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Farm and Commercial Section

AUCTION SALES TO-DAY. Carterton, I.SO p.m.—Sale, account late W. Abbott, freehold property (W. C. ■ L. Baskiville). Johnsonville Saleyards, 1 p.m.—Store stock and dairy sale (W.S. and Co., Ltd.) 8 Willeston Street, 10.30a.m.—Sale of household furniture (E. Johnston and Co.) 91 Dixon Street, 1.30 p.m.—Sale of household furniture (C. W. Price). 98 Manners Street, 2 p.m.—Sale of household furniture (Ramsey Wilson and Co.) 108 Cuba Street, 2 p.m.—Sale of household furniture (Silverstone and Co.) TO-MORROW. The Grange, Wadestown, 1.30 p.m.—Sale of building material (C. W. Price). THE PRODUCE MARKETS BUTTER AND CHEESE Messrs. Dalgety and Company, Limited, have received the following market advice from their head office, London, under date July 31: —“New Zealand butter, 1695. to 1725.: New Zealand cheese, white. 86s. to 875.: New Zealand cheese, coloured, 90s. to 91s. Market very quiet.” The Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, have received the following advice from their London office, dated July 31 (last week’s figures in parentheses):—“Butter: New Zealand, choicest salted, 171 s. to 1725. per cwt. (1725. to 1735.). Cheese, white, 86s. to 87s. per cwt. (895.). Cheese, coloured, 90s. to 91s. per cwt. (90s. to 915.). Markets dull.” LONDON RABBITSKIN SALES Messrs. Dalgety and Company, Limited, report having received the following cable advice from their head office on the sales recently held in London. . The May sale prices are given as a comparison:—

2150 bales offered: 950 sold. Market irregular and dragging. Hatters 5 per cent, lower. Pulling sorts and light racks 10 per cent. lower. Furriers very little demand; mostly withdrawn.


RABBITSKIN SALE LOWER RANGE OF VALUES. The Combined Brokers, Messrs. Dalgety and Co.. Ltd., the N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd., and Messrs. Wright, Stephenson, and Co., Ltd., held their fifth sale of rabbitskins yesterday, when very attractive catalogues of all grades and descriptions were offered to the usual attendance of buyers. They reported that adverse reports had just been received from London on the sales recently held in that centre, prices showing a decided drop. This naturally reflected on the sale and we were compelled to accept a lower range of values. At the present time there are heavy stocks of New Zealand skins awaiting sale in London, and shippers have lost considerably on their purchases. Prime skins sold exceptionally well, but the Inferior grades were difficult of sale. Trappers who had consignments in this sale must feel highly pleased with the prices realised, considering the depressed state of the London market.

The following is the range of prices Runners and suckers, 20d. to 30d.; light racks, 30d. to 405 d.; prime racks, 38d. to 41Jd.; summers, 25d. to 29Jd.; dawny autumns, 40 jd to 43£d.; early autumns, 47}d. to 52) d.; late autumns, 54d. to 60id.; incoming winters, 60d. to 79d.; early winters, 75d. to 86Jd.; winter spotted, 47Jd to 54d.; hareskins, 41d. to 43jd.; prime bucks, 96d. to 98d.; prime does. llOd. to Hid.; first bucks, 86d. to 90d.: first does, 97d. to lOlJd.; winters, 55d. to 86}d.; winter blacks, 80d. to 90d.; winter fawns, 90d. to 121 d. Opossum Skins.—There was an exceptional demand for all grades and colours, super skins coming in for special attention Very few Wellington district skins were offered, the bulk of the catalogue being West Coast, Nelson, Taranaki, and Auckland skins.

The prospects for the next sale, which is fixed for September 12, are very promising, and trappers are advised to forward their catches to this sale, and thus secure the present high prices ruling. The following is the range of prices:— First blues, 16s. 4d. to 18s. 6d. each; second blues, 14s. fid. to 165.; third blues, 7s. to Ils. Bd.; first greys, 15s. 6d. to 18s.; second greys, Ils. to 15s; third greys, Bs. to 10s. 6d.; first red necks, Ils. 3d.; second red necks, 9s. to 10s. 7d.; super blacks, 18s. 2d. to 215.; first blacks, 16s. 2d. to 175.; second blacks, Ils. 6d. to 145.; third blacks, 7s. lOd. to 10s. 6d.; first browns, 15s. 4d. to 17s Bd.; second browns, 10s. to 145.; slates. 12s| to 13s. 6d.

