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WILLIAMSON'S BALLIN CUP. GOOD SCORING AT TITIRANGI. LADIES PLAY WITH MEN. On several of the courses on Saturday the lady members joined the men in mixed foursome competitions, and there were large fields' in each instance. At Clendowie a straightput match was played between the two sexes, and the men had to acknowledge defeat in only three games. A team from the Auckland Club, winch was only partly representative, journeyed to Hamilton and lost 11 games to 4, the remaining throe being all square. At Titirangi the scoring in the second of the three rounds of the Self Cup (best aggregate) was good, J. H. Young sharing the leading honours with P. Harrison and D. West, all returning a net 72, three better than their handicaps. The senior and junior championships were commenced at Puplike, and the best performance of the day was C. B. Thomas' 77, which was not a very flattering performance, seeing that the scratch scoie of the course is CO. L. J. Williamson added to his important competition victories at Titirangi by defeating E. G. Tallis in the final of the Ballin Cup. He had previously won the club's other big handicap match play event, the Taylor. Bowl. PUPUKE CLUB. The first qualifying round of the senior and junior championships was played at Pinuke on Saturday. The best cards returned were : C. B. Thomas 77, R. Johnston 70, F. Fox SI, J. T. McCorkintlale 81, K Hume S4, B. Sollnrs 83. M. Close S(i, (J. McCorkintlale S7, G. Malcolm S(i, A. Burnett S7. S. Bond 87, J. Armstrong Si, C. Jaggs SS, A. K. McFarlanc SS, J. Palmer SO. C. Howden 89, A. Stephenson 89, 11. Dixon 90, E. Ryan 92, W- Stemson 02. PUPUKE LADIES' CLUB. Miss Hughes was the winner of the last medal round at the Pupuke Ladies' Golf Club, and Miss Willis won the last sealed hole match. '•■ ... , The club championship will be played on Tuesday and Wednesday next. A draw will be arranged at. the clubhouse on Wednesday for any players wanting to play in a medal round. The last two C grade matches have been won by Mrs. Mair. Next Thursday partners will be drawn at the clubhouse. MAUNGAKIEKIE CLUB. The mid-season Canadian mixed foursome was plaved at One Tree Hill, over 120 players taking part. The event resulted in a tie between Miss Nixon and T. H. Nixon and Mrs. Swain and I. McOwan. Other cards were : —Mr. and Mrs. H Morpeth, Mr. and Mrs. 11. Walker, Mrs. C Schnauer and L. B. Schnauer, 3 down ; Miss Gregson and McGregor, Miss Morrison and G. Stichbury, Mrs. Burton and J. J\ Mitchell, Miss B. Abbott and J. S. Raukin. 4 down. GLENDOWIE CLUB. The ladies v. men match at Glendowie resulted in a win for the men by 17 to live, two being all square. Details are: Mrs. McMillan lost to A, C. Johns. 3 and 1, Miss B. Mills lost to C. S. Woods. 2 and 1 ; Aliss 11. Wilson beat I. G. O Neill. Z up. Miss O. English lost to J. L Sheen, 2 and 1 : Mrs. MeArthur lost to A J Hall, 3 and 2 ; Mrs. Ilowey V\ alker beat J l . Martin. 5 and 4; Mrs. Butler lost to F. Kronfeldt. 1 down; Mrs. Markwick lost to I, S Faram, 2 and 1; Mrs. Hutchison lost to E. G. Brldgens, 3 and 2; Mrs. Kisshi and T. Russell, all square; Miss Sharland and C. Heald, all square; Mrs. Milne lost to A. Howcy Walker, 1 down ; Miss M. English lost to H. G. Thomson, 3 and ..; Mrs. Lintott lost to A. C. Herring, 1 down ; Miss K. Mains lost to A. G. Graham, 4 and 3; Miss Proster lost to C. M. Rattray, 2 down ; Mrs. Tahill lost to F. Ilolhrook. « and 2: Miss McCrystal lost to A. G. BrowneDouglas, 3 ami 2; Mrs. Mathcson lost to L Walker, 1 down; Mrs. Jackson heat J. H Field, 4 and 3: Miss Shaear lost to Agmen Smith, 2 and 1 ; Miss O'Neill beat T F. Johnston. 7. and 6: Miss Goodwin beat J. Julian, 2 and 1 ; Miss Hutton lost to E. C. Evans. 