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SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS THIS WEEK. SPEING SHOW. THIS WEEK. SPECIAL DISPLAY OP SEASON'S NOVELTIES. SPROJO SHOW. Latest Modes iv Picture Millinery YOU Lovelr Blouses, Skirts, Jackets, etc. -nrvirrn ' New Underclothing, Corsets, and Baby ARE INVITED ___ Linen __ WE jfo~ Dress Materials, Silks and Fancy IU _.-_,-- Blousings, Noveitaca in Ribbons _ _ - INVITE I>aee_ and Dress Trhnmings I N S P E U i. New Stock of Kid, Suede, and Fabric INSPECTION Gloves ' *' OUR «%SS_r ,W ~' *~* ' SPKING SHOW LATEST NOVELTIES. -c. „ _ jn» Hats, Shirts, Ties, Collars and Under- LEADING FASHIONS. SPECIAL DISPLAY -ear TH3S WEEK. INSPECTION INVITED. THIS WEEK. BEATH AND CO., LTD., CASHEL STEEET. SPECIAL SHOW OF LATEST FASHIONS. LADIES' TEAVELLING REQUISITE'S AT .-'■.' BALLANTYN, E'S DRESS BASKETS, covered in Black Waterproof Canvas, with Leather edges and corners. Fitted with Tray, 24 in to 36in. 29s 6d to 57s 6d. FLAT-TOP WILLESDEN CANVAS VISITING CASES, from-39s 6d. FLAT-TOP BASKETS, covered Black Waterproof Canvas, good locks, 22s 6<L LADIES* HAT CASES, to hold Six Hats, from 29a 6d. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of COMPRESSED CANE SARATOGA and STEEL TRUNKS. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES ON APPLICATION OR BY POST. CASHEL STEEET, CHRIS T CHURCH.


NOW ATTKACTING ATTENTION AT STRANGE'S. KEW SEASON'S CARPETS! NEW SEASON'S OAivx-iiT SQUARES! NEW SEASON'S LINOLEUMS! NE!W SEASON'S OILCLOTHSI NEW SEASON'S CURTAINS I riHOOSING A CARPET is not so simple * v> matter aa some people suppose—that is if the most satisfactory results are to follow. The selection demands the exercise of taste and judgment. A carpet should, of course, harmonise perfectly with its surroundings. Wβ shall be most happy to place our experience and advice, as experts, at the service of our customers at any time. Axminster and Wilton Pile Carpets, Ss 6d, 6s 6d, 7b 6a. 9s 6d, 10s 6d, 13s 6d yard. Axminster Stair Carpet, 7s 6d and 10s 6d yard; Kidderminster Carpets, Ss 6d. 2s lid. 3s lid yard. Brussels "Carpet, 4s 6d, 4s lid, Sβ, Sβ 6d. 5s 9d yard. Brussels Stair Carpet, 4s Bd, 4s 6d, 4s Sd. 6s 6d, 5s Od yard. : Tapestry Carpet, 2s Od, 2s lid, 3s 6d, 3s 9d yard. Tapestry Stair Carpet. 2s 3d. 3s 9d, 3s 3d, 3s 6d, 3s lid yard. • * - NEW CARPET SQUARES. CARPET SQUARES arc -very much in demand, many people preferring them to ordinary carpets bought by the yard on account of their being so easily laid down and taken up. They are certainly . wonderfully handy tilings, nnd'aro 'especially suitable for summer use. A good Carpet Square always makes a room look nice. And the border not covered by the square rnrfy be stained, or fitted with a nice "surround." Kidderminster Squares, 27s 6d, 37s 6d, 455, 49s 6d each. Art Squares, 67s 6d, and up to 102s each. Brussels Squares, 655. 77s 6d. 95g. 116s. Tapestry Squares. 27s 6d, 37s 6d, 37s 6d, 72s 6d, 87s 6d. NEW LINOLEUMS. LINOLEUM has been called "THE KING OF FLOORCLOTHS." It i» thicker than any other floor covering, warmer, and noiseless to the tread. It is dearer than oilcloth, but is far more durable and attractive in appearance. For Rooms. Halls, Stairways, etc., it ie unsurpassed. Our new Linoleums era in the loveliest new patterns and designs:— Now Linoleums, 36in wide, 2s 3d to 4s 9d per yard New Linoleums, *sin wide, 3s 9d to 5s Cd per yard . New Linoleums, 54in wide. 4s to 7s 6d per yard . ■ ■■ Now Linoleums, 72in wide, 8s 6d to 9s 10d per'yard .