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A telegram received this aftor'noon from Wellington eaya it is not oxpectod that the election to the House of Representatives to fill the racanc: oa occuring through the recent appointments to the Legislative Council will take place under six weoks.

Seven tenders have been rocoived by tho Freezing Company for eupplyof coal. Tho directors meet to-morrow when they will decide which to accept.

The charge of attempted murder against the man Holland has fallon through. Tho prisoner was brought up at tho Police Court this morning, and charged with stabbing Mrs Olsen with attempt to murder. Sergeant Pratt said tho prisonoi had been arrested on the complaint of tho woman horself, and, as sho had been sont to tho Hospital for treatment, prisoner was remanded. Tho complainant had now practically recovered, but the o.vplanation of tho mattor differed materially from tho story which she had previously told. She now said that tho prisonor struck her, and that she fell on tho brokon jug which was on tho floor of the room, this causing tho injuries which Holland was charged with having inflicted. There was no ono in tho houso at the timo but the man Holland and tho woman Olson. Tho woman's recollection of tho occurrence was very clouded, and as tho proeocution doponded cntiroly upon hor statement, ho would not prococd with tho caso. Tho chargo of attempted tnurdor was then withdrawn, and tho prisonor punished for drunkenness on tho day of his arrost. We understand that tho first stopf|nonsequent upon tho appointment of Colonol Lyons to tho command of tho Volunteer force of tho Auckland provincial dintrict will bo to require all compunies to be made up to their full numerical strength—63 men. At present some companies consist of not more than 40 men. Tenders for offices at Whangaroi for \V. Thorne, Esq., hava been rocoivod by Mr Bell, as follows :—II. Kay, ;C9lO ;T. 8011, £880; J. B. Mell, £775 ; Rose and Clarko, £772; John Eulo, £691; T. Machin and Co., £686; Koyes Bros., £645; Joseph Wood, £629; Wrigley and Handcock, £608 (accepted); E. VV. Morey, £452. Quantities are prepared by Mr W. J. Trigg. The following memorial has been signed by the holders of about 10,000 shares in theCambriaGoldminingCompany (Limited), including somo of tho largest shareholders: —"The Chairman of tho Board of Directors. The undersigned shareholders in the Cambria Goldminiog Company (Limited), desire to express their opinion that amalgamation with the Moanataiari Extended Company is unnecessary, and that bofore any proposal to absorb the litter company is entertained, the feeling of the Cambria shareholders should be ascertained." Since the last meeting of the City Council the following cases of infectious disease have been reported to the City Sanitary Inspector :—One case of typhoid fever and one case of diphtheria in Ponsonby, one case of diphtheria in Karangahape Ward, and one case of typhoid in the South Ward. Wo learn on good authority that one of the propesals of the Government in connection with tho defence of the colony is tho arming of all the Volunteer Corps with Martini-Henry rifles. The net proceeds for tho concert on behalf of St. Peter's Church, Takapuna, are £21 17s, The expenses were very light, amounting only to £7 14s 6d, including charter of steamer. Of tho gross proceeds—£29 11s 6d—£2o 15s were realised from concort tickets, £5 19s from steamboat fares, and £2 19s (id from donations. The final deposit in connection with the walking match between Raynor and McCune was placed in the hands of Mr Abbott on Monday, the total stakes being £50 each. Tho match commences on Saturday at 11 a.m., in the Theatre Royal. Both men appear to be well supported, and the contest will probably be a close one. Two young men in an excessively jolly mood were doing a little " circus business 5' in a spring trap about 5 last evening. Going through Freeman's Bay the vehicle suddenly tilted, through one wheel going over a rise in the ground, and both men fell to the ground " all of a heap." A crowd speedily collected under the impression that a serious accident had occurred, and the police were also represented, but the injuries sustained by the men were confined to a few scratches and a general shaking up. They were, consequently, allowed to go free of both law and medicine, both of which, at one time, seemed requisite to. their situation. So successful have been the " persenallyconducted " trips to Te Aroha via Thames, organised by Mr A. K. Murray for ;the Easter holidays, that a continuance of them is promised. Daily until further notice therefore, tourirts to the picturesque health resort, and the auriferous hills of the Upper Thames2w'H be conveyed'by steamer from Auckland, at the low return fare of £1. No doubt many will avail themselves of these cheap excursion arrangements. A sweepstake sailing x-ace has been arranged to take place on Saturday afternoon between the open Bailing boats Lance, Dot, Glance, Ida, and Kojnp]

