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To Let. TO LET,' in Ponsonby Road, by Kesorvoir. a Groomed Cottage, with bath room; gaa and water laid on ; lately oeoupled by Dr. Williams.—Apply on prciniaoa. TO LET, a 2 roomed Cottage in Greonetreet, near Convont. Ponaonby : ront, 03. rpO LET, two 5-roomod Iloueoa, fronting _L street j water inside; rent. 10a.—Apply T. Harper, Canada-street, cloae to 11-ttha Fltt-at. TO LET, Large Boarding-houeo in Wol-lesloy-street- Apply to Dowden & Paten, Laod^Agont^l^BO, (Jueon-Btreot. TO LET, furnished, Houso of 8 rooms, Avenue Road, parnirll 1 every con- . venlenee.—Address at Star Ollico. TO LET, 3 roomod Cottago, Grahamstreet.—A. Wright, Toy Shop, Victorialire't West "THO LET, New Cottage, 4 rooms and J. scullery, wator layer) on, Windsor Lane, Parnell.—Apply hoiiFO below. _ rnt) LET, Fernleigh streot, Ponsonby, a JL G roomed House.—Apply J. Citrrlo, Wood--Blroet. _ TO LET, in Qnoon street, a Shop suitable for a Fruiterer or Tobacconist,—Apply to R. Eagleton. j fV\O LET, a 6-roomed House and sculI lery, nt tho top of Franklin Road. Ga» ar.d water laid in.—Apply nextcoor TO LET, 5 Btallod Stable with large dry loft, contro of city.—Apply Brighton House, Abercromblo-street. TO LET. 1 front Rooms (largo), with grateß, near Symonda-etreot, ront sa,—Apply Star Offlcc. TO LET, good .-room llouso noar QllOOll--fctreot; will bo let vory ohonp.—J. Williams, Victoria-street. rriO- LET, in Parnoll, 3 and 4 -roomed I Houaes. reduced to 5s 61, 7a, and 10ri.— Apply T. Hill. Gra'ton Road, Domain-street, TO LET, a 5-roomod Houao, city water laid on ; ront low. —Apply to A. llooy, Princepa-strcet, Surrey Hills._ TO LET, Nowmarkot and Romuora, Houaoa, 5 or 7 rooma.-Apply William Deiinlaon, Nowmarkot. TO LET, a Pleasant Cottage of 4 rooms, good garden, scoria toll: ront, 7b Od.— Apply to Mr Walker, Managor Premier Cosh Store, Karangahapa Road. TO LET, at Ponsonby, n broomed House, with gas, wator, and good garden, p'ensantly bituate., oorner of Do. wood Torraco and Molford-Btreot.— Apply J. Swaloa. TI .6 LET, Part of Shop and Workshop, ______ suit watchmaker or any Unlit buaiiiosa. Ront 7a Od.—Apply Porter & Co., Karangahape Road. . TO LET, a 7-roomod Houso;' good garden ; water supply ; pleasantly situated 15 minutes from Post-ulllce ; rent low.—Mr W. G. llaylo, Mount Edeu liutc. ory. TO LET, 5-roomod Houee, Mount Roakiil Road; protty gordon, collar, Btrtblo, liirgo-llotment —Mrs E. Nulling, btoneleigll. Mount Roakiil Road. TO LET" it comfortable 8-roomod House, nour llobson-atreot i a l-roomcd Cottage ; also, a Bakehouse, modcriito rent.—ll. J. Rlordiin. Ilob-rpn-atreot. TO LET, n 7 and threo 1 roomod Hoiibop, .with evory convenience.—Apply to E. W. Morriaon, behind Bank of Now Zoaland, Karangiihape Road. rv\o LET, in Gladstone Road, Parnoll, J! 1 Roomed Cottage largo garden, alno Btablo and paddock, lG.i por week.—W. ami J. Prater. Lund Agoptn. Queen-street. TO LET, a spacious 7-roomod Houso, Collrge Road, o.poaito Caacado Store.with every convenience bathroom, gaa. water, largo cellar- with copper.