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"VY" ANTED Friends and Sympithl _rs of Early Closing to assist us in doing a laying trado before SIX O'CLOCK, by making thtir purchases at our Establishment before that hour, U'o have a Largo Stock of Now Gooda in all Departments, and coll at reasonably low pricos FOR CASH. Our Winter Sale is now on, during whioh wo give a CASH DISCOUNT of Three Shillings In the Pound oil regular prloeo. I J. G. BROWN & CO., early closing drapers, Newton axd Ponsonby. W" ANTED,- a Nunioßirl.—Apply Mrs W. C. Probert. Portland-.treot, Parnell. WANTED, by a youni_: man, Private r 1 .essons in Dancing.—Stato terms to A., this office. . WANTED, first class Woman Cock, 31s ; country. Gonerals ; town, suburbs country. Alto want Kmployers for several firstola 83 Servant a nicn| md women. —Mrs Elsmoro'p. WANTED, Garlic in any quantity; Rood pric» givon.—Address C. H. Evans, Jervoisßoad. Ponsiiibv. WANTED, respectable Girl about 15, fond of. children. —Applj- oa Monday lo Mrs C. Kvanß, house next St. Stephen's Church, Jorvols Road. ANTED, at onco, a Kitchen Maid, 12a ; General Servants, 10s ; a Youth to milk. Ba. — Htighton & Co., Land and Labour agents, 101, Queen street, W" ~ANTE-TO L_T, an 8-roomed Houbo at Mount Eden Roai. with nice ilower gardon, wash-house, and coal-bouso ; gas laid on,—Apply R. Given, View Point, Mount Eden. ANTED to Lot, now Fnmily Residence, 9 rooms, nicely situated, gas and water, large allotmont, near tram. Rent low.— G Sago. Emmott-st,, oil' Curran-Bt„ Ponsonby. ANTED to Kout, Houso about 5 rooms. Otahuhu. Onehungnor I'umnuro with two or tnrco iicrea of land; Rontlow.— Ap.lyA.B., Stah office. WANTED K.NO'WN--300lb of Knitting Cotton (Morley's Green Tie and Chadwick B do), and other makos; price Is, regular price 2s 6d por lb,—J. Green, 78. Vlotoria-Btreet, WANTED KNOWN —170 Pairs of Four-button Kid Gloves, at 1b 7. , regular price, 2s 6d and os per pair.—J. Green, 78. Viotoria-strott. ANTED-KNOWN — Dampior'e FurowoU Boot Salo includes Men's Watortlghts. Is, 2. Ud, 5a Ud, and|fii lid pair ; Men's Bluchers, ?a lid and 5s 9d.—At Damplor's OnlyBoot Shop, 114, Victoria-street. W"~ ANTED KNOWN, that W. J. Bull will opon-tho Now Promises, 213, QuoenBtrcot (opposite Mo Arthur's), with a grand Plant of Machinery for tho Manufacture of Cambridge Sausages. Watling Pork, Pies, and Small Goo s, all fresh daily. Prices to suit tho tlmos. Quality guaranteed, . i yjvr ANTED KNOWN. 'that W. GAULT, lCarungahupo Road, has v Lot ot Cheap Children's School Boots, at prices to suit tho timos. Boots for Ladies und Gents, pronounced by hundreds of Corn Martyrs to be tho desiro of thoir Boles, at priceß whioh would mako a miser audio. nrlTO D KNOWN, GEORGE~GREGORY, • PHOTOGRAPHER, Quick's Buildings (Near Throo Lamps), PON SON 11Y ROAD, Ia now producing claaa Photographs at the following rcasonablo ratos-.