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The Lady Editor will be pleased to receive for publication in tho "Women'B Corner" items of social or persoual news. Such items should bo fully authenticated, -rnd engagement notices must bear the ! fignaturea o! both parties. Correspondence is invited on any matters affecting, or of Interest to, women. Mrs H. S. Earkt-r (Fendalton) is j visiting the North' Island, j Captain and Mrs Bhmdell-Hawkes (Geraldincl. Mr and Mrs McAlpine (Spye), and Mrs and Miss Howell (South Canterbury) are amongst the guests at Warwick j Mr and Mrs Gold, of Balcliitha, return south to-day, having spent an enjoyable holiday with relatives in the north. The Misses Eeid of the China Inland Mission are expected to arrive in Wellington by the Maheno to-day, and will probably stay there a few days before coining on to Christchurch. Miss Nancy Wilkinson (limes road, St. Albans 1 ), who has been abroad t'or the past iiftcen months, is expected to arrive bark in Christehurch to-mor-row morning. Mi- and Mrs G. Hall (Hororata) and Mrs I>. Mulligan (Lisinore) are at the United Service Hotel. Mr and Mrs Churchward (Blenheim), Miss Coulter (Blenheim), Mr and Mrs Tamblvne (l)unedin), and Mr and Mrs AV. B. Steel (Dnnedin) are guests at the Clarendon Hotel. The engagement is announced between Mr' It. H. Orbell, Geraldine, son of the late Mr and Mi- Macleod Orbell, Christchurch, to Miss Elizabeth Peters Serjeant, eldest daughter , of Mr and Mrs A. G. Serjeant, Ballarat, A ictoria. Latest arrivals at the Hotel Federal include: Mr James Boyd (lvaikouia), Mr E. E. Pierce (Auckland) Air J. Mathieson (Christchurch), Mr C. C. van Slyke (Wellington), and Mr J. »• Bruce (Timaru). .A meeting of the committee oi tho St. Cecilia choir was held recently, and arrangements were made for its forthcoming concert on Saturday next, the 25th inst, in the Choral Hall, for which a very fine programme of part-singing and solos has been drawn up. . A delightful afternoon tea party was given at Ballantyne's as a farewell to Miss Linda Mason and Miss Butfc, who aro leaving for England and the Continent this week. Those present included Mrs Grainger Clark, Mrs E. Smith, Mrs Stanley Williams, Miss Li. Elson, Miss Crow, and Mrs W illianiSutherland. ! , A.euchre party and dance were held in the schoolroom at Saltwater Creek on Friday night. In spite of the bad weather there was a large attendance. After a good night's play,, the nrst prize for the ladies was won by Mrs George Lang., Mr S. Ashworth, Mr TPowell, sen., and Mr Walter Eder tied for the gentlemen's prize. In the play-off, Mr Powell was the winner. After supper, dancing was enjoyed, the music being supplied by Misses Eder (3). Miss Mavis Lang, Mr G. Hales, and Mr B. Powell. A lucky spot waltz was won by Mr S. Booth and Miss AEder. Tho duties of M.C. were carried out by Mr B Powell. • Last Thursday night,- at-the Ridgely Hall,-a-verv successful danoe was'held by Weeks, *Ltd., Cricket Club. About sixty eounies danced to the music of the Crescent Players' Orchestra. The hall was decorated by Mr R. Whitehead and others. The committee con- ! sisted of Misses E. Cain and M. Barclay, Messrs L. Evans, R. Whitehead, H. Hill (M.C.), R. Sullivan (secretary). Among those present were:— Mesdames P.. Sellars, W. "Williams, R. Whitehead, R. Norman, J. Carrington, J. Hunsley, T. Dawson, Dawe, H. Hill, R. Mann, S. Hitchens, J. Edwards, A. Palmer, J. Scofield, Misses E. Sullivan, E. McCann, G. .Ogden, F. Armstrong, Hicky, M. Barclay, D. Dawson, N. Greenaway, D. Beatty, M. Bailey, M. and D. Petri©, M. Fass, I. Armstrong, E. Cain, o.' Dorreen, I. Warr, McCabe (2), V. Pring, Swanston (3), G. ltyde, M. Hill, M. Gray, A. Burgess, G. Onnau, Messrs J. Cosy, A. Hatch, Barclay, S. Ellis, J. Ellis,' H. Gillum, J. Carrington, L. Scuffell, J. Hunsley, T. Dawson, L. Evans, J. Henery, J. Mills, J. Ellis, D. Davis, Fi Woolcock, E. Bailey, G. Hartnian, W. Kerr, A. Fisk, R. Norman, R. Whitehead, N. Williams, P. Sellars, J. Powell, It. Mann, A. Palmer, J Edwards, S. Hitchens, J. Scofield, H. Taylor, R. Stirling, R. Ryde, H. Evans, D. M. Smith. K. Bradley, J. Dyne, N. Gray, H.. Hill (M.C;), Reg. Sullivan (secretary). t i / ; . VEEBENA FOE JUNE. "It is really remarkable the way Verbena Soap saves rubbing," remarked Granny.. "June's clothes are washedby it so beautifully white—even the things she gets dirtiest. I have -sed Verbena Soap now for years, and I will use it till I die. In all my life I have never experienced such a wonderful laundry soap as Verbena." —6 Ladies smart glace and patent shoes, Louis and Cuban heels at ridiculous prices to clear 8s 6d and 12s 6d. Just the thing for the wet weather. Ladies Courts all sizes .from ss. H. Pannell and Co., 105 Manchester street. 