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'.By WHALEBONE.) FIXTURES. March ID and 20—Wooilville D..J.C. Summer March 21 and 22—Ashburton County R.C. Autumn. March 22—Masterton R.C. Autumn. March 22 and 24—Thames J.C. Annual. March 2C and 27—Rangltlkei R.C. Annual. March 2G and 27—Southland R.C. Autumn. March 27—Glaborne R.C. Autumn. March 20—Poverty Bay Turf Annual. April 2 and 3—Hawke's Bay J.C. Autumn. April 2 and 4—Gore R.C. Autumn. April 3 and 9—Auckland T.C. Autumn. April 10 and 21—Auckland R.C. Autumn. April 21 and 22—Canterbury J.C. Autumn. April 21 nnd 22—Felldlng J.C. Autumn. April 23— Weetland R.C. Autumn. April 20—Greymouth J.C. Autumu.

The Auckland horseman W. Ryan will riding at the Glshorne and Poverty Ba-y meetings next week.

If Collector's injuries prevent him from being sent North his absence will weaken an already weak Held In the A.R.C. Autumn Steeplechase.

Peneton struck himself while working recently, and Iβ not likely to fulfil his engagements at the Thames Jockey Club's meeting.

The Southern cross-country horseman A. Lorrlgan recently got a nasty fall while schooling Vhlro, both his collarbones being •broken. He Is now an Inmate of the l'alinerßton North Hospital.

According to the owner of Roriie'e Drift, the published statement of the gelding's winnings was Incorrect, the exact amount won by the sou of Calibre amounting to £6315.

The nnUHUaI sight of a jockey smoking a cigarette while doing his preliminary was witnessed at the Ohlnemuri meeting on Monday, but it evidently escaped the official eye. One of the first works the Ohlnemuri Jockey Club should take In hand Is the formation of a saddling paddo.k. Trainers and owners were greatly inconvenienced at the club's recent meeting through thin defect, which ought to be remedied at once. Mr. ft. L. Stead evidently ha« a trip North In contemplation, for In addition lo engaging Kllmoou nnd Almoner In the principal events at the llawko's Virj meeting he has left the two-year-olds Sundnncf and Golden Croeier iv the Hnwke's 'Bay stakes. The imported Oily Knlica was given another chance ni Pneroa to retrieve herself, but failed to run prominently. Her defeat on Monday, however, was not very costly to punters, as on the previous occaeione. After riding at the Ohlnemuri Racing Club's meeting. A. J. Mi-Kllnn left for the South to ride Mr. Short's horses in their engagement!! at Woodvllle. The Am-klander will return for the Thames meeting on Saturday 1 and Monday . next. It is reported that Master Montoii, which recently won the Nelson Cup for Mr. K. S. Kaston, is to be given n chance to earn distinction as a hurdler. Wlrh Master Strowan also in commission Mr. Kaston would have a useful pair to carry his colours.

Raston, is to be given n chance to earn distinction as a hurdler. Wlrh Mantel Strownn also in commission Mr. Kaston would have a useful pair to carry hlf colours. The New Zealand Trotting Association has endorsed the fine of £10 Imposed by the Auckland Trotting Club on W. G. Abbott Mr. r N"lcoll considered tlie fine too heavy, in view of the fact that the breach wan of v teehnlcfl] character, but the ilialrmac stated that Abbott 'had the right of appeal to the Board. The death of Mr. W. >11. Totts. whtel: occurred at the Thames on Sunday, will In greatly regretted by racing men genernlly for deceased for a number of.years was secretary of the Thames .lorkey Club. Out spoken and free of speech, the late gentle man made many friends, and hip loss wil be felt generally. It is Interesting to note that Sasanof Taunahfl. All Over. Ked Ribbon. I'arlsiar Diamond. Menelaus. Mascot. Dusky Eye Bonny Briar. Star Lady, Desert Gold Afterglow, Klllowen, Karo, Sliver Link Vagabond. Battle ■ Song. Bonny Maid, Alinonor. Kllmoon. and Tlgrltlya appeal among the nominations for both the A.R.C Easter nnd C..T.C Easter Meetings. The following Iβ from a W.A. exchange, nnd applies equally as well as New Zealand: "There has been Home shockingly had rldinji at I'srth suburban meetings lately, and the stewards Hhould make an example of some alleged horsemen. Why grant Jockeys licenses to animated blocks of wood whet there are bottles to bo gathered and drain* to be dug-" A Southern writer refers to the possibility of Gloaming and Desert Gold meeting in the C.J.C. Challenge Stakes of seven furlongs to be run at Iticcarton next month, but the latter does not claim nn engagement In the cvpiit. The pair are engaged in the North Island .fhallengo Stakes, to be run at the Wellington Racing Clob's autumn fixture. Mfihtjoltov wan very unhiokj* on both days at I'aoroa. The daughter of Formahurdle races, but fell on the first day through interference I>y another liorse running off, and oh the second day was run off through two horses coming to grief In front of her. The two defeats were very costly to punters. The mishaps at Paeroa. ■which brought about the deaths of Shining Light and Flenlpotent, hit the respective owners. Messm Edwards and Kemp, pretty hard, for both gave promise of being useful. Shlnlhjr Light was decidedly on the improve, while Plcnlpoieut looked like turning out a bit above the .ordinary at the steeplechase game. In these days of inconsistent riming, it'is refreshing to look upon the record of Tenacious, which In bis last ten starts has won four times, been second on five occasions, nnd third once. In his steeplechase fiiccesses Tenacious Uα* only beaten ' a very poor lot. but he fenced well..and. properly place, may pick up~» bigger stake during the coming winter. , Mr. T. T. Ritchie was pn much dissatisfied with , the Royal jJlope-Hoymetta at tie last Forburj- races that he resigned from tlie club. He was indnced to withdraw his resignation, but he lias ashed the' Trottlnc Association to inquire into the procedure •of the Judicial Committee In veprnrd to that taoe. and it is quite on the r'ards that he may retire from the sport altogether. If so, we slrall lose a good patron. ' ; • • . Northland, broke down, badly during the running of the Second Hurdle Race ni Ohlnemuri. and it' was ■with difficulty he was got back to his box. So bad was the when he pulled up that his trainer. K. Pone, at once ran to him.-and ordering

