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OWING to the inclemency of the weather Hut Mnonlivut Kxcui-eion 13 Postponed • tjllTO-MORROy (W Btlneedaf, tltu3rd). UCKL SK b BAN B" OF HOPE UNION. THE FLOiUI. AND INOUSTUIAL EXHIBITION. IntemHnir E.clilUitorj v.ill pl> a»e dolirer ihetr Exbibiu at the Koretttrs' Hal!.. Newion. bonvoeiitheiioiiii of 7 ami !l p ni. TO-MOOCOW (Widiicdsiyl, cxcepi <<<'* «nd I'ot Klowr-rs. wjiinh iiiavbe.-'wivcr.a betn'CHu 7.50t09.500a s THO'RriIAY MOl-.NIKfI. OEO. PLUAIMER. So". SAXON "GOLD-MINING COMPANY (LIMITED). Shareholders in tlie late London. Mavinav, und Qut'U'iof iCiijlaiid Uold-niintnK Ctomuanleß Limit- d) aiidali rcrsons desiroiiH of up^ljiiig for shares in tho übo\e-na!no.l Co:npany aio reqnesred to send in tmir ar plications for same - f. thu tiiiiie^iijuid. not later thtm noon or, >vKl)\loSt'A"»,thelOih instant.. Appltra-ions .'or shares will reqair« to be as follaws:— TO THir I'mPCTORS OP "JHiC SAXON" 0 M. Company (Umlied). I hereby apply for— shares in tin: Saxon Uotd iii'.iiius ' ompany (l,lniiiHl. anil v bciitohaml jem £—. bcintr dup^fil of Bixptnc pirshare.and Ingrecloaccept . the s nd sha: 03. or any leS3er nunibir which may bi! allotted me. —i , Applicant, By order. D. ft. MAcnONNBLL. Secretary. r Auckland, 2nd lJcccmbor^U_Br. jo _ o i ~ o' Te. .\uy P^raon or IVraous iemoving Knrtli 'wiihout permiMion fromiui'Allotment in poste^slon of ihc Kfitiito of the late J. IS. Strange, sitnst.'d next to Jlr Bl«W(l«i'3 property in Union-atiyct, I will be pr^eoutid f W. C Jh -.MAN, Solicitor for the Estate. T ITHOGRAPiriC NOTICE. i fmm of SIR F. VVItITAKKH'3 11 SPLKS- : PU) ALLOTMK.NTH hi SYil()N;;a-HTItKKT, to bo Sols by Auction ou Decembers, are now I lvady. rff^O POLICY - HOLDERS IN THE X GOVEUNMICNT LIXK IN3UUANCK AS-iOCIAT.OX. KLKCTION OV DIUKOTORS. L\DI)3B AND i> ir<wiiw!lfiillyi.ii'-iniy.-i!if.iisncandi(l!iteforone of theulMts ou thu Utiitrul iioai-lof the Asjs«o a-, tiOn. I tuna I'oHcy-hokler iiiytelf, havu hud over (»•) thirty yearn' experience in iiiKiir.iHL-e busiiiesj, nmi am i.liorou>;hly onnver^aui tliuro wiLh. If you are pleusoa to rlt-cl'inr, 1 will use me best coileavouri to promote LheiiitenstH of the i)6!ioy-bi)li!ers, uml f .i>r<!ad (lie inlluenee of tUo Association. I am. Vourii obediently, fj. S. GItAHAM. Weliluclon., V^r A X D R 0 U :E; ,S. \Viirdrobc3 in rich Mottled Kauri ai.d Syßnoy I Cvdiuv with Silvorcd I'lnto Oliiaa KrontK; aiv. seilinif, fo;- this month only, at one-quarter of the usual price. : • Thoy arc cirofnlly mndc by tlrst-clitSß workmun, and Will be eaiofullj delivurcd. \V. N'>KIUE, Top of Shortlaiid-strott O U B LI V VVO,RKS ACT, 1 SSi. Notice ifl horeliy icitcn that the Jdoiiht Albeit