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AUCKLAND CLD'B'-f "AT HOME." PRESENTATION TO MR MYERS. "At _r eCt ~b ow" n_' weatner favoured the At Home given by the Auckland BowlliMviL 011 Saturday, in honour of Mr A. M. n„ Pl » Sldeut 0J th! > Auckland Provinv«ii fowling Association. The "Happy the Wol 7 e its hr'shtest summer smile, wearinl ? eth< V r C »*»™H»- Grafton green S™ 6 " ea'a apearance befitting the ocln£ -7 r rarel y accentuated hy the flutterS„ streams of flags bedecking the club house and croquet pavilion. A floral "Kia •rr««„ forked in the club's colours on the fereen bank, added its note to the general message. The Auckland Club, l v *' ramous for its hospitality, had determined to ensure success to the afterca?H">,- t > he " rrivn semeats, excellently e J}'l °I ,t: hy the secretary, Mr S. C'oldi- '""•. v ? treasurer. Mr J. Carlaw, left b?v?i.?£ 7^ c , desll ' (> <l for a thoroughly euJojab . gathering of bowlers and their lady nffltr.'lti i °J? moat of the twenty clubs »?r i* *°, the A,,ck l«»d Association they "rived, and, by the time the ceremony of the day eventuated, the green was alive and humming with bowling humanity, while m c ' U ,? f f f m ""»e grace and charm added liberally the necessary quantity to social completeness. When the bell sounded n^7 aI ' a !>d sundry to relinquish for the nonce their bowls, social Interchanges aud what not that makes the sum of human n irrlJ 0 ? h SUC ' U l* n occasion, the green in front of the paviliou became the temporary centre of Interest. Here was presented to Mr Myers, on behalf of tbe Asso-c-atloti, the handsome ease of bowls ami address described In our issue of yesterday First the president of the Auckland Club, Mr. _~ nilott. welcomed everyone on behalf of the club, and wished them a pleasant afternoon. The. occasion of the gathering, he reminded them, was to farewell Mr. Myers, whom every member of the club and every bowler in Auckland knew and appreciated for his kindliness and good fellowship. No man had done so much to advance the old game of bowls in Auckland as Mr. Myers, whose efforts and liberality had done much to make it the popular game in this town that it was at present. He had always found time from his busiest hours to trundle a bowl on the green of good fellowship, and one aud all would regret his departure, though with the hope to see him back in good health mid spirits to play many another good game on the old green. (Cheers.) And when he returned a hearty welcome would be extended him and Mrs. Myers by the whole commiiulty, but none more heartier than that of the Aucklaud Bowling Club. I Loud applause.) Mr. J. Carlaw, on behalf of the Auckland Bowling Association, then made the presentation. The Auckland Provincial Bowling Association wished Lim good-bye and God speed. During the past week "the citizens of Auckland had been showing their Mayor appreciation of his efforts towards the city's advancement, and now, last, but not least, the Auckland bowlers fareuelled their departing president. During his presidency of the Association progress ln bowling hud beeu very marked, the affiliated clubs having increased from 14 to 20. The hospitality and cordiality extended by Mr. Myers to visiting bowlers