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■ '• Tendere.. . . mENDEKS FOR TYPE AND PRINTJ. ING MATERIAL. Colonial-Secretary's Office, Wellington, 14th October, 1882. Tenders -will be received at this Office until noon of SATURDAY, the 28th October, 1882. for the Supply of Typo and Printing Material required for the Government Printing Department, Wellington, in accordance with specification. Tenders to be marked on the outside," Tondor for Type and Printing Material," and addressed to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Specifications may bo obtained at the Government Printing Office; Wellington, and at the Post-oftlces at Auckland, Chrlßtohurch, and JDuiiedin. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. G. S. COOPER, Under-Socretary. »J1 O BUILDERS. TendeN invited until noon of MONDAY, the 30th Inat, for the erf-Mon ot Two DvreUlnK HpunoH, Brown-atreot. Pa lecmbr. Plans, &o, at my oiioea, V. R. TURNBULL. Hlghßteeot. rt\O PLUMBKKS AND BRICK. I LAYERa-Tendera wanted for PLUMB. ING SIX COTTAGES; also for BUILDING SIX CHIMNEYS.-Appfy to J. OXJoNNBII, on tho works, Hobson-Btreot (near Gleeson's Hotel. (Continued on Front Paoe), ~ AJk tjHIP ASHMOKE, FiJOM JSSBJjg^*-' LO.VDON. 35^Hfi Accounts against the ehlp Aehmore having icferenoe to her lnwoid oargo must bo rendered in duplicate to tho undersigned by 11 o'olook on MONDAY, the 23rd instant, or they cannot be reoognised. THK NEW ZKAIiAHi) BHIPFIHG CO., Limited, Agents. Auckland, 21st OotoDor, 1832, rt*-v OARQUK ASTBkION, _^^^x O JtnOM. LIVERPOOL. jSltfgfeS^f* -A-U Aocounta against iho Barque Asterion must bo ren« floral In duplioate to the undersigned by 12 o'olook on MONDAY, tho 23rd inßt,, or they cannot bereoognlied. TKB HKW ZEALAND BHIPPINO CO. (LiMiTitD), Agents. Anoklana. Oot. 21, ISBJ. Public Noticos. T« O~T I 0 B. We, the undersigned, have dissolved partnership from thli flute. All acoounts owl»g to or by the late firm of Vripp and Cameron will be reoelved by A, T. Cameron, 81, Qaeen-Btreet, Auckland. 2lßtOotobor,lßß2. WRned-ROBKItT M4RKAY JfRIPP, ALEXANDER THOB. OAMItRON, J. X. D. S.-IGBR. WttaessUjcnby W. Bakbb, Licensed Interpreter, QT. MUNGO CAFE. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. Char. Canning, having to give up possession of tho temporary premises occupied by him for the past six months (opposite to the Union Bank of Australia), and as Ilia New Premises will not bo ready for occupation before the Ist of November (about three weeks henoo), and being unable to obtain a suitable place to carry on his shop business, would bog rospoottully to Inform his customers and friends that all orders left at Messrs Glanvillo & Ellyett's, Grocers, opposite the Union Bank of Australia, and at the Missoa McLaughlin. Shortland-streot, or at the St. Mungo Cafe, at tho roar of the new building. Queen-street, will receive his best and inimodiato attention T YOKUM HALL, Hobßon-stroet (near JLJ Viotorin-st.—Pianofcxtes and Harmoniums on the deferred sy.tem of payment, a veiy BQcerlor Piano by UDbaln (the iirnrd of Paris), so good a fl&no rarely to bo mot with; a-'&o, a No. 3 beat Bord Placo, fall siced, nourly nev>, only IS guineas, boautliul ooso and flee tone. Uaroionlums from £&.— T. H. 