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Market follows Australia’s lead

Share prices slumped in quiet trading on the New Zealand Stock Exchange yesterday, after panic selling hit the Australian sharemarket on Wednesday. The NZUC industrial index lost 26.26 points to 1337.24, and falls outnumbered rises nearly four to one. Alex Harvey fell Bc, Brierley 7c, Fletcher Challenge sc, NZ Forest Products 9c, and New Zealand South British 7c. The only substantial gain among market leaders was one of 5c by Fisher and Paykel. Among second-line issues, Mogal rose 35c and Welgas gained 40c after its profit improvement and dividend increase, plus bonus issue plans. James Hardie Impey was firmer ahead of its result.

RISES New Zealand

FALLS New Zealand

National sales

2400 Alcan 250; 45,400 AHarvey 370, 2200 372, 21.700 375; 1600 Allegra 103, 1000 108, 7300 110, 1200 112, 400 113, (200 115); 100 Alliance 135, 5200 137, 4200 138; 1800 Allflex 525; 700 AMBisley 190, 220 195; 800 Andas 187; 1700 ANZAust 1133; 10,700 ANZBank 380; 2700 Ariadne 95; 300 ABarnet 350; 3200 AEllis 105, 3400 110; 500 Atlas 170, 800 172, 1200 175; 200 AkGas 380; 200 Aurora 440, 100 445; 400 Autocrat 262; 2700 Bendon 345; 6100 BNZFin 480, 1900 485; 900 Bramco 60, 40,400 62; 1100 Brily 393, 7100 395, 35,300 398, 6100 400, 400 403, 100 405 and 11,800 ctb 355, 100 60; 300 Brother 275; 4000 CPD 435; 500 CFM 355; 2800 Carbordum 140, 200 142, 1500 145, 500 148, 6700 150; 200 CBAFin 415, 1000 420; 2000 Cavalier 213, 12,000 215, 7400 218; 300 Capßad 85; 4300 Cart Holt 385; 500 Ceramco 255; 500 Chemby 120; 5500 Chase 250, 500 255 and 1300 opts 220; 2800 Charter 220, 14,600 225; 3800 Cityßeal 120, 6700 122; 100 Clypex 32; 8800 Com Sec 70, 2000 72; 800 CCL 150, 200 155; 200 Con Metal 230; 2300 ConsEnt 27, 700 28; 1800 Cook Wine 70; 300 Dalcro 170, 600 172, 6200 173, 2300 174, 13.400 175, (200 177); 7800 DIC 160, 100 162; 16,300 DMcLWaI 130, 3500 135 and (100 nts 112); 1500 Domßrew 175, 900 177; 10.400 Donaghy 210, 100 new 200 and 200 pf 82; 300 DRGNZ 120; 500 DunlopNZ 420; 1000 ELichten 320; 5200 EMCO 255, 4200 260 and 300 pf 155; 800 Endeavour 138, 4000 140; 4200 East Gas 160, 3000 162; 1400 FTC 157, 7600 158, 1000 159, 200 160, 1500 163, (100 164), 100 pf 360; 5900 Fleur 71, 15,000 72, 2600 73; 17,500 74; 11,700 First City ctb 55; 9500 Feltex 220, 100 16pc pf 210; 200 Firestone 245; 800 FletCh 292, 7100 293, 600 294, 22,300 295, 500 300, 400 303, (1600 305), 2800 16pc pf 480 and 7000 ctb 235, 12,200 237, 2000 238, 500 240; 300 F and P 815, 1900 825, 2000 830; 9100