had made a name for Auckland, aud the name of Mr. Myers in connection with bowling was as well known now In New South Wales as In Auckland. (Applause.) The Association were truly sorry to lose the services of one who, after four years' arduous labour as Mayor, was taking a well deserved and requisite holiday. The bowls the Association were presenting to him would, whatever their other qualities, differ from him ln one respect, for during his term as president he hnd never shown any bias. (Laughter and applause.) He then called upon Mr. A. M. Bryden, secretary of the Association, to read the illuminated address, after which the bowls were hauded over amid enthusiastic applause, while Meredith's Band, which was preseut to enhance the enjoyment of the afternoon, accompanied In a verse of "'For He's a Jolly Good Fellow." , Mr Myers, who was visibly affected by the evidences of esteem showered upon him, expressed his inability to give adequate recognition of his feelings for what he termed such generous treatment from the bowlers of Aucklaud. It was practically the crowning act iv one of tb.e most eventful and Interesting weeks of his lire. He little dreamt that his departure from Auckland -would' bring forth .such- expres= slons of warm heartedness aud evidences of good feeling aud genuine apreclutlon towards himself. (Applause.) As for the Auckland green, he was sorry he had not been able to spend far more time upon It, but he hoped Io yet play many more good games of bowls there, and come back to take still more part In the social life of the community. The hand of good fellowship was always extended to every bowler, and he believed that he personally had learned In the Held of sport, and more particularly on the bowling greon. those lessons of being fair, and taking everything In a sports. manlike way, which a member of the Council, who was himself a bowler, hail been good enough to say of him the other night. (Applause.) Twice had the Auckland Club honoured him ti!* 1 : Its presidency, and four times had the Auckland Association, but if the game of bowls had improved ln that period, it was not through his efforts at All but through the work of the executive, and members generally. There was no place In the world with fairer surroundings than he saw before Ulm, and lie knew. wherever he might go, he would never be amongst more genial and hospitable people than the bowlers of Auckland. (Loud applause.) And be would look forward to the genuine and hearty welcome back which the bowlers had promised him. (Hear, hear.) and applause.l Ills onlj regret, concluded Mr Myers, iv again thanking the gathered bowlers, was that Mrs Myers had not been by his side to participate in the royal time extended to him during the past week. He could never forget it. In fact It seemed hardly credible he could be himself, and only when he had been on board the steamer long enough to reflect over it all could he really realise what It all meant to him. (Loud applause.) Hearty cheers were then given for Miami Mrs Myers, and the festivities of the afternoon proceeded. During the afternoon a number of excellent selections ivere given by the gramophone of the president (Mr Elliott), while the ladies connected with the