—App'y A. Atulerjon. ri.o LET, Valley Road, Mount Edon, B_ Pretty 5-roomcd House, two verandahs, French windows. g'i» and water.- 3rd Houao from Mount Roakiil Roari. TB^O LET, a. 5-roomod House, with sculi Ur--, in flrat clebb repair ; ulao, a roomed Houao.—Apply Jam.B Irvin. top of Wakefield. atnet. rpO LET, in Fornleigh streot, off FrankI lin Road, l-ioonied Hgus •, ovory convenience. Rnt low Apply A. Noill, corner cf Georgo and Rylo-strcot. nr.O~I.ET, "Pon.-iiby Road, Hiop and .1 Dwelling,6 rooms; gnsand water; capital situation : faoiiig down Franklin Roml i rent, I. —D. F. Evanß. Land and Estate Agent^ TO LET, a nico Cottage of 5 room," and pcullbry, giilnd Vietv of harbour, top mid of Franklin Roml. Rent 10a,-Apply W; Johnston. 2nd door abovo. MHO LET, a comfortable i - roomed JL CottiKC, In John atroet, Ponsonby. cily v.ater;ront, Os.—Apply to Mrs Ridling, next f oor. riT\6 LET, a 4-roomed llouso, with seul i. lery, in tirat-claes ronoir ; also. 11 I roomed Houao.—Apply Jau ea Irvin, tip of Wakt fieldstreet. rf\o LET or Loaso, for a term, Dwolling- § 1101180, 7 rooms ; alao. Dwelling, with 1 acros good land, tit for markot gir.'en ; Turka'a Et-tato, Mount Albert.—Apply Connell and Coopor, Vulcan Lane. fllO LET, commodious Shop and Dwelling, I 7 rooms, corner Victoria and Nelson streets; rent. 25a to good tenant. Alao, a smaller Shop, eultablo for frulteror.—Apply Mrs Watson, third shop up, nnO LET, 6-roomed House, large markot _I gurclcn, outhoiiaoß. etc., at Richmond Dye Works,—Apply Edgar, Dyor, Wolloßloy-strect E'lt-t. Alao. New Shop and comfortablo Family Reeiilenco in Wcst-stro-tt. Nowton, off Unaer Ou-oii-strcct.—Apply King'a Arms Hotol, l'ittatreet. fy\o LET, Ruilding of 1G rooma, ShortI land atroet, euitublo for boarding-homo or privato rofirlenco; also, toLot.fl-Rooiiiori House, Grafton Road, anil Dwelling*. Wyndham-stroet. —Apply H. W. Heath, City Chambora, Vulcan LanoTO bo Let, the beginning of September, a 9-roornod Houao, with gas and water, now In tho occupation of J. B. Stonoy, Kaq„ omnlbui pass tlied.or, and threo ininutce f om Mount Kden Railway Station ; two rooms, IS x l.lj ; largo gardon.- Apply G. Blandford, Park Read. TO LET, with purchasing clause, if required, I.elcoßtor Villa, College Road, recently occupied by Dr. Li wis, aud now enlarged and made far moro comfortablo. Soven good sized r joins, batb-rooma, and eovoral small rooms, Vonotian blinds, city water and gas. yard, haa I rick Btablo carrlago-houeo, coalhouae. hayloft, man's room, and fowl houso; healthy position, grand lew of city and harbour, and well flttod for a genteel family. Ront law to a good tenant—Apply to D. F. Evans, Queen si-oet; or J. N, Nowb Id, on proiniaea. rr\ o let', Tho Commodious Residence, with every convenience at proßont occupied by Thomas Ching, Esq., Selwyn Torrace, Parnoll. Grand viow of tho harbour and surroundings. Apply W. Cu'pan, Selwyn Torraco, or Mossrs Hosketh and Richmond. m O LET! TO LET! GLENBURN, PONSONBY. — Villa Residence of 7 rooma, bathroom, etc., fitted with Vonotian