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.;' ■/.,■ ■ -■;"•■■ jAMUS^EWfB^j.c--;.;^;o.yV^^ HIS ■ : vC?MAJESTrS' r^/^TEBATEK-K-?1i: | , IS _ r ;, ;MAJESTY'S; v/- THEATEE.///v-j .'-'.:' Props.,. John fuller and:Soas. -, :; V ■■--■■'■':i'\ .-■".-.. /,'■; TO-NIGHT! .:.: ::-:■; FULLEES' ::PICTURES '.;■- '"' - //-//://j ; '/FULU3BSV'PICTURES : -AND FIEST-CLASS- OEUtiESTBAv - : ":/ ; fj -... -A.' PBOGEAMME -that has' more';- than/'/:'•<:'] Pleased. DELIGHTED, 'to:/v:/li iUS/MAJESTY'S THEATER; auring: -J last two evenings. -■•:- '■■■■■• ->'-.'■'-; •: :: • ; -: : < i :•■ ] ..■■.TYPHOID.; FEVER -MICROBES,'-. / .:.N*S/$i ruberculcsis.'and ..Disease 'Germs' in 'the : -; ; !}j water diink,' -and-, how .to: purify - it, /// M :. :■:. ;//*. ; '-3y : j±": A --Magnificent;. Pictured : 4/:<v : -- : -'-«■; '■: ■■;;THE.EIRE.CHIEF'S';DAUGHTER/:/';//ij ;:'. A .-Thrilling -Dramatic:. Shiay.i> ; ■■.■ .i ;■ /■■"■s ■■:';:.e.:KEDDIE'S ''WATlON.^f'^^; v !ij „.:,.-' A: Screaming/Comedy' Sketeh.::>::\:;'.v ; / ; ij / K :-:/ H / ';/- v -; //^UGGIK>! f-V;O.-^^i' :^;vv:v, ,:, :■ '/-//^;EEAEL-: //,/'// -11 Valley of ■ Oo'sla-When; Strength: /is/not ■■:)■ /'-/| ;■:■* ".-a;-; -Daughter/' ! 'i '/-"-.;/ '■/I :;: D.C.Und : o:S::as;:ftStalls .--« V-;'P'lah;--at: : .'Christesoh'a..-.':; IPbono. 3153.V S /'/f -/SB..— Oni;eqn.est,' trams.;stop?at.'Door,/../:/'/*f MmMOTD/PEOGEAMME;/-/'.: '&?$ rp;H-evA-i-tvß-e : *v •■--?» :o. -y^a/i*/;-^ ;4-:--: Props.;: Jolm^Fuller::Whd> ; Sons^^V:-- ; si FULLERS*:NEW .v VAUDEVILLE.-'. CO.ff ." : .;;-|j| Last ''.programme was'GOOD,: but////a .'•■■'••':\\:.'this. ; Continned'. and "'Triumphant -Success 'ot'-ffi-;«? ■'-'-.-.--.. :J■'.-'■ -'■:■:?-.■:';** HANCO,"K;/; \.: -:::---- : .:;* ■;■■<;*% '/: 'THE.-HANDCUFF," Nothing oh dearth : ■'• ' ■/:/ - ''THE>' APOLLO ;BBOS.?./<--:'-/-:;//vg/S Strong...; Men, ; : -..Heavyweight /Lif ters, : '.:ahb3/ /'/ ; /j .'■'■.'-. Balaricers;':Origiriato'rs'-of ;-/■:■"' k-vj-Si :■■ 'THE!.. GREAT HUMAN; VBBIDGE.* , ■ /////a; ' : ,V' i: ■ ■-". 'Last 2 : .Ni'ghts/bf A/ -W. :-'-o//.B' ':,; -v JULES; GARRISON:•■ and'.lds/;//:-/;;//.;/ //; ,'-;. TWO/ROMAN; MAlDS,.:'r'"' -/: // /^;' / "TWOvROSEBUDS." viCV fl : ," s Refined .-Singing ; : and',:Dancing v Duo,K ! !;>:'» BERYL'^ILMANi-: V '-.^ : . :'0:--:d The; PopulaV 'ScottisKCharacter-VocaWtK-Wfl ' ,v;>',: -; i; rSCOT; GIBSONS. >r; ; . ALBERT IMATHBE;-'Baritone;:'? ;';•■.-..