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;- : Wanted* 'i \'IT ANTED, a Traveller; one nccusQ n tonu-a to tlm tailoring;; rofornnocs roI <|iiircd.—Awly lo »ox fl» _ s \i|7 ANTED, first-class Accountant. One „ W who is about to start business on own ' account. Unexceptionable) references required, o — Addroaa Business, Stak OlHce. 0 XI7ANTED, a good Cooper; must be 1 VV steady.-Apply to W. Chalmers, Cooper, Wellington. 1 TITANTED, 50 Labourers. — Apply to 8 T T Foreman, Kmlly Place. 9 TTSTANTEP, a Steady Siuglo Man ; one J T T ab'.o to garden, drive, milk, etc.—For 1 address, apply olllco of U\iß paper. I TTS/ rANTED, a smart Young Man for T T pantry.-Apply City Buflot. , ITT ANTED, a Youth to work in tho RiuTT dnn, &o.; must bo able lo iuilk.—Apply StakO/Uco. WANTEI) nn active Lad that haw boon , used to a grocery atoro.—Apuly a Davenport's Excelsior Tea Mart, junction of (Jri-y and l Jitt Btrcutß. ANT ED, a Koapoctablo Lad as Apprentice — Apply to O. Johnston, Hakur. Nowton. WANTED, Situation as Groom, or Groom and Gardonor, by smart trustworthy married man: highest Auckland references.—"J.B.," Jlr I3ell, O'Noillstrcct, Pousonby. WANTED, Apprentices to tho Dress making— Apply Mrs 11. Kobinson, Draper, Victoriu-Htrcul, ijlooi'B abovei AlbqrUil, WANTED, a Respectable Girl us Nurse; must hnvo refcroncea.—Apply to Mrs Mucky, Jervola Komi, I'ondonby. ANTED, a Nursogirl to tako a baby out In tho afternoons.—Apply White Houso, Parnoll. WANTED, a respectable Girl (ago nbout 16) lo do light houaowork.—Apply Mrs Malavcy, College Road, four door 3 abovo Cimcado titoro. W' ANTED, young Gir~nrom 12 to 14, for light housowork. — Apply Mrs Ooodlaon. Thornton Villa. Arch' Hill. WANTED, Nursegirl; good wages to a respectable girl—Apply Mrs Arthur E. IjOwlb. Homn Bay. Ponaonby. WANTED, Apprentices.—Apply Mrs Rogers, Dressmaker, Wollcsloy-strcet, Auokland. WANTED, a Good Hand for the Uresa Department.—A. Sneddon, 02. Quoon-streot. ANTED, o, good Gonoral ServantT— Apply to Mrs V. H. Rice, Mount Eden, near Toll-gate. W" "ANTED, n good General Servant; roferonces ronnired.—Mrs Waymonth, Avenue Road^Parnellj WANTED, at onco, Generals, Housemaid!'. Nurses.—Apply to Mrs Bell's Registry Olllco, Manukau Road, I'arnell. WANTED, good General Servant. must bo able to do plain cooking,—Apply at (ho Boardlnii-houße threo doora bolow Baptist Chapel, Chapol-atreot. WANTED, a~good GonorafServant; must bo a Rood cook and laundress; references required.--Apply after Bix to Mrs Churton, O'Korko-streot. ANTED, good Plain Cook and Laundrcos ( mludlo-agod woman preforrod.— Apply to Mra J. Lindsay. Shortlandatrcet. T&7JTANTED, a first-clans Cook.—Apply at TV' om-n. Flng^titir Hotel, North Bhore, \\f ANTEI), a Gn"od Cook and Laundrosa ?y iii'i]inli».tnly.-Anply, forenoon, to Mra Ruck, I'rospei't llounu, I'arnell. WANTED, a kind person as Nun-o for iv Itahy Oii-I. si\ montlia old; ntute terms. —"A.B,_ST.\itC)rtic«. VITANTED," by"7rKe.ij)ectable l'orson, V V r-?-(-ns-iKoni(int us Monthly Nurse.— Apply nt K. Henry's Itagistry. aiiortlnnd-atreet. WANTED, by Kcsiiuctablo Woman, her Pasaagro to Kngltmd, for which she will give hor a«rvi<icH.