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To Let, raw BE LET, Furnished, a Cottage on 1. Cneltenham B»oh, North Shore.-Apply Mr Leok, Uiaper, Queen-atr«et, or K. and K. Under, North Snore. f|\O LbT, a well-iiuished House of 6 1 latge rooms, vtry convoolent. In Upper Queen-street. Kent low.—Apply to J. M. Lonnox,_*genMJ qeen-atreet. ri"O LKT.'Furniahed Bedroom, with'use * of kitchen, close to Quoen-atrcet; rent, Oa. -Apply Stab Office. *"_ r |"W LET, in Vioceut-stteot, One or Two i I Nicoly-f«rnißhed Bedrooms and Sittingroom; eras and water laid on; private family; n« children.—Address at this office. rr 0 LET, a Comfortably Furnißhsd B«dI. room: ■with or -without board.—Apply Mrs White.Victoria-street West.noarly opposite the fire-bell. f »"\O LET, Pout Koonu, FuraUUed or Un< I furnished, with Dee Wash-house. —J. C'jlllok. at. Georso'd Bay Road (Uw Mr Witherford's^ TO LET, a Two-raomed Cottage in , , Orcen-Btroet (near Convent), Ponsonby. Apply Sirs Williams, Green-strcot. ryo LfcT, tsoom j suit a Lady in busi--1 ntea; or two roomß with Rltoh»n. GreyBUeat—Apply Star Offlor. mo L»T, or Cell, a 4-Roomed Cottage in ¥ P*tgcll; «no view. Torms Liberal.— Apply toB. J. King. Brighton. ParneU. fjpO LEr, House in Colling\vood-»treet; I Bix Roomu, Soullery, Gas, Water laid on m per woek.-Apply Mrs Biioon, Weet-atroet, X aw ton. ' BX> LltT, a. House and Shop, with stable, tt In Mauucau Boad, neit Alexandra Hotel, PftrnoU^ r|lO IM, a House of »ivo Rooms in JL Lowtr Hepbuin-*treet; and one do., Bden Tsrrape. Bant. Sj.—Jamoa Held Eden Tcrraoe, or ABhton & gpn, Inswanoa Boildlngn. ' riM) LKT, a Baker's Shop and Oven, in R WollUgftou-atreot.—Apply to F. 1... Prime, 28. New Zealand Insurance (iulldlnga. '! v 0 t-AT, Vv yndhaui-atrect, Hoiuo, cvoty 1 oonvanlonoa.-J. M. Maodonald. TO LET, at Mount albeit, a House of 0 rooms; tpientld view; large garcen: plenty »f water; 15?. -James iteid, Eden Tet> raao, tr A»hton fe toa Ingnfaaoo liniidiagp. rpO LKT, a Farm of SI Acre*, with . ", dwelllnK and out-houscs, adjoining Yictpria Park, cheap. —Apply Devonport Land Agency, friO LEI', Brighton Road, Parnell, a now X House of (oar rcoiua snd aouUery; (taa and water laid In; good nt» air; view nneurpassod; tent modsrat*.—Applsr to D. F. Uvan Katete Agent, next Herald Offloa. rpo ijUT, corner of Tolo and Kussell. 1 streot^, Ponsonby, a Nino-roomed House.— Apply to W. Daw, Tolo-etroot. npo UK LET, cloao to tho Pitt-stroet JL Wceloyan Chnroh. k ComJoitaWo Family Kealdonno. with every convenience; the house la ploawuitly altnatod and in thorough rep Or— Apply to F. Q. B wlnnton. fpO LET, a broomed Homo ana half 1 acre land, also a Shop In the best positioa Jn N ew«o».-Apply B. W. MorrUoo, KaraDßanpiO LET, a Nice <jouago Id X Itoad, four rooms, soullery and pantry, la K^^ordor.-Apply Mr Nicholas Slmma, op f|>o LKT, a now and well-finished Shop I and DwelllDK, corner at Colleea-tood and Greonwoadatreet; ront low.—Apply Mr J. Moore, boot-maker. ViotorU^traet I.ET, a seven-roomed Houeo in *.„ KaiorsireoJ: fowl-honno and every oonllltoito * famllr--A»)Dly M« Mobonald, rV° L^ T' ° Jlow and WelT.finishod Shop XaCauW^nX L?Z & B e B t Pe'T g dint bail'"iaß wtw»^ 'r° B.^ LET. a term of year*, the I resldenoa of Oao. CF. Waltor. fctn P4Dakura, oontaining nine rooma. In adJ tlon to bathroom, dairy, and BouUory. AlsoVa stalled Btable. ooaoh-Bonee. and aU nemnur oat offlow ; toother with a nlwjly^m^SrdVn. »ii acres of lund in exoollont pasture. 8«ltablo for a BwotUmaa-g re^donoe. Poswwalou can be given Ut Jaouary, lSffl.-JTor partlouiiwpja^pi; to a. K. Hogh»B. J04,, Irtnd Aneat ■f-oljan L«na. or tho Proprietor! on tha prSmIMW. MpO LET, a Genileman's Kesidence and Mi,,^? 1?