■'«And. -i-.i',:;-v-i'i-:'. '':; ; THE : ;BRITISH ?■■s& v '3-1 :2s:; :anid;ls.\Bpses at -Theatwi'->S>;H';' ST.^': ; .. V,''.' ; ;-:'STAE:,PIGTUEES. :i -" !: TO-NIGHT A GREAT, •::-:- 6dr:>Fidl:;of.,GbddtfThings;;ls.; Slouldj See.;. This; yPMgramme^f:g|v^S NEW:'ZEAiA^;SINGLE-TAs(LMGU^ ffUIE/Animal ;Henry. ';G«Tge..vDiim»:\ffl'iv. : ' 'oS :; be.:b.eld:-iii: the rHotei :.Cecil:!ph ;M6ai>v-S/5' ? . ! : dajrlv Evening J,ne±tr/I7thv-inst.;;icommenW :ing'.at.-,.8 l -; : :Mr..;irthnr 'i'Silt! ,of :• the evening,' and ;.vrill. -speak;:: -i ' Pi/'- i:,y -&:k. \ /-Tickets niay::lM'.hadvfroM^.Mr^ < R.{;l'D. : //. > :SmUh^SiNreta^j"4l-.^iUis^S^ l-iV® vA-./"S ;: 'r-:?:,VJ ; V,t-;-^-DAY'S ; ..BAY{--'./ ; ■-:! :.:- ; :;AiW; : :' ! TtO^H:/0;R;R-.0/VvVt ; ;:!#;? :p V, SATURDAY/ %: By. ildnd■;.permi'^ba , S\ffp;Me'ssra;-;;3;ollB.-;. , ■>.''> '-'.-'. '■ • HANGO/ •.; 'is //: ;/f//W- -"^ ; -- ; 1 //;'.'?-/ ■^■?5j / /' -i/'/vThe/'Handcuff.-Eihg, l i/-:'-^;;:: ? -/,v.//i/ -WILL'DIVE t ■:■::■>;■:' :■'./ "-/ ,-'.lntorithe -Water.'-Ghutp:-Lak'e, ,"■ </ WHILE- //-:. . sensation ;:in; Meibpurhe/dnd/Sydiey; -, and/-;: ;■ 5/' :wasVwitnesse'd/by''lo;DO(y. l :'/'.ftv - - /EAiEURE"i--MEANS- : !-..!'! Z)< / '"/;& W iDON'T JTORGET-iTO-MORROW- K; ■ ;"The r Ferry^Steainers^will";leave > ; tho : -^ ; ■ / : ¥ : .WhariJati:-l;l5: and : s//.://:/; ■Y^;.-v.(gircui^stain^.'P.ermitttf^ -;^LYMP]i!-/]viDt^ i •/ m ; i -OIAST:aaGHTOTGHTO/^./v;/ ;EOLLER ! /-; i i:^'.6. , i.A;;->.'^.y-;:/'SMTINQ'.v;;:'--:'^ ;RpLLERv/w/;;7.30.p.m;?/^=/SKATING,?|.r /; / Qlyihpi£;;Band;;;ETCryZEyem -/ Mmissieh^La'dies/M."';■\\'Gentlem'ei»iV^Ao-:-fe'.K ;Skate ;',;Hife;' ;^'lsT;.v/Plp! 6rage.•-/'(PriTatijS'---^-' :Skates),v;Gd.//Y/':L , -:Y--/;/;v.u-:/H/'iv':«>:'-'--^ / //-i;//-B::LAST/NIGHTS;:: S^^'M'^-r-M fi ; ///;/v AV-E; SHEPABD, '^4ger///g/S : ;~. ;-~ ~.,...'-.■.-. ...■.■.:.'■-'.-'■ ~.'..'.,.V,' ;^iaLiNGTOp^TA^iAB^ :^ ;:**.; i/iTOUEING^CAErGO.!;^^'/^«/x;:S'? /;:.;■ ■:///■////Thbne"-59;'i///-:-^/:^//;;//v//v /-/Taii : Cars; at::prdinary -cop/ratei >&:{*; '»/$ iSpe'cial; terms: to;D6ctprs'ai'dCoinmn ■';-. : /j/////i/»--(/v// :%;:;:pwiL^LLWT^ /M"R- ; ; Ai -L/!BSET)MAN:.wm" iTT::-: ihis'v Constituents/ at I STEEET/SffiOOLEOOIi: Jon:/MONDAY /KjsS :NiGHT/NEXT^tne{l7tn^ins^/ .W: //public;;nlpticeS; '/ //:/^ ; //^vi MESSRS/ ; ;; MAISDEIi:/ ; HARRis:;AW ..,.- CO.;: having; taken '.'into .-Partnershin /': /:A =; ger for'-Messrs^Jfiuclia'naii:'and. Go/ Ltd.,; /-/.