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| THE WELLINGTON R.C. MEETING, GOOD RACING. MISS MISCHIEF'S BIG EFFORT. BRILLIANT CUP FINISH. THE LAST OF THE BOOKMAKER. A lusty north-westerly gale swept over city aud harbour on Saturday morning, inoro than threatening unpleasantness, but thero were green fields, whispering trees, and babbling waters beyond tho dust and clamour of the town, where, the wind is' Nature's deftly-waved fan, clean and refreshing. Such thoughts were not, perhaps, concerning everyone in the well-filled Trentham-bound trains on Saturday morning. Quivering • willows, grassy plains, and the silvern ribbon of the Hutt Kiver rippling over the grey shingle to tho sea were all very- well in' their way, but the more immediate conwas—"What is going to - win the Cup?" The golden-brown haystack over against the firs was doubtless nicely picturesque, but what were Iranui's chances? Tho bathing-holo 'under the willows was cool and inviting, but Goldfinder surely had a chance alter his galloping form at Ellerslie? .The bees on tho hedge flowers were engaged ever so greedily, but. Miss Mischief surely could not bo far away at .the finish. Hopes and doubts, chances and mischances, and tho form and quality of the horses, in short, far outweighed the rural charms of 'tho old valley, where thirty-nino 'Wellington Cups have been lost and won.

At Trontham tho frisky winds from the mountain gulches occasionally took' a groundward sweep, and filled-tho air with dust from the roads, but thero was bright warm sunshine, and a fair prospect, both near and .far, to distract the attention— when it was not fastened to the race-book or tho totalisator. Saturday was not by any means a record Cup Day for 'Wellington from any point'of view. Owing, perhaps, to the necessity for keeping'holiday to-day, many wero detained in town on business on Saturday, which circumstance rather indicates that to-day may be tho big day- of tho meeting, and, as the form of tho horses engaged- is now pretty well known- to all interested (and consequently everyone will bo able to "pick the winners," or at least think- they will), there should bo a very large concourse of people at Trentham to-day.

Little fault- could be found with 1 tho .fields or the racing oil Saturday. Apart from Colleen Mary's aeroplanic victory in tho Trial, and Sunbiirnt's 'nicely-judged run homo in the Electric, the. finishes wero remarkably close,-and, in tho tiig event of tho day, Miss Mischief, who wa9 made favourite, snatched a brilliant victory ill the last half-dozen strides, to tho great joy of the investing public.. Such a perlormance stamps Mr. Greenwood's mare as- a galloper of uncommon quality up to a mile and a half. Miss Mischief was splendidly ridden by her jockey, Gray, who timed his mount's big effort to a nicety. _. ' . { The Wellington Racing Club's summer meeting is the last.big meeting at which the bookmakers will be privileged to lay tho odds. The uncertainties of tie gambling legislation' of'the past'few years have been weirdly Gjlbertian. For some years the racing clubs keep a number- of. officials busy hunting , out tho .layers of odds from among-the crowds And ordering them off the, course, with a warning or an intimation that legal proceedings will follow on tho morrow. Then tho Ligislaturo took it into its head to legalise the bookmaker, and fnado it compulsory for clubs to accept his presence.' Last session -Parliament veered round again, and deolarcd that the bookmaker must be "\yipcd out altogether, and that after .Jan'uary-31 next ho must not bet on tho course, the street, or ill an office. Stationary balloons or betting ships are not specified, : > so''it 1 may bo confidently expected that the species will not bccome quite extinct for a timo. Besides, who cau foretell what view Parliament will take next session, of the fraternity who accept, tho easy end of tho chance? In the meantime the bookmakers are making no hurried preparation to leave for Australia. On Saturday nine bookmakers paid to bet on the lawn and twenty on tho-flat. Tho amount passed through tho totalisator was .£15,452, as compared -with' ,£19,307 on last- Cup day. . The train arrangements at Trentham arc far from being what they should be. It was calculated that with the straightening of-the-Hutt line tho run out would bo cut down considerably, not in distance, but by tho' inci'ease'd rate of speed at which the trains, would travel. With the now line practically finished, the journey" is as long and tiresome as ever, and tho inconveniences experienced do not add to the inducements to spend a day at Trentham. Though there was thing but'a record crowd on tho course on Saturday, tho same ncculiar and uncomfortablo : method of blocking the crowds from approaching the railway platform was practised as -heretofore, and many ladies v/ho _ had paid expensive . visits to the milliner and dressmaker 'were roughly handled in the crowd'ke--foro being allowed to pass through tho barricades. When they wero allowed to reach tho platform, twenty minutes after tho last race been run, the train- in waiting was almost full, and many had to bo contcnt to stand during the whole of the journey to Wellington. Among those-present-were -His-Excel--leucy tho Governor and Lady Islington (accompanied by Miss. Stapleton "Cotton), General Godley, and Captains 'Shannon and Maitland, A.'sD.C.

