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THISTLE WIN BY DEFAULT. ...i,.': 'nice .ii.os inThe Cii.:*.-a-.r.- roc-=« -.-„,. rrit-hci on fc>at^-d»r. There be.r;: « ai-- 9 C "' f 'f a J d ,^- . ? -.-; os cond,nc-5 W r. C«i. "■ '-'-• g-.-3-ir.d< -o-cre so:"-. | in the team '•* *** tcferi. c .a----•;'-..r-a*ed tftat rvai^j l ." _ <e-,-e -.a. co-upe: non leaders. L-. ■'•■e> »t Loju-h Par.. Bu. o = L-lidJV more- !!■«» '.' ,ha »«•« - ~ a i:d tea ma tea had to -o'to T>e'^uo: S V'oe'au.t. T»* s;. A'b.=s- --> v Lrighion as:--r. v« trfrctorc tr» E£ - ' -o !'-tf' r 'h !'»:»■ ' ljf ' coErettnois "•fged » "_,*„ ,;,.j a tingle- '■■«"- a^: ' rv, of the"rusot play. St. Leoaard"! ' p.",-. '„jj ,}-. e Yt-riie of the contest betveeo Wc«Vra %nd Sumntr. '""•«'»! '"°"'' , i m'li-ted » .1 defeat o:i the : u a-'s On aticr a o..ig-dong game. 1 reversed" tbc 6?orci, and thus .-.-.enged their i.revioui defeij. It uould »P- ---•>■>■■ r•' R-un-ero ha'.c at last eii-jrk win- , tj:;, \; CT ' n . ''in the tccond round the ' V - 'if'cs hj" ve not te: been beaten. .it Spre;.- ' don'ReteVo they again a, ot ; valuable points Jn defeating Technical O.d Bovs b- six goals to turec. The i01.0v.-ing tab.c shc.-a the posit.out

New Brighton (1) ▼. 6t. Albaaa (1). At Engli-'i Park. St. Albans and Nev •' v.ere the The ground -. as seft, but thei-e W3S an absence of wind aid sun. There vss a fair attendance. The luu.i t. ere: — i Kt V'bKfis tßlue .".''d WhitO—Ooj'. W. ' I'uokr- :u!l back*, 1.. Maynard, G. Kiimp; i half-barks, J- l-iad'ey, J. Dryden, J.Tenrant; 1 forwards, T>. Donaldson, G. Culien, C. Anri ; , ' A. Buonerman, X. i New Brighton < Black and Gold)—Got'. M. i lii'cheil • ftili-backfc. H. .lobnson, L. Anjte;- : ! hp'f-backs, W. Waddell. J. Bird, D. Barns; I torw.irds. J. Cork'c, .1. Cruickshack;, C. j Talioon, .1. Atkiaso-. P. Knigbt. I Nev Cri;hton kicked off towards tho ' school end goal. . c t. Albans vera tirs: \ isaT, Angns sending out to Donaldson on : tho "right. Anstey just beat tbe winger for : rossession, and sent play to half-way. Doao- ■ van then made a'forward move for Sain's on tbe left, and a brace of corners had Brighton j sll out in defence. The seaMdcrs took a i hand, and r. mislake by Tennant nearly let ; Gruicksh'anks through. Rump cleared 'or a'aints. The following exchanges were even j but both rets of forwards were erratic in j their -placements and shooting. A break by I New Brighton on the left saw Knight pilot ! the bull to soal, and Cooke did well to clear ; a low shot under pressure. Offside agairut Donaldson nullified a promising St. Albans raid, avd pby pvnng back to the other end. From a melee Atkin on tested Cooke with a short-range thot, and a moment later Cockle iust cleared the crossbar with a dropping shot. Then » speculator by Burns b»d Cooke extended to clear. A sharp run and centre by Dona'.dton found Mitchell safe. Brighton replied on the left, and Cooke barely scrambled the ball clear from a concerted midfield attack. There was no score at the interval. Faet and even exchanges reopened play, and then from halfway the tseasid»rs bolted do-vn the centre. PiUoo-i and Atkinson were in charge when Cooke raced out of goal, and repulsed for St. Albang in the nick of time. St. Albans replied on tho left, and from Donovan, Birnnenmao slammed in a short-ranze ehot, which struck the upright and bounced behind. A moment later Cnllen netted from a cro?.» by Donomon, but ho was offside. Tenna-t then initiated a further St. Albans raid. The hall came out to Donsld.on. who jkinncd the crossbar from an acute angle._ A of uninspiring play culminated in Bngntor launching an attack down the centre. Cooke was hustled in goal, but Kalloon infringed. and Snints cleared from the free-kick. At the other end Angus raced through and shot lovr Mitchell flung himself at the ball, and fended clear in eood s'yle. Brighton cam* again on the right. Burns punched tho ball to the centre, where CniicVshanlts summed the ball home. New Brighton 1. St. Albans 0 Immediately Saints drove into attack. Cullen snapped up a cross from Banners an, and he levelled the scores with a shot Mitchell should have held. A moment later Atkinson should hare again given New Brighten the lead, hut he muffed the f hot with only Cooke in go.l to beat. Then Falloon missed badly from a good position. was fast in the concluding stages, with bt. Albans doing most of the attacking, tint there was no further score at the call of time, Albans 1. New Brichton 1. Keferce, Mr Cawther.y.

