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:/.: ■ v REGULATIONS-IGNORED.; : ..v^;.;/; The attitude:.of-., the :,'.'• v wards municipal regulations'in generalv;.v./ is reminiscent of, the-notions,.oaw.'popu- }.'■■ - larly -held, 'about■ the "Divine ; bright-. -of*; ldngs, and it is nowHere better exempli;; ; ; fied .than in its. self-sufficient disregard'J;-: of the building by-laws and .rcgulationa '■/. -; introduced.'.by'municipalities,in the com.i-.'V moir interest of citiwnsand- of the com---:' - : : munity-as a.ivhole. ; ;. ; : v -?--V' .The; list; of Government .buildings in'-->'.'.:-Wellington which' .failV to ■ ■ comply.:- :!.: the provision's -of.-' the" -corporation!by-laws " •is a-,.considerable vone, but', present ;it .V: - complete is a matter of difficulty,' )nas- : :' : ; muoh as ; the- corporation; is mot/enabled '. - to keep any /record of-these structures. ; ' V/. By virtue "of'Section'373of .the 'Munic*. V -' pal Corporations' "Act; 1908, the Govern- .-•..': inent' arrogates'.'to itself the. privilege' of : -■'■'"-'■ erecting buildings any.r«giH ; -' :' lations or ;by-laws which,:the"- corpora- >•-•:-■ ■- . tioh, may make in:, pursuance of its legal ''■ ■' Authority.' AThe'section.referred;to"-,funa? ; S- ; as follows:— - V:-v-;-':-■' .1 ':■ ■'■"."-.', ~..-:::-.".■..--.:.■ 't-.-.:v----"Subject ; t'o Section . 287. v riothing in ,this H Act,'ior ! ik;-a^ ; Tegu- iC «:■;-. lations or':, by-laws , under- this. Aot, •'>'.•:'.-' ; shall; 1m .construed,, to- apply--., to. ;or.■':.,' shalrin any way 'affect any'■• property ■—. of any 'kind belonging:,-to.or;, vested; in .'.''. •: his Majesty.'-' "'-"-,- ~"■■.■',;;.";':'.;'. • -■"-•:; :.'.>- y' :

Wood in the; " -v;V:;V: ' - In fact : the.Government has'erected 4 '■- "*'-'■ number of buildings in. the ; city. •. whiok --' . : would have been:instantly disallowed;had ' T '. v plans' been .submitted for approval .to th« ''■■■; City Engineering -Department? -A-'glairing: O''' ; example/of .this may. be-found .-V--ditipns• made' Build- ,:;l' : : jngs on•• Lambtori"Quafeaifew-.yeaTS'ago. ;':->;" /This refers particularly, to a" 'wing oom-i': '>■".- menced in, May';; 1907,-and other additions ::' '\ '-'■■' before--:that-dare.' : ;f ." erection of these;;large 'jiwooden structures ; ■:■■'■'. " within the.'.city/brick ;are<; : the<Gc-veriir ':■'■■,: ' -' : ment, of :course,-'.flouted .the'corporation'''£vV'" the'mbstobjnous way. -A still . %■.'■' more striking, example-.: of 'disregard ■■ for '>',;■ : v municipal";regulations .in.- V, : the erection .of ajarg'e : wooden building i'% ■■•' now in course: ( of-''cohstruction' on Water-' yV">' lob: .Quay, a; be used as'a. stable,.- &v. ' and. although'the,'land bnwhicn it stands 1 A:-.'.; has.not yet been, inclndediri the brick area ;:.-; .there'is a"provision: inVthe by-laws thai :*•'' all -stables .erected;: Jni.-.the.... city:.. I must": * : ''. : ' have v walls: 0f... brick,.'stone, 6t"' concrete!.' ' Much' of "the;.timber nvhich-is being eri'.'.<. v. bpdied:in;:this'structure''is~ : old,'''and' ort -?&: ginally :fo'rrned'.;part .of;.the"Mount:' View, ,-j-' : - Mental?: Hospital :',v¥. Under';: corporation V-C": .regulations,. ;,. forbidden; everi.vih\ : the' less it has..been examined .and' by ;;er".'; : ;Among"other {Gov-:-;.- I '.' eminent 'Ibuildingivun-. the', erection:- of -a : ;■ which the.' municipalj/regulattohs -Ihave>- : - J ■:': been.' slighted "and .ignored,.is;; an' addition V :;,:" : madKyto *-the... Telephone..;:'. Exchange; r : laj'-j. ,' Buriiijr^Street;:,This;is ; within",,the.V; brick-:. area.; .';, In' : Magriiiity.:,'': *'" Street.-:isa.'.wo'6d and -iron", building, l ! now use'; aparcelS;.store:by;ithe! Postal Dfr v ..-, v ~ partiiient,: .and.^adjoiningl-ut, v'. Street, there is.a wooden:she'd;\originally,';.' '- utilised temporarily ,by-.a cbntractorj;:and y : '::¥.:■•■■■■ .n6w.':used- as':-a' Vißotbj ■';.-.' ■;': are' .'in,-the- brick-'-area..;.''.'Still : anather '. ;.-', Government:'.building;'; in^wooi;:within: '-A'.'":'.. the brick- area, *is';a .cottage 1 erected'within';"' the-grottnds- of.the..Government, Buil('lings... ; v The t!ale-: of these.: structures; in ;We|]ing-i .; ,ton' could;, jib,'donbt,':'be considerably, ex-",'::.-:." • tended -if /particulars ..were: :jivail-',.'•-. able,",but; ; owing v td;. : the^:.'fici;'th'at, v wnen'' r ::. ;:j the;-.Gby'erimeiit--; has.''a'-'-'building. Jn-. .view:,; ■■:.,:::: it jdoVs:not':app'rbach;,the"corporation, for. ;■'.. a; permit, Hhe municipal: body.has, no re-,; v\ Cord -of;.GbyernmentV.structures?.in:;Wel- : 'i-V-' lingtori.;.;;lndeed, 'ii- record'.' would '/■ be ,nselessv,-'for theyv ; ;lia side;; the 'j'urisb^stipii;rol'.ttevhiunicipaU^.'''v.;(: ! v .

