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The WestpoTt Goal Company's for last week was 10,698 tens 6 cwtJ' *'gfflHp|| At a meetmg- held in was decided to hold the annual on Thursday, February 2nd. ™fi\£3Ma\wi&i " A boy'riding on top of a> load of straw, at Temuka, on Thursday, had narrow escape from injury. Part of load fell off, carrying tho'boy, I but m t «omo , wonderful way he > j||| ' _ Tho Dennevirke VAdvocnte" sara- 'thaljsßK ff> | tho other day a train took three hourV fjjIJSJEBK Ipf nuv from Woodvillo to Dannevirkei l^^H^^ miles, and arrived there -in soctlon^^K^m Another train was side-tracked and Ibl^Mi^^^' - suashme to very ek>w growW of \t*hi &9V* |« Bon r 'and Owing; to tho raws ft*wia« intended for-spring sowing},of"wheat \ oats'cannot be worked, >«ia North Canterbury district the grain.ijg|^pM^| JRifla' Club.'i. t-bo Jollowing 'offioaa relected :-33*tW M« A. W. j M.H.R,<;>prcaident,:Sir v;pe-pre*ideata, Meters Jno. Canieron^andJMßMJ^' H. Arton pkt'ed, arid' tho v club' intcads''or^tungj^i^^^|^ range on M ,,,u __ Tho hw BJMmg|^P^,ß &^&&JaHMg& f > twenty-four lamb* born;oa and no less'than twenty-one farmer r had,been tunate enough to lose her of. newly-ahom, ? the lute Mr •James Saturday- efterooon tery. £ Thera ymj* independent toft the , fifty «ttriagea/taadpg part' I Bioli, ffides*d&i<Cof th> ■^^ j W'MirWP : i persona at tlW'cemetery. ;„ Mr, {J^^^sSS^BH/l^ amatehurch % thrjea present. « A boy,who cycled te day was rellirning 5 H|J when;,at a,tnot^bttvca^pUj^ * ' Belfast, 'a^ma^r^S^rMjipPml behind, 'and pulled and knees. bicycle< belonged' stolen by^tlioyouth HH^ amounteo/t'o 3* ffi& m HhouK tehing *|MH bicycle/ but the/lad SmS^E The .«on-on SattKday afterrir^nnjth^J^^^B^^' 'point a good Mr, 0, Proves, dared the eeaoort with clay pigeons}; waa; presented V'" aweepstafces Eft to&kti*S * and .fourth; bera competed., and was done. Mes*rs ; J.>«<jettKffijmranHH|gl Maiden tied y^^^^^j'^M|Br!!« In 'shooting ymVi prize, and Mr a |^^^^^^^^S^H|K many and varied, "doing a good'business trict relates an recently befel him to the for a first monthly I»ynietotfWw*rw| W£Hmm tho "good ladvA mands exclaimed 'Ti 1 s rlttt/W and then rolling up he*, «** t inrj her formidable' '^i^f^H^^^^H^^ th?ttot°ye'll in the 'circumsti'meea. to receive what V«a montli latae, he J»u ul « rie 4>*' courago to again viahV the; ho «amtf waiting, for *tm «A t¥ This incident but ,to thm day the -JW^ff'^^MMßfr j Something oyer ' twenty 1 ;- ? y^**^^Sjß^--*l Maughan Bamett, organ Presbyterian known aa the comfloserof; o#e of 1 dainty piece* ww boy oreanuf church of & f t^d^\m^smStWmi\ bridge Wells: several "hymno which" which ho fcjft aa „a h%fWiii parted from the. old fO«<U or and the tunea of M the years rolled on. <»*'*>"»*> lS WWgnfr ago his revived by a,request Jjoni (which to undertakwg.W a Universal Worieyan gotten hymn* itf the conseni, lie into tho i*he by tho last mail hOtrepe^vea^A^^T^^^^HH^fii a ho waa at TunliridKe'-Fdto ho heard one*, of the'hymßf' choir of the and secured a oppy) ;« tem ff^ JJ ing hi* own !«re«d that it *houW'be consent of - ihc " c^v^\oJ^^^HJUlHh^|

banquet of the; Timaru B^Mwtf*|f*'Association was held on Frida\ Ms|u4]i£X«nd was successful in all respects. H^j-'BieNative Land Court will tit at.Kaiawhen about on© hundred and are set doAvn for, hearing. years ago the valuation of tho boliii&fth■"of\Timarn ."tood at £48,000, while it reached £57,000, imd thfe year |Ps&«jrp«:ted to reach £60,000. M«adowcn>ft, of Kaiii.poi. has from the Acclimatisation Society pzztz thousand young rainbow trout, which ilj»» *>«!*" liberated in the north branch of W.Qui Waimakariri. iriwrt was current in Wollington yesIPuf&rt"that the. ,S«ldc»» v Taylor libel caw bc* n iwttlod, but wo hax« not beoii i&iuM'tp' ■obtain any information confirming of men aro now hu*ily the Afthburton railway platform, !