Frtwavs 165, 6600 168; 200 Fortuna 142, 18,600 145; 500 Genestock 135, 1300 137, 3500 140; 800 Gen Props 151; 15,000 GBCem 56; 12,200 Goodman 425; 2400 HB 280, 200 285; 4401 Hortlnd 135, 1400 137, 1300 138 and 16,800 opts 60; 100 HuttonNZ 250; 3400 Ind News 525; 1500 InvFin 94. 3000 95, 900 98, 1100 100; 2000 Intertas 165; 200 JHlmpey 410; 400 JSmith 297; 300 JEdmond 345; 700 JBums 190; 1600 JWebster 175; 700 Kidd Gar 68, 1200 70; 400 Kearns 445; 5300 Landmark 58, 1100 59, 12,500 opts 33, 1000 34 and 1400 pf 35, 300 36; 1200 LWR 168, 1500 170; 5600 Laurenson 175, 200 176; 7500 LDNathan 335 and 200 18pc pf 345; 9900 Leisurld 55, 500 55; 100 Lion 220, 100 225, 200 228 and 300 12pc pf 230; 100 Mair 430, 1000 435; 700 Manßad 130; 12.700 Mainstay 50, 1100 51 and 17.700 opts 17; 500 McDowell 390; 100 Mogal 375, 900 380, 3400 385; 1000 MO’Brien 75 and 11,000 rts 10; 700 Montana 158; 2000 MPI 370; (800 Mot Holds 150), 200 153, 16,000 155; 200 Moyes 205; 100 MtCook 480,200 490; 10,000 Natßlood 66, 2000 67; 600 Natlns 450. 700 455; 3000 Neil 148. 6000 150; 10,300 NZCement 135; 6000 NZFarmF 230, 6200 14pc pf 210 and 100 17pc 210; 2800 NZForest 328, 5200 330, 10,300 333, 900 335 and 26,266 rts 125, 4000 127, 1200 130, 700 133, 23,413 135, 7058 137, 111 140, 1700 142; 700 NZLL 80; 1000 NZProp 115; 3400 NZSalmon 160, 1000 170; 3100 N2EB 187, 17,700 188, 22,700 190, 1000 192, 2700 193, 1000 195, 4100 ctb 140, 10,000 145 and 10,000 opts 79, 24,100 80, 53,000 82, 200 83; 1400 NZSteel 270, 100 272, 500 273, 1000 275; 1000 Nthgate 85; 3800 Odlin 142, 3700 145, 600 146, 300 nts 155; 2200 OtagoPP 430; 400 OHLCorp 260; 900 PerryD 128; 1100 ProgEnt 483, 2700 485, 200 490 and 1500 new 475; 200 Prudent 185; 5400 RaOra 248, 1400 250; 700 Re-

gina 190, 400 200; 4000 Rainbow 60, 400 61, 67,400 62; 600 RHellaby 110, 500 120; 13,000 RepcoNZ 150; 4300 RJones 130, 1800 132 and 6400 opts 82, 4400 85; 300 Rothmans 275, 200 280; 1100 Sanford 630, 1300 640; 1800 Scott 230; 900 Skellerup 212, 7600 215; 13,900 Smithßio 245; 600 SmithMkt 490, 2300 495; 2000 SFM 195, 200 200; 5900 Steel Tube 255; 1000 StevCorp 280; 2800 TAG 110, 1500 112; 2000 Taylor 350; 1000 Tolley 315, 300 320; 2900 TNL 260, 1900 262; 19,800 UEB 175, 900 177; 2800 Unit Pub 645; 200 Vislure 165, 400 170; 5200 Waitaki 160; 1300 Wattie 460, 300 463, 300 465; 200 Welgas 930; 1500 Will Prop 115, 17,600 118, 200 120; 1500 WHortn 760, 1700 765; 4700 WNeil 150; 76,000 Winstone 220, 18,300 225; 5000 WormaldNZ 440; 1300 Yates 210, 200 215, 1000 218 3400 CoalEn 19; 2000 Cue opts 8; 3000 Crusader 20 and 1000 opts 11; 180,000 Horizon opts 7, 3000 8 and 25,000 ctb 15; (8000 Kupe opts 4) and 7000 ctb 8, 21,000 9: 12,600 L and M 52; 1000 Minßes 40; 4500 NZOG 45, 25,000 46; 2600 OilFlds ctb 7, 5000 8; 13,000 PetroTar opts 3 and 9000 ctb 6; 20,900 SthPet opts 4; 8000 Sovereign 18 and 53,000 opts 8; 500 Unitßes 40 and 500 opts 20. Gold price Price per fine ounce on the London bullion market. May 18 $U5375.60 May 21 $U5380.75 May 22 $U5379.50 May 23 $U5378.55 Silver price Price per fine ounce on the London bullion market. May 18 SL'SB 89 May 21 SUS9.IS May 22 SUS9.OB May 23 SUS9.IO

