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WANTED, a jrood General Servant.Apply to Mrs B. J. Yatos, Rutlau ~ TIOII3O, Parnell. i- TTrANTED, n small, pl.iin, Room for > V flinglo man.—Address •'Koom," Sta I Otßco. a VITANTED to Rent, in or near Town, !• VV 2or 3-rooraod Cottago, or 2 Rooms.Address, "Alpha," Star Ofllce. c \\j ANTED, Situation as Lady's Help c '. VV Houaemald.—" May," Stah Offlco. ANTED, Striker. — Apply Coueir aii£Atkln^_ - TIT ANTED, by Marriod Couplo (nei 8 VV arrivals), managomont of Dairy Fan r and Poultry, or any place Of trust.—Apply F. J Star Ofllco. r "YITANTED, Tenders for putting a I)riv VV in.—For pnrlloulavs, apply at tho olllc of tho Auckland Tallow Co.. Durham-street. WANTED, a good Man for tho Moun Kdoii Gravel Pit; quarryinan prcforred —T. Aaher, NowtoP. TTSTANTED TO PURCHASE, a Double VV souted Buggy, with or without pole.N'uwton Livery and JJait Htnblos, eornor Uppo Quuon-Btreot and Karangahape Itond. ANTED, a Rood Gonoral Sorvant.Apply Ulrs Uodgo, Prince of Walo llotol, Hobscm-slrcot. _ _ WANTED, a Man to attend to horsi and trap.—Apply Monday, 9 a.m., to S Jiickson, jiinr.. ijuoon-atreot. Auokland. \)Jr'ANTE[) f 38 llorsos and Drays foi Vt oxoavatino;; also, 25 good Pick and Shove Men. — Apply immediately, Healy and Mo Carthv, Ireland-streot, Frcomun's Bay; or a tho job, near Star Hotel, Kauangahapo Road, w Monday morniug. WANTED, Barmaid, immodiatolj (country hotel); also, Housemaid anc Waitress, acoustomed to tho bar.—Mrs Whit combe's Registry, noxtMarkot. WANTED, an nctivo Man with £15 tc £30 capital; good investment.—Applj "Invostment,"STAHOfll(% WANTED, "Barinnn and Waiter, 30?, Barmaid, Female Cook, 255, Cooks, and numbors of Gononils and Girlp.—Mrs Whit combe's Registry, noxt the Market. ANTED, a First-claps Man for Moulding Machine. — Apply Now Zoaland Timber Company (Llmitod). WANTED, a good Laundrosß j roferenoes required. — Apply Govornor Browne Hotel. "\\TANTED, Pianoforte Instruction fof VV two Pupils.-Apply, stating terms, to '^Plano." ofllco of jbis papor. W~ ANTED—Don't uso Ditchons's Blood Restorer only as a last rCßOureo. It's death on rhouinatlsni. WANTED KNOWN-The Noptuno reengogod for Sunday Exoursion. See advertisement olnowhoro. ANTED, 3 rospectablo Lads accustolned to the butchering business; also respectable Young Girl, with references.— Apply Mr T. Waltor, Butchor, Karangalmpo Road; WANTED KNOWN, that I am selling Ladioß' Opus and Dolmans at half the wholfßdo pricos.—J. H. Hannan, VlotoriiiBtreot. ofl'Hbbson-Btreet. WANTED KNOWN, Cheap Drapery, Clothing. Millinery, and Dresses; Comlotition defied [ come nnd BCO.—J, H. Hannan, yictorla-Btroot.jJff Hobßon-ntreot. WANTED,- the public to call and inBpoct our stock of Prints, at 3}d and 3]d, Himnkon Hroß., Draperaand Clothiers, 300 and Hv2, Upper Qucon-Btroet. ~\\f ANTED KNOWN, wo (,'ivo good ¥ T vnluo in Drapery and Olothink' for HiMuly MomI}'.—llannnen1}'.—llannnen l)ra», Ilmperfl and (.lolhlern, TO) Hiid.'iO)!. Upper Queen-stroot. WANTED KNOWN, wo have just opened n luriro assortment of Gentß FeU Hats.