'Phone 694. —6 There is no winter complaint that needs more prompt attention than influenza. The moment you feel the slightest symptoms you should take immediate precautions and procure from us a bottle of our famous B3 mixture. Itsi marvellous properties will quickly relieve you of the unpleasant troubles attendant to even the slightest attack of influenza You fan procure this mixture only from us. D. Ferguson Glanville. ■ Chemist, 279 High street. 'Phone 2725. H 4941? MBS VERE PLANTAGEXET . . . .RETURNS. Mrs Yere Plantagenet has returned to Christchurch after a lengthy sojourn abroad, during which she visited most parts of the world. She states that in all her experience she has never come across anything to approach Kofgo as an effective cough cure and she strongly recommends" x all her friends to secure bottles of Kofgo from E. Cameron Smith's, Chemist, Koyal Exchange Buildings, Cathedral Square. . —6 A girl can quickly learn to make dresses, jumpers, skirts, costumes, and other garments by taking up the Dressmaking and Designing Course of the Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and sciences." Everything taught by maiL It means you can be much better dressed for merely a portion of what-you now are spending. Write for full particulars' to P.O. Box 26, Te Aro G>'Wellington. - —g

At the Darfield Memorial Hall tonight will be held a grand fancy dress carnival, tlie proceeds of wliich will be devoted to the Hall supper-room fund. At a stall at the carnival, masks and all kinds of carnival favours and novelties may be obtained at a very small cost. A number of young people held & "surpriso party'' at the residence ot Mr and Mrs C. Anderson, "Hunting- ■ ton," where a very happy evening was spent' in dancing and various games. Musical items were rendered by. Messrs D. Poulton, W. Anderson, and KWright. Those present were Mesdames C. Anderson, C. Elliott, G. Ibbetson (Islington), Misses Mavis Wells, Melba Withers, Gladys Bunn. Messrs C. Anderson, D. Poulton, E. Ibbetson (Islington), W. Anderson. K. Wright, R. Hamilton (Redeliffs), D. McGrath, L. Wright, S Bunn, and E. Scofield. Members of the Christchurcli Ladies' Amateur Swimming Club spent a pleasant evening on Thursday at. Mrs W. Brown's home in Riccarton. This party was the first of a series organised for the raising of funds for the club's queen in the Canterbury Centre's Queen Carnival. On this occasion, Mr C. Atkinson nave an interesting talk on the "crawl" stroke, that wns much appreciated br all. OPAWA CROQUET CLUB. A very pleasant evening bridge-party, the first of three, was held on Friday, in the Bowling Club pavilion, Opawa, members froiu Sumner, Cashmere, and the United Croquet Clubs being present. The prize-winners .were: Miss Gus Skoglund, and Mrs Allison. A delicious supper was provided by the Opawa ladies. Among those who played were: Mr and Mrs W. Esson, Mr and Mrs E. G. Kawnslev, Mr and Mrs Steans, Mr and Mrs Brydges Jones, Mr and Mrs Gwatkin, Mr and Mrs Allison, Mr and Mrs Percy Browne, Mr and Mrs Hunnibel, Mr and Mrs E. A. Johnson, Mr and Mrs Polhill, Mesdames Hunter, Wilkinson, Lucas, Cox, Boniiington (2), Essou, Ilillarv, Mellroy, Kissel, Stuart, Tait, Hansen, Davis-Hunt, Harlev, Hindmarsh, Lindsay, Worboys, Taylor-Smith, Brown, Lee, Owen, Drought, Faulkener, Irwin, Khind, Taylor, Wood, Misses Macgregor (2) Skoglund (2), Bowron, Reed, Baxter, Bonnington (2), Hillary, Steans, Wills, Frazer, Messrs Ellis and Mason. VALEDICTORY. A very large and representative gathering of residents of Culverden, Rotherham, and surrounding districts niefc'in the Culverden Hall on Thursday evening last to bid farewell to Mr and Mrs T. Ilarbiston, who are leaving Culverden to reside in Christchurch. Mr 11. R. Davison, in making a presentation of a travelling rug to Mr Ilarbiston and a gold wristlet watch to Mrs Harbiston, spoke of the very high esteem in which both the guests were held in . the district. Mr Harbiston,. a number of years ago, was well known, having been on the staff of the late Mr T. Derrett's Waiau; and Kaikotira coach services, and for the past eight years with Mr J. Cardwell, late storekeeper, of Culverden, in which- capacity lie - was very well known and respected. Mis Harbiston, with her kind and genial disposition, had endeared herself to all, and both will be greatly missed