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J Jj'or Sale. t'.'VAGHT FOR SAUF.-Safe Family ' X Bpit. nearly now: dalla.anohorandohalD, • 2J icum ballast. Coal th« ownor J3ICO. No reaaonaplo offer refuaed.-J. Bty ey. Bhlp Builder. FOB BALK, Wipe Little Property at Onehunga; bouse, 0 rooms; splendid • view o£ harbour; aoro and lialf o£ ground. Price £300.—Apply, for particulars, to Cotelo , House, Upper Symonds-streot, or Mr Viokers, Queen-street. FOR BALK, five-roomed Houae, corner of Bond and Chcapslde streets, off Great North Road { lioamlnuton range, registered grate, all thoroughly fenced and drained,— Apply oo promises. £*€)p. — I\jß SaLB, a Business; d&iVV< thorough eood living: trade ntuily doubled ; obaooa aeldom mat with,—Addreaa XYZ, STi;t offloe. |(1 U X S A U & KAR4NGAHAPfi~RO*D. near Sytnondsutreat, rery desirable Bouse. 6 rooms, good well, tank. outhbuße, fee, freehold allotment, abjut SO x 132. f ho .housu la well built, and In firstoluta order, D. F. KVANB. Kstato Agent, (896) Queen-ttreet next" Herald." TGI O X SALE A BARGAIN. WILLTAM-BTRBKT-A Houso of five rooma, substantially built and thoroughly well finished* fitted with glass oiibo. cupboard, dresser, ovon, &o.; water Jald in; level allntmont, well fenood and dralaed. Prtoe. only £320. V. F. KVANB, »7 Estate Agent, next Herald Offloe. WOK IMMEDIATE SALE. Git AND Bimwttaa Sim-One of the bast In the suburbs. Splondld Corner Allotment Moflt desirable position, and one rising Id value dally. Capital opportunlty.for scouring a flrstolace Business kite. Sltuata—Franklin Road, near Poosonby Road,—Apply at ones to V. F. KVANS, gatate Agent. Auckland. X^ O R B A L K. KOOEY NOOK. Mount llofiklll Road-A new and pretty Gothla Cottage. 4 rooms, took, Bus. ; allotment 40 x 110; pleasantly situated In Kooky Nook. Prloa only «200. D. F. EVANS, Batata Agent TGI O R SALE. KKINKLIN-STUKKT, Moar Collie RoodA new and well flnlahed Bhop axd DwolllnK of 7 rooms, fitted with register gratoa, Ben., water laid In; situated In a good bailneeaposition. D. If XV AN 8, Estate Agent. tp OR 5^ A L" E. A BKAL BAROAIN. NORTHCOTK —Thrc«-roomed Cottage, almost new; largo Allotment (03 x 360), Good view; about 7 minutes' walk from wharf. Prioe, only filOO, D. SVEVANU Katato Agent, noxt "Herald" Offloe. jf ° R » a E IT iUBURN-BTRKBT (Kyber Paß6»-BeT«n. roomed House, not quite finished: wood-shod. good well, *a; two leotlons, ouch 33 xB9 Fifteen minntoa' walk from neen-ntroet. To be had cheap, D. V. EVANB, 675 BsUto Agent ■p O B^ S^ A L E" MOUNT ROSKIGL ROAD-Splendld Voloanlo Land—B Onoloe Allotmenis each U x 171. Price, ££0 each. D. F. KVANS, Kgtate Ag»nt UPLENDIiJ VILLA BITEB FOX O BALB. WOODtANDB. VORTHCOTE (better known B8 tho Pionto Qrounds)—Six Very Ohoioo Building Allotments, each 80 x IS2, quite level most deslrabln, and soar to boaoli. Prloo, only GBi eaoh. Terms very easy. D. F. BVAN3. Batata Agenti J^' O R 8 A L JK, NOR'iHCOTK (Takapuna) - A Nioe Uttle Faim of »bou« 25 uores, patt baah; well adapted I for fruit grovlntt. having a north-east aspeot. Pike, Bliper aoro. D. F. KVANS, Estate Agent JW' O X S A L K. PROPKRTIIIB, Larse and Small, la various parta and places, too atunoroua to advertise separately, See