Only one protest was received by the l'onsonby Regatta Committee. _It was against tho Magic receiving the prilio in the raco for yachts four tons and under, on tlio ground that she Was over that moasuro; ment. Tho protest h&3 lidon sustained, and tho rtw!; prlzo goes to tho Manola and tho socond to tho Ethol 4 Prizes won at tho Kogiitta will bo paid ovor at the Ponsonby Club Hotel to-morrow evening.

Two men, mulled Caso and Grigg, woro driving rapidly over tho Patteson-stroot reclamation in Freeman's Bay last evening, when thoir vehicle suddonly came to grief and sustained damage to tho extent of about £ 10. It was believed that tho men woro hurt, and Dr. Hooper was sfint for. Ho v/as soo*\ in attendance, and found that tho men were suffering moro from the effects of strong drink than from any injury caused by the accident. Constable Bernard accordingly arrested them both fordrunkennoss, and tho chargo of boing intoxicated whilst in charge of a vehiclo was also proorrcd against Origg.

Another successful performance of " Fun on tho Briatol" waa givon last evening boforo a eood lioubo. This is tho last wook of (ho season, and those who can enjoy a «ood laugh should not nogloct to seo this highly amusing ontertiiinmont. Those wishing to see this clever Company should remombor that only four more performances aro to bo givon.

Kyber Pass Road was tho scene of aevornl nccidonta on tho roturn drivofrom tho races on Monday evening. Tho thoroughfare is an exceptionally narrow ono, seeing that it is the main outlet from tho city, and on tho occasion in question it was jaminod with vehicles, and for a time tho wildest confusion prevailed. A 'bus collided with a buggy, in which woro two young men, but fortunately tho damago was confined to tho breaking of tho shafts of tho lighter vehicle. The springs of a 'bus gavo way, and addod to tho general excitement.

Dr. Murray Moore, who has just returned from a visitlto To Aroha hot japrings, considers that tho waters aro vory effective for the euro of rhoumatism and certain forms of paralysis. Theso springs, from thoir accessibility, aro no doubt destined to become the contro of a popular sanatorium.

Only four candidates, and these of the mnsculino "persuasion," havo ottbrod themselves for tho University College Entrance Scholarships. Tho examination, which commenced yostorday, goos on daliy until Friday, tho subjects being Latin, Mathomatics, Chomistry, English, Biology, and Physics.

Thoro is to bo another choap excursion by mil to tho Waikato on Wednesday next, on tho occasion of Cambridgo racoa. Our correspondent, tolographing to day, saya :— Tho stewards of the Jockey Club mot last night in conforonco with Air Hudson re special train for the Racos. It waa docidod to guarantee CIOO. Tho train is to leavo Auckland at 7 a.m. on tho 15tb, arriving at 12.30. PassonKors will bo carried at oxcursion rates, and Bpocial ticketa aro to bo issued available for return on tho 17th. Tho mooting promises to bo a great success.

Yostorday afternoon one of Mr A. J. Edmonds'sdrays waa procoodingalong Victoriastreet at its intersection by Nelson-atreot when the axle broke and the vehicle suddenly collapsed. Tho driver was not hurt. About the same time, a horso attached to Messrs Branston and Fostor's spring enrt bolted in Albort-strcot, and carried away ono of tho posts of Messrs Sibbin and Brown's vorandah.

A doublo orror was made in the case of Goorgo Head, charged witli stealing ctmbs, brushes, &c., in tho City Markot. I'loacl boro an indifferent character, but tho police had got tho wrong Head, tho real Himon Pure boing a brother. In tho noxt place, tho owner of tho proporty waa Richard Walkor, carpontor, and not John Walker, florist. Tho ownor desires to say that as tho things woro roturnod to him, ho did not wMI to pross tho chargo.

