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Old Ewes Make To $10.50 At Tekapo Fair

Considering that Merino and halfbred wool prices have fallen sharply in recent months and are at the lowest levels for many years, fine wool stock met a remarkably good sale at the annual Tekapo fair held in glorious weather on the shores of the lake on Saturday.

Although the trend was for lower values, it was remarkable that they did not show a bigger drop and some of the old Merino ewes had an extraordinary sale at almost ; record values—up to $10.50 Several were sold at only a little under this figure. These sales resulted from extreme competition from buyers who seemed to want the sheep al almost any price. The Tekapo offering includes a proportion of halfbred sheep and compared with the Merinos 'these held their levels better, and in some sections values were better than last year when the sale was considered to be an exceptional one. This year’s entry was very ' big—30.795 head —and more than 50 per cent bigger than last year's 18.932. It was surprising that so many surplus stock were again available after the November snowstorm of a little more than two - years ago which decimated so many Mackenzie flocks This season the drier areas of the Mackenzie Country have had several rainfalls which have averted serious drought. Stock was in ivory good order and up to the i best standards of the past, although in a few cases teeth were not quite up to standard. The entry included 10,164 ; wether and ewe lambs, 2581 'two-tooth ewes and wethers. 117 two and four-tooth ewes and wethers, and 17.933 older ewes| and wethers. Scattered Destinations Sheep went to widely scattered parts of the South Island. Many were purchased for Central Otago, and others went to Marlborough and Southland. The sale began with the lambs, of which there was a ! much bigger selection this year in spite of heavy draftings of prime stock from the district, but in some eases this meant that some vendors had lambs of lesser quality. In general, the Merino wether iambs locked to be down about |sl on last year, and between nine pens of lambs sold this year and nine pens of the same i vendors’ sheep sold last year ‘there was an average reduction this year of 90c a head. The best of the Merino wether | lambs brought from $5.10 to $5.90. with average to good al • $4.25 to 54.85 and others at i $2.85 tO $3.65. Out of 525 from Haldon station. 100 brought $5.90, and the i balance $5.10. Last year this vendor was paid up to $8.40. :Black Forest station also sold 432 wether lambs at $5.15 —last year they made up to $6.20 — and Simons Pass realised $5.10 !for 737. whereas lasi year they were paid up to $7.70. t For half bred wether lambs there was not a great deal of difference in the average level of values between this year and last year, with vendors realising close to last year and in some cases slightly better values. The best sold from j $5.10 ot $5.50. with average to ! good at $3.95 to $4.85. Mount John station, which, h-ad sales to $4.80 last year.: sold 503 ’on Saturday at $5.40.

