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Personal. IF tbo Lady wlo took an Ulster in mistako for nor own from the ladies' room, I'onsonby "At Homo," lust night will kindly H",ni it to W.V.Stovons'a 0111c0,187 Quoon-stroot, Bho can have her own. j JF this should meet the eye of Andrew JL Rilston, Pointer, lata of Duncdln. writo 8(T once to Jamai Nolson, Fishmonger, jVianseetreet, Dunedin, inta s'rlotuiy ill, CHARLES AKTUUK MILD. —Two English Lettou nwalt rou at Bta« Office. A UCKLAN~D I N STITOTB. Tha Ordinary Monthly Hooting will' be held In His Museum Ualhiugs, PriDO»BßStoot, en MOWDaY, the 23ra lostim t, at 7 30 p.m., when the following Papers will be rood !— 1. New Speolca of Coleoptera—By Oaptoln T. Broua, M.X.9. , ■ 2. On the Presence of Platinnm (n the Qnuru; a; tbo Ttamos—By J. A. Pont), P.eq. S. The Visionary Faonlty of Mini—By B. A. Maokeahnlo, Esq. T. F, OHEB3EMAK, Secretary, DEVONPORT LITJSRAKY ASSOOIATION. The Regular Fortnightly Mrotinar will take place on MONDAY, the 23rd instant, at 7.30 p.m., lv Trinity Utuirch School-room, w!i9n a papur will be read by Mr T. Leigh White on " Gotßip.'' T*e Mt-euiig* nrn open to visitor?, ROBERT OORBETT, Hon. Bed. pONSOSBY CH'JJKAL SOCIETY. The Annual MeotlnK of Suhscrlbera will take Disco on MONDAY KVItM-VO next, October 2Jri], at 7.30, in the Ponboh uv BALL. iiusiDeaai Heportfoniiorast je&r,Eleotlon of Offloarp, and arrangements for enBUinß JtiiT. At the conalnelon of tne Meeting, The Meßßiah will ba rehearsed. Members are requested, to provide themselves with muolo, H. F. ED3ER, Hon. Seo. T ODGE ST. ANDREW, No. 413, S.C. Tho Regular Monthly Meeting of thin Lodge will bo hold is thn l.odie-rooni, Freemasonb' Hall, Prinoas-strcer, on MoNDat KVitNING NEXT, Ootober 23rd. at 7.30 o'clook. All Masouß are Invited. By order of the R.W.M, K. WRIGHT, Aoting Secretary. "OKOVINOIAL GKAND LODGE JL NOETH ISLAN9 OB" NtCW ZEALAND. SOOTTISH CONS I'IfUTIOF.-The Quarterly Communication of above Lodge will be held on Tuesday, SMUh uotober. bt 7.30 p.m. All Master Mobodb are invited to attend.—M. NICOOJj, P.Q., Secretary. Auckland, Ootobo-- 21,1882. 1.0.G.T.— The Guiding Star lodge, Ellerelio, will hold en Opes Meeting on MONDAY, Ootober 2Urd in ■whioh various friendi of tha Order will take part. » Theimblio are oordiallr invltad. Admission free. Commence at 8 o'olook. raiHE ANNUAL. Meeiing of Shareholders ■ of tho Helensvillo Town Hall Company (Limltcdl/will ba held in the Hall, at Helensvillo on MONDAY, tho 30ihinstant, at 8 p.m.. JOSEPH GRIFFITHS, Secretary. T3ANK OF NEW ZEALAND. Notice la hereby Riven teat the naif-yearly General Meeting of tha Proprietors of tho Bank will ba held in tha Banking-house, in Aaskland, on WEDNESDAY, tha 2Sth day of Ootober nest, at noon, for tbc purpose of receiving the Report ol the Directors for the half-jenr ending he 30th instant, the oleotlan of a Director, and for any other business that may be brought before the maoting. . By order ol tbe lioard of Dircutoi» ' ■ a. L, atujtoooH, General Manaßcr. I_>ANK OF KacW ZEALAND. The Transfer Bcoks o? this Hank will ba CLOSED from TUVB )AY, tho 10th, to WEDNSSDAY, the 2Sth Octobar, both days InMu■lve. By ordor of tho Board o! Directors. D. L. Ml/ttDOOiT, General Manager, Auckland, September 18. 183?, TT is hereby Dotified that JAMES -*- MCCOSH CLAEK fcao given tho neooßaary notioe that he ie a Oandlnata for tho vacant seat at the Board of Dircotora. flih Ootobor, 1882. Ecclesiastical. XTOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSO* JL OIATION, corner of Welloaley and Albert streets.—Meeting for United Prayer will be held THIS (Saturday) EVENING, at 7.30. A Biblo Roadiog will bo glv«n. Friends are cordially Invited. A BIUIJC CLAB3 for MEN every Sunday afternoon, from 3 till i, QT. PA U L'S OHUKUU. —8 a.m., k? HolyCommn»ion j Ila.m, Morning Prayeil," Litany, Sermon; 630 p.m., Bveninc Prayer and Sermon, "Tha Haavcnly Banqcet." ST. MaTTHEW'6 (JHUJBCH. — Toaarrow E»oniEK, 7 o'tlook, Sermon by the Ventrablo the Arohdcacon of Walmato. PIPHANY CHUKCH.