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Wanted WANTED, a good >teady Tn;lor; con t v stant employment to a suitable* hand.— Apply to J. 11. Dalton, Tailor, Victoria-street East. WANTED^nlron-moulder.-ApplyTo ... . T. .Havkswood, J Staffordshire Iron Works, Hobfou-Btreor. WANTED, Buyers for Men's Military S.oka at 8d; Men's Hhlrw. la M; Men's Tweed Hate, la lid; Rush Hate. iti.—Bronnan's, Victoria-street. "AWTKD KiN OWN--Working Men onn Have their Money by calling at the governor Gordon Dining Rooms. Alf SleeJa M: Board and Lodßlnn 16s per .week.—Nste the Bddreso i Nearly opposite the Waitemtto **a J"Kw> to the Dock. Lower Albori-itreet-R. MjirdoohJProprietor. WANTED~KNOWN-Moro Bargains tn v ttlu B°0t« and ahoea. including L&diae' gW HeeM Evening Shoe*. In 6d: Ladlae' High Heeled Dreai Shoes, la 6d; Geota' Klaetlc 2L c 0to« *> 6d and B» 64 ;at ))&mpisr'« Boot R«1 pi £ i 0 date W. JohMtone'a) new Royal Mai Hotel. \\7ANTKD KNOWN-Spongea, ud : Bd; Meat^Safea. 12a 6d: Tea Traj«, lg 9&: Walters, 6d-At D»mpler'g. Hobaon-Btrbot T\, AJSTED, WANTED; to SeU Cheap? ,T T Lot of Small Bpongee, fromSd to fia • Vases 8d a pair, 2 pairs tor lg 2d j Glass Butter Dlshea, 8d to la Gd ; Bu«ar Basins, U to Sta • 80 doK Engraved Glass Jugs Sd, S for 2s. 7a a dossj Glaßß OandUstloks, Od, 5s a doz; 100 doz Odd Cups, 5 for 1b ; W. and Q. China Oops. Od each • China Teapots of 10 plecoa, only 20a, Plnli Green. Bine, R«d, aud 3 oold linoo 00 dw Btsons. 2Jd and 3d. 6 for la; Plates, 2M to Hi : I Ks«* *"»••" «*>h i Small Caps and Sandra, 3Jd; 3 tloz Meat Dlahe«. Jfrom Bd to 3a ; Woli blßhoa. fis eaohj Veuouble Dishes, it 8d: Laf aS Gja«a vj ater 3agt, only 3d • Hatod Cruets, only Sa. 6d s Tin Ornota. S DOttlea. 2a; Cut Glare Salt Cellars 4d to 9d; Flowers under Glaes Bhadop, from 3d 6d to 8a Od : Shoa Btnshee. 2a a Bet, or Is each; Hair Brushes, 64 to 2a ; Lares Toa Traya, la 6d; Jam Open«r9, nniy Sd, 5 flr In ; Bread Boardo, 2a ; Kor RInRS. 3d and 6d ii doz ; ICO Sitaor Jugs, It to 3j 6d a set; Ladles' I Leather .Bags. 2a Od to 3aßd; School Slates, from ldtood; Hennolden, 2s per Rroee, Sgrosa for 3a M,Bd• doe:PiotnrePlates.2daidaiGlaSa rumnlora, sfor la; Wine Qlaaees. 3d and Id • I^i«e I^imnlerß,4d each, Sa 8d a doz; Rlmmele SO&V.I for a Bhililno ; T« Soap, Id a oake. 7 tor Gd ; rornUuro Pollih. Id and 6d a bottle I tec 2s i Good Tea, is 8d alb, 81ha for Se j 6 penny Bottles of Blaokl»tr for Sd ; Is Boltlon, ouir Bd, S for Is 3d ; 1» Toja. only 9J, S (or 4i ; ToUet Sow, from ac 8d toßs W ; Ohumbera. la Bd and 2*; Biiiluß Powder, Od, Od, and Is per tinJam, 7i 1 84 adß ; Salad oil, 2 bottles for Is Castor Oil. 2 for li; Epsom Salts, i doe packets. 2s »d per box ot 711 m : riddlo strings only 4d eacb.Sa 6d a dot:; ISO boxes of itood wise, only lOd a box, Ss per doz; 10 AcoordUna, from 12a to 18s Bd. with belJn; good lltoo. Slbs for IsClothoj Pens, 4 doe for 6d, Is 3d a ktoss ; Woti JUishoß, (k; small Caps and Panoers. 3sadoalarge Paint Ktnshet, 3a 6d: Kat Tr*rs. 6d • White »nd O old Stnn« China Cunimnd Sanoera rJ.' aw''i). r V.^ t 4 B^" ah C<""»rt"»- °°» C IJ, BOMERFJELD. 134 Quoen-stree^ BPOwSiNSgartS??;.'.^" Cf HOMK Q.OVERNMENT INSURANCa DE. INDUSTRIAL BRANCH . n WANTRD, Two or~ThTee aoUvo Persons to F. H. LOOSE, JRO. Bjdmnt,.. 19th Octobe "°m n<<"'dOntT I" 1 O BRICKMAKEItS. WANTBD, Taadore for Making 800.000 Brloke. Yard and appliance) found. For parHoutflra apply R. & B. DUD»R, North Shore. €100' WiNTED in a^d K*,- B- CommeroW Ukdortaklns * ampl. wenrwy ud iaWrest auurantsed -Apply w. y. auvone, 187, Qnoen-Btraat rt^O TAIU 'US. - Wanted, a Tromers 1 Makw ; conaUnt wcrk to a sood mv — Apply, White X Wat»n»on. Tallorit. PAPA, plea*e do no to Coorabos'a and . „. buy mo a Kniokorboclter Suit and take mo to WaterWew to hear Impoy's Band on SaturTO PKINTKKS.