—Apply Miss Baylies, care of Mrs Jackson, Ornkoi Road, Komuora. WANTED, Respectablo Young Man to join another with Bedroom. Comfortablo home. No othor boarders or children. GO, STAR ofllco. WANTED, two or throe Oentlomen Hoarders in a private family In Qrafton toad.—For address, apply C. O. Laurie and Co., junction Queen and Oroy-streoU. ANTED, Board and Residence, for a (iontloman in private family, Romuera or neighbourhood. — Mra Whitcombo'* Registry, noxt Market. WANTED KNOWN — Board and RosidenooforOnri or Two Resr.octablo Young Men with a prlvato family in Symondsstroot; terms nipdorato.—Apply star Office. V|7 ANTED TO RENT, with purchasing TV olaußo, a 3 or 4 roomnd Cottage.— Address; "H.V.," caro of Mrs Marsden, OBborn6-3trcot. Newmarket. WANTED to Leaso, with purchasing clause, from 31 to 6(1 Acres of Land, within 20 miles of Auckland; niust have Cotthgc—State' terms to •• M.P.," Mra Dddgoon, Valloy Road, Mount Kden. ' WANTED, Purchaser Grocery Business, louse 6vor six years \ o run ;'aoo'd situation; doing fuir biiGinesa: fatisfaclcry reason given for soiling. Price, lease and" goodwill, £30; stock at valuation.—For full partipularg apply Richardeori and Crawley, 81, (juoon-st. WANTED, Ink Bottlps (omall): highest prigo given.—Apply 6. frown, yarnhanv Street, Parnpll. ANTfi P—Don't use Hitobons's Blood Restorer only as a last it source. It's death orrheumatlam. ANTED, 6 400-Gallon Iron Tanks, in good repair.—Apply Stab Offlco. YfTANTED, Loverß of good Fruit in T T general, and frugal Housokoepers in particular, to visit tho Kaipara Fruit and Produce Stores, noxt Naval Hotel, junction of Pitt-atroet and Karangahape Roflfl, ~ • *•■■■ ii:• i. i ""T£"T£O' KNOWN, that W. H. Wf Davoonortv junction of' Grey tlfid Pitt atreefjjn a paah \,uy& otigpod'CuJßef and Kgffß, «TAISTSD KNOWN,-r-LOT«e"Oookl»g ?T Applos, 41bs for Is; cheaper by tho case 301ha.—Apply Sangford, Fruit ana Refreshment Rooms, vlctorla-Btroet. WANTED KNOWN. - Tho cry of tho age, " What shall wo do witji tho Boyb i" Every housowifo should übo WARJfoptf Rfttiit Kxtraot oe Sp.Ap, aftd by So tioinß wbwld give employment to a grea( number of our boys. As good and ihpaper tb«n th» imported. To be had pf all \TCr%N¥SD KNOWN - Gente1 HandTT v eewn Frend)« Patent Goloshed Dress' Boots, only 7s'lid por pair, are Inoludcd In'the Sslltng off at Dampler s Boot Shop, 'Vlctorla-st. Open SurinK1 th» sale frcm 8 a,m,' '\\T AJijT^O- KNO WlpWest End Fhar- » T ipaoy, Bonsonhy lload, oheapoat Omg Swre to town-I^lloway'sPlll*, Ig3d; dookje'K. U Mj-whelptan\lg Ml Steacnifln'sPowders, la 3d; phlorodyne. Is and l» 8d j Porous Plasters, 1« ana Is 3d; Fluid Magnesia, Is 3d; Citrate of Magnesia, Is 3d; Jacobs Oil, 2a Od; Do JonghM Oil, 2s 9d; Roots, Barks, and- Herbs in' great variety to arrive by licit mall.—A. J. Blomfleld, Pharmaceutloal Chemist and Herbaljaf, ' WANTErrcRNQWN Allen's "'WoteJ. tighta, damaged by flro, 8* to (ia por pair,' are included in tho Selling Off at Dumpier* Moot ShQp. Viotoriaotreet. Open, during the Halo, from Sn.ui; lo !)p m.' : ■ ■' ANTED IcNOVVN-Chkap Timber I Ciibap Timbrr! And all other kinds of Building Material, can bo purchased tiUcjipor onrt bettor than riuywhn^o'olii'p'irt tllt> yarifa of I>. GOLDIB ■Alboifi.trppt WANTED KNOWN—Tho Auokland Flah Company* premt^s at CualomsBtront Wcit and 2d". <Jncc--street nro now open Hmlsupi.licjdri^ulurly wiih nil klnila uf Frush nnr! Smok'.id Fish. Clc.irilincsa and attention guaranteed. Orders by post or othorwisa pur;otuu'ly attended to. Ouily dc'.iyi.i'iex—Tlioniiis Il'. Utddy. Proprietor- ' A if f" ED KNOW N.