club were assiduous In seeing that guests were provided with everything requisite by way of refreshment. The following were the games pjayed;— Wynyard. Smith. Spreckley, James (skip)—SO. v. Wilson. Morton, Barnard Gllwour (skip)—2o. Michaels, Dr. Pnbst, Easton, Handcock (skip) -20. v. Eversleigb, Burton, Tyler, Klrker isklp)—2_. * ' GlllllOUr (llowick), Sheppard, V. Casey, Engieton (skip)—2l, v, Morley, Andrews, Fletcher. Meuuie (skip) — in. Bennett. Robefton, Olipbnnt. Thornes (Skip)—-18, **■ W. Gorric, Webberiey, Ross, Ealldnn (skip)— 22. McFarlane. Greshnm. Laurie. Ralfe (skip! —27. v. Thomas, Ityrie, 'legman , Baxter (skip) -20. Dunlop. Gorrle. Cromble. Hull (skip)—2l. v. Robertson, Btyak, J. J. Holland Davies (skip)—l3. l'errle. Carminor. Tudeliope. Dingle (skip) -211. v. Plggott, Iloskiu, Kayes Butler (skip) —14. Edniiston, J. L. Holland, Scbnauer, Colemau (skip)— 26, v. Edmistou. Jun.. Possennlskie. Dlddams, Crowhurst (sklp)--O. Culling, Morgan, Mahoney, Osmond (skip) —20, v. Henley, Bush, Usher, Brookes (skip) —17. Dr. Sweet. Robinson. O'l.aughlln, McDougall (skip) —15. v. Schofleld, Mark Davis, Plummer, Keesini (skip)—-1. Alexander, Cuipan, rearson, , 23, V. B. C. Brown, Dickenson. . J. Court (skip)— 23. Special Executive Game.—Craig, Bryden, Carlaw. a. M. Myers (skip)—l3, v. Haresuape, M. Casey, Hudson. Elliott (skip) —12. Subscription Fours.—Dlttler, Man-haul. Beuule O. A. Buttle (skip)—B, v. McMnster, Dr. O'Neill, Coldlcutt, Lambert Isklp)—27. Champion Singles.--G. A. Buttle. 23. 15, 23, v. Bennie, 13, 19, 11. Crowhurst, IS, v. Colthurst, 30. Handicap Pairs. — Byrie and Gilmonr, 22, V. Robertson and Bennie. 15. Pegler and Barnard, 21, v. Ximan aud Osmond, 12. PONSONBY GREEN. Ordlnarv Gnmes.— Graham, H. W. Smith, Robinson. Adams (skip)— 3s, v. E. Darby. Petersen Fairs. Burrows isklp)—lo. Meek (Dunedin), Clarke, Craig, W. Darby (skip) - 25. v. Fo'therglll (Dunedin). Keary. Bagnall, |un., Lee (skip)—lo. Atkinson. Grelg. Rees. Wright (skip)—ls, v. Cardou, Murphy, Reid, Dewnr (skip!—lß. Singles Championship. — The following hive been played during the week: parsons. 21, v Sueddeu 15; Badillly. 21. v. Sueddeu, 13; McDeod, 18, v. Suedden, 1". rONSONBY V. GItKY LYNX. AT GREY LYNX GREEN. Ponsonby—Oldham. Ba.cnall. McLeod. Recrnft (skipV-20, v. Grey Lynn—Buckley. Courtnay, Volkner. T. Mills (skip)—ll. Davies, Gribbie. Webb. Stiehbury (skip) —IS, v. Knight, Baildon, Norgrore, Dimery (skip)— ID. nnrkins, Wetherilt, Gorman, Baddily (skip) — 18, v. Courtnay, Bence, Parsons, Jones (skip)—2B. t

Dr. Owen, Millar, Martin, Watson (skip) r; 8 . 5 \ T * Ferguson Jenkins, Burfoot, Pascoe (skip)—l4. Total: Ponsonby 100; Grey Lynn 68. AT PONSONBY GREEN. Ponadnby — C. Hemns, Burton, Coates. Crabtree (sklpJ-IS, y. Rich, Cowden, Balloon Swales (skip)—lß. ' White, Harris Parsons, Gardner (skip)— 24, v. Snelllng, Bwen, Ferguson, Waddingham (skip)—lß. fc Gouk, Oswald, Langsford, Qulnn (skin)— __&_:■ E - Buckley - CaA Total: Ponsonby, 56; Grey Lynn 55 total: Ponsonby, 158; Grey Lynn, CARLTON V. MT. EDEN. CARLTON GREiEN. Mt. Eden: Gatenby, Lewis, Walker, Brookes (skip)—-4, v. Oarlton: Winks, Cot. trell, Arey, Cutler (skip)—3l. Mt. Eden: Cordes, Dickenson, Trayes, Burns (skip)—Jlo, v. Oarlton: Spiller, Frayling, CanlM, Wilson (skip)—2o. ' Mt. Eden: Uttle, May, Brlmble combe, Young (skip)—2B, v. Carlton: Edgcumbe, Kayll, Badeley. Rowe (skip)—l7. Mt. Eden: Davis, Peterson, Esam, Tutt (skip)—l6, v. Carlton: Sloman, Oarey, Llvesey, Wrathall (skip)— 26. Mt. Eden: Gavin, Blake, Macky, Sunnan (skip)— 24, v. Carlton: Morgan, Goldsmith, Ronayne. Holmes .skip)—2l. 