Henderson off his bnck. took him quickly! hack to his stable hpfore hi? got too sore" to ! move. Tinder the cireiimßtnnces it came as some surprise to find-both Pope and Henderson heavily fined by the stewards, but the matter will probably be adjusted on appeal. , The judging-at the Ohinemuri Jockey Club raises the question whether in these days of big fiplds it should not be com- | pulßorv for nil clubs to employ a paid ' official. Mr. Biwli. who acted nt Ohine- : niuri. may hare been absolutply correct in all hi» placing, but the fact that numbers are altered after they have been once hoisted does not inspire confidence amongst the public. Tveri the paid officials are not '■ Immune from mistake., but it Is their pro-' fepsion. and any abuse levelled at them is dlffprent to thnt when an honorary judge I Is in the box. ■ 'I TILUIER JOCKEY. CLTTB. I The annum meeting of the Thames ' Jockey ■Clsib. which.this year extends over two days, takes place on Saturday nnd Monday next; and. with every , prospect of record acceptances, the gathering should be a most successful one. The club have succeeded In arranginv the Northern SjS. Company for a special boat on each day of the fixture, and the Wakntere will leave Auckland oil Saturday at 0.30'a.m returning from ■ Thames nt 10 p.m. Excursion farce will ,lie ', charged. Special trains will also run from Fraiikton. Acceptances for al] events on the opening day close to-morrow (Thursday) at noon, either ■with the boji. secretary, Sir. J. Rennick. i Thames, of Mr. R. Wyiiyard, Auckland. |:

I Mr. R. H. Aldworth hns been appointed I judge for the Hawke's Bay Jockey Club's I Autumn Meeting. ! Some time ago It was published that the Te Aroha Jockey Club's committee had de--1 elded to admit the Press tv ari Inquiries I held, but nt the club's recent meeting the ; members of the Press present were asked to leave the room wben the Judicial I stewards sat. AUCKLAND TROTTING CLUB. Nominations for all events to be decided nt the Auckland Trotting Club's Autumn Meeting on April 5 and 9 close with the secretury. Air. C. V. Mark, on Friday, the 21st instant, at 3 p.m. At the same time entries will close for the Great Northern Trotting Derby, to be run et the Summer Meeting of 1920-21, for now yearlings. THE HAWKE'S BAY MEETING. Desert Gold has not been accorded a I nominated for either of the principal events of the Hawke's Bay Meeting, the nomlna- ■ tlons for which are: — Hawke's Bny Cup, one mile and a-belf.— Vagabond, Retard, Sweet Corn, Tressida, Municipal, Snsanof, Multlve, Bonnie iMald, I Battle Song, Elocution, Hed Ribbon, lhipn, ! Dusky Eve, Nobleman, Multlfual, Menelaus, , Mascot, Cooing, Star Lndy. Kilmoon, Almoner, Hythread, Kaliumangu, Sonnlno, Black I*acc, Ilcndra, Client. Burke Memorial Stakes, six furlongs and n-hnlf.—Altercation, Vagabond, Itetanl, : Multalne. Sweet Corn. Tresslda, Multiclpal, Sasanof, Multlve, tßonnle Maid. :Battle Song, I Elocution, Red Ribbon, Ihlpi, Dusky Eve, I Kiltess, Nobleman, Palm Oil. Menelaus, I Mascot, Cooing, Star Lady, Klllmoon, I Almoner, Classlcntlon, Swlnton, Hytliread, Kabnmangu, Sonnlno, Black Lace, Hendra, Lovematch, Client. THE ALISON DISQUALIFICATION. AN APPEAL UPHELD. A meeting of the Auckland District Committee was held last evening, to hear the appeal of Mr. Ewen W. Alison, jun., against the disqualification Imposed on him Iby Hamilton Racing Club. Mr. H. T. i tJlllles represented the Hamilton Racing Club. Mr. Angus W. Gordon, stipendiary steward, was also present at the hearing. The following decision* was arrived at: — "That In thn opinion of the Auckland Dlsjtrlct Committee, while the evidence of Mr. Ewen Alison. Jun.. regarding his betting transactions might have been fuller and , franker at the Inquiry held by the Hamilton Judicial Committee, there Is no evidence :to substantiate the charge of wilfully and ; corruptly supplying fnlse Information, or making uny false declaration. The Auckland District Committee therefore reverse the decision of the Hamilton Judicial Committee, and allow the appeal. In the absence of any particulars as to the evidence tendered fair comment Is of a necessity difficult. It is understood, however that the case for the Hamilton Club was at anything but a strong nntiire. and that the decision of the District Committee was the only one possible on the facts. TURF TALK FROM THE SOUTH. CANTERBURY.

(By Telegraph.—Special to "Star.")

CHRISTCHUBCH, this day. A Rtronic wind was in evidence while training operations were in progress a ( Klccarton this morning. All the work was done on the plough, which was in good order.

n Margerine, with n light weight, occupied , r 1.45 3-3 over a mile, finishing up her task n i strongly. s Lirnsklu covered six furlongs in 1.16 3-5, moving very attractively, while Gloaming accomplished the gallop of the morning by covering the same ground in 1.15 1-3. " Indus was restricted to easy pacing, c hnvlng been galloped over a mile the-'pre-l - viotu day in the presence of his owner. "He Is an improving colt which may win v n decent race before long. n Minn Mimic cantered, while Royal Stag " and Nightralder appeared to be doing their best al the end of a spin over gix furlongs which occupied I.lft. h Afterglow and Rossini broke away at tile ,c six furlong post. Rossini cleared out from ~, his , companion in the early stages, but s Afterglow was under a strong' pull to keep t . back to the two-year-old over the last fur- ,. long. The journey occupied 1.18 2-5. H Adjutant, assisted over the last five furlongs by Sir Fanciful, covered a mile- in 1.14 4-3. He tlnlshed well, but did not. loot: f at? if he could have done much better over ' j the last part of the journey. i Gay Lad was exerilsed with the sweaters 5" I on. while Puuka easily defeated Tortrlx • over nil furlongs, which she covered Iα , j 1.10 3-5. • I EuropiH. with Judfies as a companion , over the last half mile, ran a mile in 1.4 i " 1-5. and was stopping, at the end. . Cerberus, with a light weight, ran six furlongs in 1.16 4-.">, with nothing in reserve '• et the finish. '■'• Flight Commander beat Sans Soucl over • I half a mile In 51 l-ss. c i Bore, ridden right out. covered a mile c In 1.47. «' Daytime went very attractively while n covering six furlongs In 1.17, while Some c Kid sprinted three furlongs in 32 2-ss, a very attractive effort. Missouri end Kliiibolton covered six fnr1. longs in 1.10 4-5. Sea Blue joining in over a the last half mile. n Kllrußh and Immense ' were companions , in a gallop over six furlongs. Immense ,! opened out a gap of several lengths early. j i but Kilrush was ou terms before half the „ I distance had been covered, and finished , with an advantage of over a length in 1.17 3-5. War DaDoer. which ia gradually getting back to racing shape, rattled over half a 11 mile eomfortftWy in Mr. while Nnutville • and Warlove sprinted up the back, showing c a good turn of speed. y: Fe-blsco ran Heven furlongs in 1.34 1-5, i- Morisca accompanying him over the last F six. t : .lingo and Tonic were -companions in. ft T spin over five furlongs, which occupied 1.4 2-5. They finished together, but Jingo •was going, very comfortably, his effort t being very attractive. 1 Bon Spec easily defeated Belair over five '. furlongs In 1.3 3-5. a smart performance, as r 'he was currying a good weight. r Aehllledes .and Tip Tip occupied I.M 3-5 3 over Bcveh'furlongs, while Micky Free had t no trouble lii beating Subterfuge over the ; same ground in 1.34. !'■ Bandy, got through ijseful work, but was irery lain'e when he pulled up, and his chance 'of -fulfilling hin Ashburton engagements , looks, very remote. " Mr G. L. Stead waR a visitor to Riccarton 1 this morning to see his horse Collector, • schooled over hurdles. He took the first " obstacle all" right, but blundered •through ' the second, without : making aneffort ;to ' the obstacle. The liorse rolled over 'his rider,. R. McSeveney.. who was,severely j shaken, but otherwise was uninjured.' Collector, was' very lame in- the off fore leg when he wan caught,-and-lt looks as If }it will be a long time before he is fit. to ' , resume work. . . " . •,l ' A. McCaiilay, the weir known Riccarton ■trainer, has accepted an engagement as ! private trainer to the North Island sportsi man, Mr H. W. Rrown, and will leave in ! nhotit a-fortnight tn take up his new position. McCaulay's headquarters will- be at Tanhetenlkau. where he will have abont ] half a "donen horses nnder his care, iucludI ing Form Up; Loyal Arch, Livland, , Cyresinn. nnd Princess Charming. Mr Brown has purchased Daytime, which has ',■ been very successful for his recent .owper, ! while McCaiilay will also take Kilrush j north,-.-the, Kilbroney gelding ■ being held by l him on lease.

