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————————— — .. 1 mu "THE DOMINION" is Every Man's and Every Woman's Paper. It specialises - ; on all' subjects in which there is any i human interest-hence its wide and in- j fluential circulation' and its great .value 1 as an advertising medium. "!

•,' /:"'■ AMUSEMENTS. "Q P;'E ,E ,/H/O. U : : S;E. ■■'': 1. : / Lessee arid Manager— '-.;': /".'■;. ; ;' J/ ; 'C.-. WILLIiMSON, ,LTD. : / ; MR;-;j;/a;:WILLIAMSON;Presents/; /-/vNELLIE. STEWART' /:///' '■- ;' ./.NELLIE-STEWART-•':'.//-..'.-, ;;: ; :, ,' NELLIE : STEWAET -•-..:;/ '■.;. - : ;,-, NELLIE STEWART /,./;; • .../:'.,/...Supportedby,/ . ';.: : HER: POWERFUL/DRAMATIC ■■:'./;::'-./-/-COMPANY.'-:-*/;-;':--■;// -?,--; :-•;■;-';;:;" -,:-"■ in;././;:.:/;';-;'"/;/'/J J;.M.' ; .; ; Barrie's .Greatest;. Comed y.-".'-• / ; WHAT^EVEEY:: WOMAN;OTOWS; : '-' ; -WHAT/EVERY /WOMAN:: KNOWS;; ,; The-Re'ighing Success'ol'. Europe-and ;- '" /■•;■.': :'i'':':■!'-' VAmerica//-;/:./'-;;/'/-'■; ' NBLLIE/STEWAET^as;-'' : "! ''-' ;: '-'•■ /; ;;,:■;;;/; :/MAGGIE«WYLiE.; bight;:away 'ir 'cuts ' ;' ; v ■:.: -:H /'; .deep;:and: ; true into::-■'-:;:/ ,->. human/nature./; //,."/.- /-,/./:/■;■/ '■''•■ : a-;teiumph-forplay;and v.,; ; I://,',/;:; -;-/::;'PL'AYER;> /:-//;/ -///■; ;TO-NiGHT u >-'>•'-; ; ;-;;,::what: -■.;v/:.: FRlDAY;:iith.':: v EVERY WOMAN:-:'.■' SATURDAY/- 15th-.'- i; -KNOWS. ■ -.'":'; : 1 ■MONDAY',-;mii,///-/-'-/':./-.;v:..,/-:'/ '': 18th:-:W. •'- Vv'-,;.^:-'-^-.;/:;:' ; WEDNESDAY;; 19th-;'-. TRILBY.■/// ; THURSDAY;: 20th ; - :.//•/;-';';/!'- : .FRIDAY/,215t..//;/;./-■ ':;/ /:.:■,///; : ; SATUEDAy,| 22nd .'■; / '-r ' : : J0; V. ; - u ;-;:' MONDAY/'24th:; :■/ SWEET NELL.;"/' TUESDAY,, 25th'-'../: OFv;- ; : ':Y;. ; WEDNESDAY; ;26th;;;^OLD.:DEUEY..-/; -, Box Plans on.;•: view. .■ at ■ :the' .* Dresden; where ..seats'-may now/be. secured .for any; performances;.of;':the. season.':,' '".■■;;■■';"■'■•."'■•' /.Day s'ales;at l Ghristeson's.'. : .;''■/:';,' .;:'.; -Price's,' 55.'35. : , ah'd:2s; Early'Doorstoi :/:;// to-night!'. ; -/'::';• /--.-■ /to-night !. -Z'''/.:.''acis;and-galateA"':-: :•;■:;; ;'-.';, t/Z^ACIS: AND GALATEA'// / ■■■■' ■■" ;,;-;:;■ ■ ■ ; ';. '!"/ -, ,:(Handel).v,;-;/; -,;:' /&/:'. MTELLINGTON :: •MUSICAL'.- UNION." VjT. :'.s:il7o : PERFORMERS! /:!;',- -: :-.-■ Conductor—Mß; ROBERT PARKER. -■- ; '-■:,;/;/>;/TOWN;;HALL ; , Z ; -:/ : v:.v;-:' •v/-;}. //'.//'.TOWN-HALL,. '•:////-;//; T'-- : i'- ; ":; •■;,';;■?'