, “On Wenlock Edge" (Vaughan Williams). 9.0: 'Weather forecast and station notices. 9.5: Noel Newson, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., pianoforte recital of compositions by modern British composers: “Windmills,” “Bank Holiday” (E J. Moerun); “Two Nocturnes” No. 1 in B Minor, No. 2 in D Flat (Alec Rowley): "Rabbit Hill” (Roy Agnew); “Shepherd’s Hey’’ (Percy Grainger). 9.21: Ailsa Nicol (soprano) : '“Elfin Lover” (Granville Bantock); “Young Love Lies Sleeping” (Arthur Somervell) : “Cradle Song” (Arnold Bax); “At the IVell” (Richard Hageman). 9.32: Cedric Sharpe Quartet (instrumental): “Down in the Forest,” “Believe Me If All.” "O, Lovely Night” (Landon Ronald). 9.42: Stuart Robertson (bass-baritone) in a group of songs by Vaughan Williams. 9 51: London Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Sir Edward Elgar, "Pomp and Circumstance" (Elgar). 10.0: Close down. 4YA, Dunedin 790 k.c. 9.0: Recordings. 11.0: Methodist service from Trinity Church. 12.Io: Close down. 1.0: Dinner musie. 2.0: Recordings. 2.30; Famous German folk songs (second scries), sung by Richard Tauber. 2.45: Recordings. 4.30: Close down. 5.30: Children’s song service. 6.15: Recordings. G. 30: Congregational service from the _Moray Place Congregational Church. 7.45: Recordings. 8.30: The 8.8. C. Symphony Orchestra, “Cockaigne Concert Overture” (In London Town), (Elgar). 8.42: Weather report and station notices. 8.47: ‘Richard tlie Second," by IVilliam Shakespeare. 10.5: Close down. Empire Programme GSD, 25.53 m.; GSE, 25.29 m.; GSF. 19.82 m.; GSO, 19.7 Gm.; GSI, 19.66 ni. 8 p.m.: Big Ben. “The Microphone at Largo”: The ancient woolstapling town of Fairford, Gloucestershire, with S. P. B. Mais. 8.30: Pianoforte recital by Dorothy Folk’ard. 8.50: Religious service (Roman Catholic), from St. Dominic’s Priory, London. 9.40: Sunday news, weekly newsletter, sports summary. Saturday sport, aud announcements. 10.15: Close down. Today’s Programmes 2YA. Wellington 57U k.o 6.50: Weather report lor aviators and lor oicliardists. 7.0: Breakfast session. 9.0: Close down. 10.0: Weather report for aviators. 10.10: Devotional service. 10.2 o: Recordings. 10.28: Time signals. 10.4 o: A talk to women by -Margaret. 12.0: Lunch musie. 1.0: Weather report for aviators, week-end forecast and frost forecast. 2.0: Liglit musical programme. 3.0: Sports results. 3.28: Time signals. 4.0: Sports results. 5.0: Children’s session. 6.0: Dinner music. 7.0: News. 7.28: Time signals. 8 0- Tlie Royal Wellington Choral Union presents Handel’s oratorio. "The Messiah.” Guest conductor. Colin Muston. L.K.A.M. Soloists, Myra Sawyer (soprano!, .Molly Atkinson (confraltoi, Joseph Battersby (tenor), Russell J. Laurenson (bass). '1 he chorus will be augmented by approximately 110 voices from the Auckland Choral ■ Society (from tlie Wellington Town- Hall). 10.0 (approx.): Sports summary. 10.10: Dance programme. 11.30: Close down. 2YC, Wellington S4O k.c 3.0: Liglit musical programme. 6.0: CLoae down. 7.0: After-dinner music. 8.0: "Porte of Call’ —A Visit to Barbary. 8.30: "Life of Emile Zola” (chapter 10). 9.0: Dance programme. 10.0: Variety and revue. 10.30: Clowe down. 2YD, Wellington Vito k.c. 7.0: 2YD Listeners Own Session. 8.40: Trailer. 8.45: Dance Time. 9.5: Nigger Minstrels. 9.20: "Mittens”—an epic of the turf. 9.35: Soft. Lights and Sweet Music. 10.0: Close down. IYA. Auckland 6&O k.c 7.0: Breakfas-t session. 9.0: Close down, tn.i): Devotional service. 11.0: A talk to women by Margaret. 11.10: Recordings. 12.0: Lunch musie.• District weekend weather forecast. 2.0: Recordings. 3.14 and 4.30: Sports results. 5.0: Chlldren'a session. 6.0: Dinner music. 7.0: News. 8.0: New Mavfair Orchestra, “Gilbert and Sullivan Selection” (Sullivan). 8.10: The Melody Five (vocal quartet and piano): “Swingin' in a Hammock” (Wendling). “Sweet Genevieve” (Tucker). 8.18: Light Symphony Orchestra, "The Three Men” Suite (Coates). 8.30: Fred Frean (baritone) : “Cargoes” (Clarite), "The Lilac Tree” (Gartlan). “Duna” (McGill), "From Oberon ir. Fairylan 1” (Slate.-). 8.-12: Bymphonv Orchestra, conducted by Walter Goehr. “Nights at the Ballet,” No. 1 (various). 8.50: Tlie Melody Five: “Lay Mv Head Beneiitli n Hose" (Slanbridgc), "Tim Goslings” (Bridge). 9.0: Weather report and station notices. 9.5: t.ouis Levy and Ids Orchestra. “Goldwyn Follies" selection (Gershwin). 9.11: Tlie Zeloso Trio, (noveltv Instrumental and voeali: “One. Night of Love” (Sehertz.ingeri. "Serenade” (arr. Checsman), “Gipsy Airs" tarr. Mc-