-llannkcn 1Ja03., 300 and .'lO2, Upper Queen street. _ W" ANTED KNOWN. — Soiling Oil' Selling Oil. — A seasonable tine for a Cheap Sale. — W. H. Dampiku'h Annual Cheap Sale is Now Going On, Groat Slaughter, at his Hoot Shop. Victoria-Btroet, nnd will continue for Six Weeks, whon tho wholo Stock will bo olferod to the public at prices which will astonish them. In order to curtail tho expenso of advertising I will only mention a fow lines :— Ladies' Imitation Kid, elastic-Hides, reduced to 4a and is 6d; superior real ditto, reduced to 6s (id to 6s. 7s, Ss, 8s CA— all roduced in price; Ladios' Prunollas with high heels, roducod to 4s. 4s od, Is ad, 5s 3d. 6s, 63 fid, and 7s-all reduced in price; a grand lino of Ladies' Dancing and Evening Bhoos roduced to 4s Od ; a oheap lino of Ladlaß' White Marsolla Boots, high hoolß, 3s, l'B and 3's 2s per pair; Ladies'Auckland-ma/leCarpet Slippers, reduced to 2s 9d: superior Morocco, lined with lambskin, 2s 9d: Gents' ulee U'Rht Patont Slippers, roducod to 2s Gd. A large lot of Buckle Shoes wo are determined to clear out from 15 to 20 por cent, under cost, 6 to 9, 2s; 10 to 13, 2a Gd. A great many linos In Children'^ wo will 801 l rejanllessof coat. Infanta' Slippors, fl|tl per pair; jace-ups, 4 to 0, Is; Jnfanta" X S., 2 to 5.1a 3d; InfimW Fnlt Laco-ups, W anfl la per puir. A very nice Derby Shoo (Ladios'l, Prunella, high heels, rdduoed to 5a od| &a, &cj As we have a splondid assortment to choose from, the publio would do woll to call oarly Rivl soouro the best at Dumpler's Boot Shop. Victoria-Btreet i opan from Bin the mornintf tUI 0. at nfeht. ' - Aif't gj^pff if Q w n. VALENTINE "pItESENTATIQNg Will npvy be occupying thg msii(i3 ol our Young Friends, and, tig nlftpo in Auckland contains such a VARIETY OP LOVELY GOODS From whicn a Selection can bo raadu iw GOODSQN'a GOODSON'B , . LONDON London ARCADE. AROADE. A Splendid Aflaortmontof tho Latest Novelties ?':■■ :i , ;-ln ■ ■-'¥--■ 1: "THK OIWHODO^ Y^?W NE>". Which form a suitabla'aocompahlmcnt to the more utefuluiid more hiKbly abprtteiaWd prcsenUow'flo fidnfrdj&^ia,3i^f«3^ \|/;AWFEH) KKOWN -Ladies' Kid TT Boots, soiled, 2a 6d and 3s 6djior pair, are included In the Selling Off at uamplor's Boot Shop, Viotorlu etri'et. Open during tho sale from 8 n.M to 9 p.m. FAR~M WANTED, to" I,\ujf oy. Usie, sultabla for Dalrj on Fruit-growing.— Addrosq, wijh' full Inarticulara. to "J.1i.," Nplßoa,"Meiate 8c Co., Quocn-fltreot, Auokland. TO" PHOTOQRAPHERS;--Wantedrto Buy, a Seodfld-hand Whble Plate Camdra ud Lons for views: a'cahihet portrait lens; ark tent; rolling press or burnisher.—Apply by. letter, giving description aad, nrjoo, to ",Pi\oto,'i oareStahOmcc. ";*'■'. .'•'■''^ ;..'J, •». * ';i' ; mO BUTCHERS(-wSt«l a Situation l(o t.ueu'd'ft shop and keen tho: books and ptountS;—Addieaa'.' Butoher," Stak Oflloo. TO GARDI;NI!IS.--AVontodi a Person to take Manure twice weakly from Newon Livery and Halt Stables, corner UpperQuoen^street and garangahape Road. *■'■ TO T"AlLOWESSEß.^Wantodi_im. mediately. Booa Trttsoica «nd Vest Hao,d^ i ono able to work machine prererred (also Girls to learn trade--;^ LaUin, Qllmorb's Prqmisos (sidp op^ra.noet.TJpp'er Bymonds.»trpet» ■ '' ' TO CANVASSERS FOR LIFE AND,. ACCIDENT'INSURANCE. -The Kquitablo Insurance Association of Kow Zealand havo Rn Oponlng for an pxnotiancefl Agent. Ltboral Terms.—Apply at t,h^i Oiftfip, Fort-street, or Box 12.), Aucklanrt. ■.••■■■ to un TO I/ET, extensive storngo and twostalled Stablo in Customs street West.