• New Linoleums, 3yds wide, 7e 6d to 13s 6d per yard New Linoleums. 4yds wide. 10e fid to Hβ Inlaid Linoleums, per square yard, 3a lid to 6a 6d. Linoleum Mats, Is 6d to 3s 6d each. NEW OILCLOTHS—Those who do not care to go to the expense of Linoleums, will be pleased with our extensive stocks of tastefu , and inexpensive floorcloths. New patterns and designs:— New Oilcloths, S6in wide, Iβ 2Jd to Is 6id per yard New Oilcloths, 4Sin wide. Is lljd, 2s 63 per yard New Oilcloths, Slin wide, 2s 3d, 2a 9d per yard New Oilcloths. 72in wide, 2s 6d. 2e lid. 3s 6d per yard NEW IMPORTATIONS IN CURTAINS— Wo hold immense Stocks ci CURTAINS, and can guarantee to fill everybody's requirements. Our New Goods are in the very latest patterns, designs, makes, and styles. Nottingham Lace Curtains, 2* to 4yds lonir at 23 6d to 39s Cd per pe'ir. Guipure DArt Curtains, 3i and 4yds lone at Us 6d to 105s per nair. Swise Lace Curtains, 3J and* 4yds longs at las €d to 140s per pair. FrilJed Muslin Curtains, 3*yds long, at 11s 8d to 10b 6d per pair. Madras Muslin Curtains, 19s 6d to 27s 6d ■pair. ' Papaleso Silk Curteins, 3Sfl 6d to 77s 6d pair. Chenille Curtains. 24s 6d io Sss pair. Fancy Tapestry Curtains, 10s 6d to 45s 6d I pair. j Embroidered Serge Curtains. 23s Gd pair. I Embroidered Plush Curtains. 59s 6d pair. W. STBANGE AND CO., LIMITED. ■ ' ■ -J

NEW SEASON'S HATS N^- CE ' AT HULBERrS: - O^f^Amrt: "rtS ■ • _.:. ■ office through, the telephone, we desire -•' '- ' ■"■—— ■ ' • to notify that we will not be re. THE LATEST STYLES FOR SPRING and ,*ponsible for any errors in wording -7*. SUMMER WEAR, 1804-5. «r insertion of Advertisement*. •» ■ ■ ' ■ ■ ':.-■: *. ''. - ' '<' ' •Wit. ■ OUR HATS ALWAYS GIVE SATIS- should be forwarded ___y In to ensure correctness. ftXTE ,«» famou* for -Hate. People have : . cHmsTCHUHOH PRESS co - Lm IVY come to regard the n»me of HUI/- . • . "BERT" *s synonyraoue with Style ana . Fashion: Our New Seoeon'e Hat* will cer- . ; Uinly help us to maintain our Reputation. ' , . . ■■ HATS BY ALL THE WORLD-FAMED MAKERS. ... ;•■•■■• ' including Wood™, T««, Chnty, SPECIAL NOTICE TO A1 > w ' " , w , ADVERTISERS PANAMAS in an immense variety of fold- , . ing end Tourist Shapes, by celebrated makerj, ; ' - • . ' r M QOPT for DISPLAY ADVEH. specialist*. • ■. ■ ( TisEMENTS and ALTBBA- ' ■■ •■ ' ■ Al»o, ■ ■ - . •■ THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN TIES, TIONS for same must be in thii Of- • a f^J^%^ Y —* ~ to' «n.ux. insertion in ". , new on Tiew. ; .-The the FOLLOWING' HULBERT AND CO., day. OPPOSITE STRANKJE'S. For MONDAY'S PAPER, not later V ' "- ■ «han loJw a.m. on SATURDAY. \- . ■•■ ..;■■■. ■' ■■' ■ ■':.'/."'. ■ ' ' .;' TOBILEB MEETING. MONEY TO LEND. CWRRECT TIP.; . WE SEVERAI, SFMS AWAITING^ SIMMS MOTOR CYCLE, fitted with 21 J» INVESTMENT at, Lowest Cnnent h.p. Simms Engine andSimma-BoechMagneto &te \*s"Apprawd SecunUet. • - „ Ignition. Petrol Supply 300 mile*. For* per- WYNN-WILLIAMS and BROWN, iection in riding, Simplicity, Durability. - . Sohcitore, 211 Hereford street . Economy, Silent and 1 Absolute Rβ- ■•.