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ANNUAL CONFERENCE. The annual Conference of the Uuited Fire Brigades* Association of New Zealand opened ia tne Caledonian Society's Rooms at 10 a.m. yesterday. The President, Secretary B. C. Robbine (Hawera), occupied the chair. The other officers presenc were—Captain Stewart (Invercargilt), Vice-Preaideot; Captain Bellriuger (New Plymouth), VicePresident; Captain Michell, ex-President; Sub-Superintendent Gilbred, Secretary. The Chairman briefly welcomed the delegates, and expressed his great satisfaction at meeting so many representatives of the different Brigades. He then declared the Conference open. The roll was called with the result that the following Brigades were reported as being represented by their delegates :— Ashburtou, Foreman Simpson; Auckland, Foreman Gladding; B euheiui, Foreman Hodson; Bluff, Fire Inspector Siewart; Caversham, Lieutenant Hiii; Christohurch, Superintendent Smith ; Kill way, Foreman Round; Davenport, Branchman Bowen ; Duuedin City, Foremau Watson; South, Captain Price; Railway, Foreman Manuiug ; Eden Terrace, Captain Butler; Feilding, Captain Thomson; Gisborue, Superintendeut Townley ; Gore, Treasurer Martin; Geraldine, Secretary Kuuson ; Greymouth, Captain Viaseu ; Greytown, Secretary VV. L. Matthew; Hawera, Secretary B. C. Robbins; Hokitika, Captain Michell; Invercargill, Superintendent Hall; Invereargill Railway, Captain .Wilson ; Kaiapoi, Fireman McGregor; Kumara, Captain Burger; Lyttekon, Toomey; Marion, Captain Powell ; Masterton, M., Secretary Pragnell; Masterton, V., exCaptain Payne; Mount Eden, Secretary J. Champion: Napier, Fireman Rindell ; Napier Fire Police, Lieutenant Grundy; Naseby, Fireman A. Kirby ; Nelson, Foreman Woodward ; Hew Piymouth, Captain Bellringer; Oainaru, Captain Mauland; Parnell, Fireman Cranley; Patea, Treasurer Kelts ; Palmers ton N., Secretary Colliugwood; Port Chalmers, Captain Leach; Paeroa, Lieutenant Griffiths ; Qieeustowo, Fireman Gibb; Rangiora, Superintendent Smith ; Roalyn, Superintendent Kemnitz ; Ross, Lieutenant Oumens ; Reeftou, Secretary E. J. Scautlebury ; Spit, Captain W. Lucas ; Sumuer, Superintendent Philips ; Stratford, Secretary Penu ; Temuka, Captain Henry ; Thames, Eagine keeper Anderson ; Waimate, Lieutenant Colville; Wanganui, Captain Powell; Waipawa, Lieutenant Abraham ; West port, Captain ColUub; Weiliugtou, Fireman Lspper; Woodville. Secretary, H. P. Home.

Mr Supanntendeut Smith, on behalf of the Chriatchurch Fire Brigade, welcomed the visiting Brigades, and expressed their satisfaction at seeiug so iniuy present.

The Mayor of Christcuuruil then welcomed the delegates, and hoped that they would have a pleasaub time iv Chriatchurcb. Trie citizens would do all they could to make their stay a pleasant one, aud on behalf of the citizens he now desired most heartily to welcome them. Cr. C. M. Gray, the Chairman of the Fire Brigade Committee of the City Council, also welcomed the delegates, and hoped that the deliberations of the Conference would be productive of great good to the Fire Brigades generally. The President thanked the Mayor and Cr. Gray for their welcome, and expressed the high opinion which visiting firemen held of the Christchurch Brigades Hβ also spoke in terms of commendation of the very excellent and up-to-date appliances provided by the City Council for fire prevention.