™ij.'put"ng in a hew siding to allow tho Jjjpresa train-* to cross when the new s«ry»e co mi D et:(.'Os next month. The pre6^ec * r 6 " to a l't(lo FMtooce north of its prewnt site. ■*ii* ••hmring how business at Timaru is Mr Marcus, late etationmaeter |S* mentioned at tho farewell function ff Sjrich ; wa# tendered, him on Saturday, that w1897» th«rn wero handled at the station 160,421 tons/ while la»t year the 1 nad risen t0 324 > 689 tons - Sf ; '3K fishing telegrams received afc the Ws%& ag* x^e I,oUTist Department on ffifiitißd»7"» stated that the Waitaki was in IlllSf order. Tlie Rakaia, the Unngitata, southern branch of t'lve Ashburton Wfsco all fishabk\, but the northern branch fpitlftto Utter river was not fishablc. Tlie was clearing. ifejlw'Canterbury College Dialectic Society |$|ejtriis final meeting of tho pre.ient «*- Iliwoy on S aturdfL y <"VPtiiag. The essay won the prizo in the Society's a:ililmttl competition was read by the sucoefwMr J. Mcllwraith, tho sub/being "New Zealand in 1920." The llSwrt'ci the evening wae occupied in readB^P';from variou.i authors. K€*oo^Pridaynight'a billiard match, eight a Kjt took place at Lyttehon between teams ffilwwentroe tu e Lyttelton Club and the W&Pmiet Amateur and Athletic Bicycle Club, Kmvfofiner winning by 749 points against «M : '"i<nioko concert was.afterwards held, lira&» President of the Lyttelton Club (Xtr rapMHojpkitiii) proposed the health of the visiDaniels responding. KSje'funeral of the late Mr William Cook El Bw*^ ; P^' ,ce yesterday afternoon, at the LytIllSfcfroii'Public Cemetery, the service being K®iiuct*d by the Ber. W. Lee. There was Attendance, including Masons and Mr Cook haying been a memB«|i)f the Canterbury Kilwmning Masonic and the Loyal City of Nonvich Odd»|Mjov»'Lodge, High School Magazine" for the |p|\'ieciMld, term of this year lias just been pub' IlplitiftjA It is bright and. interesting as ite and contains, amongst other Ep|i#dab}B matter, an instructive article on written by a fifteen-year-old A portrait of Mr A. B. O'Brien. RjjUlAsger of the British football team which KlfiSred the colony, forms the frontispiece. ll:® Another old landmark of a building is Biwtogi-ewept away to make room for Ppaodern improvements. Thi» is the buildB|ffi'fai'fifirefoi , d etreet occupied by Messrs King and Co. In the early days it |||Bpf jmbwh ac Fawdington's Horeo Bazaar, llpiad wlwwiuently it was occupied By the It then became,the premiees for many years of Jt. <3». Since then ite occupancy K|j»|'*lKßen of -a-, varied. .character. "■ ■ » ahootirig match on Saturday beKaiapoi Rifles and £hgineere S^ii■'■lwon- by the Engineeie by, 39* points. BgMJtt"j*tbn4it»nß were" ten men aside and gleeven "shot* each, at 500 yds and > 600 yds. ijpfflft; iacores were as follows:—Engineers: Ipeargeant'Bunting 84, Sergeant Mason 89, »||(irgeant Cook 83, Sergeant .Kiddev 84, KiiibotMCocporal Lester 75, Sergeant Turtill Hpfi' :, Oi)rpoTal Barnes -78,: Lieutenant. AnHfeittrew* 78, Sergeant 6mith 79, Sapper ,Wat-[-Kf,(klnfl 8S; total 809. Kaiapoi Brtlee: Prifflpdte: Teaipletpn 75, (Private H. Pearce 81, I plPriVate Christio; 80, Private Simpson 88. I KPrivatb ''. Martin 57, Erivftte Tonkin 80, Mcflregot,B6,'• Private Ballin 78, lEl'fiyata-.Meadowcxoft -68} ■total 770. ••■■ ( K»|!ft ; fc^if urte' Maude's Camp • yesterday mornBllii^i^ter'Mr A,; Hornibrook had put pyi'ecruad of men. through the various breathhe enjoined them to carry Kill hie when they were walkI the, camp:' - Any; one;of the ex--1 t/aa good.for them,_andwaea means their lungs. ■ Dr. Green|»P§fl, adetoseing the;men, eaid that they I |More 'fllraware .that one of■ their t number l«|)Kil'kit , camp without his sanction. *He .to warn them that it wae not a .to do, although be could not. ||§§|j!