• and Simons Pass had sales at | up to $5.50. ’! Border Leicester cross made ' i from about $5.50 to $6.10, with 'i Glenmore station selling 45 at . $6.10. Although the top Merino ewe 1 lambs did not bring as good money as last year, some ven- . dors had a better sale than last year, and a comparison ‘ of seven pens of the same ven--1 dors’ sheep sold in the two . years showed that there was not much difference between I the two sales. The best of the Merinos realised from $5.20 to $5.70. with average to good at $3.90 to $4.60 and others at $2.60 to $3.65. , Haldon station led the sale .with 559 bringing $5.70. but last vear they received up to SB.IO. Black Forest, which sold 474 ion Saturday at $5.40. was. howi ever, paid up to only $5.10. last i year. There was only a small selecition of half bred ewe lambs but these also made rates fairly similar to lasi year with the best making from $4.80 to $5.60. with others ranging down to j 53.75. Maryburn, which realised to $5.70 last year, sold 201 at the. week-end for $5.60 and L. J. Waters, of Coolgardie, also had 138 at $5.60 For another 149; Bauchops Hill received $5.40. Values for Border Leicester, cross ewe lambs were also comparable with last year with prices ranging from $5.75 to $7.20, with most selling from $6.80 upwards. Sales here at: $7.20 were made by Simons Pass (for 165 and by Glenrock for 137 Last year these two stations! made to $7.10 and $7.40 respectively. A small selection of mixed sex lambs brought from $2.10 ‘tO $6. Young Ewes Merino two-tooth ewes showed an easing trend with the best making from $5.30 to $6.30 and (Others ranging from $4.10 lu $5, but young halfbreds. selling' i mainly from $6.70 to $7.60. (looked a little dearer than they did last year and a comparison between five similar pens in the two years showed an advance of 25c a head. Lochaber station sold 172 • Merino ewes at $6.30. whereas 1 last year they got up to $7.20. and Streamlands had another 49 al $5.95. Among the halfbreds Simons Hill realised $7.60 for 375 when their best price last year was $7.20, and Bauchops Hill also realised $7.20 on Saturday for 120. Two and four-tooth ewes realised from $5.05 to $6.50. with Grays Hills obtaining the higher figure for 57 Merinos. Only five pens of young wethers were yarded and these were all Merinos which brought i from $5 to $6. Lochaber received $6 for 103 Merinos compared with $6.20 a year ago. A single line of Merino two and four-tooth wethers sold for $5.80. The older wethers also com-j prised mainly Merinos and compared with last year they [looked cheaper by about $1 1 ;The best brought from about $5.80 to $6.20. with good at s4l to $4.90 and others at $2.60 to| $3.65 A single pen of half breds sold at $3.75. Ben Ohau. which made up to $7.20 last year, sold 480 on Saturday at $6 20 and Balmoral station received $5.80 for 41S and Sawdon $5.90 to $383. Big Prices The big excitement of the day came .in the sale of older ewes which were offered towards the close.. Intense competition between [two bidders took offers for a pen of 156 Merinos from Mount Cook station up to the extraordinarily high level of $10.50 i at which point the sheep were knocked down to Mr J. Cotton a stock agent, of Dalgety and New Zealand Loan, Ltd, Ran Turly, who was buying for C. E i Hore, of Patearoa. Mr Cotton said afterwards ■ that some of these ewes would be selected for use in breeding halfbred rams and the others would go into Mr Hore s flock Mr Cotton also bought another 200 ewes from Cox’s Down station for $9.25 and these are for the Maniototo. These high prices followed the sale of a pen of 345 from Streamlands station at $8.30 fori 173 and $7.90 for 172. The effect of these top prices 'was to make the average pricefor the sale over a selection of! about 10 pens sold on Saturday; and 14 pens of similar sheep [sold last year very similar, but. the average run of Merino ewes were cheaper than last year. The best made from about $7.90 to $10.50, with good at $5.10 to $6.40, average at $4 to $4.85. and others at $1.50 to $3.75. : Over all for halfbred ewes [there was not a great deal of difference between the two years with some venders doing better and some not so well. The pick of these sold from 'about $5.10 to $6.15, with others at $4.25 to $5. Bauchops Hill received $6.15 for 202 compared with $4.65 last year, and Simons Hill.i which realised to $6.10 last [year, sold 660 on Saturday for $6 and M.' McCarthy received; ;$5.90 for 57 four-year-olds. A line of Border Leicester' cross old ewes sold for $5. Details of the main sales; i included: Wether Lambs Pyne,. Gould, Guinness Ltd, sold on account of: Glenmore Station: 166 i Merinos at $4.50. Simons Pass Station; 737 Merinos at $5.10, 76 at '53.30, 224 at $3.60, 217 halfbreds at $4.85. 92 at $5.50. Maryburn Station: 152 halfbreds at $4. Mount John Station: 503 half-: breds at $5.40, 74 at $4.10. Grampians Station: 140 [Merinos at $3.60. Irishman Creek Station: 782 Merinos at $4.40 to $4.65. Glentanner Station: 183 Merinos at $2.85. Glenmore Station: 45 Border Leicester cross at $6.10. Curraghmore Station: 102 Merinos at $4.35. NMA Company of New Zealand Ltd, sold on account of: — Haldon Station: 100 Merinos at $5.90. 425 al $5.10. Streamlands: 76 Merinos at $4.25. Black Forest: 432 Merinos at $5.15. Bendrose: 115 Merinos at $4.85. Braemar: 64 Border LeicesterMerino cross at $5.50. Canterbury Farmers’ Cooperative Association sold on account of: — Glenrock Station: 104 Merinos al $3.50. Dalgety and New Zealand Loan, Ltd, sold on account of: Simons Hill: 124 halfbreds at $3.95. ! Omahau: 116 Merinos at $3.65. ; Ewe Lambs NMA Company of New Zea- 1 land, Ltd, sold on account of:— Bauchops Hill: 149 halfbreds at $5.40. Streamlands: 264 Merinos at $3.65. Haldon: 559 Merinos at $5.70. ; Black Forest: 474 Merinos at i 55.40. Grays Hills: 400 Merinos at ; $5.20. i Bendrose. 86 Merinos at $4.60. Braemar: 76 Border LeicesterMerino cross at $5.75. Pyne, Gould, Guinness Ltd, 1 ;old on account of: — L. J. Waters. Coolgardie: 130 ( • alfbreds at $4.80, 138 at $5.60. ■ Glenmore: 185 Merinos ati, ‘4.10, 61 Border Leicester cross; t $6.80. i Glentanner: 151 Merinos at 2.60. i. Curraghmore: 147 Merinos at .$4.50. Il