Lennen), "By (he Waters of Minnetonka” (Lieurance). 9.22: Anton and the Paramount Theatre Orchestra, "Echoes of tlie Orient” (various). 9.28: Marry Eldon’s Dark Town Minstrels. 9.40: Felix Mendelssohn’s Orchestra. “King Revel” selection. 9.46: The Zeloso Trio: "Wedding of the Winds” (Delro), “Chapel Bella” (McHugh), “The Whirlwind” (Krantz), “Love Everlasting” (Friml). *9.57: The Artiste Orchestra. “Doll and Showman” (Siede). 10.0: Sports summary. 10.10: Dance music. 11.*5: Close down. 3YA, Christchurch 120 k.c. 7.0: Breakfast session. 9.0: Close down. Itl.O: Recordings. 10.30: Devotional service. 10.45: Recordings. 11.0: A talk to women by Margaret. 11.10: Recordings. 12.0: Lunch music. 1.0: Weekend weather forecast. 2.0: Recordings. 3.30 and 4.30: Sports results. 5.0: Children's hour. 6.0: Dinner music. 7.0: News. 8.0: "Homestead on tlie Rise.” 8.1 o: "The Fourth Form at St. Percy’s.” 8.28: Stuart Robertson (bass). “In Summertime on Bredon” (Peel), “Sea Fever” (Ireland). 8.35: “Coronets of England—The Life of Mary Queen of Scots.” (Episode 8.) 9.0: Weather report and station notices. 9.5: 3YA‘Orchestra, conducted by Will Hutchens Mus.Bae., “Vanity Fair” Comedy Overture (Fletcher), “Slavonic Serenade” (Shadwell). 9.17: The Chatterboxes, "Ask Me Another” (Ryan)., 9.29: 3YA Orchestra, “The Student Prince’’ selection (Romberg). 9.43: Tlie Chatterboxes, “The Old Family Album” (Ryan): Song, “Let George Do It” (Weston and Lee). 9.53: 3YA Orchestra. Three Dances from “Nell Gwynn’ (German). 10.0: Sports summary. 10.15: Dance musi(t. 11.15: Close down. 4YA, Dunedin 790 k.o. 7.0: Breakfast session. 9.0: Close down. 10.0: Recordings. 10.50: A talk to women by Margaret. 12.0: Lunch music. 1.0: Weather report. 2.0: Recordings. 3.30: Sports results. Recordings. 4.0: Weather report and station notices. 4.45: Sports results. 5.0: Children’s session. 6.0: Dinner ‘music. 7.0: News. 7.25: Talk, "The Health Stamp Campaign.” 7.35: Talk by Mr. Don Miller, “Cricket Results.” 8.0: Geraldo and his Orchestra, "That Girl from Paris” Selection (Heymann). 8.10: Jean McLay (contralto), “Lilac Spotted Gown” (Wreford), “Friend o’ Mine” (Sanderson). 8.16: The Lang-Worth Concert Orchestra., “Malaguena” (Mosz. kowski), “The Last Rose of Summer” (Moore), “Tales from the Vienna Woods” (Strauss), “The Merry Wives of Windsor” (Nicolai). 8.29: Lex Macdonald (baritone), "The Green Eyed Dragon” (Charles), “The Song of Songs” (Moya), “Man In the Street” (Longstaffe). 8.38: The Charles Brill Orchestra, “Soirees Musicales” (Ros. slni, Britten). 8.48: Jean tMcLay (contralto); “The Spinning Wheel” (arr. Stella), “Leezle Lindsay” (arr. Henderson). 8.54: Barnabas von Geczy Orchestra, “Cara Marl” (Zalden), “Pony” (Rlxner)? 9.0: IVeather report and station notices. 9.5: Dance music.' 10.0: Sports summary. 10.10: Dance music. 11.15: Close down. Empire Programme GSl>, 25.53 m.; GSE, 25.29 m.; GSF, 19.82 m.; GSO, 19.76 m.; GSI, 19.06 m. 8.0 p.m.: Big Ben. Exchange of views on the news of the .day. 8.20: Scenes, memories and melodies of 35 years ago. 9.20: 8.8. C. theatre organ. 9.40: “London Log." 9.50: The news and announcements. 10.15: Close down.

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Dominion, Volume 32, Issue 66, 10 December 1938, Page 8 (Supplement)

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WEEKEND RADIO ENTERTAINMENT Dominion, Volume 32, Issue 66, 10 December 1938, Page 8 (Supplement)

WEEKEND RADIO ENTERTAINMENT Dominion, Volume 32, Issue 66, 10 December 1938, Page 8 (Supplement)