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; Corporation jv graces. Q IS1 V OF AUCKLAND;,. PONBON?Y~WARD, RATE NOTICB. NoUoe la hereby Riven that tho General Bate leTiodlnthe above District la dae and payable fourteen days utter delivery of notioa. If not paid to Colloctor, must be paid at the City coonoU o/11008, High-street, during otfloe hours. P. A. PHILIPS. B Town dork, Town Clerk's Offloc, ■ Ootobsr 14.1882. ■ I. CI T V OF fAU .0 X LAND; f] ■ f COSORKTB WOHKS AND fifOSE STEPS, . ifl ALlillKT PABK. I 1 ha City Opnnoll -Kill rooolve tenders mitll 8 S' of THURSDAY, the 2fl«h lMt, for Works as Bborp, in terms oC Bpeoiaottlotia, plan, ttud conditions, at tho < Jlloe of the Ultj- Surveyor, < M City Couiioil Chambers, Uigh-itreai. Tba Council do not bind thonwolvaa to aoospt nor tender. Tenders to bo ondorsod, " Tender for * Works. Albert Park." 1 P. A. PHILIPS, jl Town Clerk. > r Town Oicrk'a Office, Ootober ID, 1882. ..,"..,..', ~. k - i ■■_■■•• i , |I jtfledlcai- '■ ■' t (CONSUMPTION, LUNG AND ' O. A. BIMONSBN. K.M., HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, ■ ■ ! Having made a Speolal Study of the above Dlsoßßeß, la prepared to Treat Patients at his » Private Resldenoe. Kaet-atreat. Newton. b«- * tweon Pitt and Upper Qaeen Btreets, from 18 to 2,anils toßp.m. HT;i«iy .'; ■ ■■ • /¥ \/fi EDI UA L HAL L,' - i: PONSONBT , , I (OITOSITH *HK TriQIIB liAMrB), J. Ot. UttNOKHSOK. i Dl ß pen ß l BB Ch jß mUt t £n ß Pha^o y .and S ar g eo n ; /TiHB beßt JBcmedy known for Liver c JL Complaints, Constipation, &a, la Mar- B aball's Bpeoial Tincture of nriM i 18.-Goodaon. London Arcade. ■- jg^ITCHBNS'S BLOOD RKSIOJcCBR. * The PnbUo are'Contloned ERalnat tho supposition that the cfORDIALIZKD BLOOD RKBTORBR wUI oore the apaoial Mlmenta and dlßoaseß that the MEDICINAL is now SO tamona a medlolne tor. The Cordlallzed, la nor # [ A MixioiNK at Ali^-bnt'^toplj; a preparation I as a Palatable Drink, ; that will"not counteract the effoot ot ,the Wtedlolnalt and that efforda - Hotel freQtwnterß Bn/eaoape from the use at ■ •' stimulants ■whllo being treitea uhder Mfc " ! HiroHKNa'a oiiLiiißHAiau aiaoioiNifi ' -' ! BliOOflßKSroaßa.;,: .i, c;, > ■*■..: ..'■:■ J -' \ y,. ., f L,.I>,. NATHAN, ■&'' GO:.-' .■■ '■■',<'"" ~; .Bolb!:Aokijiß,'. klli ■ - ;">!■: -■■ MOWDAY, OCTOBER 23, v; ;■'. ) QDEKN - STREET■~At'CTION M iRT* (Adjoining Bank of "New Zealand). .-;"; '-,i- ! IiS7ILL ceil by-auction, (he aboVe*'. T» .."'." datib, M.hiflßcodJß, y,. C\,.,, ;;J (j; .■''' ' Ircnßedßteadß,Ohai™.iTables • • v" r- ■ j!-i I Woßhatands-lxofelngGlaseis ..<-rt-jjr ■:■.',* | Orookßrywaro,Olßßßwai-a..FanoyQboaa- '~, I VT»toae». Jewellery, Clothing ■ -: _< J J. B. MAit«roTT, | Anotlonoer and tfrneralgalegmap., ~. , I Ex Wave1 Queen, LADIE&', MAIDS', AND QIRLB« STRAW^HATS. ,: LEWIS , f> «STILL sell at hisßoonig, Lower Queen*-." TV Btreot, on tha above date, at M o'olrok, g OASBaiojriAßpya.qooDs 2 OABWS.COHBWTB. .- • ■' Terms at Sale. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25. GENERAL DrIFeRY. HOSIERY, 'a \ "'" : habsrtdasbeby,'"""""; '" ■': GABRIEL LEWIB WILL sell at his Rooms, Lower QueenBtioet, on nbove date, at U o'olook, ' A LABBK PAKOBL OF ABOViF. ~ -~ , s : [ft. h '?