EVENTS AND RESULTS. THE GREAT CUP STRUGGLE. TRENTHAM WELTER HANDICAP, of 100 sovs. One mile. 1 Mr. H. M'Manaway's ch. in. Rill, by San' Fran—Spring, 3yrs„ 9st. 21b. „ _ (A. Oliver) 1 3 Mr. E. T. Turnbull's Laius, Bst. .„ ' _ _ ' ' (Jenkins) 2 5 Mr. E.' J. Watt's Esmeh, Bst. (C. Brown) 3 Also started: 2 Bracken, 9st. 01b. (F. D. .Tones);' 4 Aunt Sally, 9st. (Donovan); 6 Mediterranean, Sst. (H. Grav); 7 Rougo Dragoon, Bst. (L. K«mp). From an oven start Esmeh. was the first lO show out, and sho was attended by Rill, Laius, and Bracken. At tho halfmile post, Esmeh was still in front; with Bracken in second place, just ahead cf Kill. Rill led into the straight, and, stalling off a strong challenge from Laius, won by a neck. Esmeh was a length away third, and Mediterranean fourth. Time, lmiu. 43 4-ssec.

•ANNIVERSARY WELTER HANDICAP, of 200 sovs. One mile. i Mr. E. J. White's br. f. Ariom, by Merriwee—lloira, lyrs., Bst. 51b. » . (H. Deeley) ] 1 Mr. J. R. Furze's Medallist, Bst. 71b. (Donovan) 2 - Messrs. M'William and Sullivan's • Penza, Sst. olb (Pritchard) 3 Also started: 5 St. Felix, Sst. 131b. (Jenkins); fi Passive, Bst. 101b. (Ryan); 3 First' Battery, Bst. CPrice); S Aimwell, Bst. (Hatch); 1 Falsetto, 8«t. (Oliver). It was a beautiful start, and the field had gone some tift.v yards before Penza showed in front. She was, however, quickly supplanted by Falsetto and Axiom. Passing the half-mile post, Falsetto was still in front, followed by Ariom, Penza, and Medallist. Ariom led into tils straight, hut was at onco challenged by Medallist. The latter was in front at the distance, but Ariom came on again, and won by half a head, with Penza a length and a half behind Medallist. St. Felix was fourth, and Falsetto last. Time, lmin. 43sec. ELECTRIC HANDICAP, of 200 sovs. Fiva furlongs. 2 Messrs. W. G. and G. L. Stead's b. c. Snnburut, by Multiform— Drought, 3yrs„ 7st. 131b. (W. Price) 1 0 Mr. W. Palliscr's St. Toner, 7st. 41b. (L. ICemp) 2 1 Mr. R. W. Paterson's Mon Ami, - 7st (C. Brown) 3 Also started: 3 Moreykoff, 7st. 41b. (Leahy) ; 5 Humming Bird. 7st. 21b. (Watson); 1 Tenterhook, 7st. 21b. (Emerson); 7 Lochiela, Ost. Sib. (Meagher). Tenterhook, tho favourite, was rather badly left. St. Toney led into the straight, but was quickly accounted for