Rangera (6) t. Teehaleal 0.8. <3>. Playing at Spreydon Domain, Technical lost the toss to Rangers «nd kicked off facme the -wind. Snappy passing put Rangers o» the offensive, but Tanner and Cawthcrcy stemmed the rush. Playing with fne combination between half-backs and forwards. Rangers continued to press, and kept the Technical defence on the move. Kracer made a forward move on the right and Uisseis, drawing the defence, placed through an opening down the centre. Sloane flashed into play and gave Martia no chance with a fast drive. Rangers 1, Technical 0. A transfer from Tanner to Jolly sent Technical awnv, but Lorrimcr quickly returned play. McLean slipped the ball through to Lees, who dropped the ball to the centre. Bissett'i first-timer lifted just OTer the crossbar. Ranjrers continued to press, and Martin, in goal for Technical, was kept in action in fending oliots by Lees and Sloane. Technical spurted and pushed Rangers back into their own territory. From Muirson, Barnea conceded a corner, and from the flag the former player piloted the ball to the centre. Tanner ws* well up. and he shot strongly, for the ball to ricochet from a Rangers' player into the net. Rangers 1, Technical 1. A short spell of even play, and then Singers attacked on the right. Frascr made ground before sending through to Bissett. Again the veteran made an opening down the centre for Sloana to clinch successfully. Rangers 2, Technical 1. Almost immediately Rangers came again. Forsythe opened the movement, and Bissett snapped np an opening to send Sloane through for another goal. A Technical rally, with Teiehert, Jolly, and Phelps prominent. had Rangers in difficulties, but W. Barnes finally drove clear. Rangers were attacking at the interval with the score: Rangers 3, Technical 0.8. 1.

Play re-opened with attack and counterattack. Rangers continued to monopolise play but the Technical defence held firm. Then followed a series of Rangers' raids, adroitly schemed by the Teteran Bissett, which kept Technical penned to their goal. Twice Martin retrieved the ball from a v. eiter of players. The Technical keeper was playing a' great game. Lees landed a shot troll on the target, but Martin collected, and from his clearance N. Teiehert booted well down. Rangers came again through Fraser to L»e?, who crossed smartly. Sloane took the ball in his stride and pu/iched it home ot short range. Almost immediately Fraser notched a further goal with a slanting shot. Rangers 5, Technical 1. The Green* continued to battle gamely against a superior combination, for at this stage Rangers were playing like champions. In a further attack Ranger* Bwarmed round the Technical goal, and Martin was penalised for carrying. Sloane placed the free kick to the artful Bissett. who, unmarked, promptly slammed the.ball into the net. "Rangers 6, Technical 1. A Technical rally, saw Teiehert make ground before transferring inside. Jolly snapped up and, outpacing the defence, he registered with a feat cross-shot. Rangers 6, Technical 2. The Greens now came away strongly and Rangers appeared to be tiring. From a midfield attack there followed * lively melee in t'i!« Rangers' goal. From the nek the ball came out to O'Loughlan, who found the net. Time was called almost immediately with the "scores: Rangers 6. Technical Old Boys Z. Referee, Mr J. Jennings. Western (3) v. Sumner (IJ. Tor the return match between Western ted Sumner, at St. Leonards Park, both teamwere at full strength. There was a good attendance of spectators, the town team being well represented. From the kick-off Sumner were the fir&t dangerous. Harbutt aad Browne, from a service by Howarth, made a break down the right. The ball came over tor E. Colville to clear rrom Peterson with a fraction to spare. Sumner were wading into their work in great style, but.the superb defence of the Western intermediate line, i Kennedy, Roberta, and Ellis, -.'as proving an obstacle to the se&sidors. S. Neville repulsed a Western right flank movement, asd a combined Sumner forward raid carried play to the other end. A fast-movir.i shot by Browne brought G. Colville into action to save, and -rom his clearance Roberts ecnt Thompson eway on the left. Over came 'the ball rom the winger, and only good covering by Alien *i? ■<?.' N * v:l,c blocked s concert 3d rash by the Western inside trio. Western were now getting into their stride, and for a period gave the seasidera some ansious moments. A hefty kick by Howarth relieved for Sumner, but tricky play by Kennedy paved the way for.* further Western raid. Clerr.ents worked through with Barwel!, and a snappy passing ! movement culminated in Kelson smashing i;: an unstoppable shot. Western 1. Sumner 0. Xhis reverse stiffened the norai" of the sea--2» n i' ? lann =lied a hot attack on the left. Bell lifted to the centre ' ard Pe-.erson had a chance when he was downed b- E. Colville. western retaliated through El'is to Bridgen*, and Uie Blacks were hot-foot in attack when the interval arrived with the icore: Western 1, Sumner 0. .-?' V?' 1P '•BMmption, Wci:er:i forced p!ay, "° <-,len-.en'.i came near s-oring when he W?- P - t* ,r>t - a - t outside- the uprigiu. Fo:.n*ing play was fast and ipectarular. but the v-Mtors were j-ow more ttin Void:->g their ?»!?■«• *Pec<!»ator by Kennedy fell «hor:. To Ben° m irn' !e^ S H«w»rl>, p! a >,.l Jif, EU,S ***** 'ne winger for posae-sior droviT a LCi >Ve.tei'i » t:a '- W Werner-* \° ,?. ,n , a »ti£*rer which Krraan gathered, j .* ,1 .V 1 * 59 V"'*" l *«» hiiDcrir.j hard | t. the Sumner dsfeac*,, kut Howarth, All«.