-O»rto do Vlaito, 10a Gd per doz ; Cabinets, £1 is por doz Children's at ea-mo price. High clans Enamelling at a moderate advance on abovo prices Tramcare pass tho door regularly. \\T~~~A N f E D, LANDLORDS AND OTUEBS TO KNOW THAT WILLIAM CRICK (Late Librarian Supromo Court Library, Auckland), Undertakes Collection of Rente, Kxoontion ot Distreaa Warrants, Possession ucdor Bills of Salo, oto.. with care and despatch. Prompt Bottlemeata a Spcoial Feature. OFFICE: 25. COOMBKS'S ARCADE. HighBtreet. Auckland. \VT ANTED X N O W N. Genera! Bankruptcy In Tailoring Trade. 3UITB to MEASURE at WHOLESALE PRICK Why grumblo about hard times whonyou can get a flrat class perfect-fitting All-wool Trouaer. 10 Moasui. for 10aBd ; Suit, 15a; ColonialTwoed 3ult, 65a; No 1 Fox'a Ser.-o Suit, 555; our vory beet Twrcd Suit, to measure, £3 17a 6d; Twoed Overcoat, 40a; our BestOvorcoat (any material), 00a; Boy's Tweed Suit, from 20s; Hoy's Overcoat, from 203. Please compare abovo with what} 011 have boen paying. Our Sixth Shipment of New Season's Goods Juat oponod. Fit, Stylo, and Workmanship Guaranteed. Note the Address— AUCKLAND CLOTHING CO.. Merchant Tailors, Manufacturers, & Importers, Commkkck ST. (now proniiseß). The Large.i Tailoring Concern In New Zoaland. WANTED KNOWN — Men's Whito Shirts. 2s lid to Ga. Our aa 8d Regattas are by far tho boat value in the city at proacnt. Our own made Working Shirt". 3a ; own ma<lo Under Flannels, 3a; Men's Cardigan Jackets, 4b 61 ; Ilea's J rsoys or Franklin Frocks. Is ; Men's White Molo Trouaor (elightly BOilod). 7s 6d (regular price, 10a 6d); Men's NolßOn Tweed Trouaeis, 6e Ud pair ; Men's Trousors and Vesti 12a; do, Bui table for bakcraand millors, &r„ 17ofkl; Englnof-r's Blue Fl annola, 6a oach; American Dungaree Overalls; Manchester Silk Pocket Uamer-jhiota. Gd each; Norfolk Ties, 8d : Black Burilngtons-, la each: M:ns' Hard Folt Hals, 2a 3d (In small sizes); Mens' Soft Folt from la 9d to 5s Gd oaoh ; Mean' Linen Collars. Gd each ; Colluold do. (Polo Shapes) Is ench ; Mens' Braces from Id to 3s por pair; Bakers' Caps ard Aprons, Mons' Dross .Shirts, Rowing and Cricket Trousers made to order.—J. Gretn, 7f. Victorla-stroet. WANTED KNOWN-Dnmpier's Wonderful Bargains inoludo—Grand Lino of Ladies' Corsota, la 3d; Hair Oil (red), id por bottle; fresh lot of Pomado. 2d tho Pot; Table Cloths, Is _ ; Pictures, 2 for Id ; grand lino of Do., Id oach ; Copy Books, is id per doz.; another lot Clocks (going). 9d ; Clockwork Animals 6d ; Knitting Cotton, Ud per lb ; very largo lin Kettles, 2a 61; Glass CaodL-etioks, Od ; Brass do., 9d; Looking Glaasoa, Id each to Is 3d: Fancy Baskets, 3d ; Peara'.s Soap, Gd tho box of 3 ; Cruets (fltted), Is lid ; Hat Racka, Gd each ; Glass Hhadea. Id to la 6d ; Kits. 3d and «d: Toilet Mats, 3d the aot of 5; Men's Braoes, ojd ; Bplash Mat*. Sid; Steel Flro Irons,-* lid the sot; Iron Star da. Id ; Scrub BruMioa, 4d ; Fancy China Cups and Saucers, 6d; Chairs (carpet aoated). 3a lOd ; Thimbles. 61 por doz.; Knives and Forks (dinner), IM per pair; Memo. Books, 41 the duzenjlion Boilora (7 gallon). 8a Ud ; Fanoy Vegetable Diahtß, Is 4L—At Dampior's Job Shop. Victoria Btreet. W "ANTED, Ladios to know that our prices are the lowost in town for the following articlos :-Long Laco Curtains. 