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nnO LET, part of Houso, 4 or 2 rooms R — iUrit Cunningham, Stanton Houeo Franklin Road. (THO LET, a Largo Unfurnished Roorr JL with fireplace: use of Kitchen if required. —For luidrcss. ijTAitOfllco. HPO LET, tho Shop and Premises latelj JL oocuplcd by the Rtversdale Manufacturing Company in Grey-street.—Apply Potter and Co. Durham-Btroot. TO LET in Charles-street, Rocky Nook, olose to main road, a neat Cottage of J rooms ; gas and water on.—James Held. TO LET, Ponsonby Road, Bed-room and use of Sitting-room, with Piano. Private family; no other lodgorß.—Apply Stab Office. TO LET, a 7-roomod Houso, water laid on. Auburn-Btroot. Kybor Pass. — Apply to J. B. Smith. Palntor, Kybw Pass. T6T/ET, at Epßom, near Junction Hotel, a House of 0 rooms and Storo, together with over an noro of garden ground, planted with fruit, treos; gas laid on —Apply to C. La Hocho, Kybor Puaa. TO LWT, 7-roomed House in Newton Bond ; gas and water, gardon, grates, and rnngo. — Apply to 1". Walker, Newton Road (Symondß-strect sido). . 0 LET, 2 now Brick Shops, wollfinished ; Rau and wator laid on; situated in Wellosloy-Btreet East.—J. B. Morpoth, No. 20, N.Z. Insurance. TO LEASE, 2 to S years, two convenient •ground floor Offices, central position, Quoon-strcct; also, a largo Hall for throe nights weekly.—J. R. Kaudcrson, McrcajUiloChamboi'S. nnO LET' 2 splendid Now, woll finished, A Shops, on tho corner of Cook and Hobsonstreota; splendid site for n. fruiterer. Kent, low. TOLET, two Shops with Dwelling-houses oombinefl, Wellesloy-Btreot, adjoining Oram'a Hotel; quite now, fitted up with cpuntors, shelving; gaa and water laid on; overy convonlenoo, and well finished. The owner will bo willing to trade with them. Kent, 30s per week each.—Apply Oram's Hotel, Hobson and Wellealoy streots. TO LET, a Gentleman's Reeidonco in Qrafton Road.—Apply C. Ajokin, Hlgh-st TO LET, 2 pleasant Rooms (unfurnished), with use of kitchen ; evory convenience; terms moderate—Apply noxt door to Mrs Fox'a. Wood-street, CollegeJlil]. TO LET, 7-roomed House, KJngsland j bay window. — Apply Mr Barnaby, Hatcher, Kingsland. TO LET, Enst-streot, Nowton, one sroonied Houso; gas and.water; ront. Ids. —Apply, to J. H. Hamer, Land Agent, Karangahapcßoad. mO LET, Calliope Point, Devonport, 5X roomod House, in good pofltion; rent,lsp. —Apply to J. H. Hamer, Land Agent, Karangahapo Road. TO LET, a Shop and Dwelling (4 rooms) near Cook-at, iCntranco to Market: water laid on. Hont low,—Apply Carbines & Taylor, Auctloricera, Queen-Btrent. TO LET, Upper Queen street, near District School, 7-roomed House; gas and water.—Apply William Janiieson, Undertaker, Wellealey-Btreet Kast. TO LET, in Greyst, Brighton, Parnoll, House, five rooms and scullery ; good well, garden, register grate, oven. Sec— Apply on the premises to R. Adlington. TO LET, Two 6-roomed Houses in Me-Kolvie-street (Ponsonby Road end); rent, 18s; pleasantly situatod, tnd closo to tho tramway.— Apply to Malcolmßon&DoLaoy,The Now Zealand Houso, Land, and Kstalo Agency, High-street. TO LET, a Four-roomed House.