— T. F. Rcddy, Auckland Fish Company, Cuetonißstreet Wi.aY. m 207, Queen-street. A"~\ii LET, Shop and Dwelling, eornor . Pi«f3!i-utvi!et and l'oneonby Hoart; pood stand for fancy goods—Apply Dntton Bros. rO LET, a Shop nnd Dwelling ; rent low.—Apply next door J. Roberta, Grooor, Ponsonby Road. ryiO LET, Syißondij-otreet, JO-roomed JL. Houbo ; good view, water laid on; ront, 2ia—Apply Robertson and MaxweJl. TO LET, Cottage of $ r^o^is, \q side, off Bjmonds-Btreo't, apnosife 'p»»--RowV-AppV' P», the 18^ « t*B \, r" Bn.r^lgh-atrcet^V^' . . —Sorter, 1 wp"'- .' ..ur-stieet, Ponsonby), con- \£* Houao,Crooms; bathroom, soul—it ; Leamington range; gas and water; grand viow: rent low.—Mr Drummond, Wood-street. TO LET, with immediate possession, House of 6 Rooms and Bath-room, situated in Upper Pitt-stroet; gas and water laid on; an adjoining stable, hay-loft, and coach-house could bo hod if required.—Apply to tho New Zoaland Ilou3e, Land, and Estate Agency, Highstreet/_^' : -■' TO LET, Lineoln-Btreet,' Ponsonby, New i roomed House, scullery: wator laid in kitchen; rent, low.—Apply. G. Partington, Un-«)ln-ttreeti ■ ■' ■ :.■ ■■ TO LET, a largo Double-bedded Room ; Bult two Young Men. with or .without board.-For-addreßS apply Rayner's, Butoh6r, oornor Nelson and Victoria streets. O LET, two large Front Rooms (furnished), with gas ; pleasantly situated: to two gentlemen, or lady and gentleman; no children. Terms moderate—Apply third house past McKelviestreot, Great North Road. O BE LET, at Mount Roakill Road, a Bakery, at 20s per week.- The dwellinghouse is large, and partly sub-let. A clean, civil baker and confectioner could do well in this rising locality.-Apply to F. G. Ewington, Estate Agent, Coombes s Arcade, Queen-street. TO LET, those Iron and Concrete Stores situated corner of Stanley-street and Alten Ro:*d; rent moder^to.— Apply to S. J. Edmonds, Cnatoma-stroet. ' ■ O LET, Upstairs Rooms, by QueenEtrcet; suitable for Office, Store, pr Sample-roomfl.—Apply Lewis and Simpson. TO LET, a very desirable Villa Residence, recently erected on tho Avenue Road Parnell, containing 7 rooms and bathroom • fitted with register grates and kitchen range; water and gas laid on.—Apply J. AI. and J. Mowhray. Land Agenta, Fort-street. TO LET, House of 4 rooms and Scullery, very convenient, in Summer-street, PonBonby Road; rent to good tenarit, Us 6d.—Apply to Mrs Moroy, O'Neill-street. ' ■' ' '"■ _ rilO LET, with purchasing clause, if rieces--1 sary, a Villa Residence, with large piece of ground; beautiful view; gas, water, and every convenience.—Jas. B, Graham, Solicitor, Shortland-street. '" rT!O I>BTvOfiices at present occupied by 1 yictoffan" Mutual Asßurance Company, National BaAk Buildings.—Apply Heskoth and Richmond, SoUoltors. . ■-"'■ rTIO BE LEASED fora term, that sveiiy J. desirable Property oh the Pah Road, EpsomJ at present occupied by Mr Garland, conßistmg of 15 Acres of rich Land-in grass, very- comfortable 6-roomod House, good Stables, loose boxes, and all neceasary out buildings.—Apply to J. M. & J. Jtfowbray, Land Agents, Fcrt-Btrett,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5476, 6 February 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5476, 6 February 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5476, 6 February 1885, Page 3