■'-■■■.-■■■ : Undesirable ■ Tenant-Right. ; ; ;' A' feature'-worthy '<oi •hqte.-is-thatvtlia.-.i;-': exemption ;qf: tie; Goy_ernmenfc';frbm. iota- ".- v : ;;.-: ■pliance I withthe"provision's; M "municipal ::;: fJ by-laws covers'not. only jandertakings'cai- ':.. riedvput; by ; the: Public ./Works. Department,. but extendst*to''tenants in occu- 1 : '■• P«ncy_of//CrownJand.J.Tlus ..: t*iant-rigntv;was' : -' established' ■; by 4 ;'a.; : dfeci-. ■?-;'.';' sion ; in ,tne'i cfeej-'Dbyle ;;./': in;.'the Cjurt ,of •iri '.. 1838 'by the' Z/J'-\ theriijChief; Sir;-James ■ Prerideiy{£/\'-' gast'.'!' The Lease. wasVan'appeal/fr*m;the-J 7 ; decision;of a 'stipendiary;.'magistratefdi^•',.'; ;•■,: missing an'infb'rmationMaid. by Doyle',' : bni-V*p-'v behalf of the City Corporation,:in which ';;xy' the. respondent Edwards ; was chaTgeaV with ;■''';■ ;' erecting';, a.,building'.without:':obtaining 'a :i:."'.'. permit; as the ■':;•.■ ~' Municipal v:\C6rporatiohs ; Act, : 'S and :■ .of ,;;■';:;:"' materials"-''that'failed' to comply .with ths-;;;' : provisions. 'bf'•' the;:by-law. ,vEdwards;;nad;V:; .:' 'acted "'as''builder Vi or ifiii tenantf on' city}:.v poses.;' The, was.leased to: : ;the,ten-">';"-:■ ant' for, seven 1 -years: XMr;vT..' F.vMartiti, : : ■: on;:behalf : of .the-appellants/.-contended;-.,:;■.' ;that the,exemption*from compliance .with.. j-',';:; : municipal.regulations' was,,,the':.;" Crown dtself;"and ' did :.;not : :'exl end'', to ; a':;';S;. tenant: v^' ;^TMs -iplea'S was/.disallowed Chief Justice Prendergast,-,whol!held-that'.■••.,;' -Z" ■tb r adn]it-it affect ;the>land^itseU;,.:;;-. : ? : ■and ""the 'right'.' ofivthar'Crowa- V vested; ■■'■.-:> ■ therein.-.;.'■- '< y r(vvv'^'~-:'y : A :■':s','•'■ ■-''■^H:;;■''•".

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 947, 14 October 1910, Page 2

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TUDOR LAW. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 947, 14 October 1910, Page 2

TUDOR LAW. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 947, 14 October 1910, Page 2