—Apply to G. P. Tortd, Wclllngljoivßtroet. rO LET, Shop and Houce in Victoriautrei't, suitnblo for Retail Grocor.—Apply W. Paiidford. Victoria-street, corner of Albertstreet. TiTTO LET, a S):op in Upper Queen-street; _B mnt morlemtc.-Apply to'Gilmour and Auld, liruahmakcia. Uppur Queon-stroot. TO LET, a Factory of three Hats, in Uppor Qufen-slroet. -Apply to Gilmour and Auld, Brusliinakers. Uppor Queen-stroot. r~O LET, at North Shoro, 1 or 2 Rooms, furnished or unfurnished.—Address at STAit Ofllce. TO LET, 5-roomed House, College Road; gas and wator: rent, 13a 6d; also, 5 roomed, lle.-Apply Mr Nightingale, Colloge Road, next Mrs Bond's. no let, QUKKN-STRKKT. BHOPB AND OFFICES, PALMKRSTON BUILDINGS. Apply Caretakor, or H. Gukkn, care Messrs WIIITAKEH & ItUBSELL. • ' ho BE LEASED FOR A TERM. HIGHBURY HILU BIRKENHKAD.-One of tho best properties in tho District, with snug and comfortable Dwelling-house in good repair, mving all the conveniences desirable for a family. There over 14 acres attached, all in a high Btate of cultivation, with gooß padoTooks and Orchard. To an enterprising man these would produco a very profitable rety.rn, »nd more than pay the annual rental,' ' " The owners will leaOj fat* W^i to a good tenant, but la an^ono w^'Jig to secure a proi petty (jp.rafoly f.r.L(\e murket offers Qf puvchwae. Will Mjo bo'entertained, au«l liberol terms made.—W. L. Mitobrtl, Land und Estate Agent, Cqomhcß'a Aroadf. STUtOCERS, Butchers, and Boardinghouso Koopers.— To Let, York Houso (formerly York Hotel); capital corner premises. —Inquire of Mr Ripley, next door. BRICKYARD, to "Lease at the Whau, and 5 acres of Land ; rent, £50 per annum. —Guy Trenchard, S3. Queen-street. _ ITEVOiSI'ORT.-To Let, wc-ai'good, J Houses in Church street, olosc to'WlJari'.' —Apply R. and R. Do"dor, HoußO^Agents. jj "VTORTH SHOR&—To Let, a 4-roomod !.\ Cbttage, toith largo Allo(;m6ut; woul^ suit a gaVdonor; (rood well and tank.—Apply to Jphn Cofean, Blacksgllfo, Noytfc S^groj ■ " tor Sale. THY 0 R S ALE. THREE AWWMENTS, THB WOK OF HON. JAS. WILLIAMSON'S MOUNT HOBSON ESTATE. • Splondid View, and Easy Terms, j .Apply tjO; jtaCK-SON, Juxr.. Qu,oon-Bt., Au,okland. . OS. SALE, a Light Trap Horse and Harness.—Apply T. Murray, at Warnock Broß'., Durham-atroet. DF. EVA NS, • Avonomtwv LAND AXD BSTATS, AaEl^f, ~ Tho following MUIiiUING ALLOTMBNTS--liai—Bm »-BTRKp». Ellerallo—Building AUot- : m9iit..oK-xl6«. Prioe. *«0. _ IS7B—Bond-btriciw. SiiNNiratDß -North BhoH 1 -Grand Allotment, CO x WS. Price. 35aporI6pt ,i\ . « •, ~■ , Wlft-CtHfTOH Rqa^i — BufMJng AUotmentß, 40 x 1?8; splendid sUea, 1300—Coo,k-strbbt—rwo Flrat-claßg Building Allotments, Corporation Leaseholds, eacb 33 x TO, £135. mi—OunRANWHKET-66 x 117-6. Si per foot. Coi.T.iNawooD-eTßEKT—Splendid Sito for Rcsidenoo. UOS--CiiAnK!3-STUKT£T (off Mount Roekill nond) —Allotment, 50 fe«t 1 Indies x 138 look Prico, only «SO. ISTI-~EM-I!»sij:k—i! Splcuihd Vtto SUe* la 2r 10p, for £275. 028—Kran jj—so x SSJ,' Quito level (near Junction Hotel), y* per foot, iKH— Making STUKKT-Gooa AHotmont, 33 x !)(>. I'ricn. only £33. 1370-Giik?-wrbi-;t—Alliitniont 29x62, on easy terms. 