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TWO SWEEPSTAKE RACES. KII'TIIH: AN I > VAAI.KLK i »KA IJ-HKAT. T\Vli SV\ ee|»st ;lk«- • l'lleCS Were held nil S,*i t tirday I»v fijf Kiihmond truism-; Club. I »<»( li iin<i finishing oil the St. Man's boat harbour wall, near Curran Street. Ther* was a steady northerly l»reeze with a toin h of north east in it at the start, hut this dropped to a vor.v lijrht breeze <JuririJT th»' afternoon, making Uil* races late to finish. TJi•• first raco was for 1 and HI footers, ami 17 competed over a c ourse of about ei;;ht miles. starting at -. 1 •"» p.m. From a good start VanlWe was tir-t away, followed by Sonoma. Marlene. Irena. Kiptide. Shamrock, I'aroro, Arliue, Surprise, An ii 11 c. M'-mutu. with the others elo>e up. except Jewel and Charmaine. which were late in starting. i»n tin* run up to the Tile ht'avon Yaab-le took the lead, which she held on the tirst and second rounds until the last lino* round the Shoal Bay mark, when Kiptide passed her, with Ireiirt, Surprise, Mnnutu, Lanat and Sonoma handy. (Ml the last leg of the Course, a heat down froin the Watchman mark, a great race ensued between Riptide and Irena. Irena slowly catching Riptide and she passed her .~»o yards from tin* finishing line, but again lost the wind and Riptide beat her in. After the tirst three boats finished the wind fell to a flat calm, after- | wards coming from the south. The finish was: Riptide, ."»h <un o-Ss : Irena. fib l»m His: Vaabde. ."»h l<'in .*iSs : Mejimt u. ~»b Surprise. oh l*m."»->: Jewel. h -<'m :i> : Sonoma, .Mi -Itn 17s: Lanai. oh J1 in 4!>s: Arline. .Mi -•"•in .Mahaua. .Mi U.'lm "J'ls : Annette. .Mi -•"■in ."his: < "harmaii:e. -Mi : Svimitar. oh o'Jiii o!»s. Result : Vaaleie and Riptide, dead heat. 1. Irena :t. T. £ and V ('lass.-This race started at 'J.oO p.m. over the same course as the first race. Another very good start saw Shalimar away first, followed by Mania. Shirlene. Lena. Trnisure, Invader. Avenger. Challenge, with Norma lm late, Muiuuti MJm late and M* Tala -7m late. Shalimar took the lead on the first round, followed by Shirlene, Marene and Rebel. <>n the second round Shirlene took the lead which she held, with Norma Seeond. The tinish was: Rebel, oh 2-in 4!*s : Shir lene, .Mi "J.'tm 1 s s; Marene, .Mi -.'itn -7> : Mania. -Mi -4m .'ls: Malvina. oh -4m o-s: Kdna !>.. .Mi -4m .'!!*s : Shalimar. •"h Join -'4<: Treasure. oh U«lm Is: Avenger. ~>h L't'un l«Is: Lena, oh -«'»m -<»s ; Challenge, oh -Mini .Ms: Muiiuai. .Mi -7m; Nt-rina. .Ml "J 7in ss : Zephyr. .Mi .'!4m o7s. Result: R1 1, Marene J, Lena li. HERNE BAT CLUB. A AVIV FOR RHYTHM. The TTerne Bay Junior Yacht. Club held two races on Saturday off" the I'on son by ' wharf. The Silver Fern class started at 3 p.m. in light winds. I Finishing times were: Rhythm (lm), I oh I'm os ; Silver Fern i-Ami. .Mi lm .'Js : ■. Kandy Kid (4m). oh 7m 335; Tul (3m), I .Mi 10m -7s; Tapere (lm), 5h 10m 40s ; Valerie (scr). .Mi 11m 40s: Electra (3m), oh 10m 10s: Trisha (scr). oh 14m 375. Result was: Rhythm (Keith McLean) 1. Silver Fern (Pave Taylor) l! f Kandy Kid (I)iek Webster) 3. Ten-foot Open ('lass. - Raider (lm °.Os). 4h ooin 4os: Kohu i scr). 