**. l^Bwivaisiur.i,t i v J-f . o Terms at Sale. W, S. CXWHKANBJ [JAB. DACES MOIJDAY.jiQGTOBBKpO. MABlWE^viLt %", l ': ~i HANDSOME FAMILY RESIDENCE, an« valuable freehold ." PBOPERTIT.-PARNEXiL, npHiS Subscribers have received instruc- ' .*,. 'lon« f«>m tt. Kenls, to,, who 1b about to . visit Eiglano, to bb'l, « the Land Martjffoit. Btreet, on Monday, potober dp. at 12 tfolook,» h *•»■ sfilß PKIVATK'kiiSrDENci,'1 - Known as Marine Villa, Ututte iv one of the ■' most plotnroaqne and convenient parts of : PartaU (having good view of the Flagetaff and Harboan.oontalalnKJarnaaialngr. drawing, anS '•■ bre^fast roomß with bsy windows, kaoW blx bodrooiDß, bathroom. W.n. anf lavatonr! wa»hhou?e with new copper. Btorercomt dalrr! workshop, two oonservaiorlec, verandah bal* cony, Sco. *?over Jailing supply of puro water is l.ld oathrOußhbut tho"duee. oSalned from a brick and oement tank of MO3 gallons font tanM.wa)Lpurap,&n. The House 1» BUbstln. tialiy and faithfully bmlt of the best material ea brick foundation,, slatad roof j, plasUred walltu coUtnor, and bornloes; walls rafcteoj panellBO;" and p»intßd: nice fireplaoes wita rtglau? Btoveß.aiidkKohooranßei bells, &0,. ftoT The nutbaildliia* oamptißO a two-stall stable ooaohhonee. harne»B ioow. large loft, manurn tanfc. ■ i fowl, wood, and ooal houses, and a man's room ■ ' (detaohed) The BronnS b are tastefuUy laid Ottt and pUnted with ohoioo (rult troes in full bearing, &o, Ihe Ano«olieehifbfe?|ptoial)r'to'Jnyfeflnf I* tenaiaff pnrohaßers to inspect i k whOi* being in Buoh pertem order aa not to " require any outlay whatever. Plans of tho honre and property can be seen, ttjolnards to rlow can bo obtained, at the offlooa of w. Aitken, Hiq., Shottland-street, or of the Auctioneers. Terms Easy, , ■ , : - SAMUKL COCHRANB & BOJT, AuctloM&rs. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27th. | THE HAVMARKET, JW^SALE, aTlhe Hsymatket,: oa A! Friday n^xt, Ootober 37ih, at Eleven tfolook, for the Aucklnud Stud Oompany; FIVB HEAVY UNBROKBNDBAUGHT OOIiXS. ALFRBD.BUOKLANp. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2. M ARINE Ii ESIDENCE OUEB, j)KvdNpbar, J^ORTH oHORK. ;G A B R I E t.l/t B W, IS "111 AS received iattiucMons to sell at big "-■ Mart, on abova date, at lit o'clock, THK UNUKKMItNTrONED BITES, Bitnato opposite the tesldeooa of J. B. nnauall, Beg., and known as Me Wcllb'b Market Garden. LOT 7-1511 Lints, fronting Vlotorta Road LOT 2-151 Linkß, fronting Vauxhall Road LOT 3—137 Links, fronting Vnnxhol) Road - LOT l-Triaoßle Blookj oontainlag IB! Link* f* : •.—'■ WVaaxhalt Road,anaiZ*to VictOiJa " lioad, •> "~r~~~- u.iCi '■ '■ To gentUmen KquMnu Villa Sltei, the above Krooad is unßorpaoaed, if not unequalhd. b» B?fh. n w° h1, 9""10^ Bl«tnft^ d 8B "■'»«u the centra otthls Fflßhlunabe Marine Bub»rb,comMnW Jitherwh&rf, and within a few minuteb'watt S the beach, asd with bucSadVantaKes iii^m- ' ««fty?.°?tnma Hnd ojp«mlerroßltlonrine pr? fruit and shade treea planted thereon. "*""""■" / ;, finTmna eaW;.aPlan'':on:vlew. -;; & &/" , r;G A B BISL LS.TI.gAuctioneer. 'Continued 'im.'fourth Pcge)' ':

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 9 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 9 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3