IJonrd pruiwisc to Stop the H^nd hctwontAllotnio»t<9 2i", 23, mid 24 of wii,m sOf Ibo suburb." of Aucklni'ul, and also tho I; oad between Allotment* lf>, 11, 12, and 13 of tai! soolion 5, and that Plans homing tho said Houda now lie for pul.liu ii.spccJo:i at the Olltce of the Euid lloaid iii ih» Mount Albert Public Hail. , Uated thia 17tli'day ill Supt^inler. IS3I. A. K. TAYLOIt, i Chairman Mount■ Altiurt,r:uau lizard. nWE DIRECT SUPPLY "STOKE, JL 2JO-QOBKN-STREKT-219 Auc:ci,.tM>. A GOOD DINNKH SKUVICK of 28 ' plMUtt-ou!;. Us. A "FRKSiI STOCK of LAUGK (JUPS and SAUOKKB, indifferent _, m ■ Is. : " ?!» 1$ MOUK CHKAP I'LATES AND W IT IirSBES.-Plioa«e.ntPlfttea.'2aand • , npwanls; Pheasant Dislics, Od and ,j f4. upward!. ■ •• , rTJ pi Also. CHINA and GLASSWARB in R Q varjuty, choup and good. M OT TOILET SKTS (all qualltiee). O TKIN'KET .3HTS, LOOKING tj }X GLASSES, Sec, &c g cv FANOY QOOIii~OFISVKRY DKB- Q £ CUIPT(ON.-A Ouod Aeßoi-tment, $ p aU.ow Prices. * aU3T, OPENED. Some. Heautlful R«>>- §1 l, JouUj in I'AKIAN STATUAUI': 3 rS . k1»o. H AIH tC I > iK L.O WKa h 0 •"tf Si • fHINA HAfIKICTH, JAR;i. t"1 SLOWER POTS. &c &c h^ Q W;Tl.Bn\' "VKItY CHEAP. M •"* UINNICH KNIVES, ia &l ili.s-.en; JT? M USBMJIi TOOLS. Kri'(!l{RV O M ■ UTKNrill-s, «.-.; KHOUKATKHS,' t« r* la; (IANULKSTICICS, 9d ; W HHWAU T»AVB. fi.l; iiITS, Jd; " , ■ POCKKT KNIVES, Bd. ffl XAMIM. RTOVK ORNAMKNI'S, S " BICLLOWS. , . ; GLASS SIIAI)KS~AJS TD STANDS, in . all sizes. HAKGHARD & ORANWELL, . , *3T, TUB UIUECT SIIPVI.Y STOUFj,.. "Bl ■ '■■" 249-QUKKN-ST., Al)oKl.A^b.r-l?J9i ( "KTOTICE.— I'uvoCaU Lymph Vnccination 1\ ' by Dr.Mooro. at Poud's,9o. Quoc-n atroet, dally at 2 p.m. |_ AUCKLAND BAPTIST TABEIfNACLK A LECTURE In aid of the Bulldlnk Fund, ■. , »V RPV. W. X RICJS, , : L "THE CITY OP THE! SEVEN Hlll^S.r TUESDAY EVKNIKO. half-past seven o'clpclf, December 2,1&51. * ; IN ST. JAMES S HALL. ! , .„,..- AP.MI3SION-ONIS, SIULLIXCL™, ', I ROME—THE CIT.Y QF THESEVKN lIQjLS.----1 SYNOPSIS; ,■ ! 1* ANCIENT ROME- »v.s pocVdatkin.----j Rnmulns and Reia >■.» buceoured by aw olf— I Tho'lwelve Vwlturoa—TheSeA'en Hills. | ■■ ITS RISE: AVars and Conquests—Roman Couraito—Victorious everywhere—Riiftn of Augustus -Tompie of Janus—Advent of Ounst—ColiKUlu and Nero, miustcra In • huniin torni—llnnilnff of City—TVsooution of Christians-Conetantiuo tbo Great, ;; ITS FALL: Reve-s-Bof ForUrto-^-lnvaeibns oad I efeat—lunpire rtyiflou and dissolved— Urteiiv ot Euroiwau Nation \ j V j.-. RjseiTA,TK)N-I>THBFAIiLOFROME. H ' , 2. JIQIU^RN UQMK-BuMin!-t-Stran««Rcl!<-B ' ' —Paint Woiviliiii—lnhabitah s-rjßcwar*— [ liUi'VH — Prießib — The Popo — Atodern } JUritulos (•• 7 devils catt ouO. , i. • : Ekcitatios--STAMI' OUT TOE IMPIOUS NAMK." .. . i: 1 3. BIHUOATj lIOMR.