Andas Price Var’n c . 187 c 7 Atlas . 175 5 Autocrat . 262 2 ConsEnt 27 1 ConsMetal .... 230 5 Feltex 16pc pf . 210 5 Fisher Payk. . . 830 5 Fortuna 145 3 JHImpey 410 10 Kearns 445 15 Landmark .... 58 2 Laurenson .... 175 2 Mair . 435 5 Mogal 385 35 Mtr Bids . 155 5 OHL Corp .... 260 5 Scott Grp .... . 230 5 Weigas . 930 40 Kupe ctb 9 1 NZOG 46 1 Petro Tar ctb. . 6 1 Utd Res 40 2

Alcan Price Var’n c 250 c 10 AHarvey ... . . 370 8 Allegra 110 5 Alliance .... 137 1 ANZ Bank. . . . . 380 5 Ak Gas . . 380 5 Aurora 440 10 Bendon . . 345 3 Brierley .... . . 398 7 ctb 355 17 CPD . . 435 5 CFM . . 355 5 Cap Radio. . . 85 3 Cavalier .... . . 215 5 Ceramco .... . . 255 3 Charter 225 15 Chase 250 10 Chemby 120 3 City Real . . . 122 1 Clvpex 32 2 Corn Sec .... 70 2 Dalgety 175 3 DWallace. . . . 130 5 Dom Brew. . . . . 175 3 Donaghys. . . . . . 210 10 15pc pf . . . 82 1 Dunlop NZ. . . 420 5 East Gas. . . . 160 2 ELichten.... . . 320 5

EMCO pf 255 155 3 5 FTC 158 6 First Cty ctb . . . 55 2 Fletcher 295 5 16pc pf 480 10 ctb 237 8 Frtways 165 3 Gen Prop Genestock 151 140 1 5 Golden Bay .... 56 1 Hort Ind 135 5 Ind News 525 5 Inv Fin 95 1 JEdmond 345 5 Landmark pf . . . 35 1 opts LWR 33 170 1 2 LDNathan 335 5 Leisurld 55 1 Lion Brew 12 pc pf 230 5 Mainstay 50 1 Montana 158 2 MtCook 490 5 Moyes 205 5 Nat Blood 66 2 Neil Hlds 150 5 NZFF 210 10 NZ Forest 333 9 rts 125 15 NZ Salmon .... 160 5 NZSB Grp 190 7 ctb 145 2 opts 82 3 NZ Steel 270 10 Nthgate 85 3 Perry D 128 2 Prog Ent 485 5 new 475 5 Rainbow 62 2 Ra Ora 248 2 RW Hellby 110 15 Regina 190 10 RepcoNZ 150 5 RJones 130 3 opts Rothmans 82 275 3 5 Tolley 315 5 TNL Grp xd . . . 260 3 UEB 175 3 Utd Pub 645 5 Waitaki 160 1 Wattie 460 5 Winstone 220 10 Yates 210 8 Crusader 20 1 Horizon opts. . . . 7 1 MinRes 40 2 Overseas Adriadne 95 30 xd ex dividend

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Press, 25 May 1984, Page 8

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Market follows Australia’s lead Press, 25 May 1984, Page 8

Market follows Australia’s lead Press, 25 May 1984, Page 8