i WAIRARAPA XOTES. (By Telegraph.—Special to "Stan") .. MASTKRTON, this day.' The-public got right' 'on to the "good Htiiff" onthe second % at Tauliereniktiu. They plckeil six out of eight winners, the : last five In succession. There is no "gnlnsaying that Rebekah Is a mitre a bit above the ordinary. In the last ' race at TauhereniUau on the second day she carried the steadier of IO.S. and. hopping away at the start, never let' mc rest of the field near her. winning by over two lengths. And this carrying 2.5 more than the next highest weight, Stutter, which ran ' second. To one' of the starters (Lady . l'eiizri) she was conceding nearly four stone. Bonnie Maid put up a record for the race I in the AVairarapa Cup. Her trainer, Joe Ayres, had , her In great buckle.' Ayres, by I the way, as a jockey won two. Wairarapa ! Cups. Away back in' IStHi' tie rode the late Xnt Grace's Legislator to victory, and in "1897 was on A. W., Cave's Sea Serpent when that horse scored. Ay res also trained which won the cup in 1816. He also trained Battle Array, which won the Klmutaka Handicap and Camp Hack Handicap at the meeting last week. On the first day at Tauherenlkau L,. Morris and H. Gray each rode" three winners, and B. beeley two. ' On the second day A. Kced secured three wins, and F. Corlett, B. Morris. W. McEwen, B Deeley, and S. Held one each. In the Camp Handicap (one mile) Battle Array straggled away at the rear for a while, but, getting Into hie stride, he came away in great style, and when hair the

Journey had been covered he was up into second place. Then tile Signor gelding swung into the straight at the head of the field, and won just about as he liked by nearly two lenjrths. Penury Rose, which ran second, was the only horse in the race that even threatened Battle Array's claim to supremacy, but the Penury gelding was obviously tiring 1n the last hundred yards.

The totailsator receipts slumped at the Tnuherenikau meeting—£37,ool, against £55,711 at the corresponding meeting last year.

The aged Finland mare Klltess gave a glimpse of the pace she possessed in bygone days in the Rawiri Welter, winning with ease by nearly two lengths. Loyal Arch ran a very nice race, nnd put in a determined challenge down the straight, but the Finland mare gradually drew away from the field. Hydrus, the winner of the Autumn Handicap, found his heavy impost too much, and wan never prominent.

Mr W. R. Kenvball has apparently a very fine youngster In the Auckland-bred two-year-old Lucullus—Recoup fllly Miss. Gold. She ran a fine race Indeed In the Juvenile Handicap of five furlongs, and the way she answered the call in a great finish showed clearly that Rhc had a fair supply of reserve power. She Is undoubtedly a much better fllly than her stable companion Mlas Lass (General Latour—Petit-Tor), and should develop into a useful member of the Kemball stable. She Is trained by B. Nlcholls. Miss Gold secured a second on the first day.