•: At;: 8 ;p'clpck; ';/;'■/,//;;,/, Soloists—Miss: Phoebe.: • Parsons, "A.Ei.C.MV '■/ Messrs.- :E.\ J. Hill,,:a'nd;- John■'. Prbuse.'/ ';:■ Box Planet the Dresden,'..where ; s'eats; cah/lje/Booked .-for "Circle /and /Stalls;* and -Is.'*': ; ::; ;./ : ://. v . : ;V ':\ '.'::-; ; '';/ ! 'v:/A.;M; yLEWIS,',HonV; Sec./; j: : n.k2;acapemy/of/fine/!arts/:? •arttga^ry^whitmoee^te^t):' ■: ;^->;^;/:-.-^OPEN:./.v-;- ■-';'.:;:-:'•-:'.',- ; ;:;■>:Ho'urs^ll-5.30/'7.30/'to/9.30 ; r ;p.m7:y;/': ;/Admission; ; ls.' . ■.-'■ 6d;' :r .; ;;/-:/:,:/;/; ; ■;:■:/- ; ;.vf:':-':// r' ; //i'://'//;:.: .Secretary/;;: ■Jn^TEf/'/ANDt;^!/:.: : TM r \OT SJ;:: ■/ > :;STEEET.;,:DRAPERS, ; IMPpilTEßS'vpßbill'fCTUA^M|^ ' ;lUST : pPENED;' ex-Comtnid/Nqvelties :iri:.'Milliiei'yV' : Nc\y. S,tr^v/an'd j -['j3si,n'^^it/New.;FlbH-ers; Embreidery,/2d; ''u'p'.i.'iNew ; Hose/ te^upi New/Gloves; lS;i'ls.od;-;'':New: : Neokwe'ar,: '6d/;tp/4s^'lld;: v ;:;^;///'::^;'7l/;//'/-■/:/^ ; -.■' JUST OPENED';' a l Lot.-New,';;Blouses, ,2s. lid! up./New/Cor-' sets/. : all.;ses't;makes;.'2s/6d,tp";l7s/6d://' ■: vCA-RTER. ;AND;v CO.; : hoid/.a:;:Splendid Stock;-of;-all;/kinds-'up-tb-date-i: Drapery',; Blcusings/./and-'Linen!: D TEYi^AETER;XNp;;cfe{CUB Ladies' 'withy'a/view. .vJ;".!-to-' Matrimony, .call arid :inspect,:.the 'Bridal;:Cakes:';on.'..viey:;':in./our -.windpw;-. Wc guarantee;the'.:Quality'and;,thePrices 'arVvi'ight;/.(Order' npw;and':''ensureVsatis.; faction;: :'/:'i' ;; ' ./■/////;;■/;.:;Z ; ',././ /; to ;■- Order; ;<frpm/One'; Guinea ,■' up-. wards.--; f -v:'-,v'':; i • I : ; " ■<s*'.■■-! /;.;io ■:/■-■:; / :/J/W.i.THOMPSON/AND/'COv,/ : ,:-/ :,Hygienic':- Bakers --arid ''-Pastry-"Cooks. "■:' ://;.:;; 38:;COUETENAY/PLApE./;.v;/ ? /:; ,pEINGS:S '■' CHECK-FIGURE': SYSTEM' ■ -JP:■"/ '(copyright) 'enables'-you':-to.Balance' Ledgeis •• at. first :trial._. .It - locates, : as> they, ; : .occur/,Errbrs :: in;Postirig-Amourife,'.in' Additions, , Subtractions,' Eiten'siohs,..'Carry-; ;ing' Forwa'rdi/and. -Ta'king'.-;Ou't''fßalances'" dt.. abolishes'/Calling'/.Back,-Vhecause-if :there. is-'anerror -the system 'indicates' 'it': :to-you/pointing :6ut-:the: actual ."Amount: ;and Ledger Accoririt:: be'forei. youi open your ledger;■v'-'JSni&.savihg,- Speedy,. Simple,' Sure;' / If; can':-, be/used -on--your -present : .books.-;.:'.'No .'.duplicating, irqrk./ho 'extra' books, 1 .arid;nolmachirie.:Particulars' bnlv' : from, HUGH DOUGLAS,' Ma'riiifacfurihg-. Street.