'Mt. Eden: Bnaifhwalte, Fernandez, Jones, Baker (skip)— 30, v. Carlton: Southwell, Macgregor, Lamb. Fookes (skip)—ls Totals: Oarlton 130, Mt. Eden 112. " ,MT. EDEN GREEN. Mt. Eden: Miller, tßrown, Jones, Blown (skip)—l3. v. Carlton: Jaffrey, Pouton, Kent, Curtels (skip)— 26. Mt. Edeu: Smith, Marshall, Wooller, Gill (.skip)—2o, v. Oarlton: Pollard, Raynes, Gaudln. Kilgour (skip)—l7. Mt. .Eden: Bartley, tßlakestow, Newlands, Hooper (skip)—l2, v. Carlton: Totman, Davies, Otter. White (skip)—2o. Mt. Bden: Tattersall, Jones, Blades, Coe (skip)—O, v. Clti-ltou: Sohist-hka, Cottle, llenld, Magnlre (skip)—B7. •Mt, Eden: Walton, llarle Giles, Ferguson. Garland (skip)— 22, v. Oarlton—.Wade, .Farmer. 'Packman, McGregor (skip)—l9. Totals: Oarlton 125, Mt. Edeu 76. Grand totals: Oarlton 235, Mt. Eden ISB Majority for Oarlton 07. ROCKY NOOK V. RICHMOND. The Inter-club match between Rocky Nook and Richmond resulted as follows: ROCKY NOOK GREEN. Rocky Nook: Williams, W. H. .Tenkin White, Fletcher (skip)—2S. v. Richmond: Copelaud, McLeod, Jefferles, Jones (skip) — Rocky Nook: McGregor, Leece, Martin, EUisdon (skip)—2o. v. Richmond: Callings! Ayles (sub.), Rowe, W. 11. Murray (skip) RICHMOND GiREiEN. Rocky Nook: Bain, Thorpe. Colledge Wakerly isklp)—l9, v. Richmond: Ralston! Rowels. Tomlinson, Teague (sklpl—lß. Rooky Nook: \V. H. Taylor, 11. Jenkin, l>r. Molr, (Bouskill (skip)—2S. v. Rlehmoud: Patterson, Jefferles, Kahn, G. Murray (skip) -9. Totals: Rocky Nook 95. .Richmond 69. Majority for Rocky .Nook 20. EEMb'ERA V. DEVONPORT. The following Is the result of tie Re-■muera-Devouport inter-club match:— REMUERA GREEN. Remuera: R. Hall, Henderson, Wilkinson, Rev. Be-atty (skip)—2B. v. Dtwonport: Capt. Best. V. McCall-um, Crosher, Harrison (skip) —6. Remnera: Lennox, Clerk, Gamble, Wooller (skip)—lo. v. I>evonport: Raynes, Brookes, Tapper. Harvey (skip)—l4. Remuera: Barstow, Rev. King Davis, Menzles, Mv.Lfan (skip)—l6. v. Devonport: Stevenson, Orim, Webster, Mitchell (skip) —18. Remuera: Choyce. Mahoney. Rev. Monro, G. Court (skip)- 22, v. Devonport: Gascolgne, Wyatt, Robson, Ballantyne (skip)— a 4. DEVONPORT GREEN. Remuera: Stevenson, tFrater, M. McCallutu. D-IUBWaII (skip)—l6, v. DevonportMyers, R. H. McOallum, Newell Eyre (Sklp)-18. Remuera: Scott. Baker, Hanna, Garland (sklp)-tH, v. Devonport: Krtvkson, Mays. Turner. Harty (skip)—lß. Remuera: Steele, Johnson, Ruddock, Patterson (skip)— 22. v. Devonport: Cooper, Blackburn, Stewart, Colrmau (skip)—Sl. Remuera: Sponner, Somerileld, Heron, Nalder (skip) —26. v. Devonport: Taylor, Fuller, ■Coombes, Broughtou (skip)—ls. Totals: Kcmuera 1(57, Devonport 124. Majority for Remuera 43. ONEHUNGA GREEN. Club Fours. — Whyte, Hills, Quentere, Bradley (skip)— 23, v. Clarke, Bray, Lomas, Wright (skip) -14; Nellson, Noakes, Green, Ellison (skip)—l7. v. Bassett. Ramsay. Clarke, Jenkins (skip)—ls; Haslett, Browne, Anderson, Gallagher (skip)— 24, v. Anderson! Haslett, Clark. E. Wright (skip)—2l; Kintoul. O. J. Browne. Wright. Blvth (sklpl - 19, v. Foote, Cornish, Friar, E. Clark (skip) -19. Championship Pairs.