Stab Saturday Sofpuimbnt for a few and more on application to tho undersigned. monk V to LEND, and every facility giren topurohaeoiß. D. F. BVANB, Estate Agant. Qapan-otrsot. JjlOU IMMEDIATE SALE 1 «. BARGAIN. A ve*r duelraUo JTarm of 101 Aorea, situated about 1J inllte from Toakau Station, tooether with a comfortable Cottago ot Three IBoomc Dairy, Workshop. CownhnJ, fl«Btle», 910,, ew. A solondld Btroam rucu through the property. All (encod and kUDdivUed. About sixty aorea In urnw; tho real cultivated. Sill flrat-olass. Good metalled road all the way. Unit ba iold. as own»r U leaving tho dUtrlor. Prloo only £500, In reasonable offer ref nwd. D. F. EV*NB _(NflUm Batata Agent. JP O R S A L B. «DBN PLAOB off Kybor Paw - noublo Houao of i rooms and oeliur; good well; 09 feel {rontaßjto Uden i-lace iy 13 loot to Qaol Koatf. P. F. BVANB. <6XS) Ketate Agent, next Herald Offloe. El O R ". S A L E, V AIJLOTMENTB. B/OKKSB POINT (Main Road>-«x984. {Uh AVO«)nALB-| acre tapposlte Sohool). £$0. OOLLEQA ROID-AUotment H x 100. M Pol foot. NBWTON (near Newton Road)-BSx 100. £50. RUiSRSIiS (otoso to StaUonMSB x m, Bl*per foot Basy terms. Also. «ovarnl dnutkble Oottaoes on terma to suit purohaaen. Labour Exchange ana Ratate Anener, High-street—A. T. Oarter, Uanaaer. FDRE.B«ED WHITK LEGHORN TOWU (Imported cltooki, proUflo layer*, non sitters, a new kind In AnoUand A limited nnmbw of eggs for Me; »lto ipfondld orowbred euKS, Leghorn and Houdan.—Address 6, N.Z. Ineoranoe KulldlnKa r»MI I*VEBTOR^.-For Sale, on Fon- • MDbjr Road, oornw of Duke-Btreot. a MsKolflcout Bus'nees alto. Allotment 16 x 107 toeeiher with a nloo Oottaffe of Four uoomg and Boullory erected on back end- of the allotmont; well built and finished off; eood water Bnpply.-Apply to D. F. Evans, Kitato Agent next r< Herald* offloe. 808 If ° B *— 1 ALE. TO AKRIVE. Pet AnwaU, frtm Lyttelton, Tneaday, sith Ootober, S3O Baqß Potato «c. Will us Bold in Lots to Suii Puitonißßiiß. L. W. EATON. piANOS, piANOS , p iANosj JUST LANOKD, PKB ASHMORK. Belog made to epeolij order, persons In want of a good Piano should call ut onco and see them. Seoond-hand PUmo, SSL Can be seen at Mr TOOS. H. WEBB'S, Hob-aan-street three doors from Cook-street l?BESfl BuTTBB, In Quantities to Suit Puciupejiei, AT LOWBaT WHOLBBALB ' PBIOK. EEW'S, VIOTOIUA-STREET. DeVONPORT I UEVONt-ORT J MELROSK ESTATE. 43 AoRKS. 169 Au«OTMKNTB. RICH VOLCANIC BOIL. The Surrey of this Magnificent Property, Bltuated on the Vlotorla Road, within about S minutes' walk of Tlotorla Wharf, Is now oompleta, and Allotments uncquallodiß any portion of Devonport are bow FOR SAL.H on exo tlonally easy terms. Above S5 Allotments have been Bold within Six Weeks, and some irtne Buildings are already In course of ereotioo. Title under Land Transfer Aot Apply DBYONPORT LAND AGJCNOY, Beach Road, Devonport Or. B. TANNER, 8. Qneon-atreet. r\ N SALE 50 TONS PRIME POTATOES. G. S. JAKINB, CUiTOM-HOUBK-STRBET, Q N S A L E, 55 000 31-01^88 slates, At Low Also, A CARGO OB" DEBT T^TEWCASTLE /"IOALB (Household and Smiths'), per Look Out, NOW D I S C H A R GI N G. W. & G. WINSTONE, CUSTOM-HOUSE-STKEET. {For^continuation ac first Pogt), ™

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3