2s Od por pair ; Heavy Honeycomb Quilts, 3yds long, 10s ; Maraalla Quilts. Us, regular price _3s each ; White Twilled Sheeting for slngln bods, lOd and lid; for doublo beds, la Gd per yd ; Ftnlaj's do. 2J wide, Is 6d (finlays Sbw.ings are the boat in the world); Strong Brawi Holland, 5d ; Heavy All-wool Flannels. lOjd yard ; Navy Flannol, for onginoera. 2a Id per yard ; Linen Daulas. 10Jd and Is per yard; Beat Quality Cotton Dlapor, Brt por yard ; Ladies' Underclothing in Best and Cheap Qualities; Haud-made Chlmioes, beautifully embroidered, 63 ; Drawers, from Is 3d per pair ; La'l le*' Corsets, beautifully mou'ded, warranted bono, ss. eizos 19 to „ '. Beat Quality do, slzoa 20 to 28. 5s Gd pi r pair ; the Aomo Corset, in straight Busks, auitablo for riding. 3s 9d. sines 21 to 27 ; Ladies' Clothing, Llttloßoys' Suits, &c„ mad« to order.—J. Green, 78 Victiria-sreet BOA^.D and Residence for two Gentlemen; email family ;no children; terms moderate.—l 2, Grey-streot. BOOTTRBPAiRING COMPANY Solo and Heel Gents' Boots for 2s 6d; Ladies', 1b 9d; and Chlldren'a. from la. Wo are now soiling New Work at Factory Prices. •* ddresa, Grov-st. noxt Knott's, Ironmonger.—A. Walker, Manager. 7"^JLLI_KY MiNAGER-Wanted, a V>/ Thoroughly Practical Man, oompotcnt to tako charge and manage a coal mine in all its d<-tails.—Apply, with copies of toatimonials, and stating salary required, addressed to Carbon, P.O. Box 316. Auokland, FURNISHED APARTMENTS. — Warned, by a Married Couple. Sittingroom and Bedroom, with use of Kitchen in a respectable family : terms muat be moderate.— Address, Maraina, Stak Olflce. IT WILL ALWAYS Stop a Bad Cold in the Head if takon early—Rubini's Special Tincture of Camphor (Marshall's), Is, at all Chemists'. P~A RTNER Wantod to take the place of one retiring, in prosperous financial and Goncral Commission Business ; oxiiorloneo unnecessary; only small capital required.—Apply by letter to A.S., Star Office, TO TAILORS.—A First-class Opening oflff rs to a Praotical Tailor who can Cut Well to enter into an Established Businoss in tho brat part of Auckland. Small cpital roqulred.—Adflrees Confidence. Star OfTico. Tenders. fl IT V OF AUOKLAND. Applications for Tender for Machinery, Plant, etc., is Withdrawn for the Preaont. P. A. PHILIPS. Town Clerk. Town Clerk's Office, August 27,15-6. (767) /BOUNTY OF WAITEMAT-. CONSTRUCTING A BRIDGE OVER THE WAITAKEREI RIVER. Tenders for the above work will be received un to Noon of FRIDAY, the 3rd September n_ t at the County Office. Palmerston Buildings. Auckland, where plans and specifications may be seen. OLIVER MAYS. C'hatrma August 28,_1_-SB. . TO BUILDERS. — Tenders will bo until noonon MONDAY, Septembers for Kr.otion Of a Timber Dwellinghouse at Lake Takapuna North Shore.-Percy Wnlf~An&Jt6ot. 30, Coombes's Arcade. Continued on Flrat rose.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 202, 28 August 1886, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 202, 28 August 1886, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 202, 28 August 1886, Page 7