935-GniUT N'outh Roai>-?5 x 100, 3 Lo,tß (good poeition), £5 por foot. 1085—QtKl'jDDKN. Ponaonby—ll6 x 100, splendid viow of harbour, £GOO. 1 ISJ9-HOWKSTREKT (Oityi—All«mi»nt S3 » ",m . good Building S|to. 4110*-- , - '°° • 1350-HA>!H t Tp^nO.Ap-SiOSI."-- ..f n eA'°°{- a, ie 1 *uV ntuniriii " ~**l AllOtlllOnt, OU &Vw? "* ■ »ith £cuit an(i aheltor 11 2 Allotments with frontage of B0 feet. £75 for the two. 1288—King-streut, Ponaonby—Splondid Sito, moat central, just at Three Lamps, Ponsonby Hall, &c.; one of tho best positions in thia rising suburb, £6 por foot. _ , . 1300— Kingbi.and. Zod Avenue—Soveral good Building Allotments, at 15s por foot. 1373—Marmion-btreet, City—Good Building Allotmont. £100. 1220—Mackki.vie-rthekt, Surrey nills—lo x 132; £i per foot ■ . 2, 1221—Mount Albert—Several Building Bites, '■;■■ ' from £1 por foot, 1151—Lincoln-street— ii x 100, £315s per foot. 1237—Mount Kdkn Road (close to Eden Vine) 10 x 120, £S por foot ' ' " 540^Newto n Road-66 x 99, eornor of Exeterstreet, £5 per foot. 1252-Newmarkbt—Good Corner Allotment, 16 x 100. £310s per foot. • 1285—Newmarket* neur Hotel-*) x 93-6, £110. 1291—NonTHCOTE, closo to Wharf—Grand site splendid view, fenoed and plantiSd, 132 x 132 * £350 1297—Nortiicote—Two Grand Building Sites, each CC x 231; only 22s 6d per foot 1312— Ponsonby Road—Best Business Site in Ponsonby, Quite olose to Three Lamps, 1021—Parnell, Bradford-street—Allotments, In first-class position; from £410s per foot. 1120—Pompaixier Tkrrack—4s-7 x 100-6, level, £310a per foot. 1199— Ponsonby Road—9s x 121-6, grand Business Site. £15 per foot 1200— Ponsonby Road-40 * 115, £10 per foot. 1 1018—Richmond Road—Two Splendid Levell Allotments, close to Ponsonby Road, each 40 x 99, £160 each. 1256—RcssELii-STRKET— i Building Allotments, 33 x 105. £40 each. 1282 — Shortland-street, near St PaulsGrand Site. Cheap. 656—Summer-Street-4 Lots, each 33 x 99, 20s per foot. 775—St. George's Bat Road—ss x HO, several Lots, from £110s. 1161—Stuart-street—27 x 110, nearly all fenced. £80. 1196-Stuart-street—lo x 119, good view, £110. 1236—Sunntsims Road, Mount Eden—36 x 100, £1 per foot ' , .„■ 1307— SARSFIELp-ftTREET —FITSt-.claSß AUOt- ■ ment, 186, % 330; grand corner; three ffontagoa; near tb» Tieaoh; £800. U2O — Vauxhall Road, Cheltenham, North ' Shore—Two Mrstclass Allotments, at the corner of Boaconsfieldst Very cheapik , 1381—Vermont street — Allotment 40 x 200. First-class. Price only £4 per foot. HB9—Vermont street—Lot. 10 x 100, £IGO. ~ _" West Qoeen-street—Gran.d Site for :"-s Warehouse. 1210—Wakedteld street—Splendid Building :Si^- „, 129&^Wma.iNGTON-STREET-, near corner Nelsonstreet—l6 x 100, easy terms. 1239 - Wtndiiai^-street, . City - Warehouse > Site ii x 50. olose to Queen-street. • Vallet Road (Mount Kden) - Splendid "",: ; Volcanic Allotments; superb view; I ■■■-..■..- , from 30s per foot. 5-:::!;' i i ,S!:3«-^ ■•^'- - *f ~ '"• D.F.EVANS, . . LAND ANO KSTATK AOENX

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5476, 6 February 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5476, 6 February 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5476, 6 February 1885, Page 3