LIVE STOCK SALES WESTFIELD Auckland, July 31. At Westfield ox beef was penned In average numbers, the quality being first-class. Competition was steady and last week’s values were fully realised. Extra heavy prime steers made £l6 17s. 6d. to £l7 7s. 6d., medium £l5 ss. to £l6 55., light £l2 10s. to £l4 15s Store and heifer beef came forward in smaller numbers than last week. Competition was steady and last week’s values were well sustained. Prime young cows and heifers made £9 to £lO, medium £8 7s. 6d. to £9, light £6 ss. to £B. Extra choice ox beef sold to 40s. per 1001 b., choice and prime 375. to 395., secondary and plain 335. to 365., prime young cow and heifer beef 335. to 355., just killable 295. to 31s.

Sheep came forward in average numbers, the quality being good. Competition was fairly steady and values remained on a par with last week's realisations. Heavy prime wethers made 415., medium 375. 6d., light and unfinished 355. 6d., lighter prime ewes 265. 6d. An average yarding of fat lambs sold at late rates. Heavy prime lambs made 28s. 9d. Calves were yarded In larger numbers and realised late values. Heavy vealers made £5 ss. to £6 65., medium £4 to £5, light £2 18s. to £3 155., small £1 2s. to £2 10s. Pigs came forward in small numbers and sold under keen competition. Choppers made to £3 10s., heavy baconers £4 4s. to £4 Bs., heavy porkers £3 to £3 65., medium baconers £3 16s. to £4 25., medium porkers £2 12s. to £2 18s., light baconers £3 10s. to £3 155., light porkers £2 to £2 10s. WANGANUI. Messrs. Freeman, Jackson, and Co. report a yarding at the Wanganui sale well up to advertised numbers. The sheep section was a good one and competition was very good, bidding being more free than for several weeks. The clearance was a very good one at prices in advance of recent sales. The cattle sale was rather dull, shortage of cattle feed being the cause. A light entry of pigs sold very well, porkers in particular being In good demand. Quotations: Light fat wethers, 235. 6d.; forward ewes, 20s. 6d. to 225. 6(1.; empty young ewes, 21s. 6d.; medium wether hoggets, 235. 3d. to 255.; medium ewe hoggets, 245. 6d.; b.f. hoggets, 225.; five-year ewes to Southdown rams, 25s 6d., 20s. Id., to 325.; aged and Inferior ewes to Southdown rams, 14s. Id., 15s. 3d., to 205.; good two-tooth wethers, 30s. 6d. to 31s. 3d.; medium eight-tooth wethers, 275,. 295. 6d. to 30s. Good-conditioned bullocks, £11; fat cows (light), £7 55.; young jersey bulls, £5 ss. to £5 10s.; yearling heifers, £2 3s. to £4 55.; threeycar springing dairy heifers, £7 15s. to £9; guaranteed sound dairy cows, £7 10s. to £9 las.: backward dairy cows, £6 to £7 55.; aged dairy cows, £4 10s. to £5 10s. Pigs: Light porkers, £2 2s. to £2 Bs.; sows to furrow. £2 2s. 6d.; stores (small), 15s. 6d., 16s. Od. to 18s. PAHIATUA. The Loan and Mercantile Agency Compayn, Ltd., report as under on the Pahiatua sale held on Tuesday, when they submitted a good yarding of sheep to a moderate attendance of those interested. Good breeding ewes appreciated in value from previous quotations, while other sorts were neglected. Quotations: 101 4-tooth to 5yenr ewes, rw. S.D. rams, 295. lOd.; 40 f.m. ewes, r.w S.D. rams, 225. 6d.; 38 ditto, 245. 3d.; 18 ditto (poor), 15s; others, to Ils. 6d.; dairy cows, to £ll 2s. 6d. EKETAHUNA. The W.F.C.A., Ltd., report: We held our fortnightly Eketahuna sale to-day. when we offered a small yarding of sheep and a fair entry of dairj- cattle to a good attendance of local buyers. The sheep offered were aged ewes, for which there was no demand, but good springing cows and heifers mot with a good demand. We quote: Four springing heifers. £ll 55.; 2 ditto, £9 10s.; 4 ditto, £8 55.; 4 aged springing cows, £8; unsound springing cow. £6. SALE OF FRIESIANS By Telegraph.—Press Association Invercargill, July 31. A sale of Mr. T. R. Eades’s Friesian cattle was held at Edendale to-day and attracted a large attendance. Competition was keen throughout, ail lots making good prices. Heifers averaged 32j guineas and bulls 29J guineas, top price of sale being 80 guineas, which was paid for a rising yearling bull. FIELD LABORATORY QUESTION OF SITE. The proposed establishment by the Government of a field laboratory in a dairy district was the subject of a question, notice of which was given by Mr ,1. A. Young (Hamilton) in the House of Representatives yesterday. Mr. Young proposes to ask the Minister of Agriculture whether he would take into consideration the outstanding claims of the Waikato and South Auckland districts centring on Hamilton as presenting the most suitable site among the dairy districts of the Dominion for the establishment of the contemplated field laboratory for the Intensive observation, study, and experimental treatment of morbid and pathological conditions pertaining to all classes and breeds of dairy stock. royaiTshow JUDGES FOR INVERCARGILL. The following judges have accepted the position for the next Royal Show In Invercargill on December 10, 11, and 12:— Clydesdales, Mr. J. D. Wyllie, Sefton, Canterbury; thoroughbreds, hunters, and saddle horses. Mr. W. Howard Booth. Car terton; Aberdeen Angus cattle. Mr. A Reid. Waikouaitl; Hereford, Mr. A. Swift. Taihape; Shorthorns, Mr. M. Donovan, Maraekakalio; Ayrshires, Mr. F. Mills, Ilawera, Frleslans, Mr 11. It. Green, Kairanga; Jerseys. Mr. C. G. C. Dormer, t.’hel tenliam; milking Shorthorns, Mr. E. Wall, Hastings; Bed Polla. Mr. W. Lcask, Lu-