•■• '■ liability, "put your money on Simme" erery , , ■ lime; they always get homo, and are always TO SMOKERS, winners of public favour. . : ■ . . . . ____ ■ • . PRICE £66. . ■•■' nroy Simms Celebrated Cars, all power*, from T\AV*IES AND LAMB'S SUCCESS.-Call and in- "M FOXES'JHXTURE. ... lK^.SrS£S^ *>« will find i, Mild. Sweet, and Fragrant Compact. " Positively the only satisfactory en- DAVIES AND LAMB, ' gine on the market Orders now booking. F s 181 COLOMBO STREET. • Don't miss this." . ~ . . • . Remember, oil Simms Engines are fitted • : with the world-faaied SIMMS-BOSCH MAG- • NETO IGNITION., This ignition has fgain QEKRAVALLO'S TONIC (Bark and Iron won th«i Gordon-Bennett Cup, .the first five O Wine) STIMULATES the APPETITE, cars bowg fitted with it v,-' STRENGTHENS the NERVJSS, REGENE"Back Simms Engines for all purposes." BATES the BLOOD. A perfect boon to all and get, full, particulars horn the Sole New anfiercrs from Anemia and Convalescents Zealand Agents,, - after' seivere illnesa, especially INFLUENZA. THE RANGER,MOTOR AND CYCLE CO., j t « an Ideal Tonic, over 3000 leading .'■•: LTD., ■ ■■-. , physicians of all parts of the world have 4S Victoria-street, Chrutehurch. F testified to the distinct value of Serravallo's ■ Tonic. - Price 3s per boitl*. Sole Agents, — — —: " KBMPTHORNE, PROSSER and CO., LTD. ;' THE PRESS. • 8961? raSTRUCTIONS *h* t ON *t " '• S. BARRETT, . - JL WITHDRAWAL of AD VKRTISEMEKTS SOLICITOR, ia "THE PRESS" MUST BE IN WRIT- <™ w.«»n«i .*«-* XSQ. Adveitiaemeata received without wrU-1 - flO7 Hereford street, ten ordeis will be iii*«xt*d until vountorraand. ' (Chambers formerly occupied by late ed and charged acoordingly. .', -. E. D. Thomas.) Advertie*rs in the Ocwntrv can remit pay- . • p"i« 7 S& *- - 1 NOte * " M ONBT to 1BNI) on ■*** CLASSES of Wh?S«wS P w« exercised in regard to M SECURITIES. 2737F the due luwrtion ol edverti»emente, tne pro- ■ ' I__ ■ prietore do-not hold themselves responnbl* Tr»icr»nti»T>o ny «iunptj ivn for noa-ineeiUon through accident or from TO MANAGE -^, T ?|. a SHOPS AND other, causes, and the Proprietors reserve to - uetiw£/». themselves the right of omitting advertise. TELEPHONE NUMBER 1530. ments that they may deem objectionable. ___ Orders to N.itbdnw Advertisements must HEREFORD STREET, be sant in in WRITING, to O»e Publietog Near the National Bank. F3BOB Omo* not later than six o'clock p.m. each ' = ~. ■■ . : d *?dveiUeemenW weeived after t«n o'clock E. aFouhtairV Gtbwn Fountain Monday, and Thuradt/ Evening* DENTISTS, and afUi;MO en tueeday and Friday Erm*. o W w m . t w B B O fl ingfc wiU bj v« the leader beading, V - ' « B H ° s -» and charged double /ataa, ' *• SOS COLOMBO STREET. ; Iβ* AdvertisiiaieiiW t* " V- .: ;: •• - .-— ■■■:■■■:.■" ~ : .-■ by Noon, or will »ot be aJtertd foe* ''■ ■■' ''■"'.\'-~ ' '">■'■ '.- • ' '" foJknrin« 'dar;e*ii«ae. ;; 1 • - ■" Consuh»n« Hows: .9 ajn. to 5 p.m. ; .'/. , * to !»• •ddrejwa *> Evening from 7 pan. to* 9 p.ra. ■- -■ IJ XtIE MAJtACtKK.. ■■'.■,■"■:.. . •■'■.■•".■' - ■ • " • ' - • . . • '

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 12015, 17 October 1904, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LXI, Issue 12015, 17 October 1904, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LXI, Issue 12015, 17 October 1904, Page 6