#ent one of tiiem doing co if he I ftipiiTO. ■;;■'; 'Chi, mtxn who had left was not Kfli;;tb:'dc co/ ne felt certain in a very. Kshort tinie ho would-be hack again worso ho first joinod the camp. He they, wore all anxious'to get to they: ought ta fairness to give Kuiii'faKatment r reaaonaWe trial. Six and wee" about the time that [Mi'lfeienM-. spont ■in - some sanatoria; He caution tßem ■in case more con|g|iipUted leaving without permission. lioodie, Governor of Hudson Bay, reached ' Ottawa .after I spending last Kwiflttr with the Neptune expedition in |||jt»(krting Canadian supremacy in the great [MpoJand see, tho name of which the DoI glmlnloiv Government! proposes to alter to Sea." Tb.e' Major's report to »U»i Canadian Governmljnt has not yet been but that it will pjiirire an, important bearing on the comIllmwll'future of tho Canadian North-West. ppfc|w: Hoodie believes the Hudson Bay shipping to practicable. P|E6t' L i»oine years past many Canadians have to Hudson Bay as a trade ffiltmte to Europe, and the most energetic Wrnttti ; of it have been old Hudson Bay KGoinyany servants, who, after long reejn tlw locality, have maintained tne sleatibility of direct steamship eommunica-Klftftt|-with .Europe, from the bay. The nnd James Bay railway, which: is fetmji&g rapid progress, and the Canadian Bailway Company, which will ||||tMoubt4&y exercise.its rights of building B|w loirif Churchill, will both give access to in the Saskatchewan ia progressing nibro rapidly than §M,i(ny;Otbet.part of Western Canada, and I ilthts Huiron Boy route should prove pracIJtisable it may. at tract for shipment* all the jg|{(tin in .this v vast agricultural area. The |ii!*>eDttfiei results o{ ■ tho Neptune expediB|*! »»« not been so satisfactory as wns Epfcf?P, ec '- e< '« eiiuses having retarded Kphfr work of Mir , A. P. tow and his jEjKluwßtiinte.,\l' • ■■■•';, ■■.•'. , ,■ Jfti 1 * thirty-second annunl report of the ;S£ : £J*y» Benefit Building and Investment m x"? 1 oi.Cfantorbury, to be presented at »..ta» general meeting on Monday, 24th mat., Bgjij«««»;,that the directors recommend the KPaymfent of '% dividend of 7 per cent., the »addition;of: £300 to tlw iwsnrvo fund. and that the balance. K|«aoaatint to £100 0s 3d, l>e cArried forPSSti' * rth of the late chairman, Mr is lamented, and.a tribute |R|W£o the leal and abilhy brought to Ijpij™* by him on the business of the society. my-"* Board elected Mr John Connal chairfe*s»n» and Mr-Robert-E. McDougall to fill Hjpuie conseqaent vacancy on the directorial fejg»ri Meews C..A. C. Cunningham and fgSfi?' ** McDougall are the retiring direc,both of whom are eligible for •reThe financial statement far the |gS!<*r)ehowii receipte £79,721 6e lid, conof balance brought forward £435 subscriptions on investment eharw 2s 6d, dfposnte received £54,508 redemption £17j532 6s lid, transfer K«<w, finen and rules £40 19s 10d, insanmee repaid £5-5 14s 6d, hnd iii|pftfwt,',iJ6243 15a li Th* disburse. llpeD&r total £78,859 lie ?«f, leaving * ol £861 15i 9d. The prinitems under disbursement* are loans lislSi "^rtjfW , and' invostment sharee "W K«24,998 5», deposits repaid £48,518 6e Id |||f»BjigemMit expenses £788 15* lid, and [IpwWrtet account £4499 9a 8d (paid on deincluding bank overdraft £1568 19? JfflMpi paid on c3.pital>Jiaree £2925, interest igPjfuttdeA £5 10s. The balance of asset* Vafcilit £861 15s 9d. , •' ;