2 and 1; Mrs. Warren beat A. Forgie, 2 and 1. *' . The second and third rounds of the fourball match play resulted : —Dr. Ilorton and G. Palmer beat J. Stedman and W. Hutchison. 2 and 1; O. Wolfgram and R. Kntterfeldtr beat L. W. Cole and V. Johns. 1 up at the 22nd: W. Laxon and G. K. Mathleson boat F. Trice and R. Barstow, 1 up at the 21st; E. Hutchison and R. Jeffreys beat J. Caiman and A. O. Horspool, 2 and 1. WAITEMATA CLUB. The first IS holes of a 36-hole medal matcli for the I,aing Memorial Bowl was played on Saturday. The following were the best net cards handed in : — Seniors. —H. D. Nicholas, OG: G. H. Lord. 60 ; C. R. Xettleton. 70 ; R. Pacey, 76; H. Bruce Smith, SI ; H. T. Webb, S2 ; G. Jackson, S3; N. B. Stone, S3. The juniors played a match for the president's trophy, the net results being : — A. Halvev, 60; W. •Mclndoc, 69; R. McDonald, 71; F. Lord, 72, R. A. Rudge, 73; T. Goldwater, 75; D. Mason, S2; F. Forsyth, S3. In the final of the senior handicap tournament the winner was G. H. Lord, who defeated R. F. Johnson, 1 up. The junior handicap tournament was won by F. Lord,; who defeated R. Burd, 7 and 6. TITIRANGI CLUB. The second round of the Self Cup (medal) was played, and the following were the best cards returned :—J. H. Young, 77—5 —72 ; P. Harrison, S3—ll--S2 ; W. West, 84—12 —72; A. V. Peace. S7 — P. R. • Impey, 91—17—74; R. J. Hamilton, 54—10—74 ; M. P. Bailey. 01—16—75; J. H. Goyder, 85—10—73 : F. A. Browne, 95—15—76; J. B. Saunders, 85—0—76 ; W. J. Reid, 97—21 —76. AKARANA CLUB. A'Canadian mixed foursome stroke competition at Akarana links resulted in four pairs finishing equal, but decided over the last nine holes. Mrs. Phillips and A. Shorter were the-"winners, their card being 89—11—78. Next best: —Mr. and Mrs. 1 Bayley, 96—18—-78 ; Mrs. Preston and B. J. Smith, jun., 89 —11—78; Miss Bentley and V. Daker, 02—14 —78; V. Smith and G. Stewart, 88 —0—79; Mr. and Mrs. McGregor, 90 —10—80; Mr. - and Mrs. Bayley, 91—10—81; Mrs. Hickman and L. Cummings, 04—12—82; lMrs Seay and L. Ornisby, 05—13—82. NORTH SHORE CLUB. A four-ball best-ball bogey match was played at North Shore. Best cards were : — M. Nelson and H. Freakes, 3 up; H. J. Preston and B. Rae, 3 up ; A. Browne and R. Walker, 3 up; H. Bennett and J. Weir. 3 up; A. Spraggon and R. D. McLeod, 2 up : A. W. Short and I. McHarg, all square; J. Selinchka and A. Bartlett, 1 down; W. Hitchinson and J. Mason, 1 down; E. M. Black and 11. Seagar, 1 down. The second round of the Rainger Cup was also played. The results were:—lt, Spinlev heat E. Sullivan, 3 and 2 ; 11. Goodwin beat R. Fotheringham. 5 and 3; It. Horrocks.bcat A. Bow, 9 and 4; J. .A. Penman beat A. Whyte, 0 and 4. ' In the fifth round of the captain s prize H. Everton beat J. Penman, J and 1 : VV. Roberts beat M: E. Thompson, 1 and 0; J. W. Morrison beat W. Olliver, 4 and 3. OTAHUHU club.. . . The following players qualifiedon Saturday.for the Otahuhu Golf Club's.championship:—A. Crow, W. Gardiner J. Christie, J. Eccles, A. Lyttelton, K. Todd, H. Baigent. T. E. Gardiner, R. L. Brown, W. Piper, J. Crow, G. E. Currie. W. J. Johns, C. Kay, W. Stevenson,. B. /Cooper. BOGEY'AT MIDDLEMORE. A bogev competition" was played by members' of the Auckland Golf Club at Middlomore on Saturday, prizes being-Riven in the A and B grades.,' A strong southerly wind dried the course after rain the previous day. Best cards :— A Grade. —R. D. Horton (3). all. square; D. A. Burt (8). all square; A. M. Howden (6). 2 down; CM. Gordon (7). 3.down; P. n. Upton (0)', 3 down. R. D. Horton won over the first nine holes. B Grade.—W. T. Bell (11), all square} E. Harper (11),-3 down; C. M.-. Croft (15), 3 down. ' '.'. '. ■ • 'j ...