by Sunburnt, who won easing up by four lengths. Mon Ami was third, a couple of lengths behind St; Toncy. Humming Bird was fourth, and Moreykoff fifth. Time, lmin. 2 2-osec. NURSERY HANDICAP, of 250 "soys. For two-year-olds. Four furlongs. 4 Mr. Highden's b. f. Bronze, by Field Battery—Our Lady, Sst.- (A. Oliver) 1 7 Mr. D. Buiek's Rangiatua, 7st. 41b. (Meagher) 2 3 Hon. J", D. Ormond's Bootle, Bst. 131b. (Jones) 3 Also, started: 10 Lambton, -7st. 121b. (Bentley); 0 St. Petersburg, 7st. 121b. (Traill); 7 Golden Ball, 7st. 12lb. (Deeley); 2 Byrou, 7st. 91b. (Gray); 1 Counterfeit, 7st. alb. (F. E. Jones); 5 Sinapis, 7st. 61b. (It. W. Brown); 8 Khamsin, Tst. 31b. (Stratford); 6 Aloha, Gst. 121b. (Emerson). was hopelessly left, but the others moved oft to a nice start. After going a furlong Aloha fell. Rangiatua was closely attended by Golden Ball and Bootle, with Bronze coming fast on the rails. Bronze got to the front at the half distance, and won easily by a length and a half from Counterfeit, who was a. neck in front of Bootle, with Rangiatua, Byron, Golden Ball, and St. Petersburg a head behind the third horse. The judge placed Rangiatua second. Time, 41) 3-ssec.