, The Executive reporb vrae read, showing that the number of Brigades now belongiug to the Association was 67. Reference was made to the granting of passes by the Minister for Railways and to the electrical timing apparatus, which would be tried at the demonstration. The Accident Assurance Society had had some very heavy calls on it during the year, no less a sum than £87 7s 6d having been paid. The fund now stood at £303 16* 3d. The balance sheet was taken as read. The receipts during the year had been £817 5s 4d, and the expenditure £497 18s 3d, leaving a balance of £319 7s Id. The balance of as-eta over liabilities was stated a 3. being £365 2s 10d. Superintendent Smith moved the adoption of the report and t^ilauce-sheeb. Captain Hkkry seconded the motion, which was carried. Some discussion arose as to the action of the Executive in refusing to provide subscription lists for the family of a fireman who was killed, not while on duty. The President explained the circumstances and pointed oud that on enquiry it was found that the family of the deceased was in a fair position. Correspondence was received from Messrs Wriggles worth and Binns aad Mr Sorrell, asking leave to photograph the Conference. Tae President stated that Messrs Standish and Preece had mads an appointment for the Conference to be photographed. It was resolved that the letters of Messrs Wrigglesworth aud Binna and Mr Sorrell be received, and that they be informed that the Executive bad already made an appointment with Messrs Standish and Preece. From Mr fiarwood, stating that he had forwarded the electric timing apparatus. Mr Superintendent Smith s»id that a trial could be arranged for 9 am. the next day in Market square. It wa3 arranged that the trial should be held as proposed.

Captain Pbice moved the following motion from the South Dunedin Brigade :— " That no member leaving a Brigade be allowed to join another until he has paid all dues, and returned all property to the Brigade from which he has resigaed." Fireman Leppek seconded the motion. , .Secretary Gilbbud pointed out that th* Unclassified Societies Acb provided for tmj registration of Brigades, which would em able them to have a locus standi with regard to the recovery of property. Secretary Bellringek moved as an amendment to the effeec that a member leaving a Brigade should not be accepted by another within twelve months of leaving, unless he produces a certificate from the Captain and Secretary of the Brigade that he has complied with all the rules and regulations of the Brigade he is leaving, and that the Association do not allow any member to become entitled to the privileges of the Association until he has complied with theee conditions." After some discussion the words " twelve months" were struck out, and the amendment was carried by 31 to 16. On resuming after the luncheon adjournment, Mr Haut, Chairman of the Entertainment Committee of the Demonstration Committee, said that on behalf of the Execative Committee he desired to welcome the delegates. On behalf of the W.M. officers and brethren of St. Augustine Lodge, No. 4, N.Z.C., he had pleasure in inviting visiting brethren of all institutions to pay a visit to the Lodge meeting on the next evening. The Committee had arranged a smoke concert, for the evening at the Working Men's Club Hall. The members of the Working Men's Club had kindly arranged the concert, and he hoped that all delegates and members of Brigades present would be there. The following resolution was submitted by the Napier Brigade: — " Thafc all programmes drawn up by Committees for Association competitions shall be submitted to the Executive for its approval." Foreman Rexdall (Napier) moved the adoption of the resolution. Secretary Pragnall seconded the motion. Captain Alichell urged that it wouli be better to pass the motion over till next Conference, because it might seem that the Conference objected to tne very excellent programme provided by their Christchnrch friends, which was not the case. After some discussion it was resolved to postpone the matter till after the decision of a resolution lower down the Order Paper. Secretary Collingwood (Palmerston North) moved—" That the word ''musters" include all practices, meetings and fires, with exception of chimney fires." Enginekee per Anderson (Thames) seconded the motion. After some discussion, Captain Stewart moved as an amendment— '* That the word * muster * b i taken to mean every turn out at fires, practice, and meetinga at which the Brigade is called. Captain Mjchell seconded the amendment, which was agreed to. Secretary Collisgwood moved, on behalf of Palmerston North Brigade—"That. do Conferenoe be held during the year ia which ao competition it held, mod that