A match was played by members of the Auckland and Hamilton Golf Clubs at Hamilton during the week-end, Hamilton winning by 11 games to 4, three being all square. Results (Auckland first) : — Stngles.-'-W. S. Ralph beat R. S. Edmonds, 3 and 2 ; I. MacEwan beat W. S. Wynne, 5 and 4 ; W. A. Donald lost to B. Cumbcrworth, 1 down ; 11. Plumb*- lost to L. V. Bellingham, 2 down : R. D. Wright and C. B. Wake, all square; S. S. Wilson lost to 11. W. Fisher. 2 and 1 ; R. G. Kaingor lost to J. 11. Clarken. 1 down ; J. I'. Aldred beat fe. S. Crimp. 2 and 1 ; R. B. Wilson lost to .T. Milne, 7 and 6; R. S. Johnson lost to A. T. Atkins, 3 and 1; R. J. King lost to J. M. Ilorton, 1 down ; A. H. Gyilics and H. T. Gillies, all square. Four-ball Matches. —Ralph and MacEwan lost to Edmonds and Cumberwortli, 3 and 2 : Donald and Plumley lost to Bellingham and Wake. 2 down ; Wright and R. B. Wilson beat Fisher and Milne. 3 and 2 ; S. S. Wilson and Ralngcr lost to Crimp and Clarken, 1 down ; Johnson and Aldred lost to Atkins and Ilorton, 1 down; King and Gyllies and Gillies and Harkness, all square. ROTORUA CLUB. The Rotorua Golf Club championship finals were decided on Saturday. The course was heavy, after recent rains. In section A, S. E. Carr beat P. A. Kusabs, 0 and 5. In section B, 11. Hamilton beat W. Monk, 7 and 6.


GLENDOWIE LADIES' CLUB. Members of the Glendowic Ladies' Golf Club will play the qualifying rounds of the club and junior championships on Wednesday. The draw is : —Mrs. F. 11. Browne v. Mrs. Warkwick, Miss R. C. Wilson v. Miss B. Hill, Mrs. Geo. Warren v. Mrs. J. C. Hill, .Miss O. English v. Mrs. Howey-Walker, Mrs. MeArthur v. Mrs. Mathieson, Mrs. Macartney v. Mrs. D. R. Walker, Mrs. Butler v. Mrs. Colebrook, Mrs. Kissling v. .Miss-K. Mains, Miss J. Robertson v. Mrs. Lintott, Mrs. Hayes, v. Miss N. McCrystal, Mrs. Hughes v. Mrs. Clouston, Mrs. Chamberlain v. Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. McGinlcy v. Mrs. Milne, Mrs. Cahill v. Mrs. Chambers. The draw for the second round of the C grade eclectic match is:—Miss E. Potts v. Mrs. Pollock, Mrs. Osborne v. Miss R. Webster, Miss Z. Sn'mders v. Miss Arthur, ilss Goodwin v. Miss Isabel Weils, Miss Wilcock v. Miss Jounston. TITIRANGI LADIES' CLUB. A bogey match will be played by members of the Titirangi Ladies' Golf Club tomorrow, commencing at 11 o'clock from the first and eighth tees. Draw:— First Tee.—Mrs. Deighton v. Mrs. T. W. Hosking, Mrs. Alison v. Mrs. C. E. Grevatt, Mrs. R. L. Wilson v. Mrs. Spinley, Mrs. McMillan v. Miss M. Cooke, Mrs. J. C. Finlay v. Mrs. G. M. White, Mrs. O'Lcary v. Mrs. Clatworthy, Mrs. Shroff v. Mrs. Brlnsden, Miss Bray v. Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. R. Alpe v. Mrs. Uobinson, Mrs. G. L. Taylor v. Mrs. E. B. Goldwater, Mrs. Lovett v. Miss Noel Self. Mrs. Henrys v. Mrs. It. F. Ward, Mrs. Bartleet v. Miss Hall, Mrs. Harrison-Gregory v. Miss S. Treston, Miss Pagni v. Miss R. Murphy, Mrs. Smallficld v. Mrs. Tuck, Mrs. Marrctt v. Miss Gardner, Miss B. Cooke v. Miss M. Grevatt, Mrs. Lessing v. Mrs. Boone. Eighth Tee.—Miss Bailey v. Mrs. Gyllies, Miss Duder v. Miss Fouhy, Miss Hacket v. Miss Mcfilashan, Mrs. G. P. Finlav v. Miss Moody, Miss Thompson v. Mrs. ,T.*B. Johnston, Mrs. Joplin v. Mrs. W. H. Cooke, Mrs. Brook-Taylor- v. Mrs. Waters, Mrs. Hollinrake v. Mrs. Prodgers. AKARANA LADIES' CLUB. Teams representing the captain and secretary of the Akarana Ladies' Golf Club will play a match to-morrow, the draw to be made at the clubhouse. A C grade match will be played tomorrow. The first round for the championship will bo played on Wednesday, play commencing at 9.30 o'clock.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXIV, Issue 190, 14 August 1933, Page 14

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ON THE LINKS. Auckland Star, Volume LXIV, Issue 190, 14 August 1933, Page 14

ON THE LINKS. Auckland Star, Volume LXIV, Issue 190, 14 August 1933, Page 14