Simons Pass: 165 Border Leicester-Merino cross at $7.20. Maryburn: 201 lialfbreds at $5.60. 88 at $4. Mt John: 60 halfbreds at $3.75. Irishman Creek: 84 Merinos at $3.30. Grampians: 133 Merinos at $3.90. Canterbury Farmers’ Cooperative Association, Ltd, sold on account of:— Tasman Downs: 244 halfbreds at $4.10. Sawdon: 104 Border Leicester Merino cross at $6.80. Glenrock: 137 Border Leicester-Merino cross al $7.20 110 Merinos at $2.90. Dalgety and New Zealand Loan, Ltd. sold on account of:— Omahati: 115 Merinos at $3.50 Two-tooth Ewes Dalgety and New Zealand Loan. Ltd, sold on account of:— Simons Hill: 375 halfbreds at $7.60. Pyne, Gould, Guinness, Ltd. sold on account of: Lochaber: 172 Merinos at $6.30 Maryburn: 107 halfbred at $6.70. ' Gientanner: 173 Merinos at $4.90. A. D. Trotter. Lancewood: 47 Merinos at $4.10. Mount John. 159 halfbreds at $5.40. 127 at $6.70. Irishman Creek: 194 Merinos at $5.50 to $5.55. Glenmore: 60 Merinos at $5. The Wolds: 103 halfbreds at $6.70. Dry Creek: 28 two and fourtooth Merinos at $5.05. NMA Company of New Zealand, Ltd, sold on acccunt oi': G. Clarke. Ranfurly: 147 Merinos at $5.30. Streamlands: 49 Merinos al $5.95. Bauchops Hill: 120 halfbreds at $7.20. Grays Hills: 57 two and fourtooth Merinos at $6.50. Dalgety and New Zealand Loan, Ltd and Pyne, Gould Guinness, Ltd, sold on account cf: Glen Lyon: 120 Merinos at i 55.40. Two-tooth Wethers Pyne, Gould, Guinness Ltd, sold on account of: — Lochaber: 103 Merinos at $6. A. D. Trotter, Lancewood: 44 Merinos at $5. Glenmore: 102 Merinos at $5.70 Gientanner: 80 Merinos at $5 Dry Creek: 32 two and fourtooth Merinos at $5.80. NMA Company of New Zealand, Ltd. sold on account of:— Grays Hills: 46 Merinos at $5.50 Older Wethers Wright, Stephensc-n and Company, Ltd, sold on account of:— Richmond: 244 Merinos at $2.60 Hunter Downs. Ltd. Fairlie 478 halfbreds at $3 75. NMA Company of New Zealand. Ltd. sold on account of: Balmoral: 418 Merinos at $5.80 Ferintosh: 214 Merinos at $3.65 P.'ddvs Market: 140 Merino at $3.20. Bendrose: 62 Merinos at $4.30 Hill: 60 Merinos at Black Forest: 61 Merinos a* $4.90 Canterbury Farmers' Co-c-pera five Association, Ltd, sold or account of: Sawdon: 383 Merinos at $5.90 Dalgety and Now Zealand Loan, Ltd. sold on account of:~ Ben Ohau: 480 Merinos a $6.20. Pyne, Gould. Guinness Ltr sold on account of: Glenmore: 210 three and four shear Merinos at $5. Lochaber: 270 Merinos at $4.15 Gientanner: 509 Merinos at $4.10 A. D. Trotter: 184 Merinos a