-A qniet inUUJg.nt f Youth, of two or three yesra' expi-Koooe •• o*l *9' •b»ain oontu»t emplojioeot on a S?fl ?^« *'kdl- Mld JlberlU *»«V»«Ui boird ftndlodffln?. pl*«oopen for a roonth.-Aoply 11"*6.' Associated j/Swi HH^i 'm f.Si BuJ^ an o* Now Zealand. stiohbarj'g BoiiditiKß, Qaeei-fltieet. jliohtc and Foana j OST, in or near Qneen-siree*, a Purse \ containing about 13a Od, a Mexican Dollar, aSfclold Locket, and sundries.— Sa reward on re turning same to this 011100. EOS tl, from Mr Btodart'a, Alraa'StreeC Newmarket, a H»n Hcndan JFawl. A«»----onfi raturnlnK thi» 84ino will Iki rflwardbd. "jjiOUND, a PuDt. — Apply to Frod L' Sandoreon, St. Gcol-ge'a Day. qpAK*N, from a seat in Krally Place, X yeaU'Mav, between 5 and Q p.m.. a Parcel containing Orringa Brush, Whip Stooir, and acjua Oil.—Hinder Is reqaeawd to return aarao toSffotCfflee. iicaro ftesitienow BO *KD nnd Boßidence for Two Young Men: terms moderate.—Apply to Mrs Kemble, Vinccnt-streot South, noxt door to Dr. McDonald. BOAKD and KtSlDENuff, ISs per week. — Mrs Parker, two doors bora Oleeaon'a Hotel. TTaCANCY for 3ingle Geotlemon, T tingle or Double Koouoß.— Mrs M'ightmaq, Kdon Crfßonnt. near ft. Panl'i. LJKIVATB BuAKO AND UKSIUtNCK 57 for Single Qnatlemen or Married Ooaple at Mrs Foxron'it. Piitßtreet, opposite the ConKreßarfocai Ohnroa, #NuVKKWUtt BKOWNB HfrVKL | \JC BOBBON-HTRBira-Soakd Aim LOBaura .. ..K* pwWeok Bisat« Room ■ B** Gazette in Bankruptcy. IN THE SOPREME COURT OP NEW ZKALAND, NORTH KRN DtoTRIOT. IN BANKRUPTCY. In the ma»tef cf " Tno Debtors and Oredltoro iot 18rfl.".*r.d of the varlans Aota amend lag tha satna. and of. the BanKruotoy of Wn.u«M VuMm Btry, of Howeslreet. In tho OHy o£ Auokland. la the Provlnoial Dlatnot of Auckland and '-oloty o< New Zealand, Bootmaker. a Debtor. It U hereby notiflM that at a first mwtlng of tli oisdltors of the said William Palmer Bpry held tbit day in *c BuUdlcgs of tha Saßrame Ooart-honte. Anoilan*. at 11 o'otock In the forenoon, Thomas Mwrflarlane. B>Qnlr», of Anoklaud. CerHfloated Accountant fa Baakiupter. was elected Oredltors'Trna«e of the properw of the said Debtor, und that the said T&praiui MatffftrUne haa lntn»at«d to me. In writing, hte aooepianeo of the said Trusteeship. Dated at Anokland, this ajth day ot Ootobor. IBBJ- HKNBX a BBBWBB. • Registrar. COSNHLIi AND COOPBF, Tulosn Lane, Auckland. gDlfcliOM f «r Debtor. Money. ~~~ £10 to %riOTOftIAN LOAN AND DIttCOUNX V AeSNCY. HtGH-BTRK«T, AUOKLAND OPPOOIXB OIfY COUHCIL OF«OK6}. Money aflvwiiwfl fiom £10 to «1000 on Pewon»l Seourfcy. Deela rf rixtxee. See. ReoaTmentß osn bo made I*. InstaJm«»tei of Oi»b shilling pa« Wbbk for each Podkd borrovred, or In any way to suit borrower*. Communications CosfldentlaJ. Post Offiotj apphkbb: Boa 90, Anoklana.^ . JNOUSTKIA|L AND PBOV'IDKNI INVBSTINCJ f HARKS. This Soolety is now Issuing a limited number of Investing Shares as follows :— INVESTINa SHARKS. Ordinary, carrying fall ratfl of intoraßt and profit. Members oailng BUbßoriptions in advsnoa for a period of 6 months and upwards eeoura oorro*ponding advantages. PAID-UP SHARKB of the value of «M e«ch for limited periods, carryiD* 7 per cent. Interest, pajable half-yearly In cash and participating in profits. MONKY ON DKPOBIT. «n i'Anoalt on the following rates of interest !— 0 For 12 months, at 7 par oent. Jntere&t payable h» If yearly. For 6 months, at 8 oej cent, For shorter Pe^*^ ißßß , Manager, Offices: Corner of Queen-street and VuloanM^OTTISH AND NEW ZEALAND S INVKBTMBNI' COMPANY <bnoMD». m?f ia W «Sm from «U0 upwards, .at the Qu'een-atreet, Anokltnd, Agent for tho Compuny. i«1 4k TO £10,000iKaT on Bnilaiog «iJLII KootetyprlnolpU».oronotJiw»erinß Aawlwd Valuator. 8. Valow UM.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3