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—* — RUGBY. ASHBURTON SUB-UNION. At last evening's meeting of the Ash- ; burton Rugby Football Sub-Union, there were present—Messrs "\V. F. Watters (chair- ' man), H. J. Chapman, J. C. C. McLauchian, R. H. Biggar, H. Famey, SI. C. Segers, M. Timmings, R. J. Thompson, E. Partridge, j A. Thomson, and R. G. Shearman. j ' The Canterbury Rugby Union wrote atat- I ing that the Old Boys v. Ashburton match j would be played next Saturday at Ashbur- j ton. With reference to iha suspension of j C. Stills, the Union enclosed a letter from j the New Zealand Union, whah asked under ! what rule was there the power to BLspend j a player who declined to piay a in a fixture j lor -which he was chosen. The Sub-Union decided that the reason I for suspension came under the category of ! an unsportsmanlike action. ' Mr Biggar's motion, that no further applications for re-grading be considered this l season, was earned. ' The Kakaia Ciub wrote asking that three of its players be re-graded irom senior to junior, and suggested that a Town v. Country junior match be played o-t Rakaia. ' It was decided that an Kllesmere v. Ashburton County junior representative match be piayed at Rakaia, and, failing that, a match on the lines suggested be arranged. The secretary of the Referees' Association wrote thanking the Sub-Union for agreeing to pay the expenses for refreshments at the recent seven-a-side tournament. ! The following have been selected to repre- ! sent the Ashburton County in the match against Christchurch Old Boys, on the Show , Grounds, on SaturdayMcSherry, Lilburne, | Nicoll, Gallagher, Robilliard, Day, Watson, LVlton (captain), Scott, le Compte, McDonald, Chisnall, Tatterson, A. McCormick, J. ; McCormick; emergencies, Dore, de Joux, . Traill, Mead. ' All the above slayers are to meet at the | Show Grounds at 7 p.m. to-morrow. I The following B team was selected to play I Mackenzie at Fairlie on SaturdayMcDon- I aid Roach Helm, McGregor, Lawrence, | Cairns (captain), Friedlandei, Hardv, Crooks, , Garforth, Glaasey, Galbraith, Merrin, Adams, | and Buckingham; emergencies, Arris, Well- i man, Mulliearn, and Ford. These players are also to meet at the Show Grounds at 7 p.m. Mr J Smith was appointed manager of the B team and Mr W. F. Watters manager of the A team. ' A sub-committee, consisting of Messrs W. F "Watters, Chapman, Biggar, and McLauchlan, was appointed to go into the matter of affiliation with the Iv.Z. Rugby Union, and report at the next meeting. The lateness of commencing representative matches in Ashburton was commented upon by several members. It was decided to forward a letter oi thanks to Mr J. Grigg in connexion With the entertainment of the • Peninsula, players at Longbench on Sunday. The following matches are to be played on Saturday: —Senior —Ashburton A v. Christchurch Hieh School 0 d Boys, Show Grounds; referee, Mr L. Grieve. Ashburton B v. Mackenzie, at Fairlie. Juniors, at Show Grourds—Allenton v. Hinds; Rakaia v. Ashburton Permission was granted Ashburton High School to play a match against Christchurch , Boys' High School on Thursday, and also for a senior and junior team of county school representatives to play at Timaru j on August' 21st. |