Three Berkshire sows and one hoar are being shipped to Durban by the Banilshire by Mr J Garbutt. The next meeting of the Selwyn County Council has been tbeed for Monday, October 24th,, instead of Wednesday, 26th: A consignment of fourteen horse*, brought from Sydney by the steamer Moeraki wan landed at Lyttelton on Saturday. At a special meeting of numbers of the Central Dairy Company, h«ld on Saturday,' a resolution adopted at the annual invetmg filtering the date of the rtnomth on which the annual meeting fchouid be held, was confirmed. A very serious breakdown occurred on tho irain telegraph line between Waiau and Kaikoura, about five mike of communication being interrupted. A of -men was out on Saturday repairing the line. A Mastcrton telegram rays that tho tollgato at Taueru was rawn down. Komo time on Friday night. There is no clue to the perpetrators. The gate was to be Temovcd by the County Council in December. The police have the matter in hand. Dr. Nisbet, successor t<) Dr. Gibb, of First Church, Dunedin, will visit Christchurch early in November. On November 6th he will conduct anniversary services in St. Andrew's Church, and on the 7th hu will deliver his humorous recital, entitled "Queer Folk in the 'Shaws." "In mv experience," remarked Mr H. W. Bishop, S.M., on Saturday, "the town is all tho better for having active detectives, so long as they keep within the four corners of tho law. .»ly experience is that they are a fuir lot of men, as a rule, and do not unduly <<tr«teh facts?." Counsel, who appeared for a man charged with vagrancy on Saturday, pointed out the very wide and comprehensive nature of the section of the Act under which the information was laid. "It is tbo one (section," replied the Magistrate, ''where a. man is judged by the company he keeps." Explaining tho term "temporarily established claim" <it the meeting of teachers* held on Saturday to discuss a scheme of promotion, a country teacher said: —"In the big city schools a teacher has 'a temporarily established claim' to the position above him ;wn the country schools teachers have no claim to anything but the 'sack.'" Our Dunedin correspondent telegraphs that the , fire fiend was at Work again on Friday, -when two attempts -were mad? to burn down Wain's Hotel, one of the leading hotels in the- city. The fires occurred at diffeient times, and both took place in unoccupied bedrooms. Tho bedclothes were tfi red and the rooms badly charred before the flamee were discovered. The recent southerly gale, which was the cause of detention of steamers, was also the means of postponing two weddings Two officers of a steamer were, to be married, but the fates were against them. .Pβ their steamer had to shelter. However, the -weather having cleared up, and tins steamer safely in port, no doubt the weddings will take phioe in due course. A detective who gave evidence in a vagrancy caso on Saturday was pressed by counsel for the accused to give particulars of the convictions of certain convicted thieves. The detective explained that he had Been the fact of the convictions in the "Police Gazette," but he could not remember the dates. "1f, ,, he added, J. had to carry in my 'head particulate of all the convictions recorded, I would want a much bigger heed than I havo got. The Registrar of Canterbury College 0«----tdres to draw the attention of candidates for free places in the Girls' High School to the fact that, if not already possessed of certificates of proficiency, they muKt register their names for examination a<, the office of the Board of Education on or before the 31«t inst. All girle under fourteen years of age on the last day of the present year will be eligible for this exanimation. . Our Dunedin correspondent writes that the Taipo explosives syndicate, whteh had the misfortune to have ite factory destroyed by fire «t Port Chalmers, is reerecting the'building. They will shortly start similar factories in Tasmania and Victoria. The oecretary of the eyndicato has received a cheque from the Government for £1000, oeing the first instalment of the bonus of £2500 promised some time back. It is understood that the "balance of the (bonus will be paid when the factory is completed. V.''