4h oOm -os. Result : Raider (7>. McCarthy) 1, Kohu (Wm. Pent) 2. The officers of the day were Messrs. A. G. Taylor and 10. Hutchinson. WAKATERE CLUB. WINS FOR TAFKIRI ANI> JAIBBF. The Wakatere Itoutin? Club held two races on Saturday for the Frostbite class of sailing dinghies. The first race was won jby Mr. J. Brooke's Taukiri. with Tawai (.1. Hunt) second and Jaibee (A. Waters) third. The second race was won by .laibee (11. Taylor i. with Taukiri (J. Drought) second and Tawai ( R. Sheppnrdi third. A race was also held yesterday morning, but owinc to a hard north-easterly only three boats started. The result was: Kiwi <\. Wing) 1, Taukiri (J. Brooke) '2. Jaibee ret ired. ON THE MANUKAU. YACHT CUB'S RACK'S. I Milntikiiii ;illf Club nn<l tn n Mannkau < ruising Club held ra<*es on Saturday for yachts and motor boats over harbour courses. There was a fresh breeze from the west and the races finished early. The winner in the yacht club's race was Tninui. with Topsy second and Opah third. The cruising club's races were won by Sirona in the yacht division and Luana in the launch section. The yachts of the senior club were dispatched on the Mark Foy principle of allowing the handicap at the start of the race. The limit boat Ebb Tide was sent off at 2 p.m., followed by the rest of the competitors on their time. Oh the first round the order was: Topsy, Opah and Ai leen, followed closely by the rest of the boa t s. The finish was: Tninui 4h 20m 4«K Topsy 4h .Dm .'{Bs. Opah 4h :17m ii2s! Sunbeam 4h :S7m SS«. Mene 4h 40m 24s Clyde 41i 4«ni :!:?s, Wixie M. 4b 4:{ m Is Aileen 4h 4.", m 11s. Foam 4h 4fim 2Ss. Perseus 4h 4!im 21s. Kesult : Tninui 1, Topsy 2. Opah 3. 7, Class.—The race for this class wa« won by Tamaki. with Vnleta second. crcising ci.nvs events. The limit boat in the cruising club's race was dispatched at 1.4."> p.m., tho others following up till 2.20 p.m. On the way down harbour tlie limit boats madf jrood time and on the first round Alert.was about rim ahead of Sironn, with Mai.i anil Valrosa close behind. The finishing times were: Sirona 4h 17m fis. Aierte 4li 17m 475. Main 4h lit 111 (l.s. Sntanita 41i 2»ni 245, Valrosa 4h 21m 5Ss! Kanui 41i 2.1 m 2"is. Mananui 4li .".4m oS.-i Mystery 4ii ::7in U2s. Result : Sirona l! Alerte 2. Mniu •'!. The launiti race was won by Luana, with Karma second.

CORNWALL CUP. RANONI 'WINS FIRST TRIAU. The Takapuna Club's Cornwell Cup seleeriou committee held two trial races on Saturday for the erews of the Z <I«is> to help tlie selection of the crew to represent Auckland at the next contest for the Cornwell Cup. to lie held at Plimmcrton. near Wellington, oil January 14. The rare started at off tile western wall, the course iieini; a windward and leeward one, troni >tartiiiK line off the western wall round I lie outer pile off Rayswater and back, twice round. From a pretty start Tere was tirst over with tin' 1:1111. rloselv followed by I'cnny. Te H»ii. Te lira. Metiy. Swish. Uanoiii. *l"e I'tu. I.via. Aotea. Nanette. Tnwaki and Wati'r I'.i-i-ile iu this order. Soon after t li«- start Hetty and Swish look tiie lead, with Water Beetle well up. Betty's skipper. Ron. Robb. showed (rood judgment by keeping well to windward of iiis mark, tiius allowing for the strong ebb tide. Water Beetle sailed about the same I'.nirse jiml ran into second place. Some ol' die limits which stood toward* Stanley Point now 'jot a good breeze out of the bay and drew up on the leaders. Rammi i anil To linn lining best. Ramini rounded tirst. a few lengths ahead of Te Una. with Betty close up, followed by Te l ira, Swisli and I.via. Rauotii r.Minded the weather mark at .'ill 4'2n., followed by I.via at .'ill 4_4m -'i'Js. 