— Black or Blue Uingonal Coat ond Vest ard Fancy Tweed Trousers, Suit til is.— WOOLLATrtS, Ready-money Tailor, Sydouham House, foot of Orey-strecet. \iif ANTED KWOVyK, 6^086 about to V V build, that Plans can be Proparod with duo regard to fanitary arranßombnta, boautiful in'appearance'and eoononiical in cost,' by Draper Fowler, Architoot, VrcU^tgton-^trCot, Auckland. ' ■" " : made by MUNRO & fflffit) J•* "" son-street, will wpsj H>9BB*S^ }W -;\ aobVTtiTJW'*"'^ - ~"" aurre' , **' ...^*ij KNOVVN.—W. V. Stevons V V Land Agent, hns Removed to tho Office lately oocupied By Mr Kwington, next" Herald" Office, Queen-street, N.B.—Several Cottages for Sale on weekly payment system. AMTED, Public to try flitchens's ; Vapour and Medicated Baths; once used, you will recommend to others, TJST ANTED, 3UQ ladieß ta Purchase SunTT qliades and Uinbrollas at lOpor cent. under the usual price. Truth, not puff.—Jamoa Scutt, Londoii Houao, Victoria and Nelson-sts., Auckland. ANTED KNOWN—For tho convonicnen of those who oannot ahop in tho day time, W. H. Dampior's Boot Shop in VJotorla-streot ja now open to U o'clock and will COjitjnno to do so during tho SellLng Off. WANTED.— Soeing is believing. Navy and-blivck ground Prints, which are now so fashionabld and obtainable at London House only for the price—Syds, 2b lljd (sold elßowhere (id yard) i the usual BJd goods for 5Jd. Firstcloea atatf of Dressmakers kept nn the premises. —Janies Scutt, London llouso, Victoria and Nclaon-Btreet3, Auckland. ANTED KNOWN.—Valentines in I great variety at the following prices :— Coniic and Fancy kinds, from Id each, with onvolopo; sentimental ditto, in boxes, from 3d to 43 6d each, done up for post free of charge. Postage paid on all at or above 61 each. Liberal reduction to the trade.—C. Mackay, Bookseller. &c, 11, Grey-street. TKT-& NTED KNOWN- ' » That R. TuDEHOFE.Plumber, Wellesley street, always keeps in stock a splendid asaort ment of Gasaliers, Gas Brackets, Pendants, and Gas Globes of newest fisigps; also, a good stock of Electrlo Bells and Fitting}, Water Pipes and Fittings, and cv Jry requisito of tho trade, liberal allowance madt Jo the trade. ' WANTED X N OWN, THAT Mks CORSTON, Millineb, . I , OF NEWINGTON HOU3B, HOBSON-STREET, Has a large assortment diXaales'and Children's Hats, fashlonablo Shoulder Canna, Custumes Underclothin!?, etc , that will defy compatition. SentleWerfßi Collars, Ties, Httbi-rdashei y, etc ilso,.the oheapeat honae in towD fo>- Dreasnaking. Dress Materials in great variety. Call md inspeot early. 8'.8.-Apprenticcs wantpd,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5476, 6 February 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5476, 6 February 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5476, 6 February 1885, Page 3