reka- crossbred cattle, Mr. P. Campbell, Wvndham: Corriedale sheep, Mr. J. Stringfellow ( Greytown; English Leicester, Mr. T S Little, Windsor; Lincolns, Mr. A. IS. Anderson, Carterton; Merinos and halfbreds Mr. J. W. Trolove, Kekerangu; Romney March (rams), Mr. E E. Short, Feilding; Shropshires, Mr. H. J. Andrew, Maheno; Southdowns, Mr. H. B. Stuckey, Dannevirke; fat sheep and lambs, Mr. J. W P Vickery, Invercargill; crossbred sheep’ Mr. W. J. Johnstm Gore; pigs (all breeds), Mr. R. Chilcott, Frankton; export pigs, Mr. R. W. Graham, Christchurch. JERSEY BREED Dominion Special Service. I’almerstun North, August 1. Mr C. G. L. Dermer presided at the annual meeting of the Manawatu Jersey Breeders’ Club this afternoon. The last season had been very successful although an increase.ln the •membership would be welcomed, said the president in his annual report. The financial position of the elub was very satisfactory, a credit balance of £25 10s. 3d. being shown. It had been decided to donate two silver cups to the Feilding and Manawatu A. and P. Associations respectively to the value of £l2 12s. each, to be competed for at the future shows amongst the two-year-old Jersey heifers, and the Manawatu Club, in conjunction with the New Zealand Jersey Breeders Association, would donate a cup to the value of £l5 for a special class of three Jersey females and sire (the sire to be paraded for exhibition only). The first Oaks which had been finalised at the last Feilding A. and P. show, had proved a great success, nine animals of exceptionally good type having been judged. There were 24 entries for the second Oaks, which would be decided at the next Feilding A. and P. show, while the third Oaks had now been launched, and was meeting with good support from the breeders. The scheme of adding type to pedigree, which was brought forward by the Manawatu Club, had been approved of by the New Zealand Jersey Breeders’ Association, and. as Mr. Dermer had pointed out, that should be done by all breeders to place the Jersey above all other classes and to produce a better class of animal, instead of their being content to breed from the same class as before, which in time would resolve itself into breeding from grade Jerseys. It was decided to send a letter of sympathy to Mr. H. J. Burrell in his recent severe illness. The election of officers resulted as follows:—President. Mr. C. G. L. Dermer; vice-president, Mr. J. A. Mitchell; committee, Messrs. A. L. Dermer, J Smith. T. Ranford, D. Kilgow, IL J. Burrell, H. J Lancaster, and J. O’Donnell; auditor, Mr. N. I. Neilson; secretary, Mr. E. Jennings.

WELLINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE YESTERDAY’S BUSINESS AND PRICES The following sales were reported yesterday on the Wellington Stock Ex-

Government securities were steady, . the 44 per cent, stock (1938) at £99 17s. 6d.. 4j per cent, bonds (1939 and 1938) at £lOO, 44 per cent bonds (1930) at £99 55., 5} per cent, stock (1941) at £99 17s. 6d., anti the 5} per cent, stock (1936) at £lOl 10s. New Zealand Breweries bonds were firm at 28s. Bank shares were slow, and the only offers were for Bank of New Zealand at 61s. 3d. and for Union Bank at £l5 Is. 6d. Sellers quoted 355. for Australian Bank of Commerce, £l4 13s. 6d. for Bank ,of Australasia, £8 9s. 6d. for English, Scottish and Australian Bank, £9 16s. 3d. for National Bank of Australasia £5 paid, £5l 17s. 6d. for Bank of New South Wales, and 28s. 9d. for Bank of New Zealand long term.

Goidsbrough Mort were in demand at 465. 6d.. but sellers held for 6d. more. New Zealand Guarantee Corporation were firm at 9s. 2d., New Zealand Investment at 9s. 9d„ and Wellington Deposit at 10s. 6d. For National Insurance 16s. was bid. and for Standard Insurance 665. Gisborne Gas were firm at 135., and Wellington Gas at 325. 6d. ex. dividend.

Meat shares were In good demand, with bids of 435. 6d. for Gear Meat, 9s. 6d. for Wellington Meat Export ordinary and 7s. sd. for New Zealand Refrigerating 10s. paid. Huddart. Parker were steady, the ordinary at 455. 6d. and the preference at 21s. 6d. Waipa Coal were wanted at 14s. and Taupiri Coal at 275. Kaiapoi Woollen ordinary were at 145., and Wellington Woollen ordinary at £7 4s. 6d. Brewery shares were steady. Crown Brewery at 75., and New Zealand Breweries at 83s. 3d. There were buyers of Kauri Timber at 17s. 9d., Bartholomew Timber ar 205.. British Tobacco at 48s. 2d.. Howard Smith at 245., National Electric at 9s. Oil.. New Zealand Paper Mills at 205., and Wilson’s Cement at 445. 3d. Yesterday’s buying and selling quotations were as under:— Buyers. Sellers. N.Z. GOVT. LOANS— £ s. d. £ s. d.


By Telegraph.—Press Association. Auckland. August 1. Sales.—New Zealand Breweries' debentures, 28s. 3d., 28s. 3d, 28s. 3d.; Bank of New Zealand. 61s lid.; Union Bank of Australia, £l5 2s. fid.; South British insurance, 685.: North Auckland Farmers' Coop., 3s. 2d., 3s. 2d., B pref. 12s. 3d; Wright, Stephenson, 265. Od; Auckland Gas. 245. Id, 21s. id., eon. 17s. lid.; Huddart, Parker, 45s 9d.; Booth, Macdonald, Is. 10d.: N.Z. Farmers' Fertiliser, 245.; Wilson’s Cement, 445. 3d.; Waihi Mining, Ils. ltd.; Ratrut. Tin (Australian sale), 19s. Gd. Christchurch, August L Sales.—N.Z. Guarantee Corporation, Ils. 4,1.; N.Z. Breweries. 84s, 84s. 2d., 84s. 4d.; Australian Distilleries (cum div.), 225. 2d.; Dunlop Rubber, 275. (Id., 275. 7d.; Mount Lyell, 435.; British Tobacco, 48s. 4d.; N.Z. Farmers’ Fertiliser, 245.; Winding Creek. (6d. paid), 2s. Bd., 2s. Sales Reported.—National Bank of Australasia (£lO paid). £l9 155.; Union Bank of Australia (ex dividend). £l5 25., £l5 2s. 6(1.. Goidsbrough, Mort, 465. 9d.; Henry Jones Co-op.. 335. Od. Messrs. Dalgety and Company have received a report from London, dated July 31, stating that tallow prices are nominally unchanged.