'i'awaki h 4.*>m ."Vs. lW'tty :ih 4 ."nil and the others later. Kanoni s crew lost li<i tune setting her spinnakc.r. but they sit it to port, the others carrying spinnakers to starboard. Half-way mi the run down wil d. Kanoni gybed and i.tiickly re-set her spinnaker to staiboard and did better. Ranoni impr.ived her lead on the. last half of the run and the finish was:— Kanoni. (ieoff. Kntrican (skipper) and ■F. Chapman (<-rewi. 4b .'im rjiis. 1 : Betty 4b tim i:is. J : I,via 4b fun j:>s, :i. Tnwaki 4li (*>iii 4!». Aotea 4h Sin ins. Swisil 4li Sm His. Te Hon 4h Sin Water Beetle 4h sin 4!is. Benny 4li Sin ."ills. Tere 41i inn -".»s. Te. l ira lb Pin "ils l'e I'm 4li 10m 2.'!s. TK 111 i A WINS SBCO.MI Tit IA 1., The second trial started at 4.M0 p.m. over a i lia ngiiia r course and tin- finish was: l'e Hon. Hex Bnilev (skipper), ."ill 21m !>s. 1 : 'I'awaki. .1. Schoticld iskipperi. ."ill 22;n 2: Te Fira. S. Mason (skipperl. ."ill J.'ini los. Tiie rest finished close up in a 1 iI! I 11 ri■i'/. i*. The officers of the day were Messrs. J. .1. Mackay. C. Moore. T. McKniglit, F. Thomas unci N. Matheson. SANDERS CUP. VANG CARD I.EADS KITTV. WKI.U N'i i'PON. Sunday. Fresh provid<Ml fine sailing in the yaciiting trials sailed at the week-end. to "select the Wellington provincial representatives in the Sanders Cup. »w Zealand Idle Along championship ami Cornwell Cup iiuitests. In the Sanders Cup trials s Vaimu.lrd leads bv a jioint from Kitty, sailed by .1. C. I'.olla mi. while Tassie. sailed by (i. Niiiiino, lies third. , H. Stutter, in Tornado, three times in succession beat the New Zealand Idl* 1 .Vlong champion Kvan .liilien in Vampire, and it is possible that it will be uniieee,ssary to sail further races. The favourite for the "Takapuna •TV"''" sentative for the Cornwell Cup is I p . Millar, with two wins and a third in different boats. K. Wagstaff i.s his most formidable opponent. , The sailing in all competitions was good, particularly in the Sanders Cup and Idle Along classes. ..... , „ The first trial at I.yttelton for Canterbury's representative in the Sanders Clip resulted: Matiihi 1. Ariki 2. .""ell leading Huiii retired with a split mainsail. Manibi was given 1"• 1-.'i points, Ariki 12 l-.'i. Klfin l i"" 1 Hllia 4 - l.vnette won tiie fourth Sanders « up triai at liuinslin. leading practically [ I iirougluuit. F.velyn was sJ-cond and Kileen. which has won two trial races, third. model yachting. ORAKKI BASIN CI.IB. The Orakei Rasin Model Vaehf Club held a sertos of races on Saturday afternoon in a light breeze. Results : —- Three-foot Points Cup.—Miss Orakei 1. Sei I >eil 2. Flying Cloud 3. General Handicap, for Jensen Shield.— Clejin 1. lorangi 2. Shenandoah .°>. (Jeneral Handicap.— Cilenu 1, lorflngi *•< i Miss Orakei :t. Juniors. —First race: Bluestreak 1. Silver Spray Second race.: Twilight 1. Silver Spray 2. Third race : Bluestreak 1. Twilight 2. Fourth race: I,ois A 1, Ace 2.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 281, 28 November 1938, Page 16

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RICHMOND CLUB. Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 281, 28 November 1938, Page 16

RICHMOND CLUB. Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 281, 28 November 1938, Page 16