The annual match between teams representing Town and Country, Christ a Collegs Old Boys will be played on the College ground to-morrow afternoon, commencing at 3 o'clock. The teams are as follows: Country (Black and White}—N. G. Bruce, I. R. Harrison, G. E. Gray. R. S. Thomson F. V. Bobinson, R. G. Hunter Weston, fi. 'TT Grie<* M. F. Macfarlane, B. B. Johnson C g W. H. Tripp, K. W. J Hall, B. J. Cunningham, E. B. Davison, B. N. Thomas and G. L. Burdon. Town CR e d and Black) —L. E. Cooke, E. C. Blunt. H. M. Chrystall T. T. Harrison, Y. H. Robinson. R. O. Talbot, C. J. Cooks, R. M. Leokie. T. W. Tothill. C. H. Miller, T. 'F. M.:.Gibson, H., B. Francis, W. J. Harris. A: -E. Joseph, ,E.~ D. 8.-_Smva»." Emergencies: E. C. Tosswill, R. E. Henderson. LEAGUE. THE ENGLISH TEAM. LAST NIGHT'S RECEPTION. A civic reception and smoke concert was tendered the visiting English Rugby Football League team which arrived from the south by Ahe express last evening. The function took place in the Cadena tearooms, where the visitors were the guests of the Canterbury Rugby League. Dr. Thacker, president of the local League, presided. The Mayor (Mr J. A. Flesher), in extending the team a civic welcome, said that Christchurch was the most English city the vjsitoTs,would find outside England itself. He assured them of the warm welcome of the citizens of Christchurch, and said it was always a pleasure to welcome to this city people from the Old Land. He Bpoke of the place which the United Kingdom held in the' hearts of the people of the Dominion. He hoped the visitors would come to love and admire Christchurch. There was nothing which so influenced national life as the outdoor games of the people. New Zealand was intensely British, and the English language was more purely spoken here than in many other places throughout the - Empire. He expressed pleasure at the fact that there had been three time's as many people at the League match at Dtinedin on Saturday as at the Rugby game, and said he was gratified at the growing feeling of mutual understanding between the' different branches of sport. - Both Mr J. H. Dannett, manager of the visiting team, and Mr E. Osborne, secretary-manager, replied, their replies appearing in another column. The toast of "The English Team" was proposed by Dr. Thacker. Mr J. Parkin, captain of the visiting team, said his side had looked forward to. its visit to. New Zealand. Since the last team had come to the Dominion in 1920, the standard of football here had improved greatly. He was sorry to see the jealous feeling which existed between the Rugby and the League codes. Mr J. H. Dannett and Mr E. Osborne also replied. Mr G. HI Ponder, manager of tho New Zealand team, said the League game was growing in New Zealand. The present year had proved to be the turning point of the game throughout the Dominion, and he was sure of its success in the future. Mr W. Fillam, who is touring with the English team, proposed the toast of '-'The Canterbury Rugby League." Mr E. L'. McKeon, in reply, said that as a result of the game in Dunediu a strong.Rugby League would, probably be formed in the southern city. The one thing which had kept the game back in Christchurch was the lack of a -ground, but a playing area had now been purchased, and when it was completed it would be second to none in New Zealand. The League . had 315 acres of ground, and within the next few years if League made the progress it had-already made there would be larger crowds there - than there had been at Lancaster Park during the past few years. The finest advertisement which had been given the League was the extraordinary measures which had been-adopted by the Rugby Union in opposing* the/ code. Speaking of the ■Rugby Unian's refusal to grant the League the use of Lancaster Park, the speaker said that the Union had evidently hot considered the visitors "Worthy to play on this ground. They had refused the ground because they" Recognised the growing ~"power of the League game. However, the contemptible* tactics of this so-called sportsmen of the Rugby Union had been responsible for placing League in the satisfactory position it occupied that day.

ENGLISH V. COAST. The English League team will leave Christchurch this morning for the West Coast, where they will meet a West be the English team. J. Sullivan. , G F. Evans, C. Pollard, T. Howley, S. Rix. D Hurcombe, W. Mooney. 11. Bowman, J. Bennett, J. Thompson, A. Brough, .T. Darwell, D. Rees.

SATURDAY'S TEST. COMPLIMENT TO REFEREE. (SPECIAL TO "THE PKB3S.") DUNEDIX, August 11. The Busby League authorities expect to send an Otago team north to play Canterbury before the season 13 over. -p-ci:.}. Mr J. H. Don nut, inana-'er of the En o lisH League team, interviewed prior to his departure lor the north tins morning said many of the reports of a.leged rough pla> on the part of the Engaalimen in other centres were grossly exaggerated. He ad mitted that some of the piayers nad felt very irritated at times over tiie interpreta tion of the rules. . "You must remember, he said, that wo come from the place where the gamo originated, and it is a bit hard to have to come all this way to be told how to play it. The chief trouble, and one that has caused an immense amouiit of annoyance to us, is the absurd interpretation ot the off-side rule The rules distinctly lay it down " that when the ball is passca forward it is dead, but unfortunately in. both Australia and New Zealand when a man take 3 a forward pas 3 we are penalised for off-side. The -penalty should be for .the first breach, a'nd obviously not lor the second one. In ordinary .Rugby this might not seem, anything particularly serious, but in our where there .is so. much passing, it means that we are continually running the risk- of having free kicks awarded against us. In all matches, except .Saturday's this sort of thing has happened not once but a score of times, and don't you think this would try the tempers of any set of men? On Saturday the referee treated us very fairly, in fact, he was the best refereo we have had in New Zealand. As a rc-3ult of the fair interpretation of the rules by that official, you had a clean game, although only one free kick was given in our favour. Only one man was hurt all day, and that was a pure accident, whilst the match was only held up for a few moments. Hi is was a remarkable tribute to the sportsmanship of both sides, particularly in view of the fact that a merry pace was set all the time.'

The gross proceeds of the Rugby League test total £B3O. The heavy expenditure, including legal expenses, involve a less on the match of £228.