--S: of < the i tusiiiess/asi; f rohiu lst;fe;V-i/s October,.-: 1910/ will ;:be ; carried < on-undei/-,':/-; ;.the"style: Buildiiigs, •.• WellingtpnV//> // /;Zj,/Zi/S'/v. / RROFESSIONAU ;,E N GAG EM ENTS. ;S &j| //:;;/•/-'-MEm^^ .: -A : 'PPLICATiQNS- f or v :thoWpbs'it!oh : .£&.. ."'Leotuifef'on , received- -up,? to'/SATUEDAY/' : the<29thVK/ ; /*; OCTOBER; -..Duties YwillrCommehco'foh."..;-■.:;.■' TUESDAY^-:the 3rd' JAN.UA ; EY/:1911:////;//!/v -.'■;For■ particulars:as ito: e^6^apply/v//// /'/ ■ '■■^;-M^:3^6i^v^^^^M^Mi •■'■' -,-' :■/■: University of:Otago/Dunedin.:; / - : v?>; - O4tober : :mh;.:l910::;:;;//M;;/ J /;:./.; f//;i///// -i ; !';' -/:,'/^WANf ED^G'[^i^^^s'k?^W^ /». v-Pony. in;,Wellingt.on ;.'■ also/iiew:.Trap /;■:/?/ 'and. Harness,v*3s.'-, Apply Fail's Commer :/V"/': cial Restauraut;--Lambton ,Quay.; : -^' ; -;;/;//-H;JV;/ I '<}'' : /#lSvi;-: (HEILL -AND/ SUPPER -RdOMS^is2? v; ' M Cuba;-Stree.t.' ; /:w-/;- : Five-course. Lunch: or..'. TeaZ9d:/Six;'ricket^- : y&ZSZ for is./ X :;,-: '. ://-/"./-/ 'v'v:S/ v '•■'?■ "v:'J//? : V'>.i"hi:-UWiOTEb/taroWN;';^v^^ BUY 'your > Furnishing; Drapery';; : a (' ■* vt>:' 'RADFORD'S,;: 50 ;-Manners;;Street.^' : - ; ;; ; /; Hearthrugs, ls./lld; -and';2s.Vlld.;: Cush-V' ions, 'Is." Gd.';: Door-.Mats,-- Gd.;': Slieetihgc/'/:';"• 3d.:yard;'Oilcloth\9d.j Carpet, 9d;/Mat- ; ;/;*v : /-;' ting. .9d.; ■ Bushrugs,.> 3s. ; 6d;;.; Blankets,/ «; ; -/ 7s; Gd. pair.:;.Cheapest;,House ;ih^own;/:.;/:/:// ;A NGOS:TUENEB'S-New £&. .Saloon, ■ Hotel - Windsor : Buildings,' Willis Street', 1 is ono of.'the-.m6st;up-t6--./;-//-'r date Saloons in'the City.; Finest.Brands of ■ Tobacco,/ Cigarettes,'.-..and/;Cigars s:?s's stocked;-.';/-■''."..' /; - : .-;-:;''/ : '/■■ --/y;- : / '--';./';/;;/ ■■■■■-■ /';'•:•'.-'/.' W.vH;; PHILP.' • '{•;•: JjXx y ¥MM .rrOUSE AND OFFICE /CLEANING;' : %£& ■il, .:' •CONTRACTOR, /.- ; ; / v ; r..::>v//S; . ; N.Z. Alliance Buildings,'•■U3:-WaU«^'- : > /-.••• -'./■,.; Street; (Boom 4). ;/.-:/// ///////i/: : Chimneys- swept by'sober"men/T;';'://;//?y/ Gentlemen's Clothes-pressed.,;. .'.-■■;-. - .■::'/.'iv-;;; Venetian ; Blinda repairet- . ? :;..;Vf;/-.-;;*; ; /;/

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 947, 14 October 1910, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 947, 14 October 1910, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 947, 14 October 1910, Page 1