Tenders wero rocoivod to-day by Messrs Stowart and Huntor for tho erection of 49 high and low sido trucks, for tho Thames Valley Railway. Messrs Hogg and MoPhorson wero tho successful tenderers at £602;

l'rofossor Hugo has roturnod to Auckland from tho Thames, whoro lio gavo a vory Buccostiful coi rso of loctures. It if hia intention, shortly to givo lectures on " Physiognomy " in various suburban districts.

Tho Auckland Liberal Association have arranged a nico littlo programmo for tho Premier on Saturday. A break and four gioya will leavo tho Albert Hotel at 10 a.m. with Mr Stout nnd sovoral members of the Association. Avondale, Ep-om, Romuora, and Onohunga will ba visited, lunch being providod at Miss Lundon's hotol at tho latter placo. Aftor lunch thoy will proceed to Otahuhu, returning to town through Romuora, Now* markoS and Parnoll. Mr Blair, of the Public Works Dopartmont, and their Worships the Mayors of Auckland and Parnoll have been invited to attond, and have signified their intention of boing present.

Mr Young's class for olomontary instruction in singing meota to night in tho Wel-losloy-streot School, it having in yesterday'a issue boon erroneously intimated.

At tho mooting of tho Loyal Dolta I.odgo of Oddfellows, Manchester Unity, hold at llolcnsvillo last night, nino of tho brothron were rained to a highor degroo by !'.(!.M. Matthews, who had boon accompanied from town by D.U.M. Connolly and P. I*.CM. Syiiin.

Shortly after nine o'clock last evening a firo broko out in a houso on finol Koad, nonr tho Mount Edon Gaol. Tho houso was owned and occupied by Mis Johanna Grace. Slio was away during tho day on a visit to a marriod dnughtor at Ellorslio. Hor son had nindo his own lea and gone to bowmarket, leaving tho kettle on Iho firo no that ho might have something warm for uuppor. The firo was discovered by a small boy. At this timo the firo bad obtained a strong hold on the building, and though tho neighbours burst opon tho door, the only artiolo thoy succeeded in paving was a chest of drawers. The adjoining shop on tho eastorn side, ownod by Mrs Grace and occupied by Mr Long, was considerably damagod, and tho houso on the wostern sido, occupied by Mr C. Benjamin, and owned by Mr Barkor, was also gutted before the Kyber Pass branch of tho Auckland Fire Brigade, which arrivod early on the scone, were able to got tho conflagration suppressed. Mis Grace's property was insured for £150 in the Imperial Office, and she had also a policy of £50 on the furniture.

The diamond wedding of a remarkable couple (Rev. Adam Turnbull, M.D., and Mrs Turnbull) was recently celebrated in Tasmania. They were marriod in Edinburgh, in Octobor, 1824, and emigrated to Hobart in tho same year. Dr. Turnbull, after pursuing his profession for some timo, became Private Socretary to the Govornor of Tasmania, which poßt ho hold for many years. He afterwards held various offices under the Government, including that of Colonial Secretary, Colonial Treasurer, Collector of Customs, Chairman of Land Board, Clork of the Legislative Council, and member of tho Upper House. Having taken a stand against transportation, he lost favour with tho then Govornor, Sir William Dcnison, and so tho current of his life was changed. He had long sought to servo in the ministry of the Gospel, and was, in 1854, ordained over tho Presbyterian congregation at Campbeltown, Tasmania, whoro he laboured unwoariedly till 1875, when he retired. Tasmania was never more favoured than in this hor Stateman minister. Mrs Turnbull was tho daughter of Mr William Young, W.S., Edinburgh, and is grand-aunt to Lord Young. Dr. Turnbull in a linoal descendant of Sir James Sandilands, a coadjutor of John Knox.