WEST COAST CENTRE. (SPECIAL TO "TEE PRESS.") GREYMCUTH, August 11. The fortnightly meeting of the League Centre was he.d to-night. Present—Messrs A. H. McKane (in tiie chair), P. Hugh, S. Thomas, H. Outram, C. Hail, D. Hanrahan, W. S. . Clark, C. P. Saunders, B. MoDonagh, W. Hopkins, and C. Fraser. Mr W. Hopkins was appointed referee for "Wednesday's curtain-raiser. It was resolved to ask tho selectors to choose the fourth grade representatives to play Christchxirch Maria's. It was agreed to close the' junior competition and commence the knock-out cup at the week-end. The Grevrnoutii Club protested against tli-o third grade match between Blackball and Greymouth being awarded to the former, and the Blackball Club was asked to produce proof of a player's age and weight. The chairman was asked to confer with Mr Mouatt and the manager of the English team with regard to the Centre's representation on the Council. The nomination of Blackball A and B junior teams was accepted, subject to the separate registration ■ of players. A letter was received from Brunner nominating a team for the school competition. The Valuta Club wrote nominating seriior and junior teams for the knock-out competitions. , _ ' Tho action of the chairman in refusing B. Davis permission to play was endorsed. It was decided to cant.on a- number of the Runanga senior team. _ The secretary .was instructed to write to a touchline jpdgo in tho Marists-Kunanga match asking for his -explanation of,'' an incident between two players during the game. • T The Runanga delegate notified - that Ellis, a member of the senior team, who was leaving for "Waihi, would be tendered, a social on Wednesday evening. ' In response to n. letter from the secretary of tho South Auckland Ce'ntre, it was agreed to write stating that it was .impossible for a Coast representative team to visit that district this Woson. A resolution was carried referring the junior representative team jhosen to play Canterbury back to the selectors, as the Centre's instructions had not been carried discussion took place with regard to applications for reinstatement, the meeting favouring a strict adherence- to tho_ "if? Mouatt was appointed captain of the representative team and W. KfiUsi vlce- ( j ec j p [ay a schools' match as a curtain-raiser to the game against C lt te was to ask the Referees' Association to recommend a fourth grade player to receive the medal for the moat improved P *A rote of condolence with the relatives of the late Mr K. Morrissey was earned.

ASSOCIATION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE, The Management Committee of the Canterbury Football Association met last night, Mr it. B. Bunt presiding. The chairman congratulated H. McCreanor. Canterbury, on His iuv.w-a in tLo i,«.. | £ealanG team. , I It wo* deci'ded to wruo to the j Asaotiunuji reiiueaulig ma.t reitu.c«a eiuurce me l'uic m connexion wiiu tne auu.,IZlli 'Ol Uli UlifclCUcS. . . xue ciiauuiua uiid severai members stated that tile way ui wuicii aome ciuu lueiaoeis turned up to mutcues wan aus-nicetiu. vv. -xl. apjj.i'ea lor penmuswa to traasiw irom' at. Aioans: to _i.JH.ovA.. _ Xue application was reieired lo tile selection uowauitce. . ■ . , 'lhe Aieuiven Club wrote asking tho.t a team be sent .to'Alothven to.give the piayers there guiiie. ■ *v 11 ' it vv:is decided that a strong team should "be sent, during the course 01 the English Gup matches. • • , • it was agreed to recommend to the > inance ConiuiiUee taut favourable consideration be L'iven to a request ftoia the committee wJucJi is running a Queen Carnival in connexion with the raising of lunds for the mating of a children's piaygfonna m St. Albans, and that a- benefit match be played towards tne end of the season. . : ' . As a result of a compmint it was decided to write to the Referees' Association recommending that it endeavour, to stop the frequent talking, and "barracking of players whilet on the field of play. The report and balance-sheet of the iSortn Canterbury Centre of the New Zealand Athletic and Cycling Union was received.. A donation of ■-1 Is was received from Mr G. Vv. Bagrie, of Auckland* The following are the fixtures for next Grade—Villa v. Y.M.C.A., English "Park; Lyttelton v.. liaiapoi, Hagley No. 2; "Western "v. Kangers, Kiciimond West; Sunnyside £■ Nomads, Sunnyside, 2.30 /p.m.; 'i'h-fltle v. St. Aibans, Kichmond East. Friendly—Technical Old Boys v. Villa, Hagley X'so. 3. Junior Grade —Linwood v. Thistle, Hagley No. 1. The first round of the "Watson Cup will be played on August 23rd. The teams will'be at. Albans v. Sumner. English Cup (second round) —Sunnyeiae v. St Aibans, Villa, v. Kangers, Y.M.C.A. v. Western, Thistle v. Nomads. lie -dates on which these fixtures wul be played have not yet been fixed. Boys' Division—Fourth Grade (Saturday): Possibles v. Probables, English Park. Fifth Grade Cup (Saturday)—St. Joseph's v. Spreydon B, Hag;cy No. 1; Lyttelton v. Y.M.C.A., Hagley No. 2; Marists v. Spreydon A, Hagley No. 3. • Schools A (Friday)—St. Michael's v.. St. Joseph's, Marists A v. Addington, Richmond v. St. Mary's, Marists B. v. East . Christchnrch. , „ , , Schools B (Wednesday)— Victory School ▼. Marists A, Marisia. B v. -St. Mary's.

"Tenders closed for the opening of the Doson coal field Qn Wednesday, July 23rd, 1924. Coal should be marketed in from six to- eight months. Get prospectus • from any shareholder. —6

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18149, 12 August 1924, Page 10

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FOOTBALL. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18149, 12 August 1924, Page 10

FOOTBALL. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18149, 12 August 1924, Page 10