-Imprisonment ot St. , ' j Pitu! — His private rotidraicc — 2nd Ini- , I-■••'■ i;i'isohm«'t-Martyr<lom-i)eadyet AUv'u 'j —Lnniliible ambition. . ■■;,.< \■■ 1j- MUSIC AT INTEitVAIS. IFtsr > r\ ue a v ca s v aa d c ;,.... .. •*' .ot ; " .1 MiLLIXKUY AND FANCY fJOODS. 2.V •■ -■ '! ■•' '; '' "' '■\- i ■ ■'■ i ', -; ' y, DUNNE, HALL & CO. ; . | ' ' Are now oiflVrinit■ lh« V-'holb of their AVell : belectrd Stook «f '■> ■•;.'■ ;",..! g TRIMMKI) AND UNTIUMMICDII/iTS .; y iioxNKTS - .:■;■'.■ I '• j SILKS ~ - . .., ~ , '■■'.:■■ ii ' ■1 ■ SATINS I LAC.fS i, -.■"•■ Ul.oVlv3 " .. I ~i iiosrspY -. UMDEROLOTHNG ' = ~ ' • DIIEBS MATKRIAiB J" | COST. UK K3. i . &c. 8-c. '• . . AT ANO-UKOS3 <.'G3T« 5- 1 .'•/- ' •■"''< ■:■■■■ ■■' '■'■■■ T- ■. a- _4 '3r ■ ' 'i ■ ■. ~ ' TWS lii A (IENUINE SALE, I As wo are OI VINO UP BUSINESS, and intend turning our Stock into money aa soon m .■ , ■ poshiblß.-by - . : •. ' ' \ SKLLINU OFF RKGARI>LttS3 OF COST. ' "a ~v- -.■DUNNE, HALTj & CO., U S* ' ■ QUEHN-BTREKT,' -^ : 110 , Or^osiT^ McAetuijr's Wareiiousk, lg —-—■ ! - ■ -' r ... _ == 'i? ;■•■( ■; ■■ . .■■ Vorsonal. ■■■ :.■,-•.!■■ t.d 12. ', , . '■.. of "\y|KS. COLLINS, .lal-o of Soafieid Viow .- f?oaJlpl<l Viow Koiid, this tvoii'ng ois boSQroS iul t i-iia-vov: mr.rninK. „ - - "&lnr WATKIW rolurns Ills IHOSt grfllO TVfiTs KIXON, plcaso call on MosaJS S". IVX lIH' and Mahoiiy. Solicitora, i:t once. r'fifJE vonntt lady' w'lo yesterday lost1 a - JL Waterprd-rf Cap from No. I Utitbir.CE B* Machine, on Choitcnhani Bench, learn that it toi safely' %vash(id ugh ctj. : c' IVCSS^Y". GEOKOK htgZ to rtturff 38 Jj/3- her sincere to tho Parntll Flo „ Brigade, S:iivag.'! Currii. !'."d iho many kitsd. D< tritniiß who bo Urtvtly and geniroudy Resisted i> l^'. J^vliig^fjtet- pj.-oporly at the late fl'.f j , i» "VS/iCli Mli "HARKILWB crtil o»ij 1); ¥ V Evltt, GiiDiiiiker. and exeiianße gun barrels, the \vronK pair having been taken by him in mistake. _ _ "KF the iaan wlio was seen to take the °a X RoagbTwrierouStturdaylastfro^Frobeb .— tho O'-oeer's, Karaßgahnpe Koad, iJora no; rolurn him »t once, he will be proieeutril ; ; — XKJ ANTED.—AVotiW anjr k\o& Broiho IL, V? ' FVeeroason'ftiid ■ Xiiiployitent tit ita; «p<w M« rrled Brother J^-Addieito,! •' Cbftrity, —' •STAfi OB1""- ■•"•-■■ - 1 M, T\/|"ATPJMONIAL.— Aiuntelligeritibdnf ilat»-JXi aom?, and woJl-tOtdo.,;biiUw, wit. ilc-: 'Wsthtest WM«ticcf,«As uu K««lish:Wrl.|OJ : B*t- wife throi*gl».'Hininttfott«* Agenoy. Photo ton.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4527, 2 December 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4527, 2 December 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4527, 2 December 1884, Page 3