^" 1?' al^ lato ? bout one ™110 behond Mount Albert. Homestead consists of handsomo and commodious dwelling (9 roonu) bathroom, stove. Pantry, dairy, largo stable, buggy, howio, liar ioh, &a-in fa«t, riMilete with ov?ry convenience a. & ou^offlces rcqmsito on a cenfli mans estate. Grounds, containing about 25 acres, subdivided and beautifully laid out in garden, naddockß, &o.: the whole comprising ono of tho prettiest nlaceu in tho snbnrbs of Auckland, and only about half an hour's drive 3rStft£,-' DH&& T' EiM°Mamt-Qucen-'P O h E T~~. KKMCKKI.-4. Snperior nn-olllntt ot eight rooms a»d icxUlery. woodshed, pintle. *p. Oovuer ail itraeat. 130 z 100. Situated en main road, just at railway station. D. «•. KVANB, Estate Agent, next '• Herald " Office. '|' O L~ E T, »B^i A?i.Cl^ > VIEW. neat top of Qrafton Etoad—OoDifortKbio Howe of six reoms and kitchen, &«., tea. ; nice Harden, and good pooluotu P. F. ErANB. Bstate Agent, Auckland, mo MKRCHANTS, HVKKY oTABLB 1 KKKPKB&AVOOTHSRaRBQUIRINQ LARGE PHSMUKS IN THK OENTIiK OV TO LKT OR LKAJK-ThoiK) txtetwlre Premise* In Unrbaai-fltroflt, adjoining tho Haymariet, at procent »oou»led by Hasten Brotben, Ooach balldors, who are roiuovinn to their new premidoa In Wakeneld-4treet. opposita Ueaars Qarrettßroa. Apply BABTKW BROS., Dnrhttm-etxeet. OFFICE TO LBT.—Apply at G.N.L.A. Rooma, Qneen-gtroet FJEVONPOET, NORTH SHORE. TO LSI', Several Now Houtcs. well altnated. Also. FOR SILK (cheap), a 16-roomed Honse, within two minutes' walk from Wharf j and Allotment!! in all parta Of district. Apply to K. & K. DUDKR Dovoaport Store. Amusements. CONCERT AND BALL, newmarket ham* Fob thb Benefit of the Ihstitdtf, TUSSQAT. 24th OOTOBKB, At 8 p.m. Programme will appear in Monday's lsane. Tick«( to Concert. Is; ditto to Ball, 2n Oxl. K»f. oahments provided for DaU RCH HILL BAND OF HOPE.—A Special Entertainment, ooaslitiiff ol Uusloal toliiiot'onß, Solas, Headings, Reoltiwions, a Drawlnsj-i!oom Bketot), mil an »<ldiom by Mr Wib. Ool«, will Übejplace In tae Me»>on West Bchio! oa TUESDAY, Oototor 2tth, oommenolntcat7.So. Agmission, 6d. Prooeeds In aid of Memberb' Treec MOUNT ROSKILL SCHOOL. — A Concert and Dance, in aid of the Library Fund, wilt be given In the School-room on WKDN KSOAY.Uotober 25, Doors open at 730 p.m. Ticko's : Conceit and Danoa, 2s; Concert only, Is. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. ST. MATtHKW'S ENTERTAINMKNTB will be oommeuoid on FRIDAY BVKNINQ NEXT, rail oontlnued fortnightly, In St. Jamee' Hall, Admission to all parts of tho Hall . iar ONB BHILHNO. -W rpHE Concert in aid of Miss M. J. J WJIAOWB will be repeated In tha Free Uethodlat Schoolroom on FRIDAY »oxt,24ih test., Mr WcHlKßon in the ehatr. Uoota open at 7.30 p.m., to commence at 8 p.m. sharp, A good proaramros provided. Aduitatlon, Ib.—M. A, ANDKR3ON, Beoratary. DONSONBY HALL. AM EVENIHO WITH "JOHN thOVQBiI&K," The Bet. T. Spuboeon has conßonted to give ReaJIDKB from the sbovo popular work of the Rev. a H. S^urgton, with Llme-URht Views ot" Joh* Ploughman** Plotting, ana ot O. H. SpnrKt'on'D Tabsrnaele and Orphanage, &o. on THOBeDIX BVKNIN3, Uotober 88, at T.EO. AdmUsion— tt j Uhiidren under IS yean, Halfprice. Railways* -VTEW ZEALAND KAILWAYS, Acckland Section. PARCEL RATES. Not Kxceedlng 71b?. Ulb*. 231 be. Mlbs. 112lb8. t. H. B. d. B. d. H. d. B. d. Helonfivlllo -89 10 IB IB 2 OnehunKa -06 06 09 09 180 Fukekohe .19 16 IB 19 23 Meroer .! T. 0913 19 20 88 Ngaruawanla.. 10 13 20 28 29 Hamilton ..13 19 23 26 80 ToAwamutn.. 1 6 20 29 38 38 To eneure deepatoh parcels must be at the Station at least Thirty Minutes before advertised time of departure of train. Luggaro and Parcels may bo left at tha Paioela Office, in ecarge of the Railway Department, on payment ot fees ranging from 2d to 03. A. V. MAODONAL9, District Manager. Anokland. 85th Sept., 1833. ■ MONEY TO LEND on Mortgage in any sum required, on terms to cult borrowers. Intereet allowed on monies placed inmy hands till inv«ted.-W. V.Stevens.lnveatiDß Ageat, 187, Qaeen-etreet.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3