Blinds, gas fittings, city wator. cupboards, wardrobo, par.try, kitchen dres6or, etc.. etc. Nico garden, fully Blocked with fruit and ornamental trcoe. Wator trontago. Grand viow of tho harbour; delightful situation. Noxt residence T. Boylan, Eeq. ~ HKPBORN-STRKKT. - Comforiabio Rosldonco of 7 rooms, etc., etc. Nico position ; grand viow of city and harbour. ARNEY ROAD, KEMUURA. — Villa of 8 rooma, Btablo and outliouao, nice garden, grand view. Noar the Beach. ALSO. HOUSES AND SHOPS, ETC., *S UNDEIiNOTKII : Hobaon street. 5 rooma, Viotoria-Btrect, Shop. at 11a &c„ ,15a Cox street, 5 rooms, 9a Nelson street, Shop. Oliphsnt-st., 6 rooms, &c, 17b 6d lis Wyudham-et., Shop, Cuatoms-at, 5 rooms, I &c. Ua High-street. Oflloes, Epaom, 2 acres, for &.-.. leaso Shortlnnd-st.root, Shop Kingaland, 0 rcomß, and Dwelling So., 10a Stanley street. Largo Shelly Beach Road, Store Cottig', 10s Freonians Bay, late Onehunga, 9 rooms, Rob Roy Hotel, large, & c , 20a and commodious Avondtle, 10. acres. building, contaiuing Cottago. &o. about 11 rooms Baytle'd. 5 rooms. &c. Hobßon-B'reet, Large Huekottßt., 5 rooms, Store, latoly oocu & c . J2a plea by Mr Dumpier. Hamilton Road. 0 Ponßonby Riiß_, Shop rooma, (1 ted cup and Dwelling, 6 beards &c. &0.. 18a rooms, &c , &c., 18s Church-Btreot, i rooma, Coilego Road, Cascade j_ o 103 s oro, large comor Oweri'a Road. 7 rooms Shop and Dwelling Pompallier Terrace, 5 Wallaoo-street, handrooms &c. Fomo Villa Residence Onehunga, House, 7 and nico garden rooms, and 1 aero Jermyn-ttreot, Houso, t-arden. &c. 4 rooms. &c. Shelly B^ach Road, Mount Kdrn Road, 6 hand.omo Villa, 5 rconis, &c. rooms, &o„ nioe gar- Limxln-stroet, Cottago, den, £c. 7a 6d Full particulars at oflleo ot D. F, EVANS, House and Land Agent. FFICES to Let, Exchange Chambers, 1-20, Quecn-Ftreot. Tho rooms are lofiy and well lighted ; suitablo for mooiinga, commercial sample-rooms, architects. solieitorß. &c. Terms modoratj.—Apply J. Levy & Son, 120. Quoen st. mo"WORKINC MEN.—Good 4-roomed JL Hoiisos to let in tho heart of tho city ; ront, 6a 6d to 9i 6d por week.—Apply to J. M. Lennox. Estate Agent. MeetingsBOOTMAKERS' Union.-AGeneralMeot-ing will be hold next Monday Evoning in the Temperance Hall, Albert-street,—W. Crabtree. Becrefcary. _____ A UCKLAND SAVINGS BANK. A Meeting of tho Tiuateoa will be held on WEDNESDAY NEXT, the lßt pro_„ at throo o'clock p.m. R. CAMERON. Manager. August 25,i1886. MOANATAIARI EXTENDED GOLDMINING COMPANY (LIMITED). The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the abovenamed Company will be held at the Company's Office, New Zealand Insurance Buildings, Auckland, on TUESDAY, the 31et day of August, 1536, at noon. B_sine_ : 1. To receive the Directors* Report and Balance-sheet. 2. Eleotion of Directors. 3. Eleotion of Auditor. E. MENZIES, Secretary, Auckland, August 21, 1880.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 202, 28 August 1886, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 202, 28 August 1886, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 202, 28 August 1886, Page 7