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For Sale. FOR SALE, Single seated Buggy (nearly new), Horso, nnd Harness, cheap. —W; S. Wilkins-m, GludtUno Eatnte, Mount Alhorti XflOR SALE, a Well-known Hatter's JL Business in Queen-street, doing a good enshtrado. Splendid position. -, Piinclpala only doalt with —Apply Moore, Hatter, Pltt-.treot. 'JTIOR SALE, Gh por aero, 220 ncrcfi,s,'oo_ JD Land in tho Northern Wairoa, adjoining nn Educaiionul iteaervo. Half cash, remainder a* 8 nnr cent.—Hannaford's Agency, 290, Quoetiotroot TjiOK SALE, a o-roomed Cottago, and ._ good allotment; price £280; 10 minntea from Queon-atreot. Also, j aorotown allotment at Kawakawa, Hay ot Islands; price £13.— Apply vailoand Dsugiaa, Shortland street. Xflbß S-LE (Genuine Bargain), Equity S> ot now 5-rcomid House. 10J years to run, with riiiht of removal, for £20 cash. Coat. £270. Mortgaged for £170.—Address "Equity," Newton Post^offlco^ TLHOR SALE, a good Farm of 80 acres, JD f oncod and subdivided, suitable for dairy farm, Houso and outbuildings, etc., and water frOntago; only 0 miles from Queon-atroot Wharf.—Apply to John Soppet. Land Agent, 65, Queon-Btrcet. FOR "POSITIVE SALE, a Really Good Farm, of 177 Acres, nearly oil fonccd, a good Hoii'.o and numerous outbulldinga, auitfor a dairy farm, a beautiful stream of water, and only i milo from railway station, 14 miloa from town ; by good road—Apply to John Soppott, Hooeoand Land Agent, 65, Queec-at-eeot. Tp 0 R SALE, OR TO LET, Good Farm, 231 acros, all in grass, well fenced, and In first-rate order jlO paddocks; convenient house, et_. Fi R. CLAUDE, Shortland-streot. A BARGAIN. — Owner leaving for Nuropc—For Absolute Salo, New House of 5 rooms, water laid iusldo, iron roof. Lcomlngtot range ; land. } acre, voloanic, love ; largo stable, coal and lircwoo'l ahods.-Geo. llnil.y. 7th Houao l'roapect Terrace, Mount Rosklll Road. _. . , \ N EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY j_L offers for Purchasing a Well-established Retail Fumiabing Business, in b„t thoroughfaro ; o wnor leaving town. As this is a genuino cash buaines", and capable of groat extension, It la a chiinco aoldom met with.—For particulars, ote., apply Argo. Stah Oflloa. BIRKENHEAD, near the Wharf, a Small Villa. Deposit, £50. Terma. £1 Is por weok, for ten years.—Apply to W. F. Hammond, Southßitiah Chambers. (■.LEAKING OUT first class English J Lover Watches at £3 l.'s. Now ia the tin c to (tot a good watch.—Jaa. Adams, Watchmaker. Victoria streot. _ TrVIGU'EKY 'BUSINESS FOR SALE. Tho Undorsigncd havo for Salo, on onsy terms, a good remunerative Drapery Business, in ono of the ,boßt towns ot tho Waikato. Thia is a llrstriito opening for a Married Couple both of whom understand tho trado. Apply MACKY, LOGAN. STKEN & CO, Darby and Elliott Stroota. MACHINES. — For Sale, 2 first class Sewing Machines ; band and troadle, Dew ; mint be Hol.l : owner loavinv co.oniea.— Apply K. C. Guildford, top of Uuion-stroet, I oppo. ite Kennard'a. WNER GOING TO ENGLAND, therefore Soiling Now and Well-built Houso of 0 rcoma. situate at Devonport, al otiiiein. having 40ft, x 122 ft. deep, rhr (Including gas stovo) und water laid on, full.v drainod. I'rieo, £ 125. or ofl'er.—Apply, Immediately, J. It, Itandcraon, Auctioneer 1> IDING~JIaro for Sale, Cheap ; four Vi yeara old, quiet, and guaranteed.—For address apply Stah Ofllce. _ meT MANUFACTURE^ & OTHERS. _ —For absolute eale, eh -ap, ownor leaving Auckland, nearly new. 8-Roimod Houao, bathronni, cont-orvatoVy ; also, a Factory, containing I roo up, cooper boiler, and Black ; Allotment, two frontngcH. 132 fo t eaob by 215 deep.—Apply LIuJ.. i-t.ik Oflioe. . rjn'ilE Morticing Machine by F. W Roy_fl noldi and Co on vlow at Arthur's Mart, ; will bo cold for £11 to effect, a clearance. _ JR. RANDERSON, Auctioneer. • 15 minutes from (iueen-stroet. eoinfoitablo S-roomcd Houao and aculiery. Muto riof, tt-ai r laid on. drained into Bower, t-1 otmciit 33 •x I'll; Hituato Newton Road, near reievoir. Prico. J2275: very cheap —Apply J. 11. RnndurU in, AflctiO"oer, poolal bargains in city nnd suburban proiiortiea. I have an improving demand for suburban properties. Vendors please send detaila : tnuut bo cheap HOUrfKS ••-••ill-. '.' to 10 acres volcanic land for Lease (rent 2'ra upwards) with purchasing clause. I.IYHItY STABLK fur I .law, £2 rental, very cheap, 18 t-t ill stable, 2 loian boxes, largo carriage I ou-o and feed