For gome time past, dissatisfaction has boon folt among the ratepayers of Waitakeroi East and adjacent portions of Waitemata County at the manner in which county affairs were managed, and this has culminated in a movement for separation. Last night a meeting was held at Henderaon, comprising ratepayers from Waitakerei East, Waikomiti, and other places, and forming the largest and most influential meeting ever held in the district. Mr John McElwain presided, and stated the object for which the meeting had been convened. In a brief and practical speech Mr N. G. Lennox moved that the districts represented secede from the County of Waitemata and seek annexation to the County of Eden. Mr Roberts proposed as an amendment that matters remain as at present. Considerable discussion ensued, the pros and cons of the question being fully debated before the vote was taken. On the amendment being put, less than a dozen hands were held up for it, while the motion was greeted with low cheers and a perfect forest of hands. The motion was therefore declared carried, and a committee was appointed to take the requisite steps for carrying out the expressed wish of the meeting. The proceedings closed by a call for "throe cheors for Tolo and Edon," which was heartily responded to.

The Minister of Public Works is now on his way to Auckland. Ho goes overland from Wellington to New Plymouth, and will be detained for sofno time inspecting the route of the trunk railway.

The anniversary of the Pitt-street VVesleyan Sunday-school was celebrated by a soiree at the Pitt-street Church lost evonine> At the public meeting afterwards) Mr Wythie presided. Speethes w&re d«liverod by the Chairman, the Revs. Messrs A. Reid, T. Spurgeon, J. Robertson, M.A., and Carr. An interesting feature of the procoodings was tho presentation to the Rev. A. Reid of a horse, buggy, and harness, subscribed for by a number of friends in and about Auckland, on the occasion of the completion of his throe year's term at Pittstreet church; A number of musical selections wore rendered by tho choir, tho singing being much abovo the average. Tho annual report allowed that tho rJast year had been ono of progress. It showed the number of scholars ou the roll was 491—240 males and 251 females. Tho number for the previous year waa 484. The average attendance was 321, as against 285 during the previous year. The highest attendance during the year was 359. The library containod 629 volumos. Tho balance-sheet ehowod :—Amount of collections, £35 6s j contributions and proceeds of tea, £47 16s ; proceeds of entertainment, £4 His (id; collodion for library, £4 13a lOd ; receipts on festival account, £28 7s 9d; sundries, 4s 7d ; Home Mission contributions, £5065; foreign missions, £1 11s i)d; Dr. Stevenson's houso, £30 ; sale of books, £19 Is : total, £204 Is 6d; to balance, £10 17s 10—£214 19s 4d. Expenditure: By balance, £31 Ga ; printing and advertising, £13 8s 6d ; ton meeting expenses, £6 12s Cd ; crpekory, £1 ;, books from Sunday School Union, £34 4d; books from Bib!e Society, £8 14s 6d ; sundrios, £2 2s Cd ; festival expenses, £27 4s 9d j Homo Mission Treasurer, £50 6s; Dr. Stevonson'B house, £30; banner, £8 12s Gd : Total, £214 19s 4d. We must not forgot to mention that tho church was noatly decorated with the graceful fronds of the nikau, nnd feathery masses of toi grass, with wreaths of the twining plante, festooned tho pillars.

A large consignment of watches, jowellory, plated and silver ware Is announced for sale to-morrow by Messrs Hamuol Coohrano and Sons. Tola ia a specially favourable opportunity (or procuring articles of this description. Tho roport of tho Female Priaon Gate Brlgado, Women'B Homo and Night Kufugo for wook onding sth April states tbo following particulars :—Received Into Home. 3; loft the Homo, 2; number of beds given, 38 :numbor of meals supplied, 123; donations in bread, Mrs llowlo, Wnddcll, Toaedalo, and Kvans; Meat, Hulmo, Garratt, Woods, and Kady; donations in clothIng, Mrs Bamford.

Sewing Machines. -D. 8. Chambers, 20, Quoan-Btroel,-{ADVT.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 76, 8 April 1885, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 76, 8 April 1885, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 76, 8 April 1885, Page 2