WELLINGTON CUP HANDICAP, of K sots., second horse to receive 75 sovs and tho third horse 25 sovs. from th stake. One mile and a half. 1 Mr. G. D. Greenwood's b. m.. Mis 3 Mischief, by Treadmill—Delusive, 4yrs., 7st. 131b (H. Gray) 5 Mr. F. Hall's br. m. Iranui, by ' Soult (imp)—Tauhei, Gyrs., Sst. 41b. (W. Ryan) 4- Mr. J. Ames's br. m. Merrivonia, by —Livonia, Syrs., Bst. lib. (C. Jenkins) Also .started: 2 Los Angeles, Sst. (A Oliver); 3 Goldfinder,. 7st. 131b. (B Deeley); 1 ■ Lady Reina, 6st. 71b. (Emer son); 8 Mendip, 7st. 31b. (R. W- Brown) 7 Parable, 7st. 21b. (C. Brown); G Vi, Gst 181b. (J. ICemp). When the horses lined up, Lady "Rein; was on the rails with Miss Miscllief, Vi Mendip, and Jlerrivonia being , next As the barrier roso the horses appeare< to move off in good line, and Lady Reina under pressure, took up tho running Passing the judge's box for the first time Lady Reina showed-tho - way-to Vi, Mis Mischief, Mendip, and Merrivonia. Withi] tho next furlong Vi- took charge of affairs and .led past tho mile post .from Lad' Reina, Miss Mischief, Mendip, Merrivonia and Los Angeles, with Goldfinder last At the seven furlongs post Mendip ha< rim into second place behind Vi, nm Lady Reina had dropped back into th> ruck.. Vi was dona with before reachini the haystack, where Mendip led fron Parable, Los Angeles, Miss Mischief Merrivonia, and Iranui, with Goldfinde: still last. By the time that the threi furlongs post had been reached, Iranu had run past Los Angeles and Miss Mis ohief into third place, and, as tho straigh was entered, she wrested the lead .fron Mendip. Iranui now appeared to bo win ning, while tho favourite, Miss Mischief was being hard ridden in fourth positioi behind Parablo and Mendin. For a secom tho favourite swerved from tho whip, but when straightened up again, she set om to overhaul the leader. Iranui commencct to tiro as tho post was reached, and Mis: Mischief, coming with, a tremendous rush just got up-in time to win by a head Merrivonia-was over a length away, third just, in front of Mendip. Los Angeies wa: fifth, Parable sixth, and Lady Reina last Time, 2min. 3i'2-ssec. - -The following are.the previous winner: of the race:— 1873-4 Mr. A. Campbell's Cast- s*"5*" m * B * - away 8 0 . 4 5 1874-5 Mr. D. O'Brien's Tambourini : ; 9 u 1875-6 Sir. Redwood's Korafi...- 610 357 1676-7 Mr. H. ■ Redwood's Guy Fawkes •....; ; 9 g 3:32: 1878 Mr; J". Bolton's Lara 1 7' 3 441-: J™ J* r - R ' Ha s''s Maritana, .9. 4 3 481-5 1880 Mr. W. Robinson's Foul Play 8 4. 337 1881 Mr. IV.' Eobihson's jiata- - . tor 8 1 338 1832 Mr. G. Bate's Hilda 6.4 345 1883 Mr..P. Martin's Mischief. 810 -3 41» 11634' Mr. G.i 'Bato's The Poet 7 9 3 48i 1885 Mr. D. O'Brien's Tasman 9 6 338 1886 Major George's Kelson... 8 4 3 361 18S7 Mr. T. Hill's Pasha 8 4 338 1888. ilr,: G.;G.i:Stcad's Beres- ' ford' 7 8 3 373-5 1889 Mr. E..Cutts's Dudu....... 7 7. ,3 37 1890 Mr. G. Hunter's Cynisca'7 9 2 394 1891 Mr. G. Hunter's Cynisca. 712 240 1892 Mr. G. Hunter's Cynisca 8 12 : -. 245 1893 Mr. F. Martin's Retina 7 7 2 ffl 1894 Mr. T. Sheehan's Vogeneane 7 7 241 • 1895 Mr. H. To Kani Pore's . , Mahaki ' 8 6,, 259 . 1896 Mr. W. Douglas's -Brook- .• let '73 2 364 1897 Mr. W. J. Jorgcnsen'6 Strathbraan : 7 6 -2 391898 Mr. G. G. Stead's TJni_form 9 3. 2 374-5 1899 Hon. J. i). Ormond's Daunt 8 6 237 19C0 Mr. B. Cutts's Djin Djin 711 238 1901 Hon. J. D. Ormond's Renown .: V. ~-8 10- 2 352-5 19C2 Mr. G. G. .Stead's St. Michael: 8 5 2 381-5 19C.3 Mr. ;D. Gordon's Advance 10 4 234 1-5 1904 Mr. "W. Young's Con- - voy 7 9 1905 Mr. G. G. Stead's Nightfall ; 8 2 235 1906 Mr. D. Ross's Ropa ...... 