the money voted by the Government to defray coat of the eaid C inferences be carried forward to provide prizes for the competitions held alternate years, ao that the smaller towns will be able to invite the Association to hold competitions." Captain Michell seconded the motion pro forma, and pointed oat that he felt snre that the motion, if carried, would mean the death blow of the Association. Be would call attention to the fact that the Conferences which were held were the most valuable part of the work of the Assooiation, and that if the competitions were the only thing which the Association had to look after, the sooner they disbanded the Association the better. He hoped the resolution would be thrown out by a large majority. After some discussion, in the course of which several delegates spoke against the motion, it was loet by a large majority. The nolice of motiou by the Napiei Brigade with regard to the programmes was withdrawn. Secretary Collingwood (Palraerston North), moved—" that immediately after each Conference the amended list of rules be printed and foi warded to each brigade, the first clause to give the date of printing, and to state that the rules contained in the book are the only ones in force." Captain Stewart seconded the motion, which was pub and carried by 26 to 23. A question from Pal mere ton North with regard to twisted hose penalties was referred to the Executive on the motion of Secretary Collixgwood, secouded by Superintendent Smith of fiiDgtora. The President moved, on behalf of the Hawera Fire Brigade —" That action be taken to have clause 349 of the Municipal Corporations Act amended in the direction of the appointment of Fire Inspectors from the Fire Brigade." He pointed out that, in connection with the Hawera Fire Brigade, two Fire Inspectors were appointed to take charge of the Brigade apart from the officers of the Brigade, resulting in dual control, which was disastrous in case of fire. Captain PaiCE seconded the motion. After some discussion, Captain MICHBLL moved as an amendment — " That the Municipal Associations be requested to have clause 349 of the M.C. Act amended so as to give the two principal officers of all Fire Brigades the power now vested in Fire Inspectors under the Act, and that they be considered chief Fire Inspectors." Superintendent Smith (Christchurch) seconded the amendment, which was carried. The President moved—" That in the opinion ot this Association it is desirable that the Government institute State fire insurance." Secretary Horn* (Petone) seconded the motion. Captain Mich ell suggested that the resolution should take this form, viz—" In view of the refusal of the various Insurance Companies to assist in supporting the Fire Brigades, this Association views with satisfaction the intention of the Government to introduce a measure providing for State fire insurance, and hopes that the measure will provide for the formation of the Fire Brigades of the colony."

The President accepted the proposed amendment of Captain Michell.

Fireman McGregor moved, as an amend* ment—" That the question of State fire insurance be referred to the Brigades during the next twelve months, aad that they be urgently tequired to send replies stating their opinions." Captain Bellringer seconded the amend' ment, which was loa'. by 32 to 27. The motion was carried by 29 to 26. Secretary E. Pragsell moved —" That with a view of simplifying the procuration of honours for servitude, and for the general welfare of all Brigades, that the Secretary of each Brigade affiliated to the U.F.B.A. be supplied with a copj roll at the expiration of each month, the said roll to be forwarded to the Secretary of the TT.F.B. A." Foreman Simpson seconded the motion, which was lost on the voices. Secretary E. Pragnell moved—" That travelling credentials on forms supplied by the Association be giveu to members of Brigades, to be signed by the chief officer and Secretary of the Brigade to which the member belongs." Captain Wilson seconded the motion. The Conference then adjourned. In the evening, by the courtesy of the Christen urch Working Men's Club, the Eutertaiument Committee were enabled to arrange for a most enjoyable smoke concert in the Recreation Hall of the Club. There was a large muster of visiting firecaen, about two hundred being preeeut. "The Chair was occupied by .Mr Martin, the President of the Club, who was ably assisted by Mr Davidson, the Chairman of the Club Eutertainment Committee. The members of the Demonstration Entertainment Committee present were MessrsHart(Chairman), Woods, and Arenas, and Superintendent Smith. The toasts of " The Fire Brigade Association," . replied to by President Robbins; •' Visiting Superintendents of Brigades," replied to by Superintendent Mitchell, and " The Working Men's Club," replied to by the Chairman and Mr Davidson were duly honoured. Some excellent songs were given, Mr Taukurd pUyed a couple of cornet solos, and the Band gave some selections very nicely. The members of the Conference will be present at a trial of the electrical timing apparatus at 9 a.m. to-day in the Market square, and the Conference will resume at 10.

Branchmen H. Packwood, J. Higpins, and J. Hayman, and Firemen G. McGregor, T. Wilson, and T. Templeton, represent the Kaiapoi Fire Brigade in the contests connected with the demonstration.

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Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9361, 10 March 1896, Page 6

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FIRE BRIGADES' ASSOCIATION. Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9361, 10 March 1896, Page 6

FIRE BRIGADES' ASSOCIATION. Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9361, 10 March 1896, Page 6