'Wiißii &, CO. Established 1547. j^- O I fi JAMRB AH KEW, having Just wturnoa from China, brings with him vhe FIWKST AB3OUrMBNT Off TSA3 ottered In Town, at the lowest poadblo prloei. Be con oonflAanUy rooommsnd the Teas, having purchased them himself, and trusts thit all his old Costouira, and the Public gener&lly, will anil themtelvea of thla Bpltndld opportunity and call early to buy his Superior Congoa, Rce< Flavoured Kooloo, Shouchong, and various Mizsd Teas. Batted to ovory sastei He has also on hand Japansee Ware, Preserved Ginger. Cruokerywar«< SUks, Uandkerohlefs, and other commodities too numrron* to mention. Bnjera ot Fnnguß and Muntc. Metal. Mote tho Address j— JAMS 3AH KKW & CO.. 281. Queen-street. jpjf 0 T f 0 I hereby appoint MR B HOLMWOOD m my Agent In Auohlacd for the calo ot my DERATED WATBR3 and COKDIAie. H!a receipt will be & BufQolent dischame for mo&lca received on my account (Signed) GSO. DIXON, Cnba-Btreet, WoUlsaton. October 8,1852. WATBKVIEVT, owing to the biae of parties Interested, Is sotthe tlto seleoted for observing the Transit or Veaus, but this will not provout i« voutoiß swilng the Transit of Large Profits int) thoir i*ocko»», by puroho*ing Villa Sites there, which Is a much more agro*--able Bight to moit psople than stargazing. ■jt J, BOMKRFIELD. 134 Queen-itreen 81 . -Look at hla CRETONNES, Beautiful Patterns, from 6|d. OtIB inctoftslng Tr»de is tha btst argument lor the quality of our Bowing and Knitting Machines.—D. P. Chambers, TO, Unecn street, opposite the bank. TNTENDING Purchasers for AH-otments X n Dovonport will do woll to apply to Dovonport Lan d A gone v. rMPOKTANT ANNOUSCEMENT n •" Jaat RwMived, per ' Looh Awo,' a Splendid Assortment of ViotlSß. BOWS, AHD KITTIKfIB. Mbi,odi»i»b. Oar-OKitrnos, and all kinds ot UDBIGAI. IMfITROMKN>H, &t THOS. E. CARTER'S. 82, VIOrOBIA-STEKKT, AUCKLAND (Six doors above Albertßlreet). TEACHER, Toner, and Repairer of Pianoforte, Cornet, and VIOLIN, Terms and Testimonials on application. Toner and Repairer ot all kinds of Musical Instruments. "VTEAPOLITANS say see Naples and Jl* dlo,butwesaysoowaterviowandliivo, and enjoy life while you may. BTIURMS OF APPHCAXIOIi FOB SHARES IS THE •AUCKLAND TpRBBZING /COMPANY (UMITKD) Can be had a\ the oißoe ot MR, T. B. HILL, OHKMIST,J2UEEN-3T., AUCKI^ND. * F. 0. GSEMANN, Secretary pro tern. DB,*JOHNSyN said the finest sight a Scotchman ever saw was tho high road leading to England: but had tho doctor's oyra evor lighted on Watorviow—woll, no one knows what the big bow-wow would have THS RESIDSNTS 0!? POHSOKBT JL AND WEmHBQUIiHOOPi \ W. gOOHRAH, JUHIOB, FAKIF.Y BUTOH3B, , . PONSONBY KOAU, oornw of Pomp«llWHrt» Invlteo Inspection of his Oholoo fflre»-olflr« Moat. Families waits* npon for ord«t» 1 . > trial respeottally eoUottedi Bji J, SOMEKFIELD, 134, Qneon-streot* W. -Look at 1000 lards WHiXiS CALICO. m~J~ W H A fi » I E, hASD, COMMISSION, AHD E3TATK AGENT, MONKY LBNT ON PBESONAI. BEOUBITY. HIGH-STRKKT. ApOKIiAKD, rin o ibaTeilebs, &o. PBK3KNTSFOS BOMB. For Bale-Inlaid Tab'e Tops, Cabinfits, 60.. of rioh and beautiful New Zealand Woods, at very reasonable orlcoa. Also, Pieces of iloh Mottled KdUri-Veueeiß, Beard?, or Heavy Junk, In any quantity. W. NOR 818. CABINET MANUFACTORitB Top of Shortiand-streei. BUSINESS NOTICE, MB. JAMES HICKEY (Late ot the Thames) Bees to Inform the pubUo that having purchased Mr Dafly'a Corn and Provision Busineßß In Hobeon-Btreet, he la prepared to conduct the same on the most liberal prlnotplea. . Maiz», Oiw, Hay, &0., of the Best Quality, always In ttock. rr\O CONTRACrOHS ANiJ OTHKBS. : f Wo are prepared to Sopply Pi I P E S AN D BE I CKS .' - In Large Qaantltles, JOHN WILSON & CO., 81, QCKKS-BTBEKT. . .

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3