611 233 1937 Mr. J., Monk's .Achilles... . 9 4 235 1908 Mr. .G. Cork's' Moloch... 610 253 4-5 i 919 Mr. F. Dorset's Blua. • Ribbon ..- -6 12 2 35- - 1910 Mr. W. M'Bcth's Grucin- . ella 712 2 341-5 TRIAL; PLATE,' of 150 sijvs. For three-year-olds ■ ' and upwards. Special weights.- Seven furlongs. 3 Mr. -H. A. -Tinker's-'br. f. Colleen - Mary, by' Saji Fran—Mongonu'i, ' 3yrs., 75t.,41b (L.Traill) 1 2 Mr. K.J. Watt's Winning.Post,,7st. . 41b; .... (C. Brown) 2 4 Sir Geo.' Clifford's Truo Knight, 7st. fib. (F.-E. Jones) 3 Also started:'s Peacemaker, Sst..(Gray); 7. Epsom Downs, Bst. (Stau. Raid); *10 Mira; 7st.- Sib". (W. Price); 1 Kilosteri, 7st. 71b.. (J. M"Leaii); G-Julian, 7st. 41b. (Deeley); 8 . Directoire, 7st. 41b. (Stratford) ; 11 Ahuapai, 7st. 41b. (E. Cotton); and 9 Izdubar, 7st. 41b. (J. ti'Brien)\ Winning Post led into the straight, but Colleen. Mary then took charge, and .won by half a dozen lengths from Winning Post, who was'nearly three lengths in front of- Truo".Knight. Peacemaker was fourth, Julian fifth', and 'Ahuapai sixth'.' Time, lmin. 29.1-ssec. . RUAPEHI7 HANDICAP, of 100,sovs. Six furlongs. 1 Mr. R. B.uiek's -cli.g. Zealand, by Finland—Mercia, Gyrs., Bst. 31b. (A. Oliver) " 1 5 Mr. D. J. .Goodwin's Contralto, 7st. 51b ...- (X,. Kemp)' 2 0 Mr. R-. Clephane's Royal Knight, Gst. . 71b (Meagher) 3 . Also started:' 4 Contendcnt,' 9st. lib. (F. D. Jones); 2 Big Blast, 7st. 131b. (F. E. Jones); G lionganiau, 7st. 131b. (P. Brady); S Kautuku, 7st. 91b. (B. Deeley 1; 10 Leahora, 7st. Gib. (R-. .Young); '3 Ladrone, 7st. Gib. (H. Grav); 14 Lady Kilcheran, 7st. 41b. (Hill); 13 Turna, 7st. 31b. (Traill); 7 Daunton, Gst. 101b. (M'Loan); 12 Rumble, Gst. 101b. .(Bentley): 11 Septimus, Gst. 71b. (Emerson). Zealand was Quickest to begin, and at the four-furlong, post led from Contralto and Big Blast. -Zealand led into ' the straight, and, going 011, won easily by three lengths from Contralto, who was a_ couplo -of lengths in front of Royal Knight. Big Blast was fourth, and Ladrono fifth. Time, lmin. 16 2-ssec. TELEGRAPH HANDICAP, of 400 sovs. Six furlongs. 3 Mr. J. Monk's b.m. Gipsy Belle, by Stepniak—Belle Clair, 'syrs., ■ Bst. 31b (C. Jenkins) 1 4'Mr. R-. Cooper's Full Rate, 9st. 131b. (Sid. Reid) 2 2 Mr. E. J. Watt's Maori King, Sst. 31b. (11. Gray) 3 Also started: 9 Gold Lace, 9st. 91b, (Ryan); 7 Polymorphous, Bst. 131b! (Oliver); 11 Sharpshooter, Sst. 51b. (F. E. Jones); G Formby, 7st. 131b. (Brady); li Sunbqnnet, 7st. 121b. (Stanley Ifeid); 5Dearcst, 7st. 111b.' (Traill);'B Sea Queen 7st. 101b. (W. Price); 1 Obsono, 7st. 91b! (Wilson); 15 Fasnakyle, 7st (carried 7st! lib.) (C. .Brown); 12 Formless, 7st. (Emerson) ; 10 Merry Frank, Gst. . 101b. (Meagher); and 13 Moil Ami, Gst. 71b" (M'Lean). Full Rate causcd some delay at the barrier by bursting through tile tapes several times. Gipsy Belle was in "front a few strides after the start, with Full Rate and Obsono next, and the rest bunched. This was the order rounding the homo bend, where -Sharpshooter-ar3 Maori Kin£ showed up at the head of the others. Gipsy Belle retained the lead and won by close . 011 two lengths from lull Rate, who was a bare length in front ' of Maori King. Obsono was closo un - fourth, MOll Ami fifth, Dearest sixth, and ' Sea Queen last. Time, lmiii. 14 l-Ssec

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1032, 23 January 1911, Page 6

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CUP DAY. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1032, 23 January 1911, Page 6

CUP DAY. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1032, 23 January 1911, Page 6