-:■■ -■ -. ■:'; .■■'■■'■.... . .■. Great .'surprise is expressed by Messrs Pitcaithly and Co., who are acting agents for the French; barque Boildieu, at the action of the Union Steam Ship Company in giving instructions for the seizure of tho j vessel under a warrant from the Admiralty I Court, pending a settlement of the claim of the Company for towage. Messrs Pitcaithly "and Co. state that a guarantee for the amount claimed was given and a cheque would have been forthcoming if necessary. On the other hand, it is stated that it is a customary thing to attach a ves'el pending settlement of a salvage claim.. - '■.'■'.'' A rumour was afloat in Wellington on Saturday morning (says our correspondent) that a warshp's boat containing fourteen men had been wrecked in the harbour on the previous night, and that all jamds ha I been drowned.. Tho fact thai, the warship's flashlights were working on Friday i night gave colour to the etory, but enquiries made showed the rumour to bo grounded, on the fact that a boat from H.M.S. Psyche got adrift, and was blown towards Kaiwaxra, but eventually brought up at the hulk Coromandel, on board of which the boat'e crew spent the night. Some anxiety was caused by the absence of the men. At the meeting on Friday of the committee which is making the arrangements for the Lyttelton regctta, the Chairman referred to the great loss sustained . through ths death of Mr Campbell Brown, who had always done much good work in the intereete of the regatta. He moved that the committee place oh record the great loss sustained by the oommitteo by the death of ■Mr • Campbell Brown, and that a letter expressing tiheir appreciation of the great services rendered: , by hhn be sent to hw family. Mr J. Garrard, in eecondini,' the motion, said that all recognised fhe valuable assistance given to them at all times by Mr Brown. Mr W. Cv Cleary also epoke. in endorsement of what the two previous sneakers .had enid, and the motion was carried unanimously. A leaflet issued by tlie Customs Departm«wt shows the exports of agricultural products from the four chief ports dnriiie September to have been as follows:—Auckland: Butter, 229 cwt, £1120; tureese. 11 cwt, £33; froacn beef, 22 cwt, £63; frozen •nutton, 19 carcases, 9-cwt,'£l9; wheat, 125 bushote. £15; oats, 246 bushels, £28; potatoes, 30 tor*, £121. Wellington.Butter, 1356 cwt, £6016; cheese, 658 cwt, £1382; froaen beef, 1600 cwt, £1866; frozen mutton, 26,294 carcases, 12,830 owt. £18,638; logs and pieces, 977 cwt, £1444 '; frozen lamb, 412 carcases, 146 cwt, £273Lyttelton: Cheese, 4 .cwt, £10j frozen beef, 39 frozen mutton, 15,845 carcases, 7558 cwt, £11,306; frozen liunb. 6847" carcases, 2212 cwt, £3975; vfert, 73,619 bushels, £12,996; oats, 24,682 bushels, £2263; potatoes, 150 tons, £322. Durwdin and Port Chalmers: Butter: 351 cwt, £1660; cheese-, 31 cwt, £68; frozen mutton, 5721 carcase*, 3117 cwt, £4365; frozen lamb, 596 carcases. 205 cwt, £302; oats, 16,798 bushels, £1375. The total* for the fifteen ports of tlie colony for thf past month w«re as follows {i&& figures fai September, 1903, being giyeri in brackete); —BuWer. 4106. cwt, £18,012 (7287. £34,689): cheese, 1304 cwt> £2884 (730. 91801); frpien beef, 8205 cwt, £9728 (9845 £13,227); froaen mutton, 146,346 c«rcwes, 73,233 cwt, £97,499 (263,877. 128,857,; £164,098); legs and pieces, 137 C cwt, £1862 (4877, £5779); frorm lamb. 37,581 cercMKß, 12^196. owt, •"■ £21,194 (58,736, 18,308, £30,026); wheat, 80,30----bushel?, £14,264 {, oats, 281,149 bushels. £23,588; potMoee," 180 tons, £443.