COMPANY ACTIVITIES ANGLO-PERSIAN OIL After allowing for depreciation, debenture Interest, royalty, and other charges, a profit of £2,832,958 was reported by the Anglo-Persian Oil Co. Ltd. for the nine months ended December 31. As £1,710,832 was brought forward the balance at profit and loss amounted to £4,543,790. Appropriations were extra depreciation £201,051, discount on Issue of debenture stock £56,250, debenture stock redemption £150,000, amortisation reserve £50,000, and general reserve £400,000. Preference dividends Required £656,250, and the distribution on ordinary shares for the term was at the rate of 124 per cent, per annum less tax, taking £1,258.51)4, and leaving £1,771.645 to be carried forward. The dividend for the nine months means that the British Government will receive approximately £703,000, including tax, for its buildings. For the whole of the previous twelve months the dividend was 7$ per cent, less tax. The company’s capital consists of preference shares of £10,500,000, and ordinary shares of £13,425,000. of which the British Government holds £7,500,000. Debenture stock issued amounts to £5.125,000, five-year 61 per cent, notes £723,900. Deposits by associated companies were £1.508,906, creditors, etc., £3.252,138, and reserve £6,108,129. Assets aggregated £44.345,247. Oil concession, shares, and advances are stated at £25,218,172, refineries, tank Installations, etc., £4.053,989, stock of oil products, etc., £3.693.319, stores, etc.. £1.047.505, Government securities £2,784.888. debtors, etc., £4,451,197, and cash £2,196,176. NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE A net premium Income of £1,166,973 was earned by tlie New- Zealand Insurance Company for the year ended May 31, 1929, which compares with £1,136,232 in the previous year. The fire, marine, and accident losses and appropriation for unascertained losses totalled £724,190, against £694,344, the expenses amounted to £315,635 as compared with £317,096, and Government taxes and contributions to fire brigades and accident associations £46,939, against £44,271, making the total outgo £1,086,764, and leaving the unlerwriting profit at £80,209, equal to slightly less than 7 per cent, of the premium income. To this must be added £134,077 received by way of interest and rents, and there was brought forward from the previous year £129,538. making a total of £343,824 available for distribution. Out of this £75,000 is added to the reserve fund, which now stands at £550,000, and the dividend of 22d. per share absorbs £137,500, leaving £131,324 to be carried forward. The dividend, which is at the same rate as in the previous year. Is met almost entirely out of revenue from Interest and rent, so that practically the whole of the underwriting profit remains with the company. The paid-up capital is unchanged at £1.200,000; the reserve fund amounts to £550,000, against £475,000; reserve for unexpired risks £592,000, against £575,000; investment fluctuation account £12,488, against £11,687; provision for taxation unchanged at £20,000; appropriations for unascertained losses £205,756, against £208,334; sundry creditors, etc., £187.153 against £147,413, and balance £200.075. against £198,288. The assets total £2,967,472, and comprise mortgages £28,774 against £38,507, shares £103.015 against £91.485, properties £444,307 against £432,062. bonds and debentures £1,879.142 against £1.855,804, fixed deposits £60.501 against £48,208, accrued interest and rents £44,273 against £42,841, branch and agency balances £231,291 against £210,304. remittances in transit £6OOO against £350, and cash £170,169 against £116,161. FOREIGN ITEMS AUSTRALIAN PRODUCE MARKETS. By Telegraph.—Press Association. (Rec. August 1, 8.15 p.m. Sydney, August 1. Wheat, at country stations, ss. per bushel; ex trucks Sydney, ss. 7<l. Flour, £l4 per ton. Pollard and bran, £S. Potatoes, Tasmanian, £2O to £22; Victorians, £l9. Onions, Japanese £18; Victorian Spanish, £lO. Oats, white, 4s. 9d. per bushel; Algerian, 4s. 3d. Maize, 6s. to 6s. 2d. per bushel. Adelaide, August 1. Wheat, growers* lots, ss. Id. to ss. lid. Flour, £l2 15s. Bran, £6 17s. 6d. Pollard, £7 10s. Algerian oats, 3s. 6(1. CHICAGO WHEAT QUOTATION. Australian Press Association. (Rec. August 1, 5.5 p.m.) Chicago, July 31. Wheat futures: July, 1 dollar 43 cents per’ bushel; September, 1 dollar 47 cents.; December, 1 dollar 54} cents. CUSTOMS REVENUE. Hhe Customs revenue collected at the port of Wellington yesterday totalled £16,276.