—Sunday (Tomorrow)—Morninf? Sorvioi and Celobrition of tha Holy Couin>iinio», 11 a.m. Pieacher tbe Yen. Arobdeaoon Clarke. Evening Service at 7 pm. . .■.-•.;.■ DEVONPORT PKHSBYT *Itl AN OHURCH.-The Ksv. Dr. MoLood will presohfuthe ahavo uhnrch on fcundaynext. KubJ-ct: in the morning—" Time;" in the evenlcg—" The Innooa*te." L __^___ ST. LUKE'S CHUKOH, Mount Albert; —Tenth AnnlVerpary, Sunday (Tomorrow) Moriiing, fiorvioo nnd. Celebration of Holy Oomtmmlon at XI i"reaoher — TheVen. Archdeacon Mtwnsall Fvenlng Service at ' p.m. Preacher-Theßev. B. H. Qulllveg. IKIOKTH SHOKE WISLtYAN SUNJLI DAY-SOHOOL ANNIVKRSARJT. TO-MORROW, Ootober 22nd, Special Services ■will be bold— Morning, at U—Mr T. f-purgeon Afternoon, at 3—Mr 0. Homna Evening, at 6 3]— Rev. G. W. J. Bpenos TUESDAY, OCTOBE£4 24, Public Too Moetiatf. Tea will ba provided at 6.94 in the Dorunpoit Hal). The Meeting win oammenoa at 7 30 in the Chnrch, when Addreaaca will be delivered b/, Key». A. Held, W. B. Potter, G. W. J. Bpeno?, and oth«r frieftds. , -. . . . Felootiona of Moalo will be Riven by tbe Oholr daring tho ovonlnsr. PIXT-STKSEX WESIiJSYAN CHUROH.-Morningatll, Rev. A.Reid; i KTOnlug atC.SO, Rev. T. Buddie. QT. JOHN'S WESLKYAN CSUKCH, JO Ponsonby.-Morjiiug at 11, Rev. H, B. j Dewßbury; KventDg at 0,30, Rev. A. Reid. i irCKAPTON KOAD WESLEYAN I VJT OEHJROH.-Annual Homo Ml«Bion,Sor> vices.—Morning at 11, T. Buddlo; Kvenlng at 6.30. Hcv. w. o. Oliver. FARNKt-L WESLEYAW CHUKCH.— Morning at 11, Bey. W. O. Ollvor j EvenIng at 6.30, Mr J. fonter. DBVONPOKT WKSLKYAIX CHURCH.—Morning at 11, Mr T. SpnrRonn; Kvenlng at 0 30, Rev. G. W. J, 3penof t "ivrbwmak"ket wesleyan Jji OaUKOH.-Sunday Barvloaß-Moriilnß at 11, by the Key. W, o, Parson son; Evening at G. 30, byMrCUfton. Home MlißlanServlotß^ PRIMITIVE METHOOIST CHUKCH,' Alexanara-Btroet.—Moml»g at IL Rev;, , W. 8. Potter: Bveiling at C3O. B ot. W. 8. Potter. SEUVIOES in the Primitive Methodist Snnday Sohool-room, Upper Pitt and Edwln-BtreotS.—Aftoxnoon at S, Rev. W. Si Potter; Kvenlng at C3O, Mr O. uoldle. FBAM KLIN KOAIJ PRIMITIVE iTETBODIST OUURCff.-Servicea (Sun; cay. Oot. 22-MorninK at 11. Ray. J. Goy j Evening, at 8.30. Key. J. Ony. . _2 ' TITELLESLEy.STkEET BAPTIST V V CHURCH.-Sonday. Ootobor 22-Morr> ; ing, Rev. W. Spenoo. in the Chapel; Kvcning, 1 Pastor ThOB. Bpnrgeon, In the Choral Hall. JTTNITED METHODIST FREE U OHUBOH. Pitt and Vlnoont-Btroeta— i Snnday Services, Ootober 22—Morning at 11, > Kvenjpg at 6 SO, Key. T. Hodgson. CON GREGAXION AL CHURCH, Berea-ford-street.—Tho usual Sorvioßß will be conduotod To-morrow—Morning at 11, by Rev. B. T. Hallowo'?, 8.A., Into of iimaru; Kvoning at C.30, by the Pastor, the Rev. J. Robertson, M A. rpHK Eev. Dr McLcod vrlll preach a a_ Gaelic Sermon To-morrow, at 8 p.m.. in tbe Large Room of tho Yourg iien'e Christian ABBOOIatIOD. ATHENAEUM (late Newton Kirk).— Dr. Walli* will Lecture To-morrow evening, at 6.50 p.m. SaDjoot: "Tho Interinedlate Staio of Sonls " ■ :; ABUOTT'B Of ERA HOUSE.-Geo. A. Brown will l.ectn'a on Bnnday night, at 6 45. Snbjeot, "is the WorldGrowitgßetter, or is Chrtßtianlty aFallnre?' Morniiiauarvice in the Temperance bail. OK E H U N G A.-" THE SECOND COMING OF THK tOKD."—Mr. HUDSON. Ot Christohurob, will (D.V.J give anaddrj« on tho i^bsve. <n the Msoonlc Hall.on MONDAY EVENING, 23id iofit,, at 73C. AU aro invltaO, Aiimlgalonfrop. :■.. ' j-^HKIbTADi<LPHIANS meet in the %^J Gariton Aoademy, Hobson street, every flrst day of the week for breaking of bread at 11 a,m.; Snnday-school at 3 p.m., and Bible Class at 6.30 p.m. mHEATRE ROYAL: SUNDAY EVENJL ING SERVICES, under, the conduct ot tbe Yonnß Men's Christian Association, on Sunday Evening, from Bto 9. AU are Invited, Saatalfree. -../ , ' *~... ■ ■-■ Y^HALLEN GE. - Tho Key. Mr. HODGSON KJ ia ohallcnged to pubUoly dlßOu™ with me on "ConditionalTmrnortaUtf,"or eoknowledge hlßloabllUy.-B.CABF, -.-...•

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3