Visitors to the Hospital yesterday noticed that the nureee were wearing new uniforms. Tl>e uniform of blue has been changed for one , of heliotrope colour. , Good green grass, and a well-Scep'i lawn is what you con depend upon if you mc an easy-running "Special". High-wfliee' Lawn Mower. Price 40s. Morrow, Baesettr and Co. 6 ' Neither horse or motor - can compare with Clarkson's Bkycke for hurry, haste and health. Our prices range from £10 lCs. Clarkson's, Bidley'a Buildings, Manchester street. 6101 You are invited to inspect Special. Spring &now of Leading Fashions which Messrs Beath and Co., Ltd., are making this tretk in their Drr.pery Warehouse, Cashel street. Their large "stock comprises all the latest fa&Monn, imported direct from the Best British and Foreign Market*, the balk of which has been specially selected for them by their Home buyers, who have been more than usually successful in their efforts this season, a fact which can be proved by a visit of inspection to their establishment this week. Beath and Co., Ltd. 18 A fine display of household furnishings can be seen at Messrs Black, Beattie and Co.'s establishment, comprising a large and well-a seorted stock of beautiful floral and tile patterns in floorcloths, linoleums, etc./ in all widths. Floorcloths, 2yds wide, 2s 6d, 2» 9d, 3s, 3s 3d per yd; linoleums, 3a 9d, 4s 3d, 4a lid, 5s 6d, 6s 6d per yard; also a special range of Brussels and tapoetry caipete, suitable for halls, stairs, and dining-rooms, from Is lid, 2e 3d, 2s 6d, 2s 9d, 2s lid, 4s 3d, 4s 6d, 5s 6d, 5s 9d per yard. 29 Spring cleaning and re-furnishing.—To all who contemplate renovating their homes, re furnishing special rooms, or to those commencing housekeeping, the opening up of larga quantities of artistic yet inexpensive carpet*, linoleums, curtains, draperies, will be of peculiar interest. The D.I.C. has now nn almcst unlimited choice awaiting inspection. 29 The largest assortment of vehicles, where prices and quality are unequalled, if McClelland and Matthew* , Fanner*' Show Rooms. Farm implements, hardware, tools, oils, a speciality. Next Union S.S. Coy. .2824 Seed potatoes—AH kinds in stock at Fletcher Bros. Early Rose, Ruby, White and Pink Beauty of Hebron, Snowflakes, Up-to-date, Bath and Lapstone Kidneys, Puritan. Also Nimmo and Blair's standard seeds. Vegetable seeds 3d pkt, flower seeds Id pkt, 100 varieties. Mangel, carrot, onion, lawn grass seeds in bulk. Fletcher Bros., Lower High street. 24 Tradesmen's parcels can be delivered cheaper by motor car than by horses. Booth, Macdonald will have a delivery van at the November Show. 6/45 The Lyttelton zig-cag, Dyer's Pass, Akaroa., or Hanxner are difficulties to other cars, but the reliable Rambler has done all theee trips -with ease. Oates, Lowry and Co., sole agents. ' 6

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 12015, 17 October 1904, Page 6

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 12015, 17 October 1904, Page 6

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 12015, 17 October 1904, Page 6