room, cflloea. waior null gaa laid on, ceutral and convenloi.t; alio. Flirt-clogs Dry Storoa and Premlaca for Otlli'os or Tiailes. well situated and cheap. KEMUKRA—- Acres Splendid Land, woll Improved, grand aituation, flno Largo Houeo, ro bo sold a decided bargain. £1,000 reduction iv prico. J. R. RANDKRSON, Auctioneer, Gazette in Bankruptcy. c*_fy_^. IN THE COURT OF BANKRUPTCY HOLDKN AT AUCKLAND. In tho matter of tho Bankruptcy Act. 1883. and tho amendments thereof, and of tho Bankruptcy Ot OIIAItLEH HKNRV H-MI'HRKYS, late of Te Wairoa, in Now Zealand, Stor.keopor, a Debtor. Notice Is heicby given that tho abovomontionod Court has appointed THURSDAY, tho 10:h day or Septembor. 1856, at tho hour of cloven o'clock in mo forenoon, or as poon thereafter as counsel cm bo hoard, to hear tho application "f tho abovenamed Charles Henry Humphreys for an Order of Discharge under the provnioaß of the said AcDated thia 28th day of August, 1830. CHAS. HENRY HUMPHREYS. H.OMBS & Gkoiioe, Shortland street, Solicitors f\nMlioßankrupt. T N BANKRUPT C Y. IN TUB COURT ~C)F BANKRUPTCY HOLDKN AT AUCKLAND. In tho matter of "The Bankruptcy Aot, 1833," and the amendments thereof, and ot tho Bankruptcy ot John Henry -Thomson, of Devonport, Butcher, a Bankrupt. Notice is n_it-iiv given that tho flrat General Meeting of Creditors will De hold at my i.fllco Stab Buildings. Fort-street. In tho City of Auckland, on FRIDAY, tho 3rd dny ot September, 1886, at 11 o'clock. Proof of debt muat be furnlahed prior to or at tho meeting. Proxy forma oan bo ob tainert at my office. No proof can be admitted, except undor ordor of tho Court, aftor tho expiration of four montha from thn dato of tho flflng of tho petition. Aocounts aont in unsupported hy proof of debt as prescribed by law cannot bo rooognlacd. Dated this 27th day of Augußt, 1886. JOHN LAWSON, I O-iolal Assignoe. G. N. Rhassey, Quoon-Btrect, Solioitor for the Bankrupt. Volunteer Notices. M-IMJ-.-«™«-^__*J'l«l» l!^"""''.»ll»"'1'"'"»»l '»*'ILMnI AUCKLAND VETERAN RIFLE VOLUNTEERS. Membcrß aro requested-to Parade ia Full Drean, with Sldo Arms, at the Drill-shod, at 2 p.m. TO-MORROW (_nday), tho 29ih instant, to pay the last tributo of respect to tbe lite Hcrseant-Mnjor Hazell, of the Auckland Royal Lnncora. W. H. HAZARD, Acting-Captain. m R O O P ORDER. AUCKLAND ROYAL LANCERS. Tim Troop will Parade on SUNDAY, tho 29th in-t. at Wellesley-i treet. at 2 p.m. sharp, to attend tho Funeral of the late Sergeant-major, George. Hazell. Dismounted, with side at ma aud accoutre-.ent6, without lances. D. KEMPT, . Acting Captain, AUCKLAND CAVALRY-VOLUN TKEI-3.-A TROOP. In accordance with instructions irom tho OiHoer commanding tho Distiiot, Members ot tho abovo Troop aro ordered to roturn all Government property In their possession, nnd pay all Troop dues to Lloutenant Johnson, at tho Ofilco of the Secretary, 116. (Juoon-Etreet. on or beforo SATURDAY, September 1. or proceedings will bo takon for recovery of the same. C. R. JOHNSON. pTO NSONBY RIFLES. Inspection Parade on MONDAY Night in the Lrill-Bhcdat7.3o. D. B. MCDONALD, Captain. ■\r EWT O N RIFLES. _1_ Member, aro hereby reminded of the Spociallnspectlon Parade on MONDAY next, at 7.30 p m., in Drill shed. Attention is also directed to Piatrict Ordors re Funeral of the late Sorgeant-Mejor Hazell, JOHN BIRNIE, Captain. £«-| CC/k —Good Investment for any 3&J.Ov person with thia amount,—Apply P. 8.. P.0._80_^216; WOLFE'S SCHNAPPS would not have stood a test of actual trial for half a century were it not an exoellent spirit. •' npHE WORKING MEN'S FRIEND, I or Under the Starlight." last appoaranoe of Mr Dorgorville. See N.Z. I_l_._rat_d Tit Bit. THE POPULAR KAWAU WALTZ, by Mi.s Beatrice Radford, can bo obtained at Eady'B and Mears'BMußio Warehouse, Queenstreet. Price, 2s. •• " SUBURBAN AGENCIES. The following Flim. have been authorised to receive CASH ADVERTISEMENTS for the Stab in the euburbanamed: NEWMARKET—E. Pouter & Co.. Iron mongers; Mr Thornton. PARNELL—J. W. Robinson. Chemist KARANGAHAPE ROAD—E. Porter & CO., Ironmongers PONSONBY—E. &A. Jones, Ironmongers DEVONPORT — Lilewal-, Bros., Post-O-Qce ONEHUNG4.-MR Sowbrbt, Queon-6tr»et,

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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 202, 28 August 1886, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 202, 28 August 1886, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 202, 28 August 1886, Page 7