! and B. Neville kept the inr.-iHcrs out. Trern i well do%rn, B. H. Xerilie initiated • Sairi" | rstd on the ri;ht. Harhutt r»<-<-H «- »y B"d placed to Browns-. m'r.i> -nor\:ed through ro'o to equalise the scores at clo«-e Tinjr. The pace rras now a cracker, and the rcvnbinrd ■work of both teams vis c\re!!i-nt. Ken>i*rf« and Roberts held rp a tjumner Iff! flank raid, and Western made a break on toe right. Bridgens made ground ao<i slant o*.'#r for Nelson to eonoeet and regUter with a »het just iniide the upright. Western 2. Surarer 1. lvi;ht from the kick-off Western rnthed play upfield. Neisor. pieced forwi<*d for Bars-el'l to rare through and find the net with a fast slot. Sumner tried ha-d to reduce the lead, but there w»f no further score at the call of time. Western 3, fciinner I. Referee, Mr Doree. JOXIOB. GBABJB. Plsyiag at Lytteitoo, Western defeated lytteltoo by 6 goats t© 4. Referee. Mr Mitchell. The c*me between Air Force and Marist, played at Sock-bam. «>i art Tin —2 goals allKeferee. Mr Campbell. Y.H.C.A. defeated Thistle B. at Hagley Ptrk, by 5 foala to nil. Referee. Mr Johnston. Playing at Hsgley Park St. Albans d«feat«d Sumner by 8 gosls to nil. Kef ere*, Mr Merritt. Thistle A defeated New Brighton, at Ne» Brighton, by 8 goals to 1. Referee, Mr M. Wilaon. FOTJXTH QIABI. Playing at Hagley Park, Mariit B defeated St. Albans by 5 goals to 1. Referee, Mr CYsgg. Nomads defeated Maritt A. at Hagley Park, by 2 goala to ni'. Keferee Mr Horeley. FIFTH OR ADS. Playing at Hagley Park, Ft. Albacs defeated T.M.C.A. by 1 goal to nil. Referee, l£r Shan, juii. SIXTH GRAJ3E. Nomads defeated Thistle, at English Park, by 6 goals to nil. Referee, Mr D. l>ona!dton. Playing at Richmond Park, St. Allans defeated New Brighton by 6 goais to I. Referee. Mr Callaa. The match between St. Beds's and Marist, played at Hagley Park, vii drawn—l goe!» all. Referee, Mr Sharr, sen. Playing at Hagley Park. Technical defeated Spreydon by 2 goala to 1. K fierce, Mr Morritsey.

WELLINGTON REPRESENTATIVES. (riMI AS*OCIATJCV rSLKO&AV.) WELLINGTON, July «. The Wellington Soccer «emor team to pl»y AucVlaad i» as foliowg: JJcYetn, Grigg, Gueet, J. McLeod, Campbell, Utsloc, E. McLeod, Kigby, Leslie, Smith, Craig; reserve, Marshinent.

IN pTHER CENTRES. I?aX3S ASSOOATIOK TTCMMJU.) AUCKLAND. July 7. Thistle 3 beat Ponsonby 1, Tramwaya 8 best Celtic 2, Onehunja 2 drew with Belmoat 2, Y.M.C.A. 1 best North Shore 0 DUS'EDIK. July 7. Northern 2 drew with Technical Old Bora 2, ifosjiel 3 best T.SI.C.A. 1. WAKGAXUI. July 7. In * repre*citet:Te msfh VTanjranii 4 beat Tereneii 1. The Taranaki jnnion beat Wanjanui juniors by 5 goalt to 1.

cf :he teamt:— f> f L ,_ For _ A „. r , ; . t.,;,.;,, 'I :« -- - -8 !» -0 • :. io 7 •_• i 40 in i5 I a,.,.,-.-- i.j 6 ■* — J- -*> 3-ik.i-io'i i: xi 4 •"■ ' J -° c i! iN.,-Br**«» H , ? 3 1 3 . . Tc-hniral 0:d „ . , B nv , . . " P 1 2\> 4*> 5 S-. .Vbaiij . . lu 1 ' J 16 . . <

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Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19665, 8 July 1929, Page 14

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ASSOCIATION. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19665, 8 July 1929, Page 14

ASSOCIATION. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19665, 8 July 1929, Page 14