-- .Wollinctpri;/' //;FEEEziNG:SHEEP:UOT;,LA^ riiHE ■\WELUNGTON;-;MEAT- ! ESPpET. /^ ; /// ; //:COMPANY,:LTD. i :-'v/4^ ::-;://■ /"/:/:Is prepared to/ '//'/- ■'/-■/ v Pnrchase^AT';SßSEP'-AND/LAMB3, ':/ , --'"';'.. : v-\.?y'j'-'- ff^lit''Pr : at per..head. : ;- : .'', ' : --~.' "-.-: The:. Company /also offori clients \iiiij : . '•; facility/- for/ f ; reeMng/dh 'uniit.y/.--r ; ;/.>;/:; "•,;;,-;'"//' -.' : /" r --/'/:'■■;/; '/Prices can -be :obtairied- on application /at 'the'Company's;Omces,:.or. from/any' of/the;' Buyers/in thecduntryii^j/;//:' .0 /// :i :/:U> : WyG.'FOSTJEB.;://H/;/// :: ///.'/////'/"/V/U.amieing Director;/-. ;-"; //■/CONVEYANCES.: /';//-;■'//' T; / COACHZ:SERVICE/ ■Vi-, 1 Time-table.—Leave-.;' Fextpn,: >-: : ;.6;30 a.m./.arrive.Levin, .8.30 a'.m.-rdeaveLe-. vin,: 10.23-".ii;hi";;'':'arriy<!-.-I 1 65t0h; :; .12--nbo'n;-.leave/Fpxton;;,2.3o':p.m.';:-. arrive' Levin,. 4.30 .pirn. ;::leave;.Levin,,7.45. p,iri.';. arrive' :Foxton/9.45-p.m. • '-■- .; :'-;:■ .:;;-,': :///C;:-F;.. JOHNSTON,.:Proprretpr.,;. OYAL MAIL' COACH SERVICE,- the Shortest .'route -to .and. from- • Foxton.—Leaves; Foxton' daily, fi.SO/a.m./arrivirig- Shannon' daily. 7:30; a.iri.;,-leave Shannon, daily .10.45; a.m.; arrive.Tbxton daily 12; noon; leave Foxtori daily: 2.30 p.m.; arrive Shannon. daily ,7.30 p.m.'; leave Shannon "daily. 8.15 .p.m.;-. arrive Foxton dai1y,9.30-p.m. /: ...-/-; :.;/;/'-;..-;:/:/: ;■;:-': T.,H/GINGELL/;; ROYAL MAIL'/./Ioaves,.CARBINE '■• STABLES, Ecilding, for- ICimßolton daily at.8,30 'a.m.'.ahd;',3:3o/p.m./lews. Kimboltori at-'Nbori: for Feildirig.' : . '0.-.".*: ■:... :"e: J. MOOEE/Proprietor,;; /_'■■■■'. ■/-,;.- ;: / :'/; /Foilding/ ■/' ALKER'S: ;•■ ; STABLES,; //BULLS,' Forwarding :;Agent,/ Carrier,. and General /.Contractor,;- Coaches /Greatfo'rd' to Bulls., Vehicles,.- Horses/.and ; MptorCars on Hire. Good samploroc-ms. -' " ■ ; . '•;••■: ■■:■ J.; E.; WALKEE, proprietor.; ■', EL Y .//AND' .'-'■'• Y'-O'-U'N'G;-ROYAL MAIL CONTEuACTOES AND GENERAL CARELERS.MASTEBTON; : : All Trains mot. Commercial Travellers' Samples promptly attended to. New and up-to-date- Sample Rooms. Agonts: for tho N.Z. EXPRESS CO., Storage and Stabling' Corner Dixon and Bannister Streets. St. John Ambulance available day or night. 'Phone No. 126. Private 137. P.O. Box 50.

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 947, 14 October 1910, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 947, 14 October 1910, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 947, 14 October 1910, Page 1