in the district. . Mr G. Popplewell, of Rotherham, on behalf of, the Rotherham residents, spoke of the kindness and consideration they had always received from Mr Harbiston in the course of his duty. Mr Harbiston, in a neat little, speech, thanked the speakers for the kind remarks they had expressed about Mrs Harbiston and' himself, and the band i struck up "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows,"'after which dancing'was con- ; tinued to the spirited music supplied by Surrage's- Band from Harwarden. The night, being . exceedingly frosty,. was ideal for dancing, and all seemed to enjoy themselves thoroughly. Supper was provided by the ladies of the district, and a very enjoyable evening was brought to a close by the singing of ''Auld Lang Syne." Mr H. Palmer very ably carried out the duties of M.C. Mr and Mrs Harbiston take with them into their new sphere of life the very best of wishes from their Amuri friends. BALL AT STAVELEY. h F,or a long time past the people of Stave ley have had no reason to complain of bad weather spoiling any important- gathering, and though the attendance at a ball there on Friday evening was considerably affected, the cold storm without only served to make the excellent dance music and bright lighting effects within the hall the more enjoyable to those who ventured out. The ball was organised by lady supnorfcers of the Competitions "Society, and" to them and especially to the secretary, Mrs C. TJrquhart, are due congratulations on a very enjoyable evening. Extensive decoration included baskets of ferns, trailing lycopodium, and numbers of Chinese lanterns suspended from the ceiling, while round the walls were, arranged clusters of coloured balloons, and palm fronds, while special lighting gave to the whole scheme a rich tone. The music was supplied by Mr Reg. Smith's orchestra (Ashburton), and extra dances were "played for by Miss Lorna Wood and Mr D. E. Sawers. Mr E. Banks (Ashburton Forks) was M»C. A lucky spot waltz, for which prizes were given by Mrs Urquhart, was won by Miss Agnes Syme and Mr Cairns. Balloon, streamer, and confetti waltzes, requisites for which were, given by Mesdames A. 13e]it-ley and C. . "Urquhart, added to the enjoyment' of- the evening. Supper laid 'on tables decorated with holly, . was supervised by Mesdames E. C. Wood, A. Bentley, C. Urquhart, 31. Hannan, and D. A. Syme. After the ball it was found that the world outside presented a very different aspect., The land was lying white and heavy snow was falling. Among those present -were:—Mrs C. Urquhart, who wore black georgette, with bead trimmings; Mrs D.. A. Syme, velvet; Mrs M. Hannan, black silk; Mrs A. Bentley, bois du rose crepe de chine; Mrs E. C. I Wood (Mount Somers), black silk; Miss Madge Syme, blue beaded georgette; Misa Doris Urquhart (Ashburton Forks), blue printed crepe de chine; Mrs W B. Pope- ■ (Mount Somers), floral crepe de chine; Mis 3 S. Jones (Bushside), silver tissue with overdress of cyclamen georgette; Miss Mary McFarlano (Ashburton Forks), emerald satin; Miss Kitty Hannan, pink satin; Miss Sheila Campbell, white- georgette; Miss Milly McFarlane, cardinal warocain; Miss Ada Smith, ■rose fugi silk; Mrs L. G. McFarlane, black velvet, relieved with white; Mrs J. G. McFarlane, jade crepe de chine; Miss M. Smith, red crepe do chino; Mrs L. Hicks,- | jun.. black georgette relieved wih red ; Miss j C. Ellen, apricot crepe de chine; Miss V. . Sutton, crea-m satin; Mi 33 X. Hannan, pink . crepe do chine;' Mies Lorna Wood (Mount Somers), peach" marocain; Miss Nancy Hepburn (Mount Somers), tangerine i art- silk; Miss Jean Davidson (Mount' , Somers). lavender beaded georgette; Misa V. Donohue (Spring-burn), blushj pink georgette; Mis 3 M. . Green. (Alford I forest), royal blue silk; Miss M. Lamb, blue silk; Mrs Allan Lockhead (Buccleugh), French beaded frock; Miss K. McLaughlan 1 (Rakaia), black velvet and georgette; Miss Lizzie Hydes (Ashburton Forks),, azure blue georgette; Miss Ivy Hydes, sea-green crepe de chine; Miss Hene Urquhart, pink crepe da chine; Miss M. Wolirey, red georgette; Mis T. Donohue (Springburn), Mrs' 6. Randall (Ashburton Forks), and Misses K. Connor (Mount Somers), Alma and Lorna Smith, E. Wolfrey, Margafet Fagsn, and Lizzie La'nib.'

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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 19032, 21 June 1927, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 19032, 21 June 1927, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 19032, 21 June 1927, Page 2