$4. OLDER EWES Pyne. Gould. Guinness Ltc' sold on account of: Maryburn 108 halfbreds a’ 54.50. 689 at $5.40 to $5.50 The Wolds: 312 halfbreds a 84.80. 217 at $4.55. 152 Merino at $4.50. Lochaber: inn Merinos at $4 305 to $5.50. Glenmore: 451 Merinos at $5. Mt John: 376 halfbreds at $4.25. Simons Pass: 644 Merinos at $4.50. Irishman Creek: 597 Merino. 1 at $5.10. Grampians: 402 Border Leices-ter-Merino cross at $5. Curraghmore: 137 Merinos at $4.65. 137 at $4.50. Glentanner: 410 Merinos at $6.20. Dusky: 358 shorn Merinos at $1.50. NMA Company of New Zealand,Ltd. sold on account of: Black Forest; 415 Merinos at $4.10, 160 mixed aged at $5.30. Ferintosh: 237 mixed aged Merinos at $3.10. Streamlands: 173 Merinos at $8.30. 172 at $7.90. Paddy's Market: 77 four-year-old halfbreds at $5.10. 332 halfbreds at $5.75. Mt Hay: 272 Merinos at $3.75. Cox's Down: 116 Merinos at $5.30, 200 at $9.25. Grays Hills: 400 Merinos at $6.20, 505 at $6.25. •Mt Cook. 156 Merinos at sloiso. Braemar: 151 halfbreds at $5.15. 100 at $4.70. Haidon: 479 Merinos at $6.40. M. McCarthy: 57 four-year-old halfbreds at $5.90. Bauchops Hill: 202 halfbreds at $6.15. Bendrose: 302 Merinos at $5. Dalgety and New Zealand Loan, Ltd. sold on account of:— Stew Point: 233 at $2.45. Omahau: 175 Merinos at $3. Ben Ohau: 334 Merinos at $3.65. Simons Hill: 660 halfbreds at $6. 139 Merinos at $5.55. Glen Lyon: 454 Merinos at $5.50. Canterbury Farmers* Co-opera-tive Association, Ltd, sold on account of: — Tasman Downs: .99 shorn at $4. •" Glenrock: 272 Merinos at $4.85. Sawdon: 328 Merinos at $4.50. Wright, Stephenson and Company, Ltd. sold on account of:— Pukaki Downs: 128 Merinos at $2.05. Richmond: 200 Merinos at $2.35.

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Press, Volume CIX, Issue 32235, 2 March 1970, Page 7

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Old Ewes Make To $10.50 At Tekapo Fair Press, Volume CIX, Issue 32235, 2 March 1970, Page 7

Old Ewes Make To $10.50 At Tekapo Fair Press, Volume CIX, Issue 32235, 2 March 1970, Page 7