Description. May. July. d. d. d. d. Full winters, thfn pelts, slightly spotty n.Q. 118 o 120 Full winters, medium and stout pelts .. 90 to 110 80 o 110 Second and late winter (thin pelts) .. n.q. 80 to 95 Second and late winter (stout pelts) . S3 to 70 52 to 62 Early winter and first incoming ... 80 to 105 80 to 90 Late autumn n.q. 65 to 70 Early autumn 55 to 03 54 to 5G Outgoings and springs 48 to 55 48 to 52 Autumn racks 50 to 54 54 to 56 Light racks 53 to 58 55 to 58 Spring and summer racks (thin &/or medium and stout pelts) 40 to 42 36 to 40 Inferior and damaged (fair to good) .... 55 to 60 55 to 60 Inferior and damaged (med. to poor) ... 38 to 52 33 to 48 Milky (fair to good) 54 to 58 50 to 56 Milky (med. to poor 38 f. 35 to 46 Kittens and suckers . 25 to 35 20 to 36

change:— £ 8. d. p.c. Government Stock (1938) 10U u 0 N.Z. Breweries (bonds) 1 8 0 Bank of New Zealand 3 1 4 National Bank of New Zealand • 7 0 0 Goldsbrough Mort and Co 2 6 8 British Tobacco 2 8 4 4 Mahakipawa Mining 6 0 5J

4t p.c. Ins. Stk.. 1938 93 17 6 100 0 0 54 n.c ditto, 1933 ... — 101 10 0 5J n.c. ditto .1930 ... 101 10 0 — 5J p.c. ditto, 1941 ... 99 17 6 — 51 p.c. ditto, 1930 ... — 100 10 0 4l n.c. Bonds, 1939 and 1938 100 0 0 — 4} p.c. ditto, 1930 ... 99 5 0 —— DEBENTURES— N.Z. Breweries (bonds) 1 8 0 1 9 0 BANKS— Australasia — 14 13 6 Australian Bank of Commerce —- 1 15 0 English, Scottish, and Australian »IU» 8 9 6 National Australasia (£5) New South Wales ... — 9 51 16 17 0 New Zaeland 3 1 3 — Ditto (long term) .... — 1 8 9 Union of Australia .. 15 1 6 15 2 6 FINANCIALGoldsbrough Mort ... 2 6 6 2 7 0 N.Z. Guarantee Corp. (ord.) 0 9 2 N.Z. Invest., Mortgage, and Deposit 0 9 9 — Well. Deposit & Mortg. 0 10 6 0 11 3 GAS13 Gisborne 0 0 •— Wellington (ord.) .... 1 12 6 INSURANCE— National 0 10 0 — Standard 3 6 0 —— MEAT PRESERVINGGear 3 fi —— N.Z. Refrigerat. (10s.) °l I 7 0 7 8 Well. Meat Expt, (ord.) o 1 1 9 6 TRANSPORT— Huddart. Parker (ord.) 2 5 6 — Ditto (pref.) 1 1 6 — WOOLLENKaiapoi (ord.) 0 14 0 —— Wellington (ord.) ... 7 4 6 7 7 6 COALTaupiri 1 7 0 —— Wai pa 0 14 0 0 15 3 Westport — 1 13 1 timber— Kauri 0 17 9 0 18 6 Bartholomew 1 0 0 National — 0 9 6 BREWERIES— Crown 0 7 0 —— New Zealand 4 3 3 4 3 9 Staples and Co —— 15 0 Sunshine —— 0 15 0 MISCE L L A N E O U S— Burns, Philp, and Co. — 7 0 British Tobacco (Aust.), rt (ord.) , 2 8 2 8 Colonial Sugar — 58 0 0 Dental and Medical .. — 0 11 0 D.l.C. (ord., prem.) .. 0 12 6 —— Electrolytic Zinc (ord.) — 1 18 9 Ditto (pref.) —- 1 19 •> Howard Smith (ord.) 1 4 0 1 0 National Electric ... N.Z. Farmers’ Foru 9 9 — tillser — 1 4 6 N.Z. Paper Mills 1 0 0 —- Wellington Cordage .. ——. 0 17 6 Wilson's Cement .... 2 4 3 — MINING — Waihi — 0 12 0

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Dominion, Volume 22, Issue 263, 2 August 1929, Page 14

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Farm and Commercial Section Dominion, Volume 22, Issue 263, 2 August 1929, Page 14

Farm and Commercial Section Dominion, Volume 22, Issue 263, 2 August 1929, Page 14