The Kllbroney—Semper colt Affectation promise* to be a paying proposition for Mr A. McDonald. In the Nursery Handicap he held the field safely, and when shaken up in to a challenge by Miss Gold, showed n good turn of speea, and came right away, winning with plenty to spare. A stable mate of Affectation, the two-year-old fllly Hyades (HymettUß— Straga), therefore full sister to Hyniestra and Torfreda, possesses a good turn of speed for four furlongs, and should show much improved form after a few more gallops. She managed to get Into third plijce in a five-furlong race on the second day, but there was not much behind her.

American Beauty (a two-year-old chestnut fllly by Demosthenes—Rose Shield) did not Impress one with her efforts on either day. She was never prominent at any stage In cither race in which she started. American Beauty Is owned by Dwan Bros., and will probably he given a run at Masterton. f'liaeronia, which ran into second place in the Juvenile Handicap on the second day at Tnuherenikau, should be heard of in the future. The Demosthenes fllly showed that she him pace, and that she is not averse to a hard, dry course. Her stable companion Maronne (Martian— Innocence) ha.s plenty of room in which to improve, if her form in the Juvenile Handicap is any criterion .of what she can do with the colours up.

VICTORIA RACING CLUB. XE\V TIPPERARY WINS AUSTRALIAN CUP. MEL-BOURNE, March 18. The second day of the Victoria Racing Club's meeting was held in brilliant weather. The going was good. Kudols just got up and won the Elms (Handicap iv t'ae last few j-ards. Molyneux ran ninth. This Ik Kudols , first Victorian win. •Whiz Bang, finishing fast, won the Ascot Vale Stakes easily from Mr. Ernest Clarke's pair, Hyades and Sextia. The favourite, Artilleryman, ran badly. Ualloplng well from the home turn, the •West Australian gelding New Tipperary won the Australian Cup comfortably from Earlborn, who went fast over the last furlong. Menln was a- fair third. Sauci. who was well up for a rallo and a-half, ran. eighth. The time, JJ.uOJ, has been excelled on several occasions. Star Comedian pulled up lame. The last half-mile was run in ,V!s. and the last six furlongs In 1.191. New Tlpperary weighed in two ounces overweight, 'but the stewards' decided not to disturb the verdict.

The .New Zealand gelding Tararu Jack scored the easiest win for years in the March Steeplechase. >lle led for the last flix furlongs, and won by nearly a furlong, rinlon ran off.

The following are the details of the racing:—

BTvMS HANDICAP of BOOsovs. One mile. Kudols, 7.3 1 •Lomnll. 6.11 2 Truepenny, 0. lo 3 , Won by a* short Tiead. . There were 14 starters. Time, 1.42. ASCOT VALE STAKES of lOOOeove. Six furlongs. TYiilz Bang, 8.10 a Hyades, 8.7 t Sextia, 8.7 3 Six started. AVon by four lengths. Time, l.luj--1 AUSTRALIAN CU-P of 2500sovs. Two miles and a-quarter. J. O"'Hara*s b g New Tlpperary, aged, by ■rositano —'Frisco <}ueen, 7.7 <K. Lewis) 1 — Earlhorn, 7.4 (K. Dempsey) 2 H. A. Curries g h 'Menln, 4yrs. 6.1-2 <F Howard) 3 TwelTe started. Boontree led for clx furlongs, with Sanel third. Then Shadow Dancer had charge till the turn. New Tipperary was in front at the straight entrance and won easily by three lengths from Earlhorn, who in turn wae two lengths In front of Menln. Shadow Dancer was fourth. MARCH. STEEPLECHASE of SOOsovs A*bont two miles and half-a-furlong. Tarnru Jack. 32.8 -1 lolaus, 0.4 " „ •MvAlpin, 9.5 ....!"!!"" 3 Eight started. Tararu -Tack won. easily by 10 lengths. Time, 4.13}. 7 BOURSE HANDICAP of SOOsots Seven furloiijrs. Mlstieo, 8.9 -. I'etracia, 7.6 ..." ~ Opera Bouffe, 6.8 .'■.'...'.'.'.'.'. » Tim h e lr i e!! '?i Starte<l- Wou by t,h roc" iengths° JUNIOR 'HANDICAP of BOOsovs. •t Ivc furlongs and a-hair Wlldiin, fjO , Uhstar, 5.3 A Arrasene, 7.10 '.".'.'.!..'!.'! 3 Won by a length and a-half. Sonny 'Foy gsr i£Sc?K ert were ,c " at tb ' YEARLING ..SALES. MELBOURNE, this day At the.yearling sales Mr. J. D Gtpph

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Auckland Star, Volume L, Issue 67, 19 March 1919, Page 8

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RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume L, Issue 67, 19 March 1919, Page 8

RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume L, Issue 67, 19 March 1919, Page 8