—Rlntoul and A. B Klllson (skip) -IS, v. Phipps and W. T Court (skip)—2s; Mainland and W. Blyth (skip)-14, v. J. Clarkson aud W. Kulght (skip)—l9. i Championship Singles.—G. H. James, 21, !v. E. Clark. 23; E. R. Allen 27, v. A. Kenny, 10. Handicap Singles.—Semi-flnal: W. Appleby, 15, v. £. B. Wright, 19. Consolation Singles.—E. Anderson, 20 v J. Haslett, 30. Innovation Fours.—Cannie, Voz, Applepie. 1. Kneel (sklpl—lD, v. Grasshoppe", I Fleldbrook. McTall. Caught (skip)— 22. DEVONPORT GREEN. Edwin Sltars.—The following is the result of the match for the Edwin Stars, played by the holders (Devonport) and ■challengers (Epsom):--Epsom (challengers) — Weight, Hill, Watklns, Davies (skip)—l6 v. Devonport (holders)— Mnsou, Grattau, Warren. Armstrong (skip)— 23. Championship;—Coltman. 24, v. Coombes, 15; Eyre, 1(1, v. Turner, 15. Handicap Slngles.-WlUianison, 28, v, Valle, 22. OTAHUHU GREEN. Blllson Modal Sinjrles.—Section A: J Y\ ilson, 20, v. Johnstone. 26; Hebden, 16. v. Everitt, 14; HeMeu, 29, v. J, Wilson, 15; Hebden. 24. v. Sheppnrd, 26: .1. Wilson, lU. y Byerltt. IO; Sheppurd. 23. v. Everltt. 37; llarblltt, 13 V. Hebden, 10; Harbutt, 15, v. .1. Wilson. 27; May, 20, v. .1. Wilson, 10. Section lB: Mclndoe. 10, v. Jenkins, 21; Sic ludoe, 16. v. Wills, 28: Wills. 25. v Jenkins 23; Jenkins, 20, v, Whltmore, 30; stnrgessj 111, v. Mclndoe, 20; Wills, 20, v. Sturgess, ST: Jenkins. 19, v. Robinson. 'U; Kobluson, 21, v. Whltmore, 22; Whltmore, 10, v. Mclndoe, 17; Wills, 10, v. Whltmore, 20. Section C: Day, 20, v. T. Wilson, 24; Day. 18. v. Ilemus. 28: Day, 20, v. Harper, 33; Hemns, 24 v. Dalsley, 14; Dalsley, 19, v. Harper, 20; Day, 32, v. Brown, 10; Dalsley, 83, v. l>ay, 24; Brown. 20, v. Dalsley, 41. PAEROA GREEN. (By Telegraph.—Own Correspondent.) PAEROA, Saturday. The following games have been played on the I'aeroa bowling green:— Challenge Medal.—Sadler. 19, v. Allan. 17. A Section Pairs. — Morland and Taylor, 21, v. McWatters and Andrews, 10; Hamilton and Coote, 20, v. Forrest and Olseu, 15. B Section Pairs. —McWatters, jun., and C. Ellis. 34, v. Carder and Gillman 13McWatters, jun., aud C. Ellis, 18, v. Lowe and Matthews, 12. BAL-I,INGER BUCKLES. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) GRETMOUTH, Sunday. Grey beat Hokitika at bowls for the Rnlllnger buckles on Saturday by 87 points. WHOLESALE V. RETAIL. The following will represent Wholesale Soft Goods in die annua! match v. Retail. at Remuera Green. Weduesdav next, 3rd March, piay to start at 2.30 sharp:—Harrison, Oswald. Renwlrk. T. Flnlayson (skip)A. C. Stevenson. Bullock. P. Darby D Lrittlejohn (skip): Buttle, Rees Dickey' _' N. Snedden (skip); W. Darby, C. 11. Jones' 11. Jones, .1. Buchanan (skip).

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Auckland Star, Volume XL, Issue 51, 1 March 1909, Page 7

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BